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Community >> Asian Connections >> Asian or Western men
(Message started by: rocky610 on Jun 3rd, 2005, 9:08am)

Title: Asian or Western men
Post by rocky610 on Jun 3rd, 2005, 9:08am
In general do Asian women prefer Asian or Western men?

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by mylane on Jun 3rd, 2005, 9:17am
hey i like men in general....asian or western....ahihihihi ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by rocky610 on Jun 3rd, 2005, 10:22am
Mylane,  I guess that puts me in the running for you

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by teagirl on Jun 3rd, 2005, 11:26am

British  ;D (it's the accent)

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by mylane on Jun 3rd, 2005, 1:14pm
yeah their accent is damn so sexy....ahihihihi...loosing the 'R' ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by beth on Jun 3rd, 2005, 4:38pm
well some prefer asians some prefer westerns ;D
l prefer western :P

ahhh yea may hongat ilong, british accent in some way sounded sexy heheh ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Norkay on Jun 4th, 2005, 6:58am
Hmmm  :P

I can't tell what I really prefer, but most of the dates I had were with Western men.

Oh yes, I love Bristish accent especially if it is a bit influenced by American accent. ;D

Someone said Australian accent sucks ( no offend to Ausies,It's not me who said it,anyway) but I am also used to it and I think it's sexy. ;D....ends "yeah" most of the time.Hehe.

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by mylane on Jun 4th, 2005, 1:22pm
the only difference in dating locals and foreigners is that if I'm with local i can tell my jokes in tagalog, with foreigners i have to tell it in english that sometimes the punchline is no properly delivered....lol lol  ;D

Lets just compare our own experiences in dating asian and western men and lets see if it will comply with each other notes...lol lol ;D ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by rocky610 on Jun 5th, 2005, 9:58am
I can do a really good British accent if will help.    Well I think Asian women are the best.

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by mylane on Jun 5th, 2005, 11:38am
hey im asian....am i one of that best? lol lol....ahihihihi ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by gracia on Jun 7th, 2005, 4:01am
hmm in general....considering the ratio in PI i guess asian women go for asian men too.

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by kim on Jun 9th, 2005, 3:28am
i hate white guys!!! Just kidding! hehehehe.... I think i'd prefer a filipino who has been living in the US since he was a child... Why? because it it most likely that his parents have been teaching him filipino values and not having to live in a place where the culture is not ruled by men... THe reason why most filipino men are players is because their women allow them to behave this way. The pinays would say. Aw that just a phase he's going through or its normal for a guy to play around once and a while  :-X >:(

I like african ameriacan.. not because of their sizes but its just that they are fun to be with... funny as hell.... And about that british stuff.... I have the hots for a british guy right now n i think he's damn sexy  ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Norkay on Jun 9th, 2005, 7:44am

[smiley=thinking2.gif]  [smiley=rock.gif]  :P

Am I being sarcastic? Hehe. :P

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Gaara on Jun 14th, 2005, 10:54am
hohooooo hello~~~
i think.... you guys cannot like one more than another, it depends from person to person...all people are different, so men should view each woman independently, and all women should do the same for men~~ otherwise you might miss out on the one true love of your life....right? hih

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by kim on Jun 16th, 2005, 9:32am
We know that Cristian... We have preferences but that doesnt mean that if the guy doesnt fit our preference then he has no chance at all   ;)

Men of any race can me the most romantic n most handsoem guy in the world but then he can also be the most ignorant n the bigest A-hole in the whole world.. hehehe

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jul 7th, 2005, 6:38am
I think this topic is a little descriminating!! How come PAKIS are not included in the choices? >:(I think they are the most exciting lovers in the world :)They are extraordinarily sweet and smart and goodlooking and higly educated too!Nyahahhaaa! What can i say? Asian are more understandable of our cultures but western men are sexier, i think [smiley=oops.gif]

Title: Asian or Western men
Post by Nathy on Nov 27th, 2005, 2:46pm
Defenetly I will choise Western men, I preffer British when they speak Spanish, damn!! Really sexy... :P  ;D  :D  :)

They understand women better than Asian men, sorry guys for Asian.


Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 29th, 2005, 1:54am
I think western men are more tolerant of people's behaviour. In Japan I have seen men slap their wives if they misunderstood something and it seems a natural thing for them to do. It's not considered a physical abuse to them.  Arabs treat women like cheap objects. They walk behind men in their families. In the dessert, the women rides at the back up of an open pick up truck while the men sits real cozy inside. But the western men are seldom emotionally affected by anything. Or if they are, their feelings are more controlled. I think Pinoys are the best though. They seem to be in the middle of the western/asian/muslims etc...etc.. ;D But I still like western men. [smiley=silly.gif] [smiley=018.gif] [smiley=clap.gif] [smiley=beret.gif]

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by CooCHie on Nov 29th, 2005, 7:50am
I guess cultural and ethnic  influence  had  effect on their preference  why asian women thinks westerners are better .  Like what Witchy mentioned, muslim bec of their culture, they value gals as a second class citizen..Japanese man are more dominant than gals.  Americans, Europeans, they are more balance bec of the social influence that women have the same equal rights as the men.   They have a better understanding and have constitution towards women that they have the same rights as the men...That is why lots of asian or muslim prefer Western men bec of their attitude towards woman's rights... :However, there are asian men also that think the same way as westerners...so it is just depends on each individual's choices. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by dancin tOe on Nov 30th, 2005, 5:42pm
second class coochie????...but you still have to respect them ;D...western and asian....how about southern....lol..... [smiley=crazysmile.gif]

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by CooCHie on Dec 3rd, 2005, 6:52pm

on 11/30/05 at 17:42:07, dancin tOe wrote:
second class coochie????...but you still have to respect them ;D...western and asian....how about southern....lol..... [smiley=crazysmile.gif]

Well what  I mean by second class Capu, that is how they are being viewed  bec of cultural thing.  Man being the head of household..and the one who wears the pants...Some are pretty respectful...and some are adapting some western views now a days..Woman are being heard... ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by dancin tOe on Dec 4th, 2005, 8:09am
hehehehe....coochie  ;D ;D ;D ;D...i know.... got it what you mean ;)... [smiley=iloveyou.gif]...now....speaking about men..western men are more romantic...but it depends from the person...but hell yeah they are romantic... [smiley=drummer.gif]

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 5th, 2005, 4:29am
Ya think so, Capu? ;DCan you find me one? I don't care if he's rich or handsome, as long as he's romantic and older, I'll be content and not complain, promise!! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by dancin tOe on Dec 5th, 2005, 7:32am
witchy...sing for me 1st and i will think about it..... ;).... [smiley=hopcat2.gif]

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 6th, 2005, 12:38am

on 12/05/05 at 07:32:21, dancin tOe wrote:
witchy...sing for me 1st and i will think about it..... ;).... [smiley=hopcat2.gif]

Sheez...I sure hope you know what you're asking from me, Capu! ;DAnd you're a hard woman to please, eh? Ok, I owe you a song, now where is the man. Don't just think on it, please do something right away! [smiley=hopcat2.gif]

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by rocky610 on Dec 6th, 2005, 7:13pm
I cant believe people are posting here agian,  its an old board  lol.   I think Asian women are the best!  I spend alot of time in asia and you guys are the greatest.

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by nelson3082000 on Dec 7th, 2005, 12:43am
yeah asian woman are the best and i seen one post that aussie accents are bad well come date one and see we up there with the rest of the world in romance and we love to love our wifes and girlfreinds ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Dec 7th, 2005, 6:47pm
lol nelson mark bugger :P l dont think the accents is bad, but its different. like ppl said british accents is sexy but could sounds weird for some people :P
so l guess its just different or the ears dont get used to it lol :P

well l think western men is cool 8)... romantic, open minded, etc.

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by nelson3082000 on Dec 8th, 2005, 2:36pm
so beth come date me then ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by astrobloke on Dec 22nd, 2005, 12:50pm
I have seen a lot of filipino women voting for Aussie men in the streets of my city  ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by David_wilkins2000 on Dec 22nd, 2005, 1:02pm
Me personally, if that was my only choice, ....I'll go for Asian Woman.

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 22nd, 2005, 2:03pm

on 12/22/05 at 13:02:12, David_wilkins2000 wrote:
Me personally, if that was my only choice, ....I'll go for Asian Woman.

Awww shuckz, David, you mean if you have other choices it will never be asian women? ???

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by somebody on Dec 22nd, 2005, 7:55pm
Westernized Asian men. But I am open to all races.  ;)

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by kim on Jan 5th, 2006, 5:51am
I met a Paki guy in subic during the newyear countdown. At first i didnt know that he was pakistani but i noticed that his features looked somewhat like an arab. I kinda literaly bumped into him on the dance floor and when i looked up i saw this 6 foot plus guy who kept saying "i'm sorry i'm sorry" because i kinda fell of balance a bit  :P He didnt sound like the pakis i was used to and he certainly didnt smell like one  ;D... Infact he was damn handsome and he smelled good too  :o.. To make a long story short, I spent the newyear just talking to him about sooo many interesting stuffs that made my who's "paki" outlook change.

