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   Author  Topic: Hello Garci...  (Read 3648 times)
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Philippines  my house
# 52

Don't cry coz its over. Smile coz it happened

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Hello Garci...
« on: Jun 20th, 2005, 9:47pm »

Let me hear your comment on this first before i give mine...  Grin
and for those who dont know this topic, infos are soon to follow  Wink
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Re: Hello Garci...
« Reply #1 on: Jun 24th, 2005, 4:45pm »

hello  Garci...could just be another source of fun and definitely a source of income to thing for not gonna use that
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Re: Hello Garci...
« Reply #2 on: Jun 26th, 2005, 4:37pm »

The Arroyo Administration is still playing numb on the issue... how can they fight it on court when they refuse to even consider the existence of the "evidence"?  
so the solution of the majority of filipino is just the same to what they did during EDSA 2...take to the street, because the Senator judge decided that the 2nd envelope is irrelevant?
and hey thanks to them catholic priest  for making it all happened....goodbye cardinal Grin
Isn't it  an Arch Bishop that presented the witness against Gloria regarding Jueteng Payola to her Family?
what goes around comes around.
« Last Edit: Jun 26th, 2005, 4:43pm by mylane » IP Logged
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Philippines  my house
# 52

Don't cry coz its over. Smile coz it happened

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Re: Hello Garci...
« Reply #3 on: Jun 30th, 2005, 10:36am »

a breif summary of the topic... President Gloria Arroyo was put into a scandal because of the so called "wire tapped coversation" between Comelec Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano and Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, her husband Jose Miguel, and other individuals. As i understand differnet personalities have been claiming that they have the original "mother of all tapes" and everyone was telling the truth there would be 6 "so called MOTHER OF ALL TAPES". I was able to obtains a transcript copy which is more than 15 pages long and there is also a downloadable version in mp3 format which is 3 hours long. If you are interested in downloading a copy you might want to visit one of several sites that have this mp3. One site is ...  
The conversation between them says that GMA was conspiring with Garcillano to alter the result of the presidential elections in her favor. When the issue first came out pres secretary Ignacio Bunye said that he has the original version and the one that was relased was altered. But after the GMA denied the tapes unofficially Bunya took back what he said n told the media that he is not sure if the woman in the tape was GMA. After weeks of silence GMA finaly addressed the public last june 27 made a public appology. She admited to talking to garcillano but denied that she wanted to alter the election results since the election outcome has already been predicted by almost all the surveys.  
My opinion:
There are so many different factions and groups that are shouting "gloria resign" and each group wants someone different to replace GMA. Everyone want to be incharge and no one wants to listen. One of the roblems they say is abot Jueteng. If GMA gets kicked out what our asurance that the next president wont be as corrupt or even more corrupt than the current president sitting now? Everyone has their own hiden agenda and they are using the public as a medium to get rid of arroyo. Get the people mad so that democracy will take place n another damn people power to get rid of the president. If GMA resigns what next? whos going to be incharge? What will that do to our economy? Did Arroyo cheated during the elections? Probably she did. Now the same questions for the other candidates. Can you honestly say that all the other candidates did not cheat or buy votes? Its sad to admit that elections here in our country is very dirty... AM i glad that gloria won the elections? THe answer is yes. I dont think that there are any other candidate more qualified to be the president that her.  
to be continued  Wink
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True strength is being able to hold it all together when everyone else is expecting you to fall apart...


Re: Hello Garci...
« Reply #4 on: Jun 30th, 2005, 11:38am »

I will wait for more then kimmy before posting more regarding this issue.  
Just one thing....I'm not happy nor sad when Arroyo won the election and became our president.  
Public office means public trust and I don't think the majority of Filipino  trust Gloria because of this scandal.  
Apology is basically admission of guilt. Can we still trust her?
Taken that the election here is dirty but to cheat with a large margin? hmmmm.....
Anyway like kimmy said to be continued Grin
« Last Edit: Jun 30th, 2005, 11:43am by mylane » IP Logged
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# 28

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Re: Hello Garci...
« Reply #5 on: Jun 30th, 2005, 12:20pm »

Apology is basically admission of guilt. Can we still trust her?

