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Topic: Letter to the AC1 Taggers (Read 2748 times) |

[font=Verdana][/font][color=Navy][/color][b][/b]I have been in chat many many years now maybe to many. When I started chatting I use to go to the Florida rooms because I was living there at the time. I was there almost as much as I am now in AC1. One day a group of us started putting a tag in front of our names I won’t say the Tag cause the memory is kind sad. It started out innocent enough most of the regs started to wear that, then one day the group decided that you had to get approval from the group to wear the tag in the room. That started to cause the room to divid. People with the tag and people with out it. After a time the people with the Tag decided it was up to them to decide who was allowed in the room who was allowed on the mic to play music or what ever and they would gang up on booting the people out of the room. Which made the drama and hostility in the room rise, the next thing to happen other crews with different tags would come in the room looking for a boot fight. Well needless to say the friendships in the room vanished. Rumor has it that some computers were seriously messed up by these little games they were playing. This is the 3rd time I seen this happen I just hope the end of this will not be like the other two times I seen. When I first saw the AC1 tag I thought it was just the room goofing off. That it wasn’t a group thing. Then I found out it was a grouping to a forum area. That began to alarm me. Then I heard that someone stated that they would ignore anyone that didn’t register in their area before wearing the tag. A cold chill ran down my back because it is mirroring the events that tore apart two other rooms I been in. I heard a girl say she didn’t want to do that because she felt it was controlling won’t say the girls name because I haven’t asked to use it. The next thing you know she was being ripped apart by people in that group for well over 3 hours even after she left the room. Degrading her calling her morals into question, That is when I started to ignore anyone that wears the AC1 Tag even though many of the users that have that tag I do like and do consider friends. Yet I can’t approve of what they are doing cause I know what is going to happen. If things continue as they are you can already see the division in the room and I am assure my alarm over it is not helping the matters. I spoke to someone that I respect and he said that it has been tried in AC 1 before by another person and it ended soon and he believes that it will end soon as well I hope and pray he is correct.
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Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers
« Reply #1 on: Feb 20th, 2006, 12:48pm » |
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Something else that I have noticed anyone that speaks against the group in AC1 the clones seem to attack more viciously. Could just be coincidence, another thing they say joining the group is voluntary however it has been pointed out to me that the people that talk about leaving the group in the room the are quickly talked back in it by members of the Group. I am not against this tag in the room because Rick is apart of it I really don’t have anything against him no matter what he things. I know he has accused me of coming in under another name and talking trash about him. Since most of us from Maine are Paranoid I won’t hold that against him cause I have a little paranoia myself. He can say whatever he wants about me I hope for him the best,(please don’t tell me if you see him saying something about me I don’t want to know). The only time I put anyone down in the room was when Storm was doing the voice boot and I didn’t hide under a phony name cause that is not me. I hope if you are a part of the group that you will reconsider your decision and if your not I hope you will take my words to heart and don’t join. When you do something to make yourself a group, that makes people feel excluded and their natural reaction is hostile. We are in chat for friendship, romance, entertainment and maybe a dozen other reasons. Lets try and keep this chat friendly. If someone gets on your nerves just ignore them and enjoy your time with the other people. If you see me not doing this remind me of my own advice cause my Irish Temper can take me over at times even though I believe I got it under control most of the time. If your someone that has the tag. I and someone I considered a friend doesn’t mean I dislike you now, I just don’t like the dividing effect of tags and will continue to talk to you when you don’t have the tag. Well there are a few exceptions from the things I seen what they done since they got the Tag. Please know I do pray for you with or without the Tag everyone in the room matters to me. I am glad you are there.
