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Mar 7th, 2025, 5:14am
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Topic: Ranting (Read 783 times) |

# 388

Control Chaos
Posts: 12
Browsing through photobucket thinking of layout ideas I came across McDonald's pictures blaming the company for Obessity. Brought back memories of a news story I heard one day on the radio at work a few years back about a couple of families, sueing Mcdonalds for thier childrens Obessity. I never had a McDonald's employee come to my door with a gun and make me eat thier food, nor do I ever remember hearing of that ever happening, as Far as I know. All the food in Mcdonalds is Fried and anyone alive in the US should already know that fried food is not as healthy cause you have heard it for years and years. You have these people skipping on the small fries or the medium fries and even the large to have the supersized then chowing down on a bugger, can't forget the Diet coke and wonder why they are gaining wieght as they sit behind the TV watching thier soap opera or game instead of going out to the gym or playing a sport. What ever to making a salad or staying home and cooking a dinner. If you should be mad at anyone for getting fat from McDonalds blame yourself. Get out and exercise. On a side note not to pick on just Diet coke but a lot of things that are called diet, yes do have less calories however they discovered that the process cause people actually to feel hungrier then they are Avoid the Coke and drink some water or Juice. Lawsuits against the Tabacoo companies another thing I find deplorable, don't get me wrong yes smoking is bad and a terrible habit, but the first time you smoke a cigerette what happens? You gag and cough some people turn green and vomit. Yet people force themselves to the point where they begin to enjoy it. If your out camping in the woods and your by a fire the wind changes and starts to blow smoke toward you what you do you get up and get out of the smoke but you will force cigerrette smoke down your lungs, just to be cool. Well common sense would tell hey this isn't good for you. Yes they add chemicals to keep you hooked on them and that is unethical but your the one that forced yourself to smoke them to that point. So after smoking for 30 or 40 years you get cancer and you want to blame someone, blame yourself. These Nazi's on the truth commercial only feed the flames of the stupidity. Instead of attacking the tabacco company, they need to point the blame where it belongs on the people killing themselves with problems. Tabacco companies would go out of business if people used common sense and didn't smoke the cigerettes. Malpractice lawsuits is another thing that gribes me everyone complains about the cost of healthcare, but if people didn't sue over every little thing the doctors wouldn't have to carry million dollar malpractice insurance because someone sues a doctor for a minor mishap for millions of dollars. Granted the doctors need to pay attention and due there job right however to if you can't do your job perfectly don't expect someone else to. I know sometimes it takes a lawsuit to get someone to step up and take responsibility but to sue someone for millions of dollars for a minor mistake is rediculous. Okay last thing I am going to Rant on is Rosie ODonnell how did that sea Manatee ever get on TV, she can't act she is unattractive and her point of view is about informative as my Dog. One day I heard her compare Christian Fundamentals with islamic Terrorist. Yes you do have some Christians fire bombing and trying to kill abortionist, I am not saying I agree with this but I understand the the logic. At the moment of conceptions the Embrio has all the scientistic descriptions of life, So killing someone that is killing hundreds of people a year because thier inconvience does make a step of logic but thier are better ways to solve the problem. However when you have people killing people just because of thier faith and difference that is slightly different. Ok done ranting.....
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