Title: "Screen-Resolutions" Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 13th, 2006, 12:22am Hello, mates! This is already kind of embarassing that I seems to be the only one that is always having problems with my computer. Well, I can't help being a dumby....you know what they say, Beauties are always dumbies? Hehehehe! Anyway, my problem this time is about the size of everything in my computer. When I open my screen it feels like I am looking at everything under a magnifying glass. I tried to change my settings but my screen resolution is kinda fixed? It won't change..I don't know why it is that now because in the past whenever this happened I just move it a little to get my desired size. Now it's fixed on "less". Can anyone tell me what to do? It bothers me a lot coz I can only see one patagraph coz my screen is full alread! Helpppppp!! :-[ :-[ :-[ |
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