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Community >> Asian Connections >> Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
(Message started by: ReeBop on May 27th, 2005, 11:53pm)

Title: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by ReeBop on May 27th, 2005, 11:53pm
Here's a story I did on my Geeksters.org site:


What's going to happen with our favorite cloners and Yahoo if this person wins their lawsuit?  Keep in mind, she's suing Yahoo, not her ex-boyfriend.  I guess that would put the pressure on Yahoo to keep this kind of behavior out of their network.  We have all seen this, and we also know who is involved in doing this activity.  It took a lawsuit for Yahoo to finally remove the offending profiles.  Will they finally start responding to users who have been putting up with this behavior for a long time?


Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by thebeast on May 28th, 2005, 12:48am
I guess i will be out of a job thats kinda sad cuz i need the work at the clone factory to pay all my bills  :(

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by kim on Jun 1st, 2005, 2:06pm
Well all i know is that I KNOW WHO HATE ME N WHY.... hehehehe... i'm tired of all the clonings but hey you cnat teach an asshole to be an angel right? We like with this kind of people in real life so if we can deal witht them then we can be able to deal with this faceless creaps  ;). If there was one advice that i can give is... DONT LET THE INTERNET RULE YOUR WORLD... We shouldnt let this ppl get us upset and ruin our day n most importantly, our lives. So what if they go in the room saying bad things about you? If you are confident that you are not what they say then dont mind them. I personally dont listen to other ppl. I judge a person on my own evaluation n judgement  ;)

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Norkay on Jun 4th, 2005, 6:45am

on 05/28/05 at 00:48:11, thebeast wrote:
I guess i will be out of a job thats kinda sad cuz i need the work at the clone factory to pay all my bills  :(

Better stay at the "Stripping Company" Joel,(J/K hahahahaha)than trying to go at that "Cloning Company" because not only illegal which causes you into trouble,but it also costs you more bills.The only good thing at "Cloning Company" is that,you are a stranger to everyone and that you can do and say anything you want- no rules! But hey, look of the troubles it gonna give you once you are caught by the authorities!

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by kim on Jun 9th, 2005, 3:30am
Im going to clone joel n piss him off in the room.. hehehe jk  :P

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Saffire_65 on Jun 23rd, 2005, 6:40pm
I'd still think i'm innocent.  I was accused of being a stalker by some fool in room when actually i havent been in room for almost a year.  When someone alerted me in private that someone mentioned my id for stalking him i went to room only to found myself entangled in this clone web. I had been misunderstood and until now i have no clue or watsoever the accusation he put on me.  I'M INNOCENT!!

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Coochie on Jul 30th, 2005, 6:47am
;D ;D ;D I 'm glad im a live bot ::) ::) ::) [smiley=lat2.gif] [smiley=lat2.gif]

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jul 31st, 2005, 7:30am
Most of these clones really are attention-seekers...some just want to get a reaction from the people in the room. Some do it for lack of nothing better to do like chuck or foo. Have u ever wonder why these clones know a lot about the person they are cloning? Coz some of them are people u talk to a lot in their normal id's in the room.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by beth on Jul 31st, 2005, 5:45pm
hmmm.... l hate cloners! l know that they just asking for attentions, and some doing it for fun, eventho l dunno what ''fun'' in those, threatening, swearing n judging others ohhhh myyyy!!!

But l never know the 'real' feelings of being stalked till now l know the feeling..... it SUX !!!!!

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by kim on Aug 1st, 2005, 8:36am
i know of some ppl who have beed burnt bad coz of these damn clones.. I dunno how he'she picks who to clone. I think one way to avoid being cloned is to not open up your whole life to someone that you dont trust 100%. Because for some reason these clones get the informations and use it against you.

A clone was trying to piss me of by saying that my doctor fawked me n dumped me ;D ;D... Talk about not researching  ;D ;D... Poor clone  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by CooCHie on Nov 16th, 2005, 12:05am

on 08/01/05 at 08:36:49, kim wrote:
i know of some ppl who have beed burnt bad coz of these damn clones.. I dunno how he'she picks who to clone. I think one way to avoid being cloned is to not open up your whole life to someone that you dont trust 100%. Because for some reason these clones get the informations and use it against you.

