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Science & Technology >> Computing & The Internet >> SPYSHERIFF- anyone familiar with this?
(Message started by: Wicked_Witch on Jan 10th, 2006, 3:48am)

Title: SPYSHERIFF- anyone familiar with this?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 10th, 2006, 3:48am
Ok, here's where my trouble started. One day I logged on, and this spysheriff was right there scanning my computer. I thought nothing of it since my anti-virus do that all the time, I mean scan all the time without me asking it to. But it got my attention when after scanning, it showed me how badly infected my computer is!! Then when my son clicked on the Internet Explorer (he doesn't know I uses Firefox)..this message came up on the screen in a dark blue background that looked sinister!

        Detected SPYware!! System error #384

Your IP address is Using this address a remote computer has gained access to your computer and is probably collecting the information about the sites you've visited and the files contained in the Temporay Internet Files. Attention!! Ask for help or install the softwares for deleting secret information about the sites you've visited.

      ISP of transmission:       90
      Your IP address:   
      They know you're using: Mozilla/4.0 compatiple:MSIE
                                              6.0 NI 5.1; SV; Fub Web
      Your computer is:             Windows XP
      Risk status for further
         investigation:                VERY HIGH RISK!!!

    Ok..these are what I read in my computer. (Btw, it has the right IP address.) I did check the site and that's where I saw this SPYsheriff. I do lag, gets pop-ups, my computer right now is at a snail's pace (meaning soooooooo slow). It has a free download, but when I try to run it, I was told by microsoft that the source of SPYsheriff is unknown to them and was asking me if I want to take the risk. Can anyone help me out with this? Does anyone know anything about this SPYsheriff? I did not download it and I'm wondering how did it come to be doing a scan on my computer when I know I did not ask it to and that I do not have it in my downloaded programs? I will appreciate it if anyone can enlighten me on this. I really do not know ANYTHING about the technical stuffs concerning computers. So please....HELPPPPPP!!!!

Title: Re: SPYSHERIFF- anyone familiar with this?
Post by Jimbo on Jan 11th, 2006, 1:44am

Title: Re: SPYSHERIFF- anyone familiar with this?
Post by ReeBop on Jan 11th, 2006, 7:19am
Well, don't think too much about that window popping up.  Here is what they did...
1.  Javascript popup - This is the actual window that popped up in front of you when you went to that website.  It is an embedded Javascript code applet that makes the window popup when you visit their site.  Firefox will stop the majority of them.
2. Apache Web Statistics - It probably did look a little scarey, didn't it?  Here it is, your IP address, the web browser you are using, and the operating system.  Wow, how did they know that?  Well, it is a very common logging feature to any site running the Apache Web Server.  I'm sure IIS for Windows does the same thing.  Every web browser sends an identifying message to the web server telling it what web browser and operating system you are using.  Also, it sends the IP address of where the computer is viewing the web page.  

What these people did is just scrape the information from the webserver log, and pasted it right in front of you in a scary looking Javascript popup.  They want you to use their product and their services.  Be careful though, some of these free "spyware" detection programs are spyware unto themselves.  

Does that help?

Title: Re: SPYSHERIFF- anyone familiar with this?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 11th, 2006, 8:06am
That's what I'm hoping too, Ree. So now are you saying my computer is not in danger of crashing down? But how do u explain these bad lagging, too slow when connecting, and the flickers i get on my screen, like a flash of lightning? It gives me the feeling that my computer is gonna blow up anytime soon! And about those sites that u gave me...u said to download them...all three of them? Or I can just pick one? Thanks. I can breath easily now  ....whewww!

Title: Re: SPYSHERIFF- anyone familiar with this?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 11th, 2006, 8:08am

on 01/11/06 at 01:44:11, Jimbo wrote:

I tried the one that u gave me in the other topic and it won't let me. Sez my default browser is not Internet Explorer.

Title: Re: SPYSHERIFF- anyone familiar with this?
Post by ReeBop on Jan 11th, 2006, 8:39am
Yes, that's right.  Download those three programs.  Any other spyware, antivirus or personal firewall program must be removed first before installing these three.  You will see what will happen when you run Spybot and AntiVir.  You will also be suprised.
Don't worry, the SpySheriff site is scaring many people every day with that phoney baloney trick.  Now that I told you that they are not working "black magic", just go fetch what I suggested and get cracking on fixing your system.  My next job for a client is removing a nasty piece of computer crap called "WinFixer 2005".  "WinFixer" my tookus.....That thing is one nasty piece of crap that can hide itself from Norton Antivirus and McAfee.  Anyway, I digress......

P.S.  What does it tell you when you go to read about Windows security and they requre you to read it with Internet Explorer?  Think about it.....

Title: Re: SPYSHERIFF- anyone familiar with this?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 11th, 2006, 3:03pm
Hehehehe! Thanks!

Title: Re: SPYSHERIFF- anyone familiar with this?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 1st, 2006, 7:27am
Sheez..I have just reformatted my PC and now I'm having another problem again. EVerytime I logged on it always restart right away after a couple of minutes. My tech said my computer must be overloading or something so I deleted some of the programs that occupies a lot of space in my memory. And I'm still having the same problem. Short of throwing this computer in the trash, anyone else can give me some advice on what to do?

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