Title: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by mylane on Dec 27th, 2003, 9:01am label all those chatters in ac one like for example: timer= ac one super mic hogger fernando= the drunkin master of ac one bonz= the pioneer of YAHOO CHRISTIAN ROOM post away guys... ;D |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by mylane on Dec 27th, 2003, 9:04am cap= the flash animation master cap= macromedia avid fan :P ;D |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by JINX_x_JINX on Dec 28th, 2003, 1:47am Nitr0 , Ree , Capri <<< the brains of AC-1 Explosive <<< striptist Timer , Shasta <<< best comedy Bonz & Cracker <<<< smartazzwiff temper Deer Hunter <<<< silent but deadly explosive device Chelle , Slicey , Korean Angel , Mymy , Sleek & Lyzza watch out cuz their the ball crackerz of AC-1 ;) |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by okasantina on Dec 28th, 2003, 9:46am hehehe this is my chance now to evaluate them LOL! Starting from Girls' Piggy - the bored singer and Yvone the bored only lol Jinx- my crazy and horny daughty Chelle - my cuzin in blood that is more naughty and horny than me! LOL (The Wine Girl) Brownyz - my sis in the room w a sexy sweet voice but dangerous...hehehe Fyne, Fish d, Abe, Kris, Pink, Sleek, Ching, Vikki, Sarah - the funny and dancers of the room Netteski - my moaning partner in the room... Cookie, Coochie, Dunkin my partners in :P lol! Anni, Cebu, Meyie and Rebby - silent but dreadful wow! Patty and Proxy the mic hoggers lols and MYMY CUZ- the most seductive most alluring alien of all times.....the Commercial Queen of ac1 LOL! ok....next time the boys....me out of my mind na eh... asus ngek!! |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by coochie_baby03 on Dec 28th, 2003, 1:20pm Looky= my stiff coffee refill supplier. Greatest pimp of act one, gum stealer of act one. Nitro= paki pimp of act one Marieta=My sexy hot moma, greatest suxxest Tina=My sexy voice moaning, welcumming committe in act one. cumming, flirting partner Chelle=sexy moaning, wine, flirting partner in act one. Nani, Heidy, May, Fishdowngirl= my jokers partners,flirting, welcumming committees, cumming and going out partners.and May greatest luggage supplier in town. Heidy, =welcome committe of act one, cut and paste partner and bouncing partner in town. Grems=my rappist in act one...Nani-sexiest mommy in town, the greastest welcumming committe of act one. Brownyz=my new sexy voice hot mama Nette=Greatest moaners, and fekfek sis in town, sexy fighter of act one. Mymy=my biatch partner in crime greatest flirt for ...monk,priest and celebacy ,cut and paste partner. welcumming committe in act one, Joey=the best swearing son of you know what in town. Lou=Rug burner partner Destin=partner in cyber space ,flirting,moaning,greatest organ player in town. Gramps=welcumming President committe of act one,best gramps in town. Bonzi=bot and paki destroyers of act one. greatest 7 11 clerk imitator in town. Max the payne=greatest payne in the ass of act one Jammit= best redneck welcumming commitee of act one Capricorn=the techno of act one. NJ= got the greatest tube socks in town Shasta=got the cutest kid in town.. Slice=the greatest money earner of act one. Still selling property even when she is chatting.... Mifrind= peace moderator of act one Yvone=best and most unpredictable in act one. Ching=the sweetish thing with a touch of naughtiness in town. Rebeche= the baby of act one. Sarah= sexy ticket seller in town. Yogi= the best stalker in town. Papito=narse parson in town. Koki= the best guitarist in town. |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by coochie_baby03 on Dec 28th, 2003, 3:25pm Bigman=Best barry white in town Gigles= greatest gigles in town Proxy=mic hoger/ ass kicker in town Piglet,Abe=greastest singer in act one Cebu=coolest joker in town. Greatest chicken pimp trainer in town...she got the chicken to say 50 pesos. Beast=beast of all the beast...lol Korean,Gina,=newbie in town wabbiit=greatest baby sistter in town... Tfou Aisha=great couple in town Huggy, Serene=the most wedding celebrant in town. Kimmy=greatest salami cook in town... Pirate Vixen=the greatest pirate of all. Amazing Grace=most gracious of all King of dreams=kicker of the assholes Madden=quite but dangerous when provoke..hehehe Ok I cannot think of the rest... I