A clone was trying to piss me of by saying that my doctor fawked me n dumped me ;D ;D... Talk about not researching  ;D ;D... Poor clone  ;D ;D

Yeah Kimmy, tell me about it.. my clone said I had sex and Im a very *friendly* person? Dang where did he got that information from?She/He hated me that much? what is their reasoning why they made such a clone to ppl that dont even bother them?  That I dont know...they need to get a real job!!!!
And for these ppl that likes to gossip, that is how this clone getting information from..Sometimes made ids like a lady and this lady who is doing it makes id for a man.
So Watch OUT!!!!!THe best way is to see if that person you are talking too is the real one. just find out if the other end is the person who u think is your buddy .before you start chatting ...sometimes my buddyl tells me I said something and I will be dumb founded of why this person is tellin me  that  I said something...I am sick and tired of why this clone is doing to other's ppl  ids...FAMOUS CLONNER>>>CELTIC God aka Roman, Mark FLeming.., Foo....and I have another persons (she and he) that I know but still Working with my agent.....I keep you posted!!!!

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 16th, 2005, 12:51am
Tell me about it, ladies!! I once had someone accused me of being a back-stabber. Accusing me of saying things behind her back...and on the mic at that!! I was dumbfounded, too! As in "huh?" Why would I use the mic if I want to backstab someone? That's stupid! Then just last week, a stranger asked me if he can pm me. I thought it was something really important so I said "sure, why not?" Then all of a sudden, he asked why I was saying mean things about Saffire? I groaned privately and said "not again??" Sheez...why would I do that?  I consider her as one of my close friend. Dang! We even call each other "twinnies"!I asked him if he's sure it's me. He said all he remembered was seeing the word "witch" in that person's ID. I told him I am not the only chatter with the word "witch" in the ID's. I told him Saffy has "Scarlet_Witch". Then he laughed and said "yes, it was the ID I saw. IM rolling my eyes here in private coz I can't get the use of my smileys yet. And Im sticking my tongue out also. Hehehehe! Anyway, that is what happened to me in regards to these cloning problems.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by okasantina on Dec 27th, 2005, 5:51pm
Being a clone is a very tiring task lol...imagine he/she needs to get some info`s well unfortunately wrong info`s and he/she will throw it all in the room...See how stupid and a waste of time he/she does it?  Anyway...as long as he/she cant get my bank account and my laptap...i am proud to say that its nice having a clone..well that means...i am a somebody who he/she can patronized ;)  in fact i am so overwhelmed about it...cuz aside from he/she has wrong info`s makes me laugh so hard too...too bad that the girl who always chat in him...is more stoooopid and illiterate.  Hey girl...make something new ok?? dont be such a cutie ! ;D

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Justine on Dec 27th, 2005, 9:39pm
I share the same view, Tins. While some clones can get irritating, some make me laugh big time lol Maybe some cloners really do it to test a person's patience and amuse him/herself by the way people react....some attack the ones who piss them off, personal reasons or those who they think spoil the fun in the room...some may just really be unhappy or simply have no life.  For whatever, I don't think they will be gone for good.  Chat is a big world, people who will retire from cloning can always be replaced by new ones.  I feel for those who get hit by cloners.  No matter how cool they react to it, I'm sure it can get tiring too.  Since cloners can be inevitable though, it would help getting used to clicking the iggy button and continue having fun  ;D

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by CooCHie on Dec 28th, 2005, 3:07am
do what I do pretend they are bots!!!! ;D ;D ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 29th, 2005, 7:03am
Actually I always find these cloners amusing. ;D. They really go out of their ways to piss off people they clone. Saying mean and nasty things guaranteed to get a reaction from someone. To me it's just a game. Why would you even bother to react when you know what they say about you are nothing but lies? You react, you make them happy. You keep your silence, you PISSED them OFF. So there...need I say more? ;D

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by littlecutty on Jan 11th, 2006, 12:05am
:) :) :) :) :)

well say  friend  it is so   true  .So  I quote  what u  said  here  with  a  little  addition.

hypocrites , accusers, abusers. clone id's ,fakes got no use for them.those that think they are doing you good by belitting you.scrape them off your shoes.and keep on walking proudly with your head up.  

