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   Has the War on Terror made us more or less secure?
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   Author  Topic: Has the War on Terror made us more or less secure?  (Read 13574 times)


Has the War on Terror made us more or less secure?
« on: Mar 26th, 2005, 5:04pm »
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Do you think that the specific approach of the Bush administration post-9/11 to terrorist attacks such as 9/11 has left us more or less secure?  
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USA  Frisco TX
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Re: Has the War on Terror made us more or less sec
« Reply #1 on: Mar 28th, 2005, 12:54am »
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I would say yes I feel safer. Do I feel totally safe?  Of course not. Will I ever feel totally safe again? No I wont. There is no way that anyone, anywhere can feel totally secure. The events on September 11, 2001 changed all that. The Bush approach or whoever is making presidential actions will never be able to stop it completely. But what the Bush approach has done is make these terrorists think twice before they  try anything else inside the United States. I remember watching the news covering that awful event in September. The twin towers burning and falling to the ground. All those people killed for something they had nothing to do with. I remember people jumping out of the windows to escape burning to death only to fall to thier death 80 stories below. I also remember the sacrafice the americans made on the hijacked plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. Think about what these americans did. They caused havoc so the terrorist could not complete thier mission.  All these events made me cry then it angered me. Thats the problem with some americans now days, they forget. When it happened it was a different story. They wanted to do something about it. After the terror wore off, they were quick to criticize their governments actions. They criticize thier own government who was only doing something to protect them. I dont think that was the case in WW2 when the japanese bombed pearl harbor. One positive thing that did happen was the enlistment of people in the armed forces. Even higher than WW2. I have 2 nephews in Iraq serving thier country now. Its a tradition in my family for the males to serve thier country. I am very worried for them but I am also very proud of what they are doing. They are protecting my country and everyone elses country as well, even though lots of people dont see it that way. I pray for them to return safe and with no harm. I am going to make the trip to NYC in april. When I am there I will pay my respects to all the people who died at ground zero. And I will make my promise never to forget them and what happened.  Sad
« Last Edit: Mar 28th, 2005, 1:03am by thebeast » IP Logged


Re: Has the War on Terror made us more or less sec
« Reply #2 on: Mar 30th, 2005, 9:43am »
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Too early to tell.
The current war on terror as creating a greater gulf between the west and the middle-east. The distinction between "US"and "THEM" and the degree of mutual hatred or at least distrust between the two sides seems to engender a climate of greater hostility.  
And I don't think any difference has been made, Bush's pan was totally ineffective, due in part to the fact that he blamed the wrong guy for the attacks on the World Trade Centers.
« Last Edit: Mar 30th, 2005, 9:47am by mylane » IP Logged
USA  Wilmington NC
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oop ack eep ick thhhhppthhh

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Re: Has the War on Terror made us more or less sec
« Reply #3 on: Mar 30th, 2005, 5:40pm »
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Nanay!!Will you pleaseeeeeeeee...change that pic...making me ill.Urrp*
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Re: Has the War on Terror made us more or less sec
« Reply #4 on: Mar 31st, 2005, 7:24am »
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George Bush enacted as part of the war on terrorism a plan called Homeland Security in the United States. This made our airports safer, the planes more secure to prevent this kinda thing from happening again. Homeland Securtiy has also increased the communication between the FBI, CIA, and other Federal, State, and Local agencies in order for information that pertains to any terrorists activity can be shared among them. I feel safer in America. This is a fact. Since 911 there have been no bombings or terrorists actions in the United States. So yes the Bush plan has worked. On a global scale, Osoma Bin Laden is Osoma Been Hiding and he isnt training 10 and 11 year olds to be terrorists anymore in Afganistan. He may not be dead or captured but he isnt exactly free to do what he wants either. Sadam is captured so the threat of Iraq every developing more chemical and biological weapons and possibly nuclear weapons is gone.
A few days after 911, George Bush made a speach. In this speach he proclaimed a war on terror...A WAR ON TERROR.... He mentioned anyone who dealed or harbored any terrorists would also be considered a terrorist. He mentioned Osama and he mentioned Sadam. These are only 2 people. But both these people are terrorists. People shouldnt think the war on terror is against one specific person. The war on terror is just that.. war on terrorists. I didnt hear Bush specifically say war on Osama or War on Sadam... but he did say war on terror. Osama is a terrorists and Sadam is a terrorists. It dont even matter if one is worse than the other because they are both terrorists.  
I think things in Iraq are getting better. They have a government installed there. They are building schools in Afganistan now also. In Saudi Arabia, the muslim women are wanting equal rights...change is coming to that part of the world and its long overdue. And thats a good thing. All these changes are gonna happen.. more people will die..and then they will learn and accept. I see all kinds of positive things happening due to the United States policys in the Middle East. I focus on the positive not the negative.
« Last Edit: Mar 31st, 2005, 7:41am by thebeast » IP Logged
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Re: Has the War on Terror made us more or less sec
« Reply #5 on: Apr 13th, 2005, 10:16am »
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whats ironic is that they keep bragging that they know who the terrorists are n where they are located but terrorism has been with us since time in memorial. Fact is, theres big money in war. Wether its in Afganistan, pakistan n all the other istan countries  Grin Tongue.... Philippines or int he US.... War is big money n people earn a lot at the expense of those soldiers that they say are "expendable". If they really wanted to take the fight on terrorism seriously they how come i dont see anything positive coming out of it? Ya sure saddam is in jail n bin ladin is now in vagas posing as a vegas chick  Grin but did it stop anything?  
Here in PI the gov. said that they are in an all out war against terrorism but when there is an attact against civilians they would send hundreds of soldier up in the mountain n claim that they are gonna pulvorize the terrorist but when the eemy sends a tapes statement saying that they are willing to talk if the gov declares seas fire. The gov wil then say.. ok lets talk... WHat the hell is that for? Its like when we were kids palying tag. And when you are about to get caught you say.... time first... Then you catch your breath n run again..
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Re: Has the War on Terror made us more or less sec
« Reply #6 on: Apr 13th, 2005, 6:57pm »
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on Mar 31st, 2005, 7:24am, thebeast wrote:
George Bush enacted as part of the war on terrorism a plan called Homeland Security in the United States. This made our airports safer, the planes more secure to.......

