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   grape vine.. how to deal with it
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   Author  Topic: grape vine.. how to deal with it  (Read 2316 times)
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Philippines  my house
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grape vine.. how to deal with it
« on: May 3rd, 2005, 10:42am »
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I have long been hearing different rumors and gossips about several ppl in AC1. Some are good n some are bad. But some are just too disturbing... I think we need to find a way to deal with this or atleast help those who are caught in it. I know of some ppl who had chosen to stay out of AC1 coz of these. If AC1 means anything to us we should do something about it.
What do you think is th best way to deal with gossips n rumors spreading in the grape vine?  
I say if you hear a rumor about someone n not sure if its true.. ask the person involved directly. If someone sent you a pm n say that its a copied n pasted convo of someone it may not even be true. Its easy to create your own n say that it was some one elses convo...
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dOnUtz 9urL
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Re: grape vine.. how to deal with it
« Reply #1 on: May 3rd, 2005, 2:04pm »
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well l agree witcha kim, lotsa ppl dun wanna come to room cuz of being gossiped, even myself sumtimes.
but then l guess it how it goes, ppl like gossiping grrrr...
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Re: grape vine.. how to deal with it
« Reply #2 on: May 4th, 2005, 4:52am »
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leave it as it is will die down in time....but then if you have to defend yourself and explain then do it...gossips were either fabricated or just ur luck that the person u think u can be trusted turns out to be not.   If u done nothing wrong, nothing to defend at all....well they say, if people gossips at you, meaning u are important and popular...better enjoy the spotlight  
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Re: grape vine.. how to deal with it
« Reply #3 on: May 4th, 2005, 9:44am »
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thats a nice way of looking at it grace  Grin actually i only heard one gossip about me n i find it very funny too  Tongue... i just feel sorry for those who really gets too affected with all this gossips.  Sad
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Re: grape vine.. how to deal with it
« Reply #4 on: May 5th, 2005, 6:58am »
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Hmmm...To be honest I just can't STAND Gossip. It's mostly totally crap that some other jealous people create to make themselves either feel better or seem more important.
The REAL problem I think is when some of the Regs in AC1 in real life have no friends, no great job, no great BF-GF WIFE-HUSBAND, no dream house, no money....Just a great big pile of NOTHING. They just sit there for hours in front of their comp trying to get some Glimmer of acknowledgement from someone who may or may not know they even exist. All they have in the World is their online ID and nothing else. They will scheme, lie, and generally try to do or say whatever they feel like to make believe that AC1 is their own personal playground. Mostly those people will use the Mic as a tool of importance. They can't type or spell worth a lick, but hey guess what...They can use their tongue to try to create Gossip or try to Belittle other people who come into AC1 on a regular basis. It's rather Sad that their lives have been reduced to such a minimal slice of the World. but I digress.
*Disclaimer* I don't consider anyone who posts here, to be put into that group of people. LOL...It's only a select few who somehow feel threatened by someone who can spell or maybe seems to get some attention from a few of the Gals in the room. They can get very defensive of their turf.  
I know that some of you right about now are thinking to yourself..."Gee...Dale seems to be rather harsh"  LOL Well...maybe a better word. But my Grey Matter is well versed to the subtle verbal or writen indications when someone is putting me down...or trying unsucessfully.  
I do find that my best defense is a good offense. If I think that someone I am chatting with is creating Gossip about me or is spreading things I have told them in confidence to others. I simply create a False bit of Gossip about me and I only tell it to that person. If I hear it from someone else, then I know for certain where the leak is. I then fix that leak with a little click and delete them from my Virtual World.  
« Last Edit: Aug 4th, 2005, 11:31pm by Need4Speed8DaleJr » IP Logged

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Re: grape vine.. how to deal with it
« Reply #5 on: May 6th, 2005, 8:01am »
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how nice of you to say that dale.... I couldn't have said it batter myself... i can think if ONE person that fits all the above. But then i dont hate her/him (playing safe.. hehehe). I feel sorry that they have no real life and that they find comfort in making others look bad.  
i still say, ask the person involved directly about the rumors you hear  Wink then decide for yourself who you want to believe or if you even want to be involved in the issue... Heck they say me n nitro are lovers n that i go to subic just to get fawked by him  Grin... Ask me if its true n i'll tell you the truth about this rumor... bwahahahaha!!!  Grin
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dOnUtz 9urL
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Re: grape vine.. how to deal with it
« Reply #6 on: May 6th, 2005, 4:41pm »
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ahahahaha kimmy babe, sumtimes l just laff at ppl that like gossips so much, its like they dun have "life" to takin care of...
for me if there's a gossips, and its good, when l find out, l'll wish d best for em, but if it was bad, then forget it, dont make it worst by mentioning it n spread it.
as a matter of fact, if the gossip wasnt right.... it will go away fast Wink  
the best way is ask the person involved, not hearing it from others Wink
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Re: grape vine.. how to deal with it
« Reply #7 on: May 8th, 2005, 10:27am »
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on May 6th, 2005, 8:01am, kim wrote:
how nice of you to say that dale.... I couldn't have said it batter myself.

Yah, Sorry about that. I guess I was a little pissed when I wrote that post. LOL. You know what, that person is in the room on the Mic 24 hours a Day. Anyways....To each there own ehh!

Heck they say me n nitro are lovers n that i go to subic just to get fawked by him  Grin... Ask me if its true n i'll tell you the truth about this rumor... bwahahahaha!!!  Grin

OHHHHH....And here I thought I was the ONLY ONE! Lmao...Ohh...Kimmy...How could you? You told me you were only going fishing...And now I know just what that meant. lmao...  Grin

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Re: grape vine.. how to deal with it
« Reply #8 on: May 8th, 2005, 11:36am »
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kimmy we all know that u dont need to go to Subic just to get or have a guy..... Wink
lol...I havent heard any rumors from ac1 really Grin
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Re: grape vine.. how to deal with it
« Reply #9 on: May 9th, 2005, 11:28am »
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I hate rumors too, but I don't really give time finding out who or where the rumors came from.But if I see the person who I heard said the story,I will take the chance to confront her.
However,I'm not used of confronting if the rumors are true and there's nothing bad to confront if it's not.It also depends on how bad the rumors are.
But hey.....I dont mind as long as the romur invloves me and Dale. I will enjoy it  
« Last Edit: May 9th, 2005, 11:28am by nOrKAy » IP Logged

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