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Science & Technology >> Linux, BSD & Open Source >> OpenSUSE is now Open
(Message started by: ReeBop on Aug 10th, 2005, 8:03pm)

Title: OpenSUSE is now Open
Post by ReeBop on Aug 10th, 2005, 8:03pm
What used to be a Linux favorite of mine, SUSE Linux, is now freely available for download.


I stopped using SUSE about 5 years ago due to 2 reasons:  The documentation for setting up network printing was nearly nonexistant and incorrect and that freely available CDROM images were removed from their download.  I bought boxes of SUSE regularly, but 2 boxes per year with the cost going higher and higher made me cut back.  I would eventually get around the print problem when I went 100 percent RedHat in my ISP network.  I did like the fact that other parts of the documentation were good and that all my devices would work straight away.  The SAX video card tool I felt was revolutionary.  I will be setting up a SUSE box soon....probably erasing the PCLinuxOS system I created before (ever talk to their community? what a bunch of snots) and install a nice SUSE system there. Funny, on my main work monitor, I still have the SUSE Linux sticker that was free inside a SUSE Linux box in 2000.  

Huzzah to Novell and SUSE!

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