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   Author  Topic: FEAR OF REJECTION  (Read 2785 times)


« on: Dec 16th, 2004, 9:38am »
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I have been reading Kianna's thread the Typical things thread and I came out with another topic because of this line:
Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle?  

Lets here it guys...
Post away!!!
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Philippines  my house
# 52

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« Reply #1 on: Dec 17th, 2004, 5:29am »
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I have a very very bad fear of rejection... There has been several (several meaning 1?  Grin ) guys that have tried to court me in ac1 (better not to mention them... just out of respect)... Most of them are nice legit guys but i just cant get myself to go into a relationship.
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Hong_Kong  Happy Valley
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« Reply #2 on: Jan 18th, 2005, 11:31am »
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For me,fear if we are refering about internet thing. When i feel  strong attraction to a guy i met and i know we can't have a healthy relationship (distance as the no.1 reason),i give our communication limitations like not talking to that person that often.I'm straight and i say right away or i show if he's rejected.  Wink Grin
« Last Edit: Jan 18th, 2005, 11:33am by nOrKAy » IP Logged

dOnUtz 9urL
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Indonesia  Anchorage AK
# 54

d rite mate won't make u happy,only an open heart

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« Reply #3 on: Jan 24th, 2005, 10:06pm »
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l think l over sensitive on 'rejection' cuz being so scared of rejection,
zo... l'll just go before they reject me
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to LOVE for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic
dOnUtz 9urL
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Indonesia  Anchorage AK
# 54

d rite mate won't make u happy,only an open heart

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« Reply #4 on: Feb 25th, 2005, 7:46am »
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noone can guarantee that 100% Tongue bugger
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to LOVE for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic
dOnUtz 9urL
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Indonesia  Anchorage AK
# 54

d rite mate won't make u happy,only an open heart

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« Reply #5 on: Feb 25th, 2005, 5:28pm »
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on Feb 25th, 2005, 12:26pm, nelson3082000 wrote:
i guess beth you are new at realtionships anhd dont know that you can have that but i do know that you can have it

eh? Roll Eyes me? new? wahahaha... whatevah Tongue u dunno me anyway bugger Tongue
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to LOVE for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic
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Philippines  Manila
# 201

I'm not old, you are just younger. Hehehe!

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« Reply #6 on: Aug 16th, 2005, 1:49am »
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I think most people fears rejection. Some are just trying to put on a brave face. In a relationship, it is most feared. That is why sometimes the couple keep dancing around each other with words. You know, like testing the water first before diving in? For me, I fear it a lot coz I know it will put a dent to my self-confidence if I ever get rejected. They said it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Easier said than done. Because when we lose someone or get rejected, sometimes we wish we have never met the person at all. That's because emotional pain is the hardest to endure.
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USA  Frisco TX
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« Reply #7 on: Oct 6th, 2005, 9:35pm »
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Well I think everyone fears rejection. I have been rejected countless times and will more than likely be rejected again. Its easy to be gun shy after being rejected. But the important thing is to give it a shot. How else you gonna know if he or she will really reject you. I cant stand the word no, and yes it hurts when I dont get what I want, but I will never let it make me crawl into a hole and hide from my real feelings and the outside world. You gotta get back on the horse and live life to your fullest potential and dont let fear dictate the things that you want out of life. I remember when my girlfriend and date for my Senior Prom got in trouble because she was out all night with me one night, and her parents punished her by not letting her go to the prom with me. I only had 3 days before the prom to find another date. Can you imagine my delima. Hell most of the girls at my school already had dates by then. Well..I asked 3 girls all from other high schools surrounding Altus, and I got all no's from them..but the 4th one said yes. She was the sister of a friend of mine who I worked with as a life guard. She was a very cute girl and all my buddies were jealous. I went to the prom with her and we had a great time. If I would of given up after the first no, I would of had no date to my senior prom and been stuck at home with the no date for the senior prom blues. Sad  
« Last Edit: Oct 7th, 2005, 1:14am by thebeast » IP Logged
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Hong_Kong  Happy Valley
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« Reply #8 on: Oct 7th, 2005, 7:14am »
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on Oct 6th, 2005, 9:35pm, thebeast wrote:
Well I think everyone fears rejection. I have been rejected countless times and will more than likely be rejected again. Its easy to be gun shy after being rejected. But the important thing is to give it a shot. How else you gonna know if he or she will really reject you. I cant stand the word no, and yes it hurts when I dont get what I want, but I will never let it make me crawl into a hole and hide from my real feelings and the outside world. You gotta get back on the horse and live life to your fullest potential and dont let fear dictate the things that you want out of life. I remember when my girlfriend and date for my Senior Prom got in trouble because she was out all night with me one night, and her parents punished her by not letting her go to the prom with me. I only had 3 days before the prom to find another date. Can you imagine my delima. Hell most of the girls at my school already had dates by then. Well..I asked 3 girls all from other high schools surrounding Altus, and I got all no's from them..but the 4th one said yes. She was the sister of a friend of mine who I worked with as a life guard. She was a very cute girl and all my buddies were jealous. I went to the prom with her and we had a great time. If I would of given up after the first no, I would of had no date to my senior prom and been stuck at home with the no date for the senior prom blues. Sad  

What a very nice sharing and thought. As smart as you.
Take the risk.Hope,but don't give too much expectations.
« Last Edit: Oct 7th, 2005, 10:43am by nOrKAy » IP Logged

Singapore  ~InabigbigWorld~
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« Reply #9 on: Oct 8th, 2005, 1:12am »
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LMBO Joel. YOu sound very much like someone i knew... very stubborn and will never accept NO for an answer. But anyhow dont aries all are as stubborn, bold and restless as we are. Glad that you finally admitted one of the traits in aries. (i know you dont agree with me about the zodiac thing but its true  Tongue)
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Never say good-bye if you still want to try- never give up if you still feel you can go on- never say you don't love a person anymore if you can't let go.

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