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Science & Technology >> Computing & The Internet >> How do you feel about Windows XP Starter Edition?
(Message started by: ReeBop on Jan 13th, 2005, 3:00am)

Title: How do you feel about Windows XP Starter Edition?
Post by ReeBop on Jan 13th, 2005, 3:00am
In response to several Asian goverments making noises about moving to Linux and recommending it to their citizens, Mircrosoft is now putting into beta a cut down version of Windows XP to sell at a very cheap price.  Also, Microsoft is targetting the pirate sales of their products as well.  The big known "feature" of this software is the ability to run only 3 programs at one time.
How do you feel about this?  This version will not be sold in the West but only to Asia and to "developing" nations that have publically expressed interest in moving to Linux.  Is this the right answer? Are citizens properly served by this product instead of localized freely available Linux products?

Title: Re: How do you feel about Windows XP Starter Editi
Post by mylane on Feb 25th, 2005, 8:04am
Thats a good thing...cheap price for Microsoft XP, since most of us here in PI are using the pirated ones....lol ;D

So far as linux is concern, if your a developer of opensource programs....then I will go for linux beside as far as i know, correct me if I'm wrong....there is no virus so far for linux since it is free.  ???

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