Is there anyone deserve our trust? I doubt that there is.  It was just very unfortunate for Gloria she was tapped.....lucky to those who were sly on their actions and plans,  they're free to move and free to criticise her severely.  I heard one critic this morning and he said "Gloria is an idiot but she is the best idiot!"
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Re: Hello Garci...
« Reply #6 on: Jun 30th, 2005, 1:16pm »

Hello Graci  Grin is Gracie the cause of GMA's victory?  
I believe that GMA honestly won the election...her "Hello Garci" won't change her destiny as the President...Of all the candidates she's the only one with good platform and qualified...Filipino votes can't be bought today and are wiser...thus, they voted GMA. We should not focus on the wiretapping issue and her one BIG MISTAKE...but to what she is doing to save our country and is still trying to do.
I can't just accept her sorry  Grin but she's still the best person to be in the position to lead our country.  
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Re: Hello Garci...
« Reply #7 on: Jun 30th, 2005, 2:57pm »

I  am not happy with the turn of events here in our country but  I will not call for Gloria to resign because no  matter who we put up there as a president, as long as graft and corruption are deeply ingrained in out government, nothing will ever change. Put the cleverest economist or put a chimpanzee, WE  the  people must be willing to change. Lets take a deep look  inside ourselves---I for one am guilty of paying government employees so I don't have to wait---this is just a minor infraction of the law and everyone's doing it.  In essence we are condoning corrupt government officials. Whatever change we call upon our government, we must do it first within ourselves.  
Sure, each one of us is entitled to our opinion. And each one of us has clever ideas who to put in place as president once Arroyo is gone---c'mon guys...are we going to start that shit all over again? We don't have the resources. Our coffers are empty. The government is bankrupt and our debt is so astounding that our grandchildren's grandchildren will be born owing money to the world. Do you think changing the presidency will solve our problems?  
Who are you going to put in lieu of Gloria? Susan Roces? *scoffing sound* What the heck is  she  going to do when she becomes the President? Cry herself to a FAMAS award in the Senate? I heard Jinggoy Estrada is also interested. What,  that chimp?  I doubt if he has an ounce of intelligence in that  liquor-soaked brain of his. Maybe  we should just put a gorilla, that way, if things fall apart all over  again, like they always do, we can always say its because he's an ape.  
We are always looking  for a blame our problems on. We don't look inside ourselves and do, out  of conviction for love of country,  the right thing. Unless we change as a whole nation, we will always wallow in poverty and despair.  
Maybe Gloria should just impose martial law like what Singapore did. Kill the bastards, let the blood  shed begin, separate the church from the state. Damn right I'm angry. This is my country too and I live here.
« Last Edit: Jun 30th, 2005, 3:24pm by teagirl » IP Logged

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# 130

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Re: Hello Garci...
« Reply #8 on: Jun 30th, 2005, 3:02pm »

on Jun 30th, 2005, 1:16pm, Analyn wrote:

I believe that GMA honestly won the election...her "Hello Garci" won't change her destiny as the President...Of all the candidates she's the only one with good platform and qualified...Filipino votes can't be bought today and are wiser...thus, they voted GMA. We should not focus on the wiretapping issue and her one BIG MISTAKE...but to what she is doing to save our country and is still trying to do.
I can't just accept her sorry  Grin but she's still the best person to be in the position to lead our country.  

I go with this thought.
Gloria  Arroyo may not be the best leader of all the former presidents of the Philippines but  I am sure she has done a lot better than the last one. Can't we see the diffrence? Imagine the Philippines if we're still under Joseph Estrada's reign.  
I also believe President Arroyo won the election fairly.
« Last Edit: Jun 30th, 2005, 3:05pm by nOrKAy » IP Logged



Re: Hello Garci...
« Reply #9 on: Jun 30th, 2005, 4:41pm »

on Jun 30th, 2005, 12:20pm, gracia wrote:

Is there anyone deserve our trust?

Yes. Anyone who will not cheat to gained the presidency. Legally elected by the people. The one who will  follow  the constitution.  

I heard one critic this morning and he said "Gloria is an idiot but she is the best idiot!"

I wonder how much was paid for that critic to say that?  And I don't think we need a best idiot president as well.
« Last Edit: Jun 30th, 2005, 5:35pm by mylane » IP Logged
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