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Mar 11th, 2025, 10:01am
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Topic: A deep look at Easter (long read) (Read 669 times) |

Easter Week By far one of the most important of all weeks in history if not the most important, There are many things behind this time of the year that you may not know might shed some light on the meanings of the holiday. I won’t go into the corruptions introduced by the Roman Catholic Church like the name Easter comes from the Goddess Istar. I am actually going to go back to the actual time of Christ and prior so that you can know more details of what was going on during this important time of the Life and Death of Christ. Of the 360 Prophecies about Jesus a majority were filled during this time frame. The 614 Laws and Ordinances of the Pentateuch are all fulfilled during this time. Matthew 21: 7-11 This is known as the triumphal Entry of Christ in Jerusalem. The disciples place there cloaks on an ass followed by a colt holding a burden. As predicted by Zech 9:9 this was a busy time in Jerusalem, most of the nation of Israel converged upon the City for the yearly sacrifices. Yet unlike the 100 of thousands other pilgrims entering the city with out being noticed Jesus came in with a scene. The crowd shouting Praises to Hosanna son of David new the meaning of the event happening. They laid out branches before the riding Jesus, which by tradition are palm branches, even though it isn’t specified the type of branches in scripture. The reason that we say Palm branches it that the tree is extremely abundant in that part of the world. Which is where we get Palm Sunday. Matthew 21:12-17 Jesus chases out the money handlers in the temple, this is the cleanses the temple with most of the Jewish ceremony at the time, there was a traditional cleansing yet Jesus literally cleansed the temple. The Pharisees had translated the law of God to and outside appearance to bring Glory to them yet the actions of Jesus tell us it isn’t the Letter of the Law but the spirit of the Law. Then Jesus commences in teaching to the people, and the priest and scribes challenge Christ at just about every turn. Something to note that really isn’t mentioned in the Scripture, but in other historical documents of the time. During this time sheep were being lead into the temple for sacrifice by the thousands. A good number of these Sheep would have come from Bethlehem. They were known for the quality of sheep raised there, and the sheep for sacrifice had to be without blemish, a perfect sacrifice. Sheep raised by maybe some of the Sheppard’s that were present at the birth of Christ. There was a special gate that the sheep were let into the temple. Matthew 24 Jesus for tells of the destruction of the temple and the end of days. Matthew 26:17
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Re: A deep look at Easter (long read)
« Reply #1 on: Apr 3rd, 2006, 11:38am » |
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The feast of unleavened bread, the feast of unleavened bread was a tradition among Jewish families where the father and the children of the house would go through the house with a candle and a wooden spoon. Searching out yeast and any yeast that is found would be burned there would purposely be yeast left somewhere so that it could be destroyed. Yeast is a representation of Sin, in this ancient time. Like Sin Yeast expands and it expands by rotten and releasing gas, which is a good example of how sin effects the heart. This once was a separate tradition but was brought into the Passover. Matthew 26:26-28 Is the Passover supper and where the Lord starts the Lord’s Supper or Communion. In the typical household in Israel a family would be set around the table with an extra places set. The extra place at the table set was set for Elijah. The belief was that Elijah would come prior to the Messiah to declare his arrival. The reason the felt it would be Elijah for he didn’t die, he was swept away by a chariot of fire. 2nd Kings 2:11-13, However John the Baptist came and finished the ministry of Elijah. As the family set around the table the youngest son would ask the father what the meaning of the feast was every year. The Father of the house hold would answer by telling of the Exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt. When the Lord took the first Born of all of Egypt, except those that spread the blood of a lamp on the mantel of their doors. Exodus 12:21-33 For this act God commanded an anniversy of this event a fore shadow of the Lamp of God whose blood would make Gods wrath pass over the people that serve God. So when we eat the bread in remembrance of Christ body and the wine as remembrance of his blood we are remembering the sacrifice that has paid for our sins for all time. So we will not be subject to the wrath of God. Matthew 26:30 Jesus foretells of the Denial of Peter, which I want to make a short mention about this just because to me it screams the truth about the scripture. Here Peter Denies the Lord Jesus for fear of his life, this same man that denies his knowledge of Christ in the next few chapters for fear of his life. So scared was he, he even denied it cursing the Lord. Yet later in Peter’s life he was crucified upside down in Rome for being a follower of Christ. If Peter had made this up would he show how much of a coward he was at this moment and then would he die upside down on a cross a few decades later? If I were making up a story I would not make myself out to be a coward nor would I die for the lie. Matthew 26:40-56 The mob came for Jesus, at night to arrest him with clubs and swords. Like he was a common thief but this was to fulfill the scripture. According the Law, this was a violation of the Hebrew law you can’t have a trial of a capital offense at night yet they came for Christ at night, another example how the Priest followed the letter of the law not the spirit of the Law. Matthew 26:57-68
