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Topic: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin (Read 4294 times) |
# 162

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 432
CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
« on: Nov 23rd, 2005, 11:28pm » |
Hold tight and enjoy the seat Mixin4livin
« Last Edit: Nov 23rd, 2005, 11:30pm by S4ff1r3_65 » |
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Never say good-bye if you still want to try- never give up if you still feel you can go on- never say you don't love a person anymore if you can't let go.
# 162

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 432
Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
« Reply #1 on: Nov 23rd, 2005, 11:47pm » |
Ok let me take the honour to ask your first question. Dont worry I'll go easy on you. My questions are; 1) Where do you originally come from and what ethnicity are you? 2) How old are you? Married / single or still looking? hehee 3) What do you look for in life and in chatroom? 4) In one of your postings you actually mentioned about your experience meeting someone from the internet. Was she really that ugly which made you wanted to run with your running shoes? Is look really matters to you when looking for a date and what sort of beauty would you go for? LOL 5) Describe how you look like hehehe (a) height (b) weight (c) hair-style (d) fashion sense (c) color of your eyes and hair Ok there you go 5 easy questions as an appetizer. Enjoy!
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Never say good-bye if you still want to try- never give up if you still feel you can go on- never say you don't love a person anymore if you can't let go.
Moderator Premier Expert
# 201
 I'm not old, you are just younger. Hehehe!

Posts: 3667
Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
« Reply #2 on: Nov 24th, 2005, 12:45am » |
Hello, RJ! Since you're new here I'll go easy on you...for a while 1. What kind of work do you do? 2. Do you like to read books? If yes, what kind of books? 3. Do you smoke, drink? 4. What are the things that turns you off in a woman? What turns you on? 5. For you, what is a woman's greatest attraction? Breast, butt, face, height? 6. Are you regularly seeing someone from the room? 7. Are you a sexual person? These are all for now and I hope to be back for more. Enjoy your seat!!!!
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She who have not sinned may cast the first stone.
Premier Expert
Happy Valley
# 130

If you don't like my apples, don't shake my tree!
Posts: 2733
Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
« Reply #3 on: Nov 24th, 2005, 3:22am » |
Hello RJ, WELCOME to Celebrity Hotseat ! Relax and enjoy it. We will definitely enjoy being with you too. Have fun! I will be back for my queries.
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In Da MiX
# 224

Posts: 710
Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
« Reply #4 on: Nov 24th, 2005, 3:56am » |
on Nov 24th, 2005, 12:45am, Wicked_Witch wrote:Hello, RJ! Since you're new here I'll go easy on you...for a while 1. What kind of work do you do? 2. Do you like to read books? If yes, what kind of books? 3. Do you smoke, drink? 4. What are the things that turns you off in a woman? What turns you on? 5. For you, what is a woman's greatest attraction? Breast, butt, face, height? 6. Are you regularly seeing someone from the room? 7. Are you a sexual person? These are all for now and I hope to be back for more. Enjoy your seat!!!! |
| WITCHY PLEASE DONT ACT LIKE A STRANGER TO ME TO TEASE ME.... U KNOW ME BETTER THAN ANYONE IN THE ROOM LOL...ANYWAY ... 1. Work as a Resident DJ for a 5 Star Hotel 2. Bloody Hell NO ..A Big "NO" 3. Smoking yes, But Drink only occationaly....I Like to keep my head straight and my sences all the time... 4. TEETH hahaha LOL turns me off some times * For me to know and for u to find out...Im always turned on...LOL 5. Little in everything...little more on sex please lol 6. Nope 7. wanna hear my record ?..11 times within a day with my ex gf...Swear this is the truth These are all for now and I hope to be back for more. Enjoy your seat!!!! Yeah Right this makes me sit on my chair for hours TY Norkay
« Last Edit: Nov 24th, 2005, 8:46am by nOrKAy » |
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In Da MiX
# 224

