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(Moderators: CooCHie, Wicked_Witch, okasantina)
   Vote Here FOr HOTTEST MALE 2006
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Question: Please pick one for the hottest Male 2006

Beastinme aka Joel     1 (1.8%)
Davieofscotland aka Davie     2 (3.7%)
Fallen Angel aka Savas     15 (27.7%)
Feso     2 (3.7%)
Killerrabbit aka Chris     0 (0%)
Lookyhereman aka Tim     3 (5.5%)
Merceedezman aka Jeff     3 (5.5%)
Mickeyandworm aka Jason     8 (14.8%)
Mixin4livin aka RJ     9 (16.6%)
Nelson aka Mark     5 (9.2%)
Reepob_redoux aka Mike     2 (3.7%)
Sofreshnsoclean aka Chuck     4 (7.4%)

Total votes: 54

« Created by: CooCHie on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 2:37am »

   Author  Topic: Vote Here FOr HOTTEST MALE 2006  (Read 6117 times)
Premier Expert
Luxembourg  Dreamland
# 12

Fart Knockers

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Posts: 1535
Vote Here FOr HOTTEST MALE 2006
« on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 2:37am »

Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!   Remember!!! Each voter will only be allowed to vote for one (1) candidate so make your best choice and post away, folks!!  


1. Beast

1. Beast

1. Beast

1. Beast

1. Beast

1. Beast

1. Beast

1. Beast

1. Beast

1. Beast

1. Beast

1. Beast

1. Beast

1. Beast

2. Davie 2. Davie 2. Davie 2. Davie 2. Davie 2. Davie 2. Davie 2. Davie 2. Davie 2. Davie 2. Davie 2. Davie 2. Davie 2. Davie
















« Last Edit: Dec 22nd, 2005, 9:38pm by CooCHie » IP Logged

The greatest thing in this world is being alive...we only live once..Treat yourself everyday as if it is your last day!!Life is precious to ignore!!Be happy!!
Premier Expert
Luxembourg  Dreamland
# 12

Fart Knockers

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Posts: 1535
Re: Vote Here FOr HOTTEST MALE 2006
« Reply #1 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 2:40am »

4. Feso 4. Feso 4. Feso 4. Feso 4. Feso 4. Feso 4. Feso 4. Feso 4. Feso 4. Feso 4. Feso 4. Feso 4. Feso 4. Feso

5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit 5. Killerrabbit

6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman 6.Lookyhereman

7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman 7. Merceedezman

8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm 8. Mickeynworm

« Last Edit: Dec 22nd, 2005, 9:40pm by CooCHie » IP Logged

The greatest thing in this world is being alive...we only live once..Treat yourself everyday as if it is your last day!!Life is precious to ignore!!Be happy!!
Premier Expert
Luxembourg  Dreamland
# 12

Fart Knockers

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Posts: 1535
Re: Vote Here FOr HOTTEST MALE 2006
« Reply #2 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 2:49am »

9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin 9. Mixin4livin

10. Nelson 10. Nelson 10. Nelson 10. Nelson 10. Nelson 10. Nelson 10. Nelson 10. Nelson 10. Nelson 10. Nelson 10. Nelson 10. Nelson 10. Nelson 10. Nelson

11.Reebop 11.Reebop 11.Reebop 11.Reebop 11.Reebop 11.Reebop 11.Reebop 11.Reebop 11.Reebop 11.Reebop 11.Reebop 11.Reebop 11.Reebop 11.Reebop

12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean 12. Sofreshsoclean

« Last Edit: Dec 22nd, 2005, 9:41pm by CooCHie » IP Logged

The greatest thing in this world is being alive...we only live once..Treat yourself everyday as if it is your last day!!Life is precious to ignore!!Be happy!!
USA  Georgia
# 242

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Vote Here FOr HOTTEST MALE 2006
« Reply #3 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 4:39am »

i voted for myself fokers cause i am the first person to get a vote and who else knows how to love me better than me(except capu)
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Australia  australia NSW
# 120

hi there sexy

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Re: Vote Here FOr HOTTEST MALE 2006
« Reply #4 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 6:20am »

same here mikey i voted for myself as well lolz Grin Grin Grin
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Scotland  scotland
# 199

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Re: Vote Here FOr HOTTEST MALE 2006
« Reply #5 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 6:47am »

  i vote for myself as well..hey its the only vote i'm gonna get Grinsorry earth only allowed one vote this time Sad
« Last Edit: Dec 22nd, 2005, 6:47am by daviefaescotland » IP Logged

live each day to the full,as it might be your last
Indonesia  Jakarta
# 228

help me with the cookie !!!!!!!

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Re: Vote Here FOr HOTTEST MALE 2006
« Reply #6 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 9:06am »

I vote for my baby .... Mikeyandworm aka Jason
good luck baby
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life is just like a glas of can make it good if you know how to make one...(a lil sugar. choco powder and whipped cream on top)...youll found it bitter but sweet...
United_Arab_Emirates  In Da MiX
# 224


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Re: Vote Here FOr HOTTEST MALE 2006
« Reply #7 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 9:59am »

Grin I voted for my self too coz all u guys did the same LMAO if not no votes for me damn it hahaha
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|l|l|RJ|l|l| {mixin4livn} An Exclusive Production of a man kind to convert the Human Nature and The Nation into the rhythm of Music
USA  Alabama AL
# 174

Its me Chucky

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Re: Vote Here FOr HOTTEST MALE 2006
« Reply #8 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 10:14am »

I vote for myself everyone else vote chucky to  Tongue
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Re: Vote Here FOr HOTTEST MALE 2006
« Reply #9 on: Dec 22nd, 2005, 11:13am »

I vote for my mahal Jeff  
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