Title: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Minded Post by watzthat on Jan 13th, 2005, 9:21pm Lets see how far we have gone into westernisation leaving our culture and asian tradition behind and stimulating ourself into westernisation to show how kool we are? to the other races and cultures for what to gain and what to lose.and not being for what we are should we be only called an asians just because we think our skin and we were born in asia look like an asian ? or are there any efforts to keep up with our proud to be an asian thingy.so far as i know our asia is the most beautiful continental on the globe and the tourist love our culture and traditions because our feelings and care is for anyone is so real.BE A PROUD ASIAN AND ACT AS PROUD ASIAN do not give wrong impression to any other culture and be a black spot on asia WE LOVE YOU ASIA. |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by mylane on Jan 14th, 2005, 4:17pm I'm proud to be asian..... ;D and i like men in general as well whether asian or any other races ahihihihihi ;D i hope i will not get any violent reaction from u watzthat ;D |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by watzthat on Jan 14th, 2005, 8:37pm Sorry if my post bothered you but you actually didnt had to bother yourself for a cute and so sweet reply.and besides i can tell and sense from your lines if you like men or not.you are %100 right on that one and wishing for every single guy to describe hiself from top to toe to entertain you.but believe me that is not the life of a decent human being to lead to.dont be mad just think about it. |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by watzthat on Jan 14th, 2005, 8:41pm I am still waiting for more reply hope someone stop by and let me know about their comments but if its still the matter of truth hurts then i wont get any reply but its kool its all good.i would make another thread but my thread will be very stright and clean trust me i wont go low too to entertain someone in here but if i,m boring then you have the right to ignore me. |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Jan 14th, 2005, 9:51pm Hmmm...Sounds like a Desperate Cry for Attention is you ask me. First....Welcome. You are more than welcome to post here. But I think you should read the "Forum Guidelines". You have a right to create threads and to respond to other threads, but please don't tell other Members that their views or thoughts are "Wrong" or not "Up to your Standards". So please don't tell others their views or actions in Life are wrong or need to be changed. This is what I think your doing after reading your post about 10 times. I think your trying to tell all the "Asian Girls" who post here to stay away from the Big Bad "Western Men", and to stick to the same Race. I just have one word for you....."Chill". [smiley=afro.gif] |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by watzthat on Jan 14th, 2005, 10:00pm Ok no problems i think i,m not welcome here since its asian girls and NOT ASIAN GUYS connection have fun all and good luck to all you guys and enjoy i hope not to bother you people no more.thats for sure i dont have any right to offend someone to be changed or else.Bye Admin and Bye all.Please delete my membership and there is another profile name " ehem_ehem" that is mine too delete that too please i request. |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by norkay on Jan 15th, 2005, 7:17am on 01/14/05 at 21:51:29, Need4Speed8DaleJr wrote:
Exactly my thought,Dale.My mouth is sometimes poisonous when spits,so thanks for stopping it (for replying on this instead of me or before me). ;) ;D |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by kim on Jan 19th, 2005, 6:53am ok i'll be nice... since i'm not nice most of the time... hehehe... whatzthat it is true that there are some asians who prefer other races than their own and it is true that there are asians who are not proud to be asians. But it is also true for other races. Not only asians. I know of some Americans who wish they were someone else. Pls. dont be too judgemental because you dont know all the asians that post in here. As far as i know I am an asian and i am proud to be one and i am so damn agressive in propoting my country n defending it from others who tyr to say bad things about it. MY country may not be perfect but its my home. And as far as i know all mym fellow asians in here have the same sentiments. ;) And this thread shoud be in "government and politics" DOnt think that you are not welcome in here. You are most welcome to post your comments but pls.... as the admin said, "attact the issue and not the person" ;) peace ;D |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by okasantina on Nov 16th, 2005, 5:17pm Born Asian and will DIE as ASIAN no matter what ;) |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by CooCHie on Nov 17th, 2005, 5:49am on 01/19/05 at 06:53:35, kim wrote:
Can we do a mud wrestling now Kimmy? [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Nov 17th, 2005, 8:44pm l'm an asian ;D and very proud to be one 8) God created me to be asian, l will not complaint about it. l know n l realize that asians do got some different cultures n moralities etc etc bla.. bla.. bla.. But all come back to the person itself to choose to follow the "wave" or not. if they choose to adopting westernization in some ways, doesnt means they are no longer asian, or all asians are like them. for me, l know my own "standards." But l will never push my standard to others at all, they got their own rights to do what they want. n adopting westernization not all of em bad, maybe some of the technology are good, maybe some bad... so lets the person decide ;D [smiley=smash.gif] on 11/16/05 at 17:17:37, okasantina wrote:
