Title: Apple Safari Now for Windows! Post by ReeBop on Jun 13th, 2007, 7:33pm Apple has released a beta version of their Safari web browser for Windows XP and Vista. http://www.geeksters.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=651 Apple is touting some very impressive page rendering times over the competition but how about security issues? Those remain to be seen. Safari is based on KHTML which powers the Konqueror web browser on KDE. I think Konqueror is ok, but I have had some quirky rendering issues in the past. I'm downloading mine now to give it a test drive and see how it looks. [smiley=icon_dance.gif] |
Title: Re: Apple Safari Now for Windows! Post by ReeBop on Jun 13th, 2007, 7:44pm My first opinion is that this thing is fast. Very fast compared to Firefox. Opera is rather slow to me, so I'm sure that it will appear even quicker compared to Opera. I'm not a huge fan of the brushed metal look however. It is also taking half the memory that Firefox is occupying at the moment. 71.5 megabytes compared to 145 megabytes for Firefox. I do have several tabs open at the moment in Firefox though. I'll compare the memory usage to Opera when I get home to load it on my notebook. Keep in mind, the system requirements for Safari are 256 megabytes and Windows XP or Vista. There is no version for 2000, ME or 98SE. |
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