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Re: A deep look at Easter (long read)
« Reply #2 on: Apr 3rd, 2006, 11:38am » |
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Was the first trial of Christ trying to have someone bare testimony of something that Jesus did that they could have him executed yet could not find anyone to make a false statement that could make them executed him till they ask him a statement that they would have been Blasphemy if it were not true. So they had a reason to execute Christ. They did something that was called hot fist where they would cover the person’s eyes and take turns hitting him telling him to Prophecy who hit him. It is covered briefly in scripture but is something to consider. In the Morning they had a legal council with the elders to have Jesus put to death so then took him to pilot. Seeing that Jesus was condemned Judas felt guilt tried to return the money that he got for betraying Jesus. The priest would not take the money back because it was blood money yet they would spend the money for the blood of an innocent man. Full filling that prophesy of Jeremiah. Luke 23:1-12 Jesus is brought before Pilot, to for trial. Claiming that Jesus was trying to start a insurrection against Rome, claiming to be the son of God would not be a death penalty offense in Rome since they had so many God’s and they came to earth all the time. Pilot heard that Jesus was a Galilean they took him to Herod. Herod wanted to see signs and wonders however he got know answer from Jesus so Herod dressed him up nicely and sent him back to Pilot. Pilot interviews Jesus again and still finds no fault with Jesus and really doesn’t want to execute Jesus. John 18:38-19:16 Pilot gives the Jewish people the choice to kill a known criminal Barabas or Jesus they choose to kill Jesus. I doubt it is the same group that proclaimed Jesus as Hosanna was the ones that were crying crucified Jesus. With an attempt to appease the Priest Pilot has Christ Flogged. Now the whipping done by the Roman Soldier was truly brutal the had metal barbs in the whip. That tore the flesh so that the very organs in the back were exposed. The whipping was so bad from the Roman’s that many people died just from the whipping. Yet this wasn’t enough to appease the priest and Pilot really didn’t want to execute Jesus cause of a dream his wife had. So how was the Priest able to bully a might Roman leader. Outside sources explain this, when Pilot came into Israel he came bearing eagles which were considered graven images which insulted the Jewish people. So he already had that mark against him with Israel. History also tells us that Pilot was eventually removed from his post due to complaints of other important Roman figures for his cruelty with the Jewish people, causing civil distress. The Cesar died prior to Pilots return to Rome so he never was charged with his offenses however he never got another post. So backed in a corner Pilot sends Christ to be crucified, washing his hand prior to the event to ceremonially wash his hands of the crime. By having the Romans execute Christ they are also showing the shadows of another Hebrew tradition which was the ceremony of scape goat. Leviticus 16:8-10 where the chief Priest would put his hand on a goat representing placing the sins of the people upon the goat and it was sent out in to the wilderness to be slain.
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Re: A deep look at Easter (long read)
« Reply #3 on: Apr 3rd, 2006, 11:39am » |
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Matthew 27:32 Jesus was crucified and filling several prophecy’s about it one of the most painful deaths ever created by man. People that have studied crucifixion tell us you actually die from the slow pressure being placed upon your lungs. Yet, with all this pain the real issue here was Christ was separated from the Father in heaven which is the only time in all eternity that this had happened. To prevent eternal separation between us and God, during this numerous other prophecies were fulfilled with the cloth of Christ and one of the criminals on the cross were saved (Note the criminal was not baptized but still save.) At the death of Christ the curtain the separated the holy of holy from the rest of the temple was ripped in two, which signified the fact that man was no longer separated from God. The Holy of Holy is where the Arc of the covenant was kept. Which held the Ten Commandments. The top of the Arc was called the Mercy seat. Only one time of the year did anyone enter the holy of holy. The High Priest would go sprinkle blood on the Mercy seat. This was a symbol of blood covering the law. For God was to look down between the cherubim and see the law but if there is blood there the law was covered. With the death of Jesus the blood that covered the law and fulfill the law no longer needed to be done yearly and permanently removed sin. Matthew 27:62 Priest remembering that Christ said he would rise on the third day, decided placing guards around the tomb of Christ would be important. So that no one would steal the body and say that Jesus rose from the dead. Well Jesus rose from the dead and the Priest paid the guards to say that the body was stolen as they slept. Which was a truly brave act for these soldiers for according to Roman law a soldier that falls asleep on Guard duty was to be burned alive, with 12 guards there how would they gotten their to steal the body. When Christ rose form the Tomb it also was the day of the ceremony of the first fruit, which is symbolic of him being the first fruit of the dead being reborn. Now I am going to skip ahead a little bit to the day of Pentecost when the people started speaking in tongues. That was the anniversy of the covenant with Moses. The day of the second covenant was the same day as the first covenant. I hope that this shall show all the meaning in what our dear savior did and if you haven’t seen the Passion I would recommend that you see it.
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