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   President Gerarld Ford Dies
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   Author  Topic: President Gerarld Ford Dies  (Read 877 times)
USA  Arlington TX
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President Gerarld Ford Dies
« on: Dec 27th, 2006, 5:21pm »
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I was a little shocked to hear about his death but I guess the passing of public figures as we grow older is always somewhat a bit of a shock.  I can remember his presidency clearly.  His Whip Inflation Now campaign was funny to us teenagers, but I did get a lot of use out of my red, white and blue WIN gym bag.  I remember the pardon and how angry many were that Nixon got off.  In retrospect, it was probably the best thing for our country.  The USS Mayaguez was a problem for him at the time  as I remember the area newspapers really flogged him for the loss of 41 soldiers.  The stumbles and falls, the obvious screwup during the '76 debate about Polish independence and constant battles with congress really stood out.  What we really can look back to however since that time is his kindness, quiet reserve and professionalism in politics that really stand out in today's world of "red" and "blue" states.  Presidents Ford and Carter may be the last of their kind...the respectful statesman, political centrist and the reserved communicator that made an effort to bridge political divides.  Will our current President be looked upon in this manner?  I think not.

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