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Dec 22nd, 2024, 4:02am
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Topic: WORD BUILDER (Read 7244 times) |
DEVALUATION delve told vain lain loin toad load vat date valuate late vane dine dint tone tonal void dove vote love nave lave late not nat nod after u answer this then u will give ur own word then next will answer it time to use some of our brain...lets play with words next is: vocabulary
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Premier Expert Philippines
# 133
it's gotta be me...
Posts: 1098
« Reply #1 on: Feb 19th, 2004, 5:53am » |
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[quote vocabulary [/quote] vocal cry cab ray boy bay blur loca next is: dysplexia
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Lord, deliver me from a man who never makes a mistake, and from a man who makes the same mistake twice...
good job analyn dysplexia spy lap lay ax lax lapse lie lies dia dial dials plea pled pleads deal lead pale aid delia dale plex elp yale spa i think that all...damn thats hard... SPECULATION
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Premier Expert Philippines
# 133
it's gotta be me...
Posts: 1098
« Reply #3 on: Feb 19th, 2004, 6:59pm » |
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[quote SPECULATION [/quote] ate eat late seat case peas tan neat net set sent saint tin spent spit line lion spine line cup cups peal leap lace clean teal can let cent lent tips top tops steal spit cats cast tap spinacle stop stone enoughhh.. next is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
« Last Edit: Feb 19th, 2004, 7:00pm by Lynlyn » |
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Lord, deliver me from a man who never makes a mistake, and from a man who makes the same mistake twice...
damn analyn.....i could cry now
« Reply #4 on: Feb 19th, 2004, 8:42pm » |
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pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis tail tale late ate eat pro anti lame anal lane plane plain sore sour some sane same sole soul no nor moan mole mule map maps pass passes cap cup cope come mist trailer trail laser nipple nipples nipps pin eon ion iron neo sis vent euro europe euros sorrie lies lies trium tri pen pencils pencil specs spectrum monitor motor can seal pea nun man men cramps train vault ten traps rain rains cum pics cam camel pen nape nap len lens canon cosmo mic mono volcano micro ultra trap pan micros microscopic microscope silicon air ahhhhh....im not in manila so i think this is enough u making it so hard analyn can i kill u? notification
« Last Edit: Feb 19th, 2004, 10:40pm by mylane » |
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Premier Expert Philippines
# 133
it's gotta be me...
Posts: 1098
« Reply #5 on: Feb 21st, 2004, 4:24am » |
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i'm not making it hard mymy..in fact i'm making it easy..with long word you can make so many words out of it notification action act ion on at cat not fat fit if tin cant can ant of if on ton tin icon fin in can i kill you back mymy? it's hard ... next: settlement
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Lord, deliver me from a man who never makes a mistake, and from a man who makes the same mistake twice...
logn words..makes my eyes crossed....hahahha... i really like this game though settlement me sem set test ten tent men mens ment nest semen settle len lens net next is:REJUVENATION
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Beginner Wellington
# 1046
carpe diem
Posts: 87
« Reply #7 on: Feb 22nd, 2004, 5:17pm » |
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how does this game go? some words right there dont exist....
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I love to sing in the shower. I'm good, too! All my shampoos think so.
welcome back may all u got to do is build a word out of the given word. REJUVENATION
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Premier Expert Philippines
# 133
it's gotta be me...
Posts: 1098
« Reply #9 on: Feb 22nd, 2004, 9:03pm » |
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[quote REJUVENATION [/quote] jive join tire ion ruin jean vein nerve unite nation rain rein retain auntie ratio vine vain naive nine tin on in it at eat neat run jot not vet net tear rat rate near tear torn rave enough..i don't have 5 hours for this word only it's funmay.. precaution
« Last Edit: Feb 22nd, 2004, 9:37pm by Lynlyn » |
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Lord, deliver me from a man who never makes a mistake, and from a man who makes the same mistake twice...
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