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by okasantina on Jan 11th, 2006, 8:29am
Well how about chattin w the cloners huh??? ::) ::) a person who chats w cloners is more desperately needs some attention...i guess she/he has a syndrome! buahahahha! ;D

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 11th, 2006, 2:12pm
Tins...I chat with them, I find them amusing? Is it my fault that I'm so irrisistible even clones are drawn to my charms? [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by wildheart41004 on Jan 11th, 2006, 5:34pm
does it really matter who is chatting to whom? what matters is the clones and other immature people with nothing else to do but disrespect (for lack of a better word) those in the room that are trying to maturely enjoy themselves are ruining what was once a very fun place to be

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by okasantina on Jan 11th, 2006, 6:39pm

on 01/11/06 at 17:34:57, wildheart41004 wrote:
does it really matter who is chatting to whom? what matters is the clones and other immature people with nothing else to do but disrespect (for lack of a better word) those in the room that are trying to maturely enjoy themselves are ruining what was once a very fun place to be

I got ure point there wildy  ;) But my point is....why u`ll gonna chat w a cloner if you yourself knows how his/her deals w other ppl...Is that right? You need to choose who ure chatting with...instead u need to tell him/her what she/he doin is not right...so immature and has syndromatic ways of capturing ppls attention lol.  Are you going to tolerate it? No! right?  You will know a person in his/her character by the kind of friends she/he is indulging with.  simple. ;D ;)

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by CooCHie on Jan 11th, 2006, 8:47pm

on 01/11/06 at 17:34:57, wildheart41004 wrote:
does it really matter who is chatting to whom? what matters is the clones and other immature people with nothing else to do but disrespect (for lack of a better word) those in the room that are trying to maturely enjoy themselves are ruining what was once a very fun place to be

Well this is what you call people who are immature and no manners.  What clone does is just getting attention and wants to stir and makes people fights.  And there are some that they are just into gossip that this clone is getting information from.  If this chatters stop talking to this clone, he would not get any information and pass it along to the room.  What is bad, this cloner thinks he/she knows you but the information he/she is passing are untrue.  What is his purpose? to get peoples attention so just ignore and dont even bother talking about it when ever he comes in the room, just auto iggy it.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by littlecutty on Jan 11th, 2006, 10:56pm
Fair is fair.     I disagree with  what cloners are doing.   It is not nice  of  what they did and it  is none of their  business .  Some people have  been  cloned because of their  own actions  in the  room and in the  forum.  They went in room fought with each  other because of  envy ,jealousy    over  a man  or  a woman, or because of hearsay ,anger  or frustration .   Of  course when  they fought  all the  secrets  and ugly things  come out  from  their own mouth  that they knew  from each other.  Also  of  what they put in their  profile  , their pictures and how  they  revealed  themselve in this  room or  in the forum.    Of  course   some people  will use  that  information  to  have  fun. Well it is  not nice  to do that,   but  again  whose  fault is this.    Instead  of  taking corrective actions  themselve, some people only  accuse   other  people  and yap yap without  any real facts. That  shows  they  are immature and  low.   If   cloners  are  evil  ,sick , retarded, looser,  bastard , scumb  bag  as i heard  people in room said  and   some  people  did the  same    things like  those  cloners  are  doing ? by creating  id  and trashed   people in pm , in room out of  anger ,  spread  rumors ,accusing and called  people   names  ???//// so  some of   these  people  are  like those  cloners here.

as  for  cloners  be mature  and grow up  and use  your  own id  and say directly to them  not using  others  id nor  put blame  on  anyone.