will be back later. |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by mylane on Jan 5th, 2004, 4:52am bump |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 14th, 2004, 11:40am timer = playa in training shasta = old school playa gramps = playa in the mountains of manilaaaaaa |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by okasantina on Apr 23rd, 2004, 7:56am In my Time (Destin)-- the pianist of AC1 bar ;D Too far gone (Lou la lou) -- the unbeatable...too tight eh! LOL! with a matching song of Its a wonderful day in your neighborhood...... ::) ::) ;D Beastinme16 (Joel d soggy) -- The unpredictable...radical person asking girls whats the color of their panty??? :o ::) ::) ;D ill post some laterzzzzz ;D [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=drummer.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by netteski on Apr 23rd, 2004, 8:13am hmmm im gonna do it later when i have more time.. i gotta go to work first. |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by okasantina on May 19th, 2004, 7:14am hmm lemme think..lol ??? ::) Grampz - the antique creature of ac1 ;D ooopz ..... i muzt be good her wife iz my long lozt relative eh.. ;D ;D girlz?? Kianna - oh the girl who iz cute and lookz baby face to me eh...zweet and caring girl...for me zhe lookz innocent ::) and untouchable ::) ;D ;D ;D ill pozt the otherz laterz heheeh! |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by sointowin1963 on May 19th, 2004, 11:01pm Tina For PREZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ> |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by need4speed8dalejr on May 29th, 2004, 12:11am Chatter Evaluation?? Do I get a prize if I give you good marks?! [smiley=afro.gif] My I suggest another Corona. *Hint Hint* You can get the first one when I come to your town on my Round the World Corona Tour. Sponsored by Budweiser, LOL. [smiley=icon_drink2.gif] |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by norkay on Sep 15th, 2004, 11:37pm lou= the sweetest .. i never miss his smiles and kisses for me....thanks lou ;D beast aka joel=he's the fan of ac1...i notice it's always windy when he's around...LOL! joke ;) ;D bonzi=right hand of gramps...LOL! gramps is gramps,and still the most gentle man in AC1 ;D vince_heinz-the most silent guy in AC1 but i like this guy very much..he he... ;D jay aka BIG_PAPA=that's my big bro..talks like a real bro to me cebu=intelligent,fine lady.....i really appreciate her for sharing us the WORD OF GOD....i think that's impressive to me because yes i read the Bible,i pray and consider myself as a christian but i never have the courage to share lyssa=silliest ;D girl in AC1...she always makes me laugh, i like this girl ver much may= same as lyssa...she's fun to talk with i will evaluate the others next time...lunch time na ;D |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by mylane on Oct 13th, 2004, 10:44pm Melinda (meyie68 )- The Most Eligible Bachelorette in AC1 next to me. ;D Kianna- The Prettiest Pinay in AC1 Kimmy= Daisy Syete ;D (she looks cute and young for her age) Tatay wabbit- The King of Tensions ;D |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by kim on Nov 4th, 2004, 9:05pm fisrt of all.. mymy i'm not sure if i should take that as a compliment or not ;D ;D... Should i do the spaghetti dance now? ;D ;D Cooch you should hav made a template on the ac regs coz ya covered everyone i think :D.. I'm gonna use yours as my template ok? ;D Looky= mah #1 best of the best buddy... camel toe humper ;D ;D... the numero uno sperm donor of ac1 Nitro= he is the paki pimp alright... but he is also one of the best listener in ac1 ;) Marieta= mah hot momma [smiley=huepfenicon111.gif] [smiley=spank.gif]... meanest but funniest momma of ac1 Tina & chelle= sexy ass cousins packed with a punch... aw n chelle is the best reader when she is drunk ;D Nani=nicest girl alive.... and the best cook too ;) Heidy & May= Hongat twins :D Fishdowngirl=the fishy girl who likes fish ;D har har Grems=the numero uno airline customer... this guy travels back n forth to manila like its just around the next corner ;) Brownyz=sexy voice of ac1 Nette=Greatest moaners, and fekfek sis in town (exact words of cooch.. i dont think i have to change it :P Mymy=the person with the widest vaklush vocabulary ;D ;D... and one of the