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Topic: Women's Instinct (Read 1059 times) |

I was talking awhile with bro Drave earlier and we came across the thing about women's gut feel and I kinda thought would be nice to know what you think about it too? Do you believe or not and why?
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Premier Expert
Yokohama, Japan
# 4

***~~QuEeNbEe~~ ***
Posts: 2744
Re: Women's Instinct
« Reply #1 on: Jan 14th, 2006, 8:29pm » |
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I had so many instances wherein my instincts been helpful to me.....regarding my work, my lovelife, my family...i really do believe in my guts "I knew it"
« Last Edit: Jan 14th, 2006, 8:29pm by okasantina » |
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Premier Expert
# 201
 I'm not old, you are just younger. Hehehe!

Posts: 3667
Re: Women's Instinct
« Reply #2 on: Jan 16th, 2006, 10:12am » |
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Yes it's true. Especially when you're tuned in to a particular subject. But sometimes we choose to ignore our instinct coz we do not want to face the truth. Or ignore it coz we do not want to believe it is happening. Or sometimes because we are afraid of the consequences should our instinct proved to be real?
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She who have not sinned may cast the first stone.
Frisco TX
# 19

Posts: 995
Re: Women's Instinct
« Reply #3 on: Jan 26th, 2006, 7:13pm » |
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I think women in general tend to jump to conclusions a lot. They come to their own conclusions without any real evidence. Its the ole Ive been hurt before and I not gonna trust anyone kind of deal. So if there is a women's instinct... I would say 80% of the time they are wrong about it. And if they are right about it....lookout...every male they deal with after will have to make a choice to deal with it or not.
« Last Edit: Jan 26th, 2006, 7:17pm by thebeast » |
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Premier Expert
# 201
 I'm not old, you are just younger. Hehehe!

Posts: 3667
Re: Women's Instinct
« Reply #4 on: Jan 27th, 2006, 3:29am » |
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Actually, Joel..some of the women's actions you referred to has nothing to do with instinct whatsoever. Some women likes to rant and rave because they want to get some attentions from their men. Smarter women do not just jump into conclusions, but they try to follow their instincts by observing closely. You know...look for tell-tale signs? And it's easy to tell. Things that do not normally happen are one good example. Like coming home later and later everyday, avoiding touching the partner at night, sometimes coming home with a gift or flowers (sometimes they do this out of guilt), unscheduled trip to some place, the very ordinary lipstick on his collars, womanly-smelling perfume on his person, avoiding direct eye contact when confronted, using the phone out of earshot, numbers and names in his celfons that wasn't there before he started acting strange, or jumping out of his skin when the phone rings and racing to get it first before you do, a lady's hairbrush in his car compartment with long strands of hair in it when yours is short or blond when yours is copper, always taking a long time choosing what to wear, being too attentive to the partner when normally he would not care if you eat or not, critisizing your weight or the clothes you wear, ...etc..etc...sheez...the list is endless, if the woman is smart enough to notice the changes in him.
« Last Edit: Jan 27th, 2006, 3:30am by Wicked_Witch » |
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She who have not sinned may cast the first stone.
Melbourne VIC

# 217

Posts: 116
Re: Women's Instinct
« Reply #5 on: Jan 27th, 2006, 2:56pm » |
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on Jan 27th, 2006, 3:29am, Wicked_Witch wrote: You know...look for tell-tale signs? ............ sometimes coming home with a gift or flowers (sometimes they do this out of guilt), |
| Wow I better remember to never do that stuff
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Frisco TX
# 19

Posts: 995
Re: Women's Instinct
« Reply #6 on: Jan 27th, 2006, 6:52pm » |
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Well edith thats what I mean those which you have listed are obvious. What I am talking about is something with no proof. Those incedental things that are not on a consistent basis is what I am talking about. They start to wonder and jump to all kinds of conclusions. This is more related to thier instinct...what you listed is obvious.
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Premier Expert
Yokohama, Japan
# 4

***~~QuEeNbEe~~ ***
Posts: 2744
Re: Women's Instinct
« Reply #7 on: Jan 28th, 2006, 8:14am » |
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excuse me its women`s instinct u know
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My instinct tells me that Joel doesn't agree But if my radar serves me right... Joel doesn't want to admit that one time or another an ex of his was right about something wrong but mentioned a different thing therefore concluding "no proof" of her allegations
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and oh... Joel they are obvious to you because you are one of the "men" we "women" use our instincts those things weren't that obvious to us its your "technique"
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