Posts: 710
Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
« Reply #5 on: Nov 24th, 2005, 4:13am » |
on Nov 23rd, 2005, 11:47pm, Saffire_65 wrote:Ok let me take the honour to ask your first question. Dont worry I'll go easy on you. My questions are; 1) Where do you originally come from and what ethnicity are you? 2) How old are you? Married / single or still looking? hehee 3) What do you look for in life and in chatroom? 4) In one of your postings you actually mentioned about your experience meeting someone from the internet. Was she really that ugly which made you wanted to run with your running shoes? Is look really matters to you when looking for a date and what sort of beauty would you go for? LOL 5) Describe how you look like hehehe (a) height (b) weight (c) hair-style (d) fashion sense (c) color of your eyes and hair Ok there you go 5 easy questions as an appetizer. Enjoy! |
| 1. I Belong to 3 Nationality's... Born in Lapu Lapu - Cebu Grew up in Malaysia and in Srilanka..Holding 2 passports ..Malaysian and Srilankan 2. Im 31 Never Married..still looking 3. Still Learning... you'll be the first to know when I discover lol 4. Looks doesnt bother..But Size does matter... She was 4.8 and Im close to 6 feet..Hey Im not MJ (Michael Jackson) Im RJ lol 5. Some girls say that I look like Brad Pitt (not arm Pitt)... Ask for my cam next time will ya? lol Anything Else Madam...ok Next
« Last Edit: Nov 25th, 2005, 6:45am by RJ » |
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In Da MiX
# 224

Posts: 710
Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
« Reply #6 on: Nov 24th, 2005, 4:21am » |
on Nov 24th, 2005, 3:22am, nOrKAy wrote: Hello RJ, WELCOME to Celebrity Hotseat ! Relax and enjoy it. We will definitely enjoy being with you too. Have fun! I will be back for my queries. |
| TY Kriss... Im Enjoying it.....
« Last Edit: Nov 24th, 2005, 8:49am by nOrKAy » |
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Premier Expert
# 28

in Christ --- the hopeless finds hope
Posts: 3692
Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
« Reply #7 on: Nov 24th, 2005, 5:23am » |
Hi there RJ....nice to see you here.... Here's my share: 1. Which country you want live with for the rest of your life? why? 2. What makes you tick? 3. You said you're still single...what is your type of woman? (for the sake of single ladies out there..ladies thank me later okay) 4. Do you think you're worth fighting for? Why? 5. What are your good qualities? 6. What are your not so good qualities? 7. Are you a jealous type of a guy? possessive? 8. What was the best thing you ever did to your woman? 9. Based from your past relationships, what was the most important lesson you've learned from it? 10. What are your other expertise aside from being a DJ? 11. What makes you happy? sad? 12. Given the chance to do one good deed to someone, who would that be and what deed woud that be? why? 13. Are you accomodating type of a guy? 14. What are your weaknesses in terms of women? 15. What are your rumblings in life? Okay RJ....enjoy your seat...that's all i can think of...
« Last Edit: Nov 24th, 2005, 5:25am by Gracia » |
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The best way to cheer yourself, is to cheer somebody else up

Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
« Reply #8 on: Nov 24th, 2005, 8:42am » |
Hello RJ welcome to the forum and sit back buckel up and hold tight and enjoy the ride lol!!! it will get bumpy soon lol! Question: 1) Jeeeez RJ whats the 11 times within the day? Elaborate? lol! 2) When will I sign my recording contract? lol! 3) Hey Mr DJ can I make a request? Pwede ba yung love song ko? ooops I remember you don't understand Tagalog lol! (can you play my love song please? Or better can you send me a recording of all my favorite lovesongs ? 4) When do you want to get the list? That's all for now ... will be back later
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dOnUtz 9urL
Premier Expert
Anchorage AK
# 54

d rite mate won't make u happy,only an open heart

Posts: 1782
Re: CELEBRITY HOTSEAT #43 Da Rap DJ Mixin4livin
« Reply #9 on: Nov 24th, 2005, 1:00pm » |
wow a DJ in the house.. first of all... welcome to the forum, mixin... or errrr should l call u RJ? we're happy to had you on the hot seat, l wont miss grillin yah and dun worrysince l dunno you, l'll be nice n easy then 1. wat is RJ stand for? 2. color of : - hair ? - eyes ? - skin ? 3. where did you go to school? are you enjoying your teenager at school? 4. what is your favourite music? do you record your own music? 5. which one you prefer... a very pretty gurl but dumb, or a very smart gurl but ugly? lol 6. favourite food? will u share with me? lol 7. hows live in dubai? u like it? is the weather hot there? pls elaborate. 8. wat do you think about the girls in AC1, are they nice? any of them are your crush/crushes? ever got an online relationship b4? 9. do you believe in God? 10. you said ur close to 6 feet... hows the air up there? 11. can u speak malay? okies l might comebak... be good n enjoy the grilling, RJ
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to LOVE for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic
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