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# 196
 When one door of happiness closes, another opens
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Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers
« Reply #2 on: Feb 20th, 2006, 6:17pm » |
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I don't know what Tags are, other than being designated to control a chat..I do know however, chat was getting hostile when I was there..Its not just AC-1, it is all chats... After a while it seems all chats get a bunch of regs, and they feel threatened when someone new arrives..Then the new ones feel slighted, and the war begins It is a shame that in this world, where we only have one chance at life, that we abuse it in a negitive way, and can't undo the damage...Life is a precious gift from God, and we certainly cannot blame God for what WE do..I left AC-1, not because I felt threatened, or that someone would boot me, I left because it was no longer enjoyable ..Why be in a situation that is so usless? Its almost like going to Iraq, and saying "hi I am an American, and I want to make peace with everyone", LOL..Some day I hope and pray, that the ME generation realizes that there are other people besides themselves, and that we are not all the same, that is what makes us human Another note: We have a disaster going on in the Phillipines with the mudslides, and the terriblle loss of life If only we could take the negitive attitudes from AC-1 and put them to use trying to save lives, not to impress someone, but because we feel compassion...The energy to solve problems, instead of making them, would be a blessing Just an opinion from another human being, and I hope not taken wrong
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Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers
« Reply #3 on: Feb 21st, 2006, 1:15am » |
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Jimbo, "Tags" are what we call the words or letters attached to anyone's ID similar to those of the others as in groupings. In this case, Kitch were talking of the AC1 "tag" that seems to be populating the ac1 room these days. Actually I have nothing against anyone who wants to form their own group especially if it's for fun or to make the others laugh. What I don't like and appreciate is their use of the room's title, therefore mistakenly leading newbies or strangers to think that "tag ID" is the official room members' name. NO ONE takes control of a Yahoo room. Simply because it's for public use and the way I see it, they are privatizing the room. It's annoying because they brag about taking membership and if you were approved, that's the only time they will let you use their "AC1" tag. These tags are alienating the other chatters. I also think it is stupid to name a group after a public yahoo room. I and lots of friends, some of them are old regs, some are new regs strongly object to this new group. What is this, a power struggle? Heck, even those who were the first to frequent AC1 thereby making themselves "old regulars" did not even make an attempt to use AC1 when they constructed this forum we are using now. The words "Asian Connection" were just a section in this forum to humor everyone, not to lay claim to a room that is supposed to be free for all. I hope these so called "members" and "taggers" will finally realize and come to their senses that they were just being lead to believe it's legitimate by some people who wants to take control of the room. Sheez, it's bad enough that some have to deal with cloners,booters, jerks, assholes.... do they have to add to the chaos? For me, once they use tag names, they are losing their own identity.
« Last Edit: Feb 21st, 2006, 1:20am by Wicked_Witch » |
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# 213

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Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers
« Reply #4 on: Feb 21st, 2006, 3:12am » |
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Few days ago, I entered the room and saw these AC1 tagged IDs. Being a non-fussy person, and knowing who those people were, I thought it's a cool thing, something new, like some spice. I was told it is a group site created for AC1 people so I checked it out, registered and made an AC1 ID too. I never expected negative, and even violent reactions arising from the creation of this AC1 Network group. It is just another site for AC1 people to further share things and have fun. I would not even dare compare it to this forum. 1freeworld Technologies is entirely different and much bigger, no point of comparison. I am involved with several other group sites. I enjoy that thing, getting to interact with various people, having more things to share and learn while having fun so, nothing bad I see. As I was informed, the AC1 name was chosen because the people involved are supposed to be from AC1 only. That is something I find reasonable. If I am a regular of say AC2, I will have apprehensions to join an AC1 group site because the name says it. AC1 Network group site is only for AC1 people. To be a member, one has to make an AC1 ID but that is just for use in the group site. It is not mandated by the group that a member should parade that AC1 ID, boast of it, or use it in chat rooms. I am free to choose whatever ID I would want to use in any chat rooms, and so as others. It was not as if I was given an exclusive invitation to join, or some people persuaded me to. I did it on my own without any malice in mind, just having the feeling that I belong to AC1 and consider it like a home and its people family. I joined the group because of no particular person and no other reason beyond the sake of camaraderie and fun. Even if I chose not to join, I don’t think I should feel alienated seeing AC1 tags in the room because I know I am still a part of it, being a member of any group site or not. I can even create such an ID and use it without asking permission from anyone. It is true, no one owns the room, no one heads it, and no one makes rules and regulations about it. Kitch….I feel sad about what you said there because I consider you as a friend too. Just the mere imagination of you putting me on iggy for doing nothing bad to you is just sad. I have reasons for joining and I don’t have bad intentions for doing so. All I know is that the group site’s objective is more on uniting and not dividing. I hope personal issues are addressed properly and directly to the people involved. Rumors destroy harmony. Jimbo….I think you made a good point there. Change can be a very long process but it is only by trying hard to adapt that we can go through. You are right, there are greater concerns than this. For whatever, I’ll keep believing that things can and will get better. Sistah….As I always say, different people, different views. A mother and child can fight over something and still be bonding as one at the end of the day. Couples may argue a lot about so many things and still sleep hugging each other tight at night. We’re no different. The thing I like most about our friendship is that we may contradict and have different opinions on certain things but in the end, we still remain to have respect for each other and be good friends. That is how we value our friendship and that is why I love you.
