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Science & Technology >> Computing & The Internet >> Anyone else with this Yahoo Messenger problem?
(Message started by: ReeBop on Jul 14th, 2004, 11:37pm)

Title: Anyone else with this Yahoo Messenger problem?
Post by ReeBop on Jul 14th, 2004, 11:37pm
If you are having a problem with sending out links with your Yahoo Messenger such as:

please go and visit this webpage to remove this thing


[smiley=hopcat2.gif] [smiley=thump.gif] [smiley=detective.gif]

Title: Re: Anyone else with this Yahoo Messenger problem?
Post by Chamomile on Aug 27th, 2005, 2:34pm


I have not been able to receive offlines with the use of my yahoo messenger for about 3 weeks now. I know it is not my ISP nor my computer because I sent an offline to another yahoo messenger account of mine and when I checked on it, I got the offline. Has anyone else experienced this yahoo messenger problem? What needs to be done?

I have already contacted the yahoo people about this and they gave me this little email which said that they have forwarded my problem to their engineering department for a resolution but that was like a week ago and I have not heard from them since.

I have also changed my password to an alphanumeric code that I can barely remember but the problem persists. Any help or tips or the same experience shared would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Title: Re: Anyone else with this Yahoo Messenger problem?
Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Aug 28th, 2005, 6:46am


What did you do three weeks ago? You must have changed a setting or process that now disables the offline messages from being displayed. I am in no means familiar with the Yahoo settings, but maybe you can remember what you did and either reset it or reverse your action.

Or.....Maybe the person on the other end of the offline is cixelsyD and clicks "Delete" instead of "Send". lmao Or.....You have no Offline messages. Either way...I am just JK'ing Gal, I know you must get plenty of those "Listen...since we were chatting Doc....I have this "Problem"...Yadda Yadda Yadda" lmao. [smiley=laugh4.gif]

So that's why I didn't any Responses back from you Ehh. Hmmm....lol  [smiley=afro.gif]

Title: Re: Anyone else with this Yahoo Messenger problem?
Post by Chamomile on Aug 28th, 2005, 3:00pm

Herr Dale,
I haven't done anything as far as I can recall. I don't think there are any options for the offlines though. I looked and looked and couldn't find any. However, in the course of my search, I found a pair of your socks that you left somewhere in my archives. Come and get it please, its stinking up the place. LOL.

As for your medical problem, just immerse it in hot water, Herr Dale. I assure you, whatever it is, it will come right off in an instant. And of course your insurance will cover it. *winks*

Title: Re: Anyone else with this Yahoo Messenger problem?
Post by mylane on Aug 28th, 2005, 3:11pm
may i tried to send you an offline messages lastnite...did u get it or not?

what is the version of yahoo messenger?

Title: Re: Anyone else with this Yahoo Messenger problem?
Post by Chamomile on Aug 28th, 2005, 3:59pm

I didn't get your offlines, I'm sorry. Its really crazy. I was having the same problem with my old yahoo and still having the same with the latest yahoo version 7,0,0,426.

Title: Re: Anyone else with this Yahoo Messenger problem?
Post by apric0t on Aug 28th, 2005, 4:36pm

I had the same problem, until about a week ago when I got an offline after about a month of not getting any. T'was a day late though. Of course it could be that no one really sent me an offline for a month but I dunno, cause usually I get at least two offlines a week. I haven't changed anything in my ym settings.

Title: Re: Anyone else with this Yahoo Messenger problem?
Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Aug 28th, 2005, 9:42pm


I was wondering if your are using a wireless Laptop, or maybe you are often on "SMS" as your away setting? You might have a problem in that area of your connection.

Ohh...My socks?? THAT'S where they went...Dang. I have been searching High & Low for those Original 100% Squirrel Fur Beauties. They need proper storage, and if they don't get it they will lose all that comfy Squirrel "Goodness". Ohh well...I will be by on Thursday as usual to get 'em.

Title: Re: Anyone else with this Yahoo Messenger problem?
Post by chantiq on Aug 29th, 2005, 2:28pm
Hi Tea.  Have you been going to other yahoo sites that require you to sign-in, such as yahoo-games or the web-based yahoo chat?  Why don't you try logging into one of the games on Yahoo, lets say yahoo pool, until you get to the java based games.  Then exit and sign out completely.

Title: Re: Anyone else with this Yahoo Messenger problem?
Post by Chamomile on Aug 29th, 2005, 3:14pm

Maybe it will just fix itself and one day I'll just be surprised that I've got truckloads of offlines from people proposing marriage. Yeah, right. LOL.

Herr Dale
I am not using wireless laptpop nor do I log on my yahoo mobile often. It's really puzzling because as far as I know, I didn't change any options.

100% Squirrel fur socks, eh? Herr Dale, with a heavy heart I will have you know that they look like a pair of grey rats to me. I almost sic Bruno my cat on them except that I forgot I had Bruno for dinner the night before. Yummmmmmmmmmm.

Thanks, I tried that but doesn't work, either. Sigh.

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