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Science & Technology >> Linux, BSD & Open Source >> Building a New Multimedia Machine
(Message started by: ReeBop on Mar 7th, 2004, 11:41am)

Title: Building a New Multimedia Machine
Post by ReeBop on Mar 7th, 2004, 11:41am
Well, I got tired of DVD's skipping on my multimedia machine in the living room.  I have taken my hobby machine with an AGP port, and I will use my same old hard drives as before and build up a new one.  This time, I will use a GeForce 256 + Creative DXR2 DVD playback card combo to achive my results.  I will post how it all works out.  Actually, the other machine was faster, but, the video was built on board and no AGP slot was present.  The 16 meg TNT2 PCI card was not strong enough for what I wanted.

Title: Re: Building a New Multimedia Machine
Post by ReeBop on Mar 9th, 2004, 11:43pm
Well, it turns out that the GeForce256 / Cinemaster 3.0 card could not be used together.  There are no drivers for the Cinemaster 3.0 card that I could find.  I went back to using the TNT 16 meg card.  First though, I had a 450 mhz processor to replace the 400 mhz slot chip.  I then downloaded the Nvidia drivers from their site.  I ran into a big problem though getting the driver to work.  I found that I had to enable a IRQ for the video card and switch off the motherboard plug and play.  Then, everything was perfect.  I now have a multimedia system that plays DVD with no skipping.

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