 and those  who  always  love   to judge  and  accuse  without knowing  the truth  , you should look at yourself  first  before  judging and accusing others.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 12th, 2006, 12:48am
Cloners, like all the other unsavory characters in the chatrooms, gossipmongers, backstabbers, judgemental people, they are no different from each other. But my point is, some of these people we accused  of something are friends to others. Are we saying we also make an enemy out of our friends enemy just because they happen to be enemy of our friends though they are not doing anything wrong to us personally? If we do that, I don't think there will be anyone left to us be friends with. Because at some point of our net time, everyone has been accused of something, true or false. So my motto is, as long as the person is not doing anything wrong to me personally, it is her/his business whatever he/she does to others. I can NOT be held responsible for other people's action. The only thing I can do is try to convince the person that what he/she is doing is wrong. But I can't make an enemy out of that person, till he/she attacks me personally. This is chat, sheez..it's different in real life when your friend or family  is being threatened in the neighborhood because you know these people and their attackers PERSONALLY so you can take sides. Know what I mean? Like sis cutty said, fair is fair. As for cloners, I know that they are just amusing themselves although it's at the expense of others.I think the best thing to do is to ignore them completely and stop arguing with them unless you know how to fight as dirty as they can. Because if you don't, you can't win against them, you will only get more frustrated. And believe me, it's not worth it.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by yogib37 on Jan 12th, 2006, 2:11am

on 05/27/05 at 23:53:17, ReeBop wrote:
Here's a story I did on my Geeksters.org site:


What's going to happen with our favorite cloners and Yahoo if this person wins their lawsuit?  Keep in mind, she's suing Yahoo, not her ex-boyfriend.  I guess that would put the pressure on Yahoo to keep this kind of behavior out of their network.  We have all seen this, and we also know who is involved in doing this activity.  It took a lawsuit for Yahoo to finally remove the offending profiles.  Will they finally start responding to users who have been putting up with this behavior for a long time?


does this mean we can file a class action law suit vs yahoo and mark fleeming?

Maybe that would discourage him.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by feso on Jan 13th, 2006, 5:34am
HELL YAH IM TIRED OF CLONES AND FAKES!!!!!!......oh well....im just happy i havent seen a feso clone.......................................damn.....i shouldnt have said that................*knockin on wood*

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Jimbo on Jan 13th, 2006, 7:57pm
Yes I got tired of the clones, not just mine, but all of them...I am sure mine is still there, but they can't be me ;D The one problem I had is, I had things set up to auto iggy the clones, then someone would copy and paste what they said ??? And they would talk with them ???  That,  I didn't consider being considerate to me or others in the room...The best thing I could do was give up chat completly...The clones just want attention and gossip, and they get it ???  No need to chat when so many are looking for trouble, or make rude remaks about someone they don't know....That is one less stressfull thing that I have to put up with ;D
I have a real life, a real job and a real family, with much love and respect ;D  No need to look for problems..I posted a letter to the clone and expressed how I felt about them, in the thread of why I don't like to go to AC-1
[smiley=icon_drink2.gif] [smiley=computer.gif] [smiley=thinking2.gif] [smiley=detective.gif]

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by feso on Jan 14th, 2006, 2:43am
u know what would be cool?...............a cloner that clones the clones............... u think that would piss em off..............nah u know what thats dumb........when i get a better idea ill get back on this

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by astrobloke on Jan 14th, 2006, 3:15am
I left the room in disgust last night as a clone had almost everyone convinced that the clone was the real person.

The real person was using a different id to normal. I knew he was the real one as I was talking with him on the mic and know his voice.

The clone had somehow been on cam and convinced people that way. This clone had recorded video from the real persons cam and fed it back into his pc somehow and was therefore able to get most of the room to iggy the real person.

On seeing all this happen it became clear to me that clones have come one step closer to destroying the room totally.

Dammit im so sick of all the effort and pains just to defend against clones, when people should be there to enjoy themselves.

