Title: Mandriva the start of something new? Post by ReeBop on Apr 21st, 2005, 5:56am Not long ago, MandrakeSoft (Linux Mandrake) and Connectiva merged. The first Linux release of the combined company is Mandriva Linux Limited 2005. Think of this as a test of new technologies for the flagship release of Mandriva 2006 in the fall. It appears that Mandriva will slow down their release schedule to once per year. That sounds good for those wishing to roll out this distro for their company desktop. The bad thing is that certain exciting software updates may not be readily available some users. Take for example KDE 3.4. Yes, you can find KDE 3.4 created by Thac. If you ever try to install a KDE version created by Thac, it can be a study in frustration. Never before have I seen such dependency problems. I'm sure Thac means well and works very hard on his files, but they are nearly impossible to install. I do hope that Mandriva will make optional updates available when key software is updated. I still recommend this for any beginning Linux user. [smiley=icon_drink.gif] |
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