Title: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by ReeBop on Jan 2nd, 2004, 4:57pm Well, I decided to take my main linux workstation to the Fedora Core 1 I will have clients on it, and I will need to have a system with it running. I will keep my existing servers on RedHat 7.3 however. Stay Tuned.... |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by ReeBop on Jan 2nd, 2004, 6:06pm ok, the latest is that after repeated attempts, I could not do a direct update. So, I thought how about a "stepped" approach to my problem. I have RedHat 8.0 and 9.0 cdroms as well. I'm in the middle of a 8.0 update and all seems well for the moment. I will update to 9.0 after that, then, try the Fedora Core update. I'm not sure why this is happening. |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by madd on Jan 2nd, 2004, 6:09pm What version did you update to Fedora orginally? Since Fedora was really supposed to be 10, updating from 9 would make sense. Perhaps it needs something from 9. I wonder why linuxiso.org doesn't display 8.0 downloads? Any noticeable difference between 9 and Fedora? Aside from putting in the cd's and updating? :P |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by ReeBop on Jan 2nd, 2004, 9:04pm well, from what I understand, fedora core is a minor update to 9.0 with a new system of updating. I made the upgrade from 7.3 to 8.0 with no problems. I am updating from 8.0 to Fedora Core without problems except for one....Fedora did not know what my monitor was, and couldn't find my serial mouse....which 8.0 did. Actually, I thought I was going to have to go from 8.0 to 9.0, then to Fedora Core. Hopefully if stable, will save me a few hours of config. |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by madd on Jan 2nd, 2004, 10:57pm Thats not a surprise with the monitor and mouse. 8 knew my sound card right away. 9 got confused and couldn't detect it. Very strange that 9. Wonder if just around then they cut a few corners just to ship it out. Whatever it was, I think they rushed it out more so than 8. |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by ReeBop on Jan 3rd, 2004, 12:04pm well, I got it running last night. Unfortunately, I have to use a slightly older kernel to make the sound work. They haven't made a new alsa rpm for the newer kernel yet. I'm not in the mood to compile that beast. I did get voice chat to work on it, but, no mic support. The developer for the voice software also has issues with ever writing proper documentation. There are some errors....gnome won't load. My KDE settings did migrate though, but, I have several hours of reloading and house cleaning to do on it. |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by ReeBop on Jan 8th, 2004, 12:54pm Ok, I now have most of my tools reloaded on my system, and my years of data are still intact. I setup the DVD stuff, but, neither mPlayer or Xine are working right. I hope to run cd burning tests soon. Also, I need to find out how to add to the window manager choices in the login menu. This is not readily apparent. I have a complete XFce desktop on this system and will add IceWM and possibly the ROX Desktop as well. Time for a little digging on Google....... |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by scottman on Nov 23rd, 2004, 7:43pm I've decided to give the Fedora core a shot --I first tried to upgrade an redhat 8.0 laptop but that is not going very well so I think I'll just do an install from scratch. I'll let ya know how it ends up. |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by scottman on Nov 24th, 2004, 2:55am Well, I have to say, it installed relatively painlessly. I did have to do the install twice as I managed to screw up the video configuration after the intial install; and I figured it was easier to just do the install again then try to undo what I did ;D I am, in fact, posting this message from said Fedora Core laptop running the FireFox browser (which I really like) so we'll see how things go... |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by ReeBop on Nov 24th, 2004, 2:57am Well scottman, my next task is the upgrade from Fedora Core 1 to Fedora Core 3. We'll see how that goes. |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by scottman on Nov 24th, 2004, 3:08am good luck! For the record I did go to Fedora Core 3... |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by scottman on Dec 7th, 2004, 10:56pm Fedora core and the wireless network... picked up a belkin wireless router and pcmcia card yesterday. Plugged the router into a hub on my home network, worked without a lick of problems. Getting the network adapter to work; that took a bit of reading and expierementing though. Belkin does not provide drivers for fedora core nor was I able to find a native driver. What I finally did to get it working was download a tool called "NDISWRAPPER". This allowed me to install the windows ndis driver from the belkin install CD using the .inf file onto my fedora core laptop. Them messing around with the modprobe utility and the wlan0 configuration I was able to get it to work. Took a couple hours but it is working like a champ! |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by ReeBop on Dec 7th, 2004, 11:01pm That's great. I'm a little scared to try FC3 on my desktop because of some horror stories about updating. I really dread wiping a system clean and starting over. If you ever have troubles using ndiswrapper, try the Linuxant wireless drivers. Although not open source, they are free as in beer and saved my bacon with the $15 Super G card I bought. The ndiswrapper would never work with it. I hope they get it working sometime though. [smiley=icon_drink.gif] |
Title: Re: The Jump to Fedora Core Post by scottman on Dec 7th, 2004, 11:08pm I can feel the fear on the upgrade... i've got a server at home that drives my home network and is the "Gateway to the internet" via a DSL connection. It currently runs REDHAT 7 and I'm scared to death to upgrade that in fear of having to reconfigure all the routing and ipmasq. not to mention the DSL configurations and firewall rules -- I shiver at the thought!! Hopefully, the drivers for the WAN cards will come with the kernel soon; just like the lan cards do... FC4??? |
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