l'm born asian, can l die as a bot ??? ::) l think cathy n jane will totally agree wiff me [smiley=roll.gif] |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 22nd, 2005, 12:39am Humnn...I just noticed this thread now. I hope the author is still around. Let me explain that dressing up the "western" style or talking differently is not a cause for alarm. For whatever we do, whatever we say, we can never hide the fact that we are asians. We only make changes to adopt to our surroundings, not change ancestry. Shuckz, Japanese can't wear kimonos all the time, or the Pinays barongs and sayas everytime we go out. Or sing tagalog songs all the time? Because after all has been said and done, each nation still clings to their own cultures and beliefs. Everything else is superficial. |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by thebeast on Nov 22nd, 2005, 2:25am Well nothing wrong with an adoption of western ways. Some of its good some of its bad. I think it has to do more with progress and being more modern. You can still do this and keep your culture. Western ways are always changing. Styles are never the same year in and year out. Its impossible to keep up with technology. Its kind of like baking a cake. Hell now days you can pop a cake in the microwave and in 5 minutes have a cake ready to eat. Yes its very fast, but for some reason the cake made from scratch that takes a few hours to make tastes better. Why? Well its made with love is what my mother told me. And love takes time to make. lol Even so even here in America we dont forget our history..where we came from and how we came about. Thas true for any civilization be it eastern or western. ;D |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by nOrKAy on Nov 22nd, 2005, 11:31am Adopting/immitating is not a bad thing,as long as it's beneficial. I feel sort of embarrassment about this topic, because I understand that there are or most of the Asians who go to Western countries, adopt cultures, fashion, and even ways of life. They intend to immitate everything, then feel like they are someone else when they go back to their place of origin. Embarrassing. |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by earthlingorgeous on Nov 22nd, 2005, 12:13pm I agree with what Edith witchy poo said: ... everything else is superficial. Old habits die hard you know. You see the way people dress is just a reflection of the environment... I remember my mom use to critique the way me and my sis dress now. We are mostly trousers and jeans. not much of a skirt. She said, and I quote "During her time" they wear stockings and 4 inches pin healed shoes. We tell her "Mom if we wear stocking and 4 inches pin healed shoes we will get to work with runny stockings cracked shoe heals and attract rapist." We just commute we don't have a shuttle service like she use to. Like Joel the beast said, theres nothing wrong in adopting western ways.... like all other things there are pros and cons and it all depends on who is looking. And if you talk about the Philippines... our country is a multi-cultural country with diversified cultures and traits... we have mixed cultures you can trace that on our history. But if you mean the being timid kinda girl... if thats what you mean... duh "Nice guys finish last" (have I heard that before lol!) However, I believe all women not just Asians have this nurturing side in them... that's the motherly instinct that cannot be erased by any changing cultures or country. Asian or Western doesn't matter really, it's the heart and soul that matters most. So Krissy there's no need to be embarassed. Besides, Westerns cannot blame Asians for "following" their trends. Coz more often than not... Western government pressure Asia to be modern. You have the sources and the power of influence. Even though Japan is one of the most powerful Asian country. Notice the terms developed and developing countries. And oh btw on the way we talk, like maybe your talking about the accent or whatever lol! Business investors here in the Philippines require applicants for call center to speak in American or British accent. ;) |
Title: Re: Are Asian Adoptin Westernisation Bein Open Min Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 23rd, 2005, 6:19am You're very right, Earthy. I'm not sure though about the title of this topic. On what the author meant by "bein' open-minded" western style. Does he mean the pre-marital sex, the equal rights for men and women, or being independent? I'd say everything comes with progress, like what Joel said. It doesn't have to be "western-adopt". New generations are born everyday. And with them comes new ideas. And you don't have to feel embarassed about such thing, Norkay. It's not your fault that some Filipinos or Asians are so shallow they feel "bigger" and so full of themselves once they get to live in the US or Europe or anywhere else for that matter. At least you understand the need for humility. And that's a good character trait. No wonder they get good pay working at call centers, Earthy, they require too much!! No Ilocano or Visayan accent or Bicolanos are allowed? Hehehehe! |
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