Title: Monochrome BBS Post by ReeBop on Feb 23rd, 2005, 7:44am I thought I would pass along a place that I've been a member of for.....holy mackrel, 12 years? It a text BBS in the UK called Monochrome. Before the web was of any real use and anything commerical on the Internet was illegal, Monochrome was the place to go for information, chat, posting to forums and general online mayhem. In fact, I wanted the group Babble to be like the General Babble Chat on Monochrome. I still log in from time to time, see that newbies from long ago become admins, and really enjoy revisiting how BBSing was done long ago. To visit and see what Monochrome is like, visit their website at: http://www.mono.org There is something to be said about BBSs in general. Sometimes, I feel that we the people are beginning to lose control of the Internet to government scrutiny or greedy corporate interests. The one place that won't be controlled are the BBSs that still exist today. Yes, they are not glitzy, pretty graphics and sounds. But, they are fast, can be a vast resource of information and if the Internet falls under the control of corporations, could be the source of online information. I was once the proud sysop of my BBS Foucault's Pendulum, and I just may start it back up again. Never forget, it's the information and what peopel think that are important, not the pretty graphics, sounds, spyware and javascript popup ads. [smiley=icon_drink.gif] [smiley=soapbox.gif] [smiley=icon_drink.gif] |
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