Title: Success!!! Internet On My Laptop Through Bluetooth Post by ReeBop on Apr 1st, 2008, 12:54am Today, after I finished some job projects, I decided to once and for all setup Dial Up Networking over Bluetooth from my Treo to both my personal laptops in Linux. I have done this in Windows on my corporate laptop with a special Treo program, but never in Linux. After several attempts, I could not figure out why it wasn't working. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find the proper settings to use, but I did stumble on the right access server name of "internet3.voicestream.com". Most all sites mention either "wap.voicestream.com" or "internet2.voicestream.com". I have the Total Internet package on my plan and have needed to use it before when I'm traveling or in a place where I have no WiFi access. T-Mobile does not offer the highest speed over their EDGE connection, but at about 118k, it is more than enough to browse and check e-mail. Also, T-Mobile claims that over 75 percent of their network has an EDGE connection, so I feel confident I can get decent speed most anyplace I travel. Now, I can easily setup my Linux laptops without any special software. Huzzah! [smiley=icon_super.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_super.gif] |
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