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Mar 14th, 2025, 12:09am
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Topic: Timing is everything (Read 331 times) |

I should always remind myself of this...timing is everything... no matter how hard you try...whatever you do...its still the timing that will decide if its ripe. The problem is...how do you know when its right? My radar isn't working very well lately...is there an instrument that could tell me if what I want to do will be done at the right time? God's timing is perfect, but ours is often flawed. Let me give you some examples, you get tired of waiting for the right "someone" and so you agree to live together or you marry someone who is not right for you. you want something now so you charge it rather than waiting till you have the money and end up paying more and digging yourself into financial bondage.. Instead of waiting for a nice quiet and calm moment to talk to a friend about a problem, you blurt it out in a spirit of confrontation when others are around. Instead of a church waiting for the "right time" to build, they rush ahead and get into a mortgage that hampers ministry. God knows what He is doing. His delays are always purposeful. When we dare to live by His timing, great things happen. Isaiah writes, those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. [Isaiah 40:31 (NLT)] Certainly we all like the idea of having strength, flying high, running without weariness and walking without getting tired. But notice what the condition is: we must wait on the Lord. We are to trust His timing, His purpose, His plan. Some indicators that your timing is bad: 1) you are looking over your shoulder 2) You are rely on the works of men rather than the work of God. 3) acting impulsively rather than prayerfully 4) you have to feel you have to cover up your actions 5) you are paralyzed by the fear rather than spurred on by faith But there are other times when God wants us to act and we don't. There are times when we miss His will because we don't act. God opens a door for us to share the gospel with someone but we remain silent God provides a ministry opportunity but we say we are too busy God nudges us to extend mercy (make a phone call, stop by for a visit, send a card) and we ignore that leading from God. God gives us an opportunity to make a significant financial contribution but we hold it in reserve. God nudges us to go and pray with a person for their healing, but we don't want to appear extremist. God opens up a great job opportunity for you but you decline because you are afraid, and weeks later learn that massive layoffs are coming. n each of these cases we fail to act out of fear. We are afraid of failure, or afraid that we are doing something wrong. These are the times we need to act in faith. These are the times we need to dare to believe that God has brought us to this particular situation, at this particular time, for His particular purpose. There is something wonderfully freeing about trusting God. It is exciting to see what God will do. When the doors seem closed it is exciting to wait and see what door God will open up. When the door is open it is exciting to see how God will equip you to meet the present challenge. The life of faith is an adventure. It is a great and awe-inspiring thing to watch God work in your life.
« Last Edit: Aug 19th, 2005, 6:17am by earthlingorgeous » |
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# 201
 I'm not old, you are just younger. Hehehe!

Posts: 3667
Re: Timing is everything
« Reply #1 on: Aug 22nd, 2005, 3:29am » |
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Im used to leaving everything to fate. If its meant to happen, it will. I always believe that God has a purpose for everyone and everything in this world.I just try to do my part. Which means constant prayers to guide me to do the right thing. When its time, He will find a way to let me know what I'm supposed to do or where I'm supposed to be or who I'm supposed to be with.
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She who have not sinned may cast the first stone.

Yes... true indeed... even a piece of rock or dust in this world has a purpose...we may not know or understand what ...
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# 28

in Christ --- the hopeless finds hope
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Re: Timing is everything
« Reply #3 on: Oct 27th, 2005, 11:01am » |
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I also believe that God's time is always worth waiting. Loving God is so difficult, He gonna test you to prove your love to Him. It's scary at times, but who we are to go against God, in the end we still have to run in to Him for help and guidance. If God saw our sacrifices despite of all the trials and difficulties, He will gonna reward us to more than what we deserve. As the saying goes: Patience is a virtue that carries a lot of wait We are called to trust in God...no ifs, no buts.
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The best way to cheer yourself, is to cheer somebody else up
dOnUtz 9urL
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Anchorage AK
# 54

d rite mate won't make u happy,only an open heart

Posts: 1782
Re: Timing is everything
« Reply #4 on: Nov 1st, 2005, 10:15am » |
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our timing is very different with God's timing... He always come right on the time! could come like we thought He gunna be late, but just right in time, even a second b4 the dead line! doesn't meant He was late, but really in time. sometimes our brain tried to understand His time, but our brain is too small to understand all of His plan in His own time. So lets just do our best, and wait on His perfect time, that's the best.
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to LOVE for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic
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