funniest too... ;) Joey=the best swearing son of you know what in town. ((exact words of cooch again :P cant say it any other way ;D) Lou=smallest font in ac1.. harharharhar ;D Destin=horniesr guy in ac1... but with a kind heart ;) Gramps=welcumming President committe of act one,best gramps in town. (again the exact words...) gramps is the one n only grampa is ac1... Bonzi=numero uno janitor of ac1.. so beware ;) .... umm can i write a novel bout him here? ;D Max the payne=mah baba with a bad ass... the ac1 misunderstoo child.. bwahahahaha!!!! Jammit= sweetest redneck is ac1 Capricorn=the cyber wiz kid NJ= the bird man ;D... hows your birdy doin NJ? :D Shasta=heck he's got the cutest kid n the cutest face ;D... too bad he doesnt want to get married ;D ;D Slice=smart ass funniest queen of ac1 Mifrnd= errrr sexy voice ;D Ching=the sweetish thing with a touch of naughtiness in town. (and again the exact words ;D ;) ) Rebeche= the baby of act one. (and again ;) ) Sarah= mah sexy pic provider ;D ;D... jingy i'm out of stock... refill pls... ;D ;) Yogi= the best stalker in town. (hehehehe) Papito=mah paki goat n numero uno "pasaway" who loves tough loving ;D ;) Koki= i think he is actually one of the sweetest guys in ac1 ;) Bigman=Best barry white in town (and again..) Gigles= cutes vocie in town... lickey lickey... ;D ;) Proxy=mic hoger/ ass kicker in town (need i say more?) Piglet,Abe=greastest singer in act one (where is piggy by the way?) Cebu=coolest joker in town. And greatest pimp too even though i dont give her commission ;D Beast=eeerrrr Gina=newbie in town.... a sweet gal with a tougher side ;) wabbiit=numero uno kinky man in ac1... Sinong tatay mo?! Tfou Aisha=great couple in town (yep yep yep) when is the wedding? ;D Huggy, Serene=the most wedding celebrant in town. (and again) ;) Kimmy=greatest salami cook in town... that damn nasty bitch ass kimmy!!! I DONT LIKE HER!!!!.... oopsss i forgot... i'm kimmy ;D [smiley=spank.gif] ;D ;D King of dreams=kicker of the assholes Madden=mystey man ;) i think i might have left a few names out so if ya want my critic just let me know ;D |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by beth on Feb 22nd, 2005, 9:34pm hmmm.... ::)... lemme start... »grace aka seaboo my best partner evah! :-* »nani my best cooker in d world, my provider and she got d best kitchen! »mikey aka ree best Brain evah! »tunatina d queen of ac 1 cheer leader ;D yay... dance on d table tunatina, but come back to muh plate after dat :P »jodel aka my salmon my best salmon evah ;) »matt matt aka madden indeed mysterious man 8) but hes my best doritos provider evah! me miss u matt matt, where r u? [smiley=bigcry.gif] »may aka tea gurl she's my hongat ilong. »costa and destin best mic hogger lol »fernando the drunkin master of ac one (I agree to dat hahah...) »brenty aka bonzbonz the pioneer of YAHOO CHRISTIAN ROOM (wow l dunno abt dat b4, but why u never tell me b4 brenty? :P) »mymy my best pooper nini »looky aka tim my son... the only son l got dat always drink all my milk lol lol »nj5holes yay my DAD and also mommy annie :-* »lyzza omg my best co-worker in ac-1 to 'burn' the room lmao... also good singer in ac1 ;) »chelle doodlechellez u rock! »kianna My best niece evah! »shasty he got best baby in town!! »netter and kim best moaner in ac1 »sarah potpot my best dessert »chingy ding-a-ling one of the founder of vewy Vewy hungry club along wiff meh, heheh ;D »cookie aka dodol heidy best cookie in town n best gurl wiff words! »dudung aka jim aka hugga n seren best 'potty mouth' evah hahaha... and my best friend in ac1... ella u d nicest gurl in town, u ellabuttbutt! »meyie n rebbing smooth but vewy nicely movin wiff d flow ;) »miffy sexiest voice evah! »bigbro d best bro! talk like a bro, act like a bro, u rock! »nelson aka mark best bugger evah! lol lol lol :P »koki my sayang dat always huggin meh anytime any where any place ;D »lou la lou sweetest guy in ac1 eh ::) »gwampa d best n only 'maganda' gwampa in ac1 »denden cutest gurl in ac1 »niki my best evil sistah heheh... l guess l'll continue later, l need 2 hit d hay now...zzzz...zzzz.... to be continued... :) |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by gracia on Feb 23rd, 2005, 5:29am okay....my turn.....if i missed someone...dont be sad, just be pity on this poor old woman...too forgetful