I dont think that we can ever be completely safe from terrorism, but it is obvious to me that the first step should have been capturing Osama Bin Laden, that is one thing that  STILL hasnt been done.  
I also think that a man or ANY man who is WILLING to attempt to turn a mass slaughter of thousand of his own citizens and an opportunity to steal oil from an internationally Middle East country does not deserve a political position.
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USA  Frisco TX
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Re: Has the War on Terror made us more or less sec
« Reply #7 on: Apr 15th, 2005, 1:57am »
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I dont understand how anyone could  think that the United States is in Iraq now cuz of oil...Prices for gas are the highest ever now...America wants stability in that region not oil...Do u really think we are just taking Iraq's oil? Somebody tell me where the hell it is..This is what we do we give Iraq money to fix all the oil wells which the terrorists destroyed by the way, so they can be come an economically sound society like Saudi Arabia. We purchase oil just like everyone else. Do we make deals? well sure we do thats what its all about is making deal. Oh yeah remember when Iraq invaded Kuwiat..when they found out they were gonna get their ass kicked whats the last thing they did b4 they left? Yes they set all the oil wells on fire. And guess who paid to fix them. You got it the United States. We paid with our blood and our money to get Kuwait back on thier feet and we are doing the same thing in Iraq.. but we are not taking or stealing anything...With some stability over there things will be much better in the long run. On a different note i visited ground zero last weekend. Nothing but a big hole in the ground. It saddens me still to think of all that life lost..these people were not soldiers. And one of my nephews is due back from his tour in Iraq this week. I have another nephew  over there who is a marine in the infantry. I hope he safely returns soon also.
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Re: Has the War on Terror made us more or less sec
« Reply #8 on: Apr 15th, 2005, 6:38am »
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the oil crisis now is in no way connected with US taking over Iraq. Its just that the oil industry underestimated the oil consumptions of other countries like China n others. The demand for oil is higher than the supply.  
Joel you said that US paid with their blood to liberate n save iraq. Thats true because lots of US soldiers died in that war but do you actually think that th politicians behind that war just wanted to liberate Iraq without gaining anything?  
They said that Saddam has lots of chemical weapons in Iraq and they used that as a reason to invade the country. And after all the deaths and searchings they didnt find anything... But hey thats the price of any war... Both innocent n guilty people die in any war.... Collateral damage?...
I'm not saying i'm mad at what happened to Iraq... Maybe i am in some way... Joel if you really support the war on Iraq tell me atleast 5 good things that the Iraq war resulted in. Who benifited from the war? US?....Iraq? or some other country?
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Re: Has the War on Terror made us more or less sec
« Reply #9 on: Apr 16th, 2005, 2:01am »
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Kim you are wrong about the oil crisis. The oil crises is caused by a number of things. One which u stated is correct. Another reason is the fact that the U.S. did invade Iraq and while we are over there not for oil any kind of war has an effect on the market. Especially a market as fragile as what oil is.  Another reason is terrorists destroy lots of oil wells that hurt production. All these reasons in combination are the reason for the oil crisis. But rid the world of terrorists in that area will only help it not hurt it in the long run.  
You ask who benifits from the Iraq conflict..well everyone benifets in some way. People forget the reason why we are there. Not because of oil, not because we wanted to liberate Iraq(this is a benifet but not directly related to why the U.S. invaded), not even because of chemical weapons. The reason the United States invaded Iraq was Saddam was not living up to the agreement he made with the United States when we were over there during dessert storm. That means he was not cooperating with the contract he made with the U.S. He made a deal that we would not invade Iraq and and take him out of power. In other words if he was a good boy and did everything that was said in that contract we wouldnt invade and take him out of power. Well he never did that. The chemical weapons was just another reason for us to invade but not the main reason. We know he had them at one time cause he used them on his own people, we know he would never stop trying to produce WMD. He was a evil man and he didnt deserve to be the leader of Iraq. No we didnt get UN approval, but facts are facts the contract said it when he was defeated in dessert storm. The United States did everything it could to get approval but I dont agree that just cause it wasnt unanimous approval dont mean we should have to listen to it. Hell the United States is who invented the UN. And when u start letting the UN govern your country you are gonna be in a world of hurt later on.  
5 reasons on who benifets
1 Iraq benifits cuz they will have a democracy
2 All free nations will benifit becasue of this democracy
3 A democracy in the middle east will spill over from Iraq to other middle east nations and a change will occur.
4 In the long run Iraq will become an oil producing power which will help the oil crisis.
5 The people of Iraq dont have to worry about getting their heads chopped off by a crazy dictator just because they dont agree with him on issues.
The main fact is the United States and all the other allies did the world a favor by ridding Iraq of Saddam. Problem is all you liberals are blinded by the real reasons why we are doing what we are doing. All liberals ever see is the death and destruction and well its a war in the Middle East so it must be about oil. lol
« Last Edit: Apr 16th, 2005, 2:13am by thebeast » IP Logged
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