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# 3
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Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers
« Reply #5 on: Feb 21st, 2006, 6:39am » |
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Yes, I see your points, Justine. The thing is however, is that I was told I MUST change my ID in the room as well. This was stated in the membership e-mail I received. I have the e-mail to prove that. Also, a certain person that will go unnamed said that anyone not having an AC1 tag would be group ignored by the others. Also, this same person was stating that rules would be set by the group for everyone to follow in the room. Sunday afternoon, I was witness to 5 folks from the Visayan 12 group coming into the AC1 room and using very obscene language to anyone saying anything against the group. These people had absolutely nothing to do nor usually frequent Asian Connections:1 I am not making this stuff up, either. What Kitch has stated has partially become a reality.
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# 3
 1fw Messenger: reebop@imchat.h opto.org

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Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers
« Reply #6 on: Feb 21st, 2006, 8:04am » |
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OK, I wanted to add this to clear up some things. I have been told by a group member that those rude folks that were in AC1 yesterday that had ¨v12¨ in their ID were not members of the Visayan 12 group. Why they wanted us to think that they were members of the Visayan 12 group is another matter. I am satisfied with this explaination for the time being.
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Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers
« Reply #7 on: Feb 21st, 2006, 8:19am » |
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I agree with your point there as well Justine. It is true that people are free to use act1 in front of their names, however, as a regular chatters in room 1 myself, I considered tagging act1 to being exclusive for that particular group only. The purpose of asian one room is to have fun and make all the groups welcome not divide and making an exclusive as a group. Anything that is form as a group that belongs to yahoo and make it as exclusive is everyone's right outside the yahoo chat rooms, however, bringing the group to an open forum, and chat is just being discrimanated to other members of yahoo., that is how i see those people who started coming to the room with their ID tag with ACT1 before their original id chatter name as being inconsiderate and discrimanatory when using them to chat. I see it as being inconsiderate to others chatters because I see it as being exclusive only to the network group. Yes, you can used your id in your own network, but please when you come to chat room, eliminate that. I disagree no matter what type of reasoning you can come up with. I am not opposed to the idea of bringing together the people in act 1 in a network, but the idea that is going around makes me sick that these people that is not even in the group that came from another room came to the room to trash other person with their own kind because she said something in the room against the group network. Is that the idea of being fair and united? I was there as well and witness the controlling ways of other member and you dont have any idea how this particular person works. It is not because you already form the group but what is the hidden agenda of it that makes me sick that the others member in your group might not know. I know your other members have a good intention of forming the networks but the people behind it makes it more controlling even in the room that is once a place where you can have fun and chat. Now its a place for booters and hackers. What is the purpose of tagging a name to come to chat asian one ...as hard as it is to remember regulars and new regulars name, it is already confusing enough to add additional confusion to that name. YOu know that person is in act 1 why change your chatter name to come to the room? A hidden agenda that we dont know ?Just curious why?And we still wuv you too Justine. I just need to voice out my opinion about it ... dont take it wrong!!!
« Last Edit: Feb 21st, 2006, 8:34am by CooCHie » |
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# 201
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Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers
« Reply #8 on: Feb 21st, 2006, 9:21am » |
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Actually sistah, these comments are addressed to organizers of the group. I know you only want to get along with everyone. And even if we have a difference in our opinions it will never put a dent to our friendship, to what we are to each other because I have a lot of respect for you and your one of my very best friend. And you know you are not just a chatfriend to me, my feelings for you goes deeper than that. But I can't marry you right now, sistah.! Okay, serious now. Im just wondering why they have to use the "tag" inside AC1? When you chat regularly at ac1, doesn't it follow you belong to that room already? If they want so much to be identified as AC1 chatter, isn't it more logical to use it when they go to other rooms? Of course there is nothing wrong if they want to use AC1 when they log on to their own site, afterall, only members can log on in there. And for someone to threaten to ignore non-members, isnt that outright harassment? Where is the camaraderie they are boasting of? Already the chatters in the room are being divided. And it has never happened before coz we always welcome everyone. We may not like some people in the past or until now but we tolerate them because all of us chat in the same room and it's free for all. Now there are downright hostility in the room among friends and acquaintances.
« Last Edit: Feb 21st, 2006, 9:23am by Wicked_Witch » |
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# 4

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Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers
« Reply #9 on: Feb 21st, 2006, 6:01pm » |
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What is this taggggg ??
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