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Science & Technology >> Linux, BSD & Open Source >> Knoppix 3.4 Released
(Message started by: ReeBop on May 3rd, 2004, 11:56pm)

Title: Knoppix 3.4 Released
Post by ReeBop on May 3rd, 2004, 11:56pm
My favorite linux tool has released a new version.  Knoppix 3.4 features kernel 2.6.5, KDE 3.2.2 and a NX client.  The bad news is that it hasn't made the mirrors yet and is only available as a bittorrent.  I am not a treamendous BT fan at this time and I tend to favor a ftp site to grab my distros.

Title: Re: Knoppix 3.4 Released
Post by ReeBop on May 7th, 2004, 7:39am
I've downloaded and burned my Knoppix 3.4.  My first impressions are favorable, but I found that Xine ( a popular Linux movie player) does not work when booting under Kernel 2.6.  I haven't tried mp3's yet with XMMS.  KDE 3.2.2 is very quick and responsive.

Title: Re: Knoppix 3.4 Released
Post by killerabbit on Nov 2nd, 2004, 12:14pm
A friend of mine is going to let me have a copy of Knoppix(not sure which version) from a bootable cd.Any suggestions of how to play with it? ;DThe reason he is doing it is because im having problems with my DVD burner when it comes to making a data disc or anything else for that matter.We tried troubleshooting it but to no avail.I just think my burner program is out of date.I want to try Nero but Im afraid it will interfere with some programs of mine.O what to do.It copies movies great with the DVD XPRESS program.Any hints?Will linux do the trick?let me know [smiley=gossip.gif]

Title: Re: Knoppix 3.4 Released
Post by ReeBop on Nov 10th, 2004, 5:48pm
Nero won't interfere with your programs.  I would advise getting the latest Knoppix and use XCDRoast that is on the cdrom.  All you do is boot the system with the Knoppix cdrom and let it run.  It does not install itself or write anything to your harddrive unless you tell it to do so.  It's also a wonderful way to learn Linux without installing it.  Post if you have anymore questions.

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