If it gets any worse, I wont be going back.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by jeannie_bebeh on Jan 14th, 2006, 6:54am
I have seen many clones before and I wonder all this time I didn't have one until the other night. Regular chatters said that people that were cloned are the SIKAT ones, so now that I have a clone,  SIKAT..wohoooo ;D

And yes, I think manay Witchy is right about the clones are some of the nicest regulars in the room, they pick up rumors and play it over and over again. They usually appear at the same time we are in the room, literally to pissed us off. But me? who cares..I am beautiful, no matter what they say..words can't bring me down.  :-*

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by astrobloke on Jan 14th, 2006, 7:30am
Jeanie sure words cant hurt you , but these people operate by saying things to turn people against them and damaging the reputation of the one being cloned.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by okasantina on Jan 14th, 2006, 8:17am

on 01/14/06 at 07:30:10, astrobloke wrote:
Jeanie sure words cant hurt you , but these people operate by saying things to turn people against them and damaging the reputation of the one being cloned.

Those words are definitely cant hurt, why? its only pure blabby thang...why such human can believe to a such a particular evil cloner?  if someone cloned a person whom i know is not like that ... but deep inside i am doubting that maybe she might be like that....whats the use of chattin?  A reputation can never be damaged by a stupid cloner...never evah.  Because once u got affected by it...it will be a lost. Because u let it get into ure nerves while there isnt nothing at all. Simple. Why would such a clone affect you if theres really aint nothin at all.  In fact you should be proud of it ... u know why? because someone out there ... can do waste their time to be like u...geesh isnt that overwhelming?? they are patronizing you!!! thats the point.  How can ure reputation be damage if he only do it by a silly non sense ideas lol!  Its like why you can be infected if theres no virus at all?  Let`s just be real.  ;)

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by jeannie_bebeh on Jan 14th, 2006, 8:50am

Sure words can never turn me down, why? Coz I know me better, and the roomies know better, so Clones can never say things that would make people turn to them, and can never damage one's reputation. If I made some mistake before that was becuase I was young and new to the room, but the old chatters taught me how to be tough, and there was a motive of revenge behind the person he mentioned, a rumor that the cloned picked up long time ago and just played it over and over again. That was long time ago, over and done.

And yes Tina, as I said...I feel overwhelmed now I am SIKAT/ well known. Good or Bad Publicity still publicity. Thanks to my clone.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by okasantina on Aug 4th, 2006, 9:51pm

on 01/14/06 at 08:50:57, jeannie_bebeh wrote:

Sure words can never turn me down, why? Coz I know me better, and the roomies know better, so Clones can never say things that would make people turn to them, and can never damage one's reputation. If I made some mistake before that was becuase I was young and new to the room, but the old chatters taught me how to be tough, and there was a motive of revenge behind the person he mentioned, a rumor that the cloned picked up long time ago and just played it over and over again. That was long time ago, over and done.

And yes Tina, as I said...I feel overwhelmed now I am SIKAT/ well known. Good or Bad Publicity still publicity. Thanks to my clone.

Correct!!! ;D

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by thebeast on Aug 4th, 2006, 11:50pm
I am tired of getting blamed as the person who is doing the cloning. I have never cloned anyone in my life and I never will. Everytime I meet someone new in the room...they tell me they heard I was the one who was the clone.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by nOrKAy on Aug 5th, 2006, 7:04am

Tell them how proud you are of yourself that you don't need to be someone you're not! But anyway, Joel, some are cloned and some are blamed as clones...life's like that. LMAO. I'm just sorry you're one victim.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by littlecutty on Aug 5th, 2006, 6:34pm
 Joel  because they are ignorance . They just open  their big mouth and accuse  without thinking  and without facts.   I had  been accused  as clone too hehheeeeeeeeee .    Just pity for them  and forgive them.    hugssssssssssss don't worry be happy.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 6th, 2006, 10:27am
Nahhh..I'll never get tired of  clones. they make for interesting conversation. I really miss my clone. they are the dumbest, stupidist, low-life scumbags, jerks, a s s h o l e s, bitches, good-for-nothing idiots... but i would never want them to change. it suits them. [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif]

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by igotuuu on Sep 9th, 2006, 9:48pm
:) Edith , it's evident you are starving for your own sanity. May you someday conquer those demons that trouble you.

