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   Hurricaine Katrina..Did US Gov act fast enough?
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   Author  Topic: Hurricaine Katrina..Did US Gov act fast enough?  (Read 768 times)
USA  Frisco TX
# 19

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Hurricaine Katrina..Did US Gov act fast enough?
« on: Sep 7th, 2005, 1:34am »
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Well, now that New Orleans is under water the question is did FEMA and the Federal Government act fast enough. I say no they didnt. Its real sad that you can live in a country like the United States and when a tidal wave hits a 3rd world country and the United States is there in less than 12 hours but when a disaster hits citizens in its own country it takes 3 to 4 days for relief to get there. I am not very proud of my country now. With the gas price increases and the government slow to provide aid to its own citizens, and then these citizens ravaging others, killing, stealing and God only knows what else is happening. Its  pathetic when a country as great as the United States lets this kind of thing happen. No preparation at all. I also think that people are gonna learn from this. Next time the whether man says a hurricaine is coming and he advises to get your ass out of need to get your ass out of Dodge.. I dont care if you dont have a car or money or what you just need to get your ass out of there and you take your family members with you so you stay together. I understand that some are not able to get out of there for various reasons. Thats the local governments responsibility to get your ass out of there. You can point your fingers at everyone on this one. The Federal Gov, the state gov, the local gov and even the citizens themselves share in the blame for this catastrophy. One positive aspect from all this crap is now that New Orleans is basically just a big lake now, they can clean it up. Ive been there numerous times and while the city is a fun place to visit its very dirty city. I think it has one of the highest unemployment rates and crime rates in the nation. With all the rebuilding thats gonna be needed... I bet that will change now. You always gotta look at the positives when something like this happens. What scares me is lots of people from New Orleans were sent to Dallas and Houston, Texas. Now, it dont take no genious to figure out a lot of these people sent over from New Orleans were the reason why the city of New Orleans had a high unemployment rate and high crime rate. Hell I read were a car dealership near the Astro Dome in Houston, where all the evacs from New Orleans are staying, reported several automobiles gone. Now I am no detective, but lets be real...who do you think stole themHuh?? Post your comments about the whole mess.
« Last Edit: Sep 7th, 2005, 1:40am by thebeast » IP Logged
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Hong_Kong  Happy Valley
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Re: Hurricaine Katrina..Did US Gov act fast enough
« Reply #1 on: Sep 7th, 2005, 1:54am »
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My heart is heavy for those who were hurt this week by Hurricane Katrina. This was truely a dark time in one nation's history.  We still don't know how many people have died.  Families are torn about.  People have no food and water or shelter.  Three states are totally devastated.  However, none of this breaks my heart as much as the way US government has reacted to this disaster or how many people have responded.
The amount of lawlessness kinda anger me.  I can understand breaking into stores to find food, water and clothes and blankets for yourself and your kids.  In this situation what else are the people going to do?  The stores are closed down and the city might be abandoned for who knows how long.  But when I saw people stealing properties,I was outraged.  What are they going to do with the T.Vs?  The city's flooded, there's no power, and most importantly when help finally comes they will rescue you, but not your T.V.  Then there were people shooting at the helicopters who were coming to rescue them.  Grown men pushing elderly and children out of the way to get a spot on the bus.  It's so hard to convince the government that people are worth saving when they act ignorant.  
I'm apalled. The government can send countless troups to Iraq, but it can't send military support to LA and MS.  You make sure home is taken care of first before you go out and save the world.  Then I heard the president saying it's totally unacceptable that people were stealing food and water.  Well, what else are they going to do ? The people are dehydrated and hungry.  
But I must give those who are helping their neighbors rather than those stealing others' properties.  There are still some people who are good even when they don't have to be and in the face of danger.  Those people are the real heroes in all of this.  And to them God Bless.
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USA  Frisco TX
# 19

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Re: Hurricaine Katrina..Did US Gov act fast enough
« Reply #2 on: Sep 8th, 2005, 10:10pm »
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Okay mistakes were made. We all know this. What good is the finger pointing nowHuh? They are even having hearings now to find out what went wrong. I think everyone knows what went wrong. The hearings just are a waste of  time. Clean the mess up and be prepared next time. All hearings are is more finger pointing. Also, I watched Larry King last night. Sean Penn was on there. Apparently he went down to New Orleans to help. Now..what the hell is Sean Penn doing in New Orleans. What business does he have to be there. He had all the camera men with him also. Hell I would like to go check it out also. I mean I will never see anything like it in my life. It might be kinda neat to see all the destruction and kind of exciting. Some people in this country are very stupid. Also the chief of New Orleans Police was on Larry King. Now there is a classy dude. When he was asked about all the police officers that left New Orleans due to Katrina, his response was "I dont want to discuss or talk about these cowards..I want to discuss the heros who stayed and who are here now rescuing and doing something positive. Now there is a cool dude in my opinion.
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USA  Frisco TX
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Re: Hurricaine Katrina..Did US Gov act fast enough
« Reply #3 on: Sep 9th, 2005, 12:15am »
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More on the actor Sean Penn. I have some more stuff to say about the Activist Sean Penn. Did you know there are thousands of fire fighters and emergency workers waiting outside of New Orleans to get in and help. FEMA wont let them in because they need to have specialized training. But Sean Penn can fly down with his entourage and do whatever. What kind of training does Sean Penn have? Also Penn made sure the reporters and film crew were there to take pictures and film him for the news. If reporters try to take a picture of him out on the town in Hollywood he has a fit. He curses and even sometimes throws punches at anyone who does take his picture. I swear what a hipocryte. I saw him wading in the water in New Orleans...the next day it was reported that there are all kinds of harmful bacteria like e coli and lead in the water...and there is Sean Penn wading in the water for everyone to take his picture.
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Re: Hurricaine Katrina..Did US Gov act fast enough
« Reply #4 on: Sep 9th, 2005, 12:51pm »
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uhmmm did you know that there are floating reports that the hurricane Katrina was mad made hurricane? heard right...according to a report, which is sure to cause controversy.
A meteorologist in Pocatello, Idaho claims that Japanese gangsters more known in locals as YAKUZA caused hurricane Katrina.
"Scott Stevens says after looking at NASA sattelite photos of the hurrican, he is convinced it was caused by electromagnetic generators from ground-based microwave transmitters."
The said generators emit soundwave between three and 30 megahertz and Stevens claims the Russians invented the strom-creating technology back in 1976 and sold it to others in the late 1980s.
The clouds formed by the generators, Steven said, are different than the normal clouds and are able to appear out of nowhere and says Katrina had many rotation points that are unusual for hurricanes.
Atleast 10 nations and organizations possessed the technology however Stevens suspects the YAKUZA created Katrina in order to make a fortune in the futures market and to get even with the US for the 1945 bombing of Hiroshima.
A discussion about this will be seen at the
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