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(Moderators: CooCHie, Wicked_Witch, okasantina)
   Vote Here For HOttest Female 2006
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Question: Pick who is the hottest Female act 1 2006

Cinderella aka Levy     2 (3.1%)
Coochie_baby aka Chichi     14 (22.2%)
Dunkin aka Beth     8 (12.6%)
Just_just aka Justine     7 (11.1%)
Kimmy aka kimmy     3 (4.7%)
Marley Babe aka Chelle     11 (17.4%)
Neniski aka Nette     0 (0%)
Norkay aka Krissy     5 (7.9%)
Okasantina aka Tina     0 (0%)
Princess Lea aka Leah     6 (9.5%)
Saffire 65 aka Kamie     4 (6.3%)
Wicked_witch aka Edith     3 (4.7%)

Total votes: 63

« Created by: CooCHie on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 3:30am »

   Author  Topic: Vote Here For HOttest Female 2006  (Read 3161 times)
Premier Expert
Luxembourg  Dreamland
# 12

Fart Knockers

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Posts: 1535
Vote Here For HOttest Female 2006
« on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 3:30am »

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Remember!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate. So make your best choice and post away, folks!!!

Presenting the the gorgeous ladies of AC1!!!
1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella 1. Cinderella

« Last Edit: Dec 22nd, 2005, 9:27pm by CooCHie » IP Logged

The greatest thing in this world is being alive...we only live once..Treat yourself everyday as if it is your last day!!Life is precious to ignore!!Be happy!!
Premier Expert
Luxembourg  Dreamland
# 12

Fart Knockers

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Posts: 1535
Re: Vote Here For HOttest Female 2006
« Reply #1 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 3:45am »

2. Coochie 2. Coochie 2. Coochie 2. Coochie 2. Coochie 2. Coochie 2. Coochie 2. Coochie 2. Coochie 2. Coochie 2. Coochie 2. Coochie 2. Coochie 2. Coochie

3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth 3. Dunkin aka Beth

5. Justine 5. Justine 5. Justine 5. Justine 5. Justine 5. Justine 5. Justine 5. Justine 5. Justine 5. Justine 5. Justine 5. Justine 5. Justine 5. Justine

« Last Edit: Dec 22nd, 2005, 9:28pm by CooCHie » IP Logged

The greatest thing in this world is being alive...we only live once..Treat yourself everyday as if it is your last day!!Life is precious to ignore!!Be happy!!
Premier Expert
Luxembourg  Dreamland
# 12

Fart Knockers

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Posts: 1535
Re: Vote Here For HOttest Female 2006
« Reply #2 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 3:50am »

5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy 5. Kimmy

6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle 6. Marley Baby aka Chelle

8. Nette 8. Nette 8. Nette 8. Nette 8. Nette 8. Nette 8. Nette 8. Nette 8. Nette 8. Nette 8. Nette 8. Nette 8. Nette 8. Nette

9. Krissy 9. Krissy 9. Krissy 9. Krissy 9. Krissy 9. Krissy 9. Krissy 9. Krissy 9. Krissy 9. Krissy 9. Krissy 9. Krissy 9. Krissy 9. Krissy

« Last Edit: Dec 22nd, 2005, 9:30pm by CooCHie » IP Logged

The greatest thing in this world is being alive...we only live once..Treat yourself everyday as if it is your last day!!Life is precious to ignore!!Be happy!!
Premier Expert
Luxembourg  Dreamland
# 12

Fart Knockers

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Posts: 1535
Re: Vote Here For HOttest Female 2006
« Reply #3 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 4:04am »

9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina 9. Okasan aka Tina

10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah 10. Princess Lea aka Leah

11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie 11. Saffire 65 aka Kamie

Requested her picture not to be shown..
12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith 12. Wicked Witch aka Edith

« Last Edit: Dec 25th, 2005, 5:06pm by CooCHie » IP Logged

The greatest thing in this world is being alive...we only live once..Treat yourself everyday as if it is your last day!!Life is precious to ignore!!Be happy!!
Canada  countryside NS
# 222

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Vote Here For HOttest Female 2006
« Reply #4 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 4:56am »

well, my choice obviously didn't make the list this year lol, and since i can't vote for her, i would have to say chelle tops the candidate list this time around, good luck lovely lady Wink
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USA  conway SC
# 134

ketchup mandatory on cheezyburger

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Re: Vote Here For HOttest Female 2006
« Reply #5 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 5:54am »

norkay is definatly the hottest just think about the piggies  Grin
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Australia  australia NSW
# 120

hi there sexy

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Re: Vote Here For HOttest Female 2006
« Reply #6 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 6:22am »

goi bethski u goin to win Grin Grin Grin Grin
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Scotland  scotland
# 199

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Re: Vote Here For HOttest Female 2006
« Reply #7 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 6:50am »

  not fair only one vote all the ladies are hot...well my vote goes to beth Grin
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live each day to the full,as it might be your last
France  France ZH
# 291

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Vote Here For HOttest Female 2006
« Reply #8 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 7:13am »

coochie is the hottest Shocked Shocked Shockedthose eyes just so beautiful Shocked I vote for her coochie Smiley
« Last Edit: Dec 26th, 2005, 8:09am by marc » IP Logged
Canada  Alberta AB
# 241

This is me 2005

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Re: Vote Here For HOttest Female 2006
« Reply #9 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 7:15am »

I voted for Beth,  WOW isn't she Gorgeous.
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