already ;D HMM ladies first PARTNER --> the first buddy i ever had in the room and became my best partner evah, very sweet, very pretty and a cellphone obsessed, my partner in crime. TEA GIRL MAY-->my best doctor friend..and very intelligent and a lover of books, the best person i'd like to meet ofter coz she's so generous she always has a present for us. CEBUANALYN --> a woman who will go with a man thrice her age, one of a kind, very cool and very available. All men in cebu are all blind!!! TINA TINS -->a superwoman who has two wonderful kids, a good mother and a lively chatter MYLENE ---> possessess bedroom voice all the time, she's claiming the only virgin in the room (too bad ana and may opposed the idea) MEYIE ---> the new celibate woman in the room...she said so KIANNA ---> my one and only pretty daughty in the room KIMMY --->the Dr. Holmes in the forum....sex expert...very influential but dangerous, she can uncover my wholesomeness and be a pervert... CHELLE ---> the sexiest woman in a yacht, if u feel sick Chell, i wanna borrow ur two piece, hoping Shokoy will feast on me. NETTE ---> a tigress when provoked, a protector to the oppressed. LYSSA---> a beautiful retarded woman, best wishes Lyssa may your marriage will prosper COOCHIE-->a good match especially to silly talks, makes the room more lively. NANI--->the maker of the jellies that is soooo YUMMY much much better than the one at the stores. Can i have more??? The best Chef and an excellent wife. COOX -->ohh how can i forget this awful armpit creature, but very funny and pretty too SARAH -->the brown ass woman, one of the busiest woman in hongkong KRIS --->a wholesome woman too like me.(hehe_ violent reaction not permitted) ..my sister in Christ. CHINGY--->the star in Vegas representing Philippines NIKI --->those wonderfuly curly hairs....the new mom in town...welcome back sis FYNE--->one of the cutest in the room..where are you now? MARIETA--> the missing marieta....the sexy marieta... PROXY --->the star in texas and a fighter PIGLET ---> the best singer in the room AISHA --->one of the nicest lady in the room SEREN----> a busy mom and an intelligent one...lucky cobra JODI---->a smart woman who is wise enough to enjoy the world first before anything else. KINDGIRL--->one the sexiest Filipina in Japan, who dances well with grace, and fun to be with DODO---->one of the sexiest woman in Tokyo too, and one of the sexiest chatter in the room PEARL GON --> a business woman in the real world OK...guess i'm drained of thinking who i have forgotten...my apologies.... i'll be back for the men ;D |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by phyllisx06x on Aug 10th, 2005, 4:33pm OK I WANNA MAKE MY OWN EVALUATION< since i have been part of this unsinking room too! NETTE--realistic character,online or non online. Kimmy--hope youre still the same. Lyssa--thumbs up! Gramps--kept hes room flocks together.. Casy&Costa--showed whats online love is about, so as... Seren& Cobra, and latter, came along lil of them. Timers--can takes all the mickeys in of his face,kewl! Koky--what can i say about you man, i saw your appalling side, and i have nothing much to say, but great! Cooky--we've all come along way, GOD BLESS you! xxxxx SHAY-- I have none to say to you, but....I WISH YOU ARE MY FLESH SISTER.!!!love yah sistah....from my heart.xxxxxxxxx GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!!! and KEEP UP THE BLOODY GOOD JOB!!!**hugs** |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by kim on Aug 19th, 2005, 6:06am Philly fekfek you know i'll always be the same. No matter how many times i get caught in between so many damn issues i always remained the same... you can count on that ;) |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by okasantina on Jan 8th, 2006, 8:29pm Thanks everyone for ure evaluation...i hope more to come lol ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by kim on Jan 9th, 2006, 8:25am I think i havent evaluated a few chatters yet.... Chelby = Sweet n bubbly gal who always falls inlove witht he wrong person ;D... PS: i'm not updated to who you're with now chel so i cant tell if he is mr right or mr wrong. But i do hope ya find mr. right :-* I dunno who else i'm suppose to evaluate but if ya want met o evaluate you personally just lemme know ;) If you are a guy and ya want me