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Science & Technology >> Linux, BSD & Open Source >> Linux for that Older Computer
(Message started by: ReeBop on Feb 28th, 2006, 5:24pm)

Title: Linux for that Older Computer
Post by ReeBop on Feb 28th, 2006, 5:24pm
I did an article today about running Linux on older hardware:


What do I consider older hardware?  Take a Pentium 90 up to about 500 mhz and less than 64 megabytes of RAM.  Do not expect a home theatre from a machine like this. Expect though a fully secure workstation with a nicely done graphical user interface, up to date e-mail and secure web browsing.  Yes, I tend to use a machine like this as a firewall / router for clients, but there is no reason at all to toss something as usable as this era of hardware.  Take a look at the article and see!


Title: Re: Linux for that Older Computer
Post by ReeBop on Sep 21st, 2006, 7:59pm
I ran across this article today on PolishLinux.org.


They made mention of a few more Linux distributions to run on older hardware and a few tips I found to be very helpful.  DeliLinux (http://www.delilinux.de/) is a very good way to run Linux on hardware even less powerful than what I recommended before about VectorLinux.  The real helpful tip was for web browsing.  When you are considering Linux on a resource limited PC, modern web browsers can take up lots of memory.  The author recommended Opera 7.11.  I have used Opera 7.11 before and it is a fine browser.  How much less memory it uses over the latest version of Opera is something I don't know, but that is a great tip.  Let me know here if any of you are ready to take the dive into Linux on that older computer or visit me at Geeksters.org (http://www.geeksters.org) in the forums.

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