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Science & Technology >> Science & Gadgetry >> Website Browsing Through Cellphone
(Message started by: nOrKAy on Aug 9th, 2006, 11:33am)

Title: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by nOrKAy on Aug 9th, 2006, 11:33am

I rarely use my phone to access the internet, but I sometimes have to use it when I am not home. I have a problem browsing few websites through my phone, particularly the forum, 1freeworld.net . I can easily open other sites, I wonder why I can't open our forum's site. I can open though the main page [1freewold Technologies] but when I go to "Groups" [forum], it always comes out to be "page can not be displayed".

Any idea about what is wrong, what I have to do? I don't think it's my WAP service provider, and neither my phone [Motorola RAZR V3X].

Thanks!  ;D

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by thebeast on Aug 18th, 2006, 12:38am

on 08/09/06 at 11:33:30, nOrKAy wrote:
I rarely use my phone to access the internet, but I sometimes have to use it when I am not home. I have a problem browsing few websites through my phone, particularly the forum, 1freeworld.net . I can easily open other sites, I wonder why I can't open our forum's site. I can open though the main page [1freewold Technologies] but when I go to "Groups" [forum], it always comes out to be "page can not be displayed".

Any idea about what is wrong, what I have to do? I don't think it's my WAP service provider, and neither my phone [Motorola RAZR V3X].

Thanks!  ;D

Kris I think the phone is only capable of surfing a few kinds of sites...I am only able to access my email with my razr and it takes forever.

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by nOrKAy on Aug 22nd, 2006, 7:12am

Hiya Joel, thanks!  :-*

Really? Hmmm, why is that so? Dang, I can even browse porn sites and not 1freeworld?  :( Huh? Haha, joke.  ;D

Well, the reason why I need to have the Forum site accessible through my phone, is I'll be on my job relocation [Korea] next week and I'm not sure if I will be able to have my own computer inside my office. I'm afraid computers are shared. I won't be able to have an internet connection even if I'll bring my laptop since I'll be staying in a hotel, because I'll be working there only for two months or so. The more that I don't want either going to an internet cafe.

It's really weird because I am able to open the main page of the forum. I can see all the groups and the lastest posters, but when I log in, it never works.  :(

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by Gracia on Aug 22nd, 2006, 7:21am

I can even browse porn sites and not 1freeworld?   Huh? Haha, joke.  

I've encountered the same problem with yours Krissy about browsing freeworld.  I never made it though, till I decided to give up.  I assume some settings on my cellphone did not match or something.  Though I can browse other things but not porn sites yet, but if u'll provide me the site now...i might try ;) jokinggggggg

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by ReeBop on Aug 22nd, 2006, 7:38am
The reason that you cannot browse this site with your cell phone is because of your browser that comes with your cell phone.  Most cell phone browsers cannot do Perl and this what runs this forum.  If you can use a Java app on your phone, see if you can use the Opera mini browser for cell phones.  That one will allow you to see the forum.

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by nOrKAy on Aug 22nd, 2006, 7:39am

Gracie! LMAO.  [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by nOrKAy on Aug 22nd, 2006, 7:43am

Hiya ReeBop!

Now, that's a good possibility. I will try Java app.

I'll be back! Hope I will make it.  [smiley=hopcat2.gif]
I'll bring you tacos if it will work. Hehe.

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by nOrKAy on Sep 28th, 2006, 5:40am

No progress on my problem about not being able to open the forum site. I tried the Java , Mike, but it's not accessible. I think because I am only allowed to use the browser my phone service provider provides. So, I can't avoid my absences in here.

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Sep 29th, 2006, 2:33pm
hey krissy ;D
I can always open forum from my PDA phone, as a matter of fact I did always posting with it before. but since this year, my grps get higher so so expensive to browse using it cuz they charge per kb.
I think its because your cellphone's operating system is not compatible, so you cant open the website. mine is already on windows so I can open anything, its just cost alot so I never do it anymore.

I'll get back to you if I can find the problem with the motorola razr ;D

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by ReeBop on Sep 29th, 2006, 7:57pm
Hiya Beth!!!!  I have found out with my cell phone that they can actually disable certain features of your phone depending on your provider.  Take my Nokia 6010 for instance.  I read that I could use the Opera browser on it, but my provider has somehow "crippled" the phone so I cannot load it.  It may be an option though to use Opera if you haven't tried it yet.

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Oct 3rd, 2006, 5:04am
Ree Ree ;D

Yup you can use opera as the browser, but opera also work only on some cellphones.
it's good thow for nokia cuz it wasnt on window base, so opera is a good option. ;D
But yes, it depends on your provider, if they disable it then u cant use it, but what kind of connection they provide on the cellphone for internet? are they using GPRS? Cuz sometimes if they were using GPRS it could be expensive and that's why they turn off the opera.

But krissy is in HongKong, she can use Wi-Fi anywhere I think, Cuz in HongKong I believe lotsa Wi-fi everywhere for free, except that the motorola razr dont have wi-fi so she have to stick to GPRS.
But I read in the features of it, it wasnt compatible I think.

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by ReeBop on Oct 3rd, 2006, 6:00am
Yes, good point Beth.  My new cheapie phone has the capability to run it, but T-Mobile makes it so you can't on their service.  I do use the Yahoo Messenger on it however.  I may go ahead and use a cell phone that my long term contract job offered me as well.  That one has a built in browser and I wonder how things will look here.

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by nOrKAy on Oct 5th, 2006, 4:38am

on 09/29/06 at 19:57:21, ReeBop wrote:
 I have found out with my cell phone that they can actually disable certain features of your phone depending on your provider.  Take my Nokia 6010 for instance.  I read that I could use the Opera browser on it, but my provider has somehow "crippled" the phone so I cannot load it.  It may be an option though to use Opera if you haven't tried it yet.

Exactly what I figured out. No matter how much sophisticated your mobile phone is, it's still depends on what features does your phone service provider allow you to access. My Motorola V3X also has Java app. but it's not accessible. :(

Beth! Thanks a lot for your attention. I appreciate it. I am planning to go back to Nokia though. ;D

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by ReeBop on Dec 13th, 2006, 6:42pm
I'm keeping my eye out for a good deal on a Treo 650.  Also in a related vein, I found that the Konquerer I use in my Zaurus is really lacking.  I can't see many sites properly and can't even use the Shoutbox here.  No GMail, no Yahoo Mail.  I am hoping I can get Opera 7.30 loaded on it shortly to fix that problem.  I used the version of Opera that came on the Zaurus before I "flashed" the unit with a more current Linux and was impressed.  

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Jan 25th, 2007, 1:04pm
Ree  ;D
I used to open this site from my cellphone long time ago  ;D it working properly and very ok  :D specially because I use XDA II before, so its bigger screen compare to the XDA II mini that I had now.
But now never use it again since they charged per kb with GPRS connection, so if I open my ie browser, it will cost me alot. Long time ago I am in a package that let me use it unlimited. now they no longer exist  :'(  :'(  :'(

Oh well I am using puter now hihihihi  :P ::)

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by ReeBop on Feb 21st, 2007, 6:36pm
I can see the forum fine on my Treo but I have problems with some banking sites as well as Yahoo Mail.  I do wish they would update Blazer on the 650 like they did on the newer models.  

Title: Re: Website Browsing Through Cellphone
Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Feb 26th, 2007, 11:53am
wow I dunno that palm work purdy good for the forum ;D cool  ;D
Normally they'll have the update purdy soon, wont take long time for the update I guess.
By the way I just bought the newest nokia CDMA cellphone  ;D yay
But for GSM I'll stick to my XDA II mini cuz its window base  :D  :D

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