to evaluate you be sure to ask me while you're naked ok? ;D ;D jk :P |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by jeannie_bebeh on Jan 14th, 2006, 9:33am I have read all the post and no one evah listed me in either nice, pretty, sexy or meannie...I think I need evaluation, will you pls evaluate me? joke! Te Meyie = superb cook and a sweet angel, my very first friend in the room. Te Nette = She is a sweet meannie..lol with all the curse and the laugh o my Gosh, she laughs like a contrabida in the movies. I love you ate Nette, peace tayo. Piglet = hmm the soul diva with a voice of like naaytinggil este nightingale (joke) watevah the spelling is, lovely voice., met her in person so sweet pigwet. Sparky = the bedroom voice inday in the room, so sexy and so nice too. Manay Witchy = Sweet mother figure in the room. love her, thanks for inviting me here. Chantiq = The girl with the breeding, pretty and edgy not to mention so sweet and nice, met her in person..lovely. Luna_luna = this girl is the best entertainer in the room, there is no dull moments when she is around. She is young and innocent, very sweet and thoughtful. TEquila = I love the guts of this girl, very pretty and sexy..I love her bluntness..very true to herself and everyone.keep it up girl! Lyssa = Maganda na, mabait pa...sobrang kengkoy sa room, lagi kanta ng I have two boobies, the left and the right. lol. more to cumsss... |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by wildheart41004 on Jan 14th, 2006, 7:23pm wildheart=very forgetable :'( |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by okasantina on Jan 15th, 2006, 5:26am on 01/14/06 at 19:23:44, wildheart41004 wrote:
[smiley=smash.gif] Wildy here u no need to vote lol...u only need to evaluate a chatter here....really unforgettable u r....wrong thread dear... [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by cazna_c on Jan 16th, 2006, 12:13pm Chelbyt... Cutest voice in AC1.. Brightens up the room no end.. :D |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by astrobloke on Jan 18th, 2006, 2:46am on 01/14/06 at 09:33:36, jeannie_bebeh wrote:
I think at various times, all of the above [smiley=frog.gif] |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 18th, 2006, 3:17am Quote:
Shuckz...I hope I don't nag a lot, Manay Jeannie. Hehehehe! Quote:
Who is wildheart again? ;D Quote:
Alright, kimpot....what do you think of me? Hehehehe! |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by daviefaescotland on Jan 18th, 2006, 6:01am :'( :'( :'(not in anyones list ??? |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by CooCHie on Apr 7th, 2006, 8:14am on 01/18/06 at 06:01:24, daviefaescotland wrote:
Davie= quite but intriguing..lol [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by Fugi on Apr 8th, 2006, 10:17pm damn i forgot who i'm lol can someone remind me but be gentle [smiley=roll.gif] |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 9th, 2006, 3:47am on 04/08/06 at 22:17:30, Fugi wrote:
Ok....you are Fugi, a very rich-good looking-popular holywood actor who is so in love with Coochie! Nyahahahahaha! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by Fugi on Apr 9th, 2006, 5:11am witchy i asked u too be gentle not to remind me of my nightmare ::) |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by CooCHie on Apr 9th, 2006, 6:03am on 04/09/06 at 03:47:26, Wicked_Witch wrote:
Hahahaha Pards,,,,Fuji still playing hard to get... on 04/09/06 at 05:11:02, Fugi wrote:
You wish Fuji... [smiley=stooge_moe.gif] [smiley=stooge_moe.gif] |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by CooCHie on May 24th, 2006, 2:17am Back to the regular programming: Here it is your evaluation to the following: Witchy Fugi Krissy Repob Fallen Matthew Feso |
Title: Re: AC CHATTERS EVALUATION Post by Wicked_Witch on May 26th, 2006, 7:47am [smiley=roll.gif] on 05/24/06 at 02:17:24, CooCHie wrote:
Witchy's fantastic, of course! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] Fugi's dashing, Krissy's in love so she's blooming, Reebop's mind is still busy all the time not to mention his legs from riding those bikes of his, Fallen's a sexy guy, Matt got the hots for someone, Feso's a hunk. [smiley=clap.gif] [smiley=clap.gif] [smiley=clap.gif] [smiley=clap.gif] |
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