Bottom line is, the culture or a person plays a big part on how he trats women but not all men are the same. It all boils down to their own understanding of "repect to women"... So witht he question Asian or wester men... It doesnt matter as long as he is a man with all the right equipments  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 5th, 2006, 2:35pm

on 01/05/06 at 05:51:47, kim wrote:
I met a Paki guy in subic during the newyear countdown. At first i didnt know that he was pakistani but i noticed that his features looked somewhat like an arab. I kinda literaly bumped into him on the dance floor and when i looked up i saw this 6 foot plus guy who kept saying "i'm sorry i'm sorry" because i kinda fell of balance a bit  :P He didnt sound like the pakis i was used to and he certainly didnt smell like one  ;D... Infact he was damn handsome and he smelled good too  :o.. To make a long story short, I spent the newyear just talking to him about sooo many interesting stuffs that made my who's "paki" outlook change.

Bottom line is, the culture or a person plays a big part on how he trats women but not all men are the same. It all boils down to their own understanding of "repect to women"... So witht he question Asian or wester men... It doesnt matter as long as he is a man with all the right equipments  ;D ;D

Lol, Kimmy..I guess the online "paki's" are a lot different than those for real, eh?
;D I've met some educated indians and arabs and I must say they all act very civil and polite. Not all like those "typical" types. But still I would prefer Western coz  we have "less" culture differences with them. :P

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by nelson3082000 on Jan 6th, 2006, 12:19am
yeah for sure western men we lova our woman and with us they are free do whatever they want

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 6th, 2006, 5:33am

on 01/06/06 at 00:19:57, nelson3082000 wrote:
yeah for sure western men we lova our woman and with us they are free do whatever they want

That could could pose a problem, too Nelson. Coz the males do the same! ;DToo much freeways :P

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by nOrKAy on Jan 6th, 2006, 10:05am

Oh, it's good Witchy, you always get the thought there. LOL. I can't really. I am dumb in analization. :P

Hihihi.  ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by nOrKAy on Jan 6th, 2006, 10:17am

on 01/05/06 at 05:51:47, kim wrote:
I met a Paki guy in subic during the newyear countdown. At first i didnt know that he was pakistani but i noticed that his features looked somewhat like an arab. I kinda literaly bumped into him on the dance floor and when i looked up i saw this 6 foot plus guy who kept saying "i'm sorry i'm sorry" because i kinda fell of balance a bit  :P He didnt sound like the pakis i was used to and he certainly didnt smell like one  ;D... Infact he was damn handsome and he smelled good too  :o.. To make a long story short, I spent the newyear just talking to him about sooo many interesting stuffs that made my who's "paki" outlook change.

Bottom line is, the culture or a person plays a big part on how he trats women but not all men are the same. It all boils down to their own understanding of "repect to women"... So witht he question Asian or wester men... It doesnt matter as long as he is a man with all the right equipments  ;D ;D

WOW. Kimmy, this is actually a very good tribute for other races. This witnessess that we can and should never judge and descriminate other people by their races.

In Hong Kong, there are lot of Pakistan people, too. But I never had the feeling to look down on them or to feel decrimination. They are friendly person, very hardworking and easy to communicate, since most of them (or maybe even all) can communicate in English.

Thank you Kim, for sharing ! ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Aftr_it on Jan 31st, 2006, 12:04pm
;D I dont discriminate  I simply dont like men  cos They havent got the right equipment ;D

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by feso on Feb 1st, 2006, 5:00am
ASIAN WOMEN...................PERIOD!!!!!!!!! WE NEED MORE ASIAN WOMEN IN THE WORLD...................

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Matthew on Feb 18th, 2006, 2:39am
Asian or Western Men? [smiley=rock.gif]  I'm not really an ass man ....

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by feso on Feb 19th, 2006, 12:15am
damn.............i feel salty cause i seen what i had posted earlier and only now am i just barely noticing that the topic is men not women................alright i shouldnt even be here..............im out laterz!!!!!

Title: Re: Asian or Western men
Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 21st, 2006, 1:59am

on 02/19/06 at 00:15:57, feso wrote:
damn.............i feel salty cause i seen what i had posted earlier and only now am i just barely noticing that the topic is men not women................alright i shouldnt even be here..............im out laterz!!!!!

[smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

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