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by ReeBop on Sep 10th, 2006, 2:49am
Speaking of "demons that trouble you" Mr. Marky, when will YOU tend to what is happening in your own back yard?  This whole thread was created for you and the likes of you.  Nobody is impressed with your so called "intellect".  Check your calendar, there is a meeting of your chat addiction focus group meeting soon...

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Sep 10th, 2006, 3:49am

on 09/09/06 at 21:48:18, igotuuu wrote:
:) Edith , it's evident you are starving for your own sanity. May you someday conquer those demons that trouble you.

Yeah...I agree with you, Ree....this comments and way of speaking belongs to mark. Dang! Since you are making a career out of this, Mark...let me give u some advice...u don't know how to be igcognito anymore so time to change ur styles!
[smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] I'm curious though...why do you hate me so much? Or it's not just me? Is it natural for you to hate people?

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by CooCHie on Sep 10th, 2006, 5:08am

on 09/09/06 at 21:48:18, igotuuu wrote:
:) Edith , it's evident you are starving for your own sanity. May you someday conquer those demons that trouble you.

Wow, I could not believe my eyes, Even here you must have been so bored and no life at all Mark...you still stalking us...you must have miss us so much...

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by explicitkinx on Sep 10th, 2006, 11:36am
Mark Fleming, the individual who is STILL cloning and disturbling annoying the crap out of people for his own insanity?  Funny "Edith, it's evident you are starving for your own sanity. May you someday conquer those demons that trouble you."  What is this?  Taken from some text books, we all damn well know you can't even type an abstract for shit.  Second, I think you've been rejected once too many times to have this built up pyshotic hatred within your own little world.  Nobody pushed you into this bewildered nazi type of mind, but your own self and insecurities.  It's time for you to face the realms of real world instead of preditorize people online for the sakes of your joys.  I doubt you even have a decent job, if that is even any.  

Cloners, people who tend to go online, or anywhere else in life to obsorb as much energic powerlizing super-natural feelings to make themselves feel better.  It's very apparent you got no life and have a disorder.  Just because people can't see every minute(s) of what you're doing, surely doesn't mean we all don't know what a true piece of shit you are from this Earth.  


Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by explicitkinx on Sep 10th, 2006, 11:37am
I also forgot to mention, nice bra picture of yourself when you first went into AC1.  Oh this is surely a funny picture, save yourself the embrassment!  

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by wildheart on Sep 10th, 2006, 6:09pm

on 09/10/06 at 11:36:53, explicitkinx wrote:
Mark Fleming, the individual who is STILL cloning and disturbling annoying the crap out of people for his own insanity?  Funny "Edith, it's evident you are starving for your own sanity. May you someday conquer those demons that trouble you."  What is this?  Taken from some text books, we all damn well know you can't even type an abstract for shit.  Second, I think you've been rejected once too many times to have this built up pyshotic hatred within your own little world.  Nobody pushed you into this bewildered nazi type of mind, but your own self and insecurities.  It's time for you to face the realms of real world instead of preditorize people online for the sakes of your joys.  I doubt you even have a decent job, if that is even any.  

Cloners, people who tend to go online, or anywhere else in life to obsorb as much energic powerlizing super-natural feelings to make themselves feel better.  It's very apparent you got no life and have a disorder.  Just because people can't see every minute(s) of what you're doing, surely doesn't mean we all don't know what a true piece of shit you are from this Earth.  


very well said...bravo

Title: Re: Tired of Clone ID's and Fakes?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Sep 13th, 2006, 6:19am
Well said, Boo. I guess he didn't like my earlier comment about clones. Dang he says things as if he's normal. If I didn't know any better I would have started to question my sanity. ;D

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