Title: New nicknames Post by madd on Feb 8th, 2004, 1:24am Generally in the room, people will give other people new nicknames. So post away. A new nickname for Mylene is "tiny woman" said not by me, but by someone else. I won't say who it is. ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by mylane on Feb 8th, 2004, 2:11am tiny woman? huh? im not tiny....who the heck told u that? tiny brain maybe but not tiny woman...lol ;D |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by madd on Feb 8th, 2004, 2:27am i'm not telling. ;D |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by mylane on Feb 12th, 2004, 6:08am analyn = ac board sweetheart keen = ac board hearthrob ;D |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by ReeBop on Feb 12th, 2004, 11:15am :o mymy said "throb"! :o |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 12th, 2004, 10:11pm matt = mymy's annoyer mymy = matt's object of annoyment ;D |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by madd on Feb 12th, 2004, 10:21pm Thats a good one ana. I like it ;D ;D |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by ray69 on Feb 19th, 2004, 10:20pm u told me mylane that ur voluptuous ;D i can imagine.... |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by mylane on Feb 20th, 2004, 6:02am ???ray? me voluptuous? how u know? i haven't even told anyone? ;D mike = anti balut....damn gracia= asia's songer birdie ;D |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by okasantina on Mar 15th, 2004, 7:38pm :D :D :D :D Dont know what to say but to laugh at all what i am reading.... hahahahha |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by tarantada on Mar 29th, 2004, 3:22am Hernando - Godzilla ray69- snaku keen- Peppe mylane- makahiya ;D |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by coochie_baby03 on Apr 16th, 2004, 8:08am ;D ;DNani= Noox Cookie= Coox Tea= DOOX Fishdowngurl=Fix Mahself=chix Marieta=Mamacita Monty=NiceParson Looky=Loox..just made it up ;D ;D Bige=Babyface Nette=Pokinetters, fekfek Mylene=mymy sexybiatch ;D ;D Cant think of any.... |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by netteski on Apr 17th, 2004, 6:44am Hahhahaha cooch...i love your nick as it is...but i wanted to add 1 more....coochie-coochie ASS...lol nice ass that is |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by netteski on Apr 17th, 2004, 6:47am Mymy = mymy as it is Tina = I used to call her Tina (kasan) Heidy = Chikiniheidy-0 Nani = Mah little sistah Tea = Teatea Sarah = Potpowetski, nice competition with coochie-coochie ass Lou = Papalou I love calling people with SKI in the end..dunno why...coz i love to be called NETTESKI hmmmm. .... i remember fyner called me netter the first time i met her...so she gave me that nick originally. i miss fyner where are you :( |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by capricorn1971ad on Apr 17th, 2004, 12:40pm i miss denden too :'( sheh hasnt logged on at all in like 2 months, hope she is ok, we need to put out an APB on her butt |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by sointowin1963 on May 20th, 2004, 12:30am Mylene seems like a kick! New Nicknames? Dunno any. Seems like no one rally knows any! :o |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by need4speed8dalejr on May 28th, 2004, 11:43pm There are too many new nicknames in AC1. There isn't a week that passes that someone doesn't send me a PM or says it openly in the forum that they are so & so , and why didn't I recognize them in the room. Too funny really. I get a kick outta some of the new nicknames, but I really do forget most of them right away, because I first chatted with them under their old nickname, which to me, is THE only nickname I will respond to in the room most of the time. I also have to say that most of the time there is no real valid reason for them to change their nickname, other than to be a little different, or maybe to lurk in the room undetected. Whatever people!! I also have to say that people who switch nicknames alot, I quickly become suspicious of. What are these people doing? I never understand that. Running from a stalker or something like that is a very valid reason, but just for the heck-of-it sucks. They obviously don't want people to get to know the person behind the ID, and if they switch ID's online alot, then their personal life must be unstable as well. Just my thoughts folks. Dale, why don't you really tell us what you think? ROFL [smiley=afro.gif] |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by okasantina on Jun 1st, 2004, 4:06am Dale ..... im just about to plan what would be the cute nickname to change eh lol ..... hehehe Well....me i agree to that...it iz zometimez confuzing me ...who and how to greet them cuz they keep on changing their nick namez...i know they have their own reason...and its not on my buzinezz anymore...but zometimez it annoyz ....... Hmmmmm ... if ever i would change my nickname QuEeNbEe....what would that be??? ::) ::) ::) any suggestions? ;D ;D :P |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by need4speed8dalejr on Jul 1st, 2004, 9:01pm Tina, How about Lil' Kim?? She is a rapper and calls herself the Queenbee. Everytime I see your Queenbee ID in the room, I always think of her. ;D Crazy kids [smiley=afro.gif] |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by okasantina on Jul 2nd, 2004, 8:28am on 07/01/04 at 21:01:16, need4speed8dalejr wrote:
I Dale, ;D ;D ;DI wizh i could rap...but i can zing...hehehe LOL! Which iz which ??? ::) All i thought that everytime you zee me ... it remindz me of .......... you know...lol! ngek! :-/ Anyway well that meanz if you alwayz think of her...u think of me too??? ngek! jk ;D Tina :D |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by need4speed8dalejr on Aug 27th, 2004, 6:37am on 07/02/04 at 08:28:18, okasantina wrote:
No...I don't know... :-* Why don't you spell it out for moi. Tina...You only live once my dear. ;D |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by okasantina on Nov 1st, 2004, 9:45am on 08/27/04 at 06:37:26, need4speed8dalejr wrote:
Hehehehe...zo i am ztill thinkin whatz next after QuEenBeE eh ::) lol! i cant think of anything ehhh ??? as what mymy said how about t_gang! nahh i dont like that....hahahah geesh! |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by sointowin1963 on Nov 14th, 2004, 5:16am Ac-1 new Name: Asian Love & Stalker Chat-1 |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by beth on Feb 25th, 2005, 7:03am mymy = pooper nini ;D grace = partner :-* heidy = dodol jim hugga = dudung hazoulis sarah = potpot nette = netter hueheheh ;D ella = buttbutt tina = tunatina jodel = salmon tea may = hongat ilong tim looky = sonny paki koki = sayang matt matt = doritoz ;D kindgurl = kindzilla lou = lou la lou |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by phyllisx06x on Aug 12th, 2005, 2:19am Mymy= may_kukuti Kimmy= brain() full() of ()fekfek Lyssa= asar_4_talo Shay= tough_kitty coochie= dont_get_pissed_off Looky= man_yakis Kooky= misery_guts nette= cum_out Cooky= tru_1 and i am.....phylis= cant_be_plis |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by okasantina on Aug 7th, 2006, 8:59am Others call me....tinatins, tuna, tins, queenie, tinabambina, okasan, oka .... ;D i wanna try to change ... dunno what would that be? ::) :P |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 7th, 2006, 12:32pm im only using perky_momma aside from the witch |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by thebeast on Aug 8th, 2006, 12:47am on 08/07/06 at 12:32:52, Wicked_Witch wrote:
In english perky is an adjective to describe breasts. I been called everything..beaster, beasty, beasthead, beastbutt, and also other names that have nothing to do with my nick as well. ;D |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 8th, 2006, 9:11am Joel, the word "perk" in the english dictionary means "to restore good spirits" or "courage to" :P..so i'd rather think i;m courageous |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Aug 8th, 2006, 7:08pm on 08/08/06 at 00:47:41, thebeast wrote:
Most guys associate the word "perky" to breasts coz one of the synonyms of that adjective is "bouncy" ergo... Men's fixation to that (rolls eyes!) LMAo ~o0o~~~~~~ Boobsie, err Perky Momma Witch is WooWoo to me. I don't exactly know why I call her that, but it's my term of endearment for her... awwww :P |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 9th, 2006, 9:13am Lol, amiga....your pet name for me reminds me of mothers who pet their babies and say "coo, kutsi-kutsiiii...taradying, taradying pot-pottt...! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] But I love it coz I know you call me that with so much affection. Mwahhh! :-* |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by CeL on Aug 24th, 2006, 5:53pm the gurlie ids with suffixes totz and potz is a sign of endearment on my part ;) ;)dunno but i have a fettish to everything that is mabantoz hehehe and fek thing is a hit too except for.... witchy = manay cebu = pakner chelle/gelly = mommy looky = tatay lou = papa lou aftr = kuya fugi = ex-hubby capu = mahal doxy = kabit cooch and donna = my lovers ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: New nicknames Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 25th, 2006, 5:06pm these are some of the people i have a name for ;D chelle -- cuz coochie -- pards okasan -- tinatinz nette -- feknette lou -- papajack graeme -- my bloody son astro -- my other bloody son aka asbroke dox -- doxic waste lyssa -- manash/lyssux justine -- sistah chantiq -- amiga bonna, ivypoison, janna -- kabsat roze -- mexicana rj --- IDIOT (nyahahahahah!) |
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