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Community >> Asian Connections >> Alternate 1freeworld Groups ID's
(Message started by: Tony Montana on Sep 18th, 2005, 3:54am)

Title: Alternate 1freeworld Groups ID's
Post by Tony Montana on Sep 18th, 2005, 3:54am


Soooo I think it's about time someone created a Thread for all the Reg's here on Freeworld who change their Freeworld Nicknames or ID's on a Regular Basis. Come on....You know who you are, and Dang, some of us change their ID's every other day, lmao.

So with that in Mind, there is now a place to post just who is who (That means Please post your Original Freeworld ID, and your Newest ID)...and why you have chosen to change to your Newer ID.

Post Away Gang.

Title: Re: Alternate Freeworld ID's
Post by Darjeeling on Sep 18th, 2005, 4:09am

Herr Dale
LMAO. My name is Teagirl and I'm guilty. I guess if its an ID that has anything to do with Tea, that will be me. I thought its fun and its interesting to know the kind of tea variety I could come up with. Best Tea ID I had was Orange Pekoe. It reminded me of my orange feet. LOL.

Title: Re: Alternate Freeworld ID's
Post by Tony Montana on Sep 18th, 2005, 6:17am

on 09/18/05 at 04:09:52, Darjeeling wrote:
Herr Dale
LMAO. My name is Teagirl and I'm guilty. I guess if its an ID that has anything to do with Tea, that will be me. I thought its fun and its interesting to know the kind of tea variety I could come up with. Best Tea ID I had was Orange Pekoe. It reminded me of my orange feet. LOL.

Orange Feet Ehh?

I thought your Orange Feet was the product of some dyed boots or something? LOL. You must post a Pic of those things one day, if only for Posterity's Sake or My Secret Foot Fetish Thing. Shhh...Don't Tell Anyone. lmao.  ;D

So...just to clarify things "Darjeeling" is a Type of Tea? I thought it was some type of Industrial Solvent or something. LOL.

Title: Re: Alternate Freeworld ID's
Post by Sweet and Sour on Sep 18th, 2005, 8:04am

Hello,LMAO.Hihihi.This is Norkay and I'm also guilty.I also thought it would be fun to change my ID once in awhile,while describing myself.LOL.It's like,Norkay (my original ID) is Forgettable (my 2nd ID),Cheezy (3rd) which means I was getting really fat at the time I had that ID and this last one Sweet and Sour, still represents me.I think I don't need to explain it,do I?

There,I complied, Dale. Now I'm also curious what do yours mean?  ;)

Title: Re: Alternate Freeworld ID's
Post by Tony Montana on Sep 19th, 2005, 5:35am

on 09/18/05 at 08:04:49, Sweet and Sour wrote:
Hello,LMAO.Hihihi.This is Norkay and I'm also guilty.I also thought it would be fun to change my ID once in awhile,while describing myself.LOL.It's like,Norkay (my original ID) is Forgettable (my 2nd ID),Cheezy (3rd) which means I was getting really fat at the time I had that ID and this last one.

Ahhhh...So that's what your ID's meant. I get it now, but it's so much easier now that you have explained things. LOL.  

There,I complied, Dale. Now I'm also curious what do yours mean?  ;)

Mine? *Slight Giggle complete with Evil Grin*  [smiley=cool4.gif]

My NEW ID came after watching the Flick "Scarface". A rather Violent Gangster Dude called "Tony Montana" played Perfectly by Al Pachino. There is no specific reason behind it other then the fact that I just finished watching the Movie and felt the Urge to Finally give in to the Crazy Wave that's Sweeping over Freeworld and change my ID. The Crazy Things Kids Do. [smiley=afro.gif]

Title: Re: Alternate Freeworld ID's
Post by Anani Kalea on Sep 19th, 2005, 7:08pm

LOL Dale, you made me laugh... Thanks, I needed one today. Anyway, I started with kianna_andrea, then later changed it to kianna (I just thought, the shorter, the er, cuter? lol). Then it's psyche... Teamay and I was chatting one time, she just changed into Orange Peekoe that time, and so I thought, maybe I should change mine too. We were thinking of a character to which I can identify with, "someone who loves too much and so true" (something to that effect) ::) ;D 'Next thing I knew I was re-reading my Mythology book and researching for cupid and psyche's story, and a pic to go along as my avatar. This phrase from the story quite describes what I was feeling that time:  

"Psyche, aghast,  felt terror flooding her heart instead of love. She had wondered so often why he would never let her see him. There must be some dreadful reason. What did she really know about him? If he was not horrible to look at, then he was cruel to forbid her ever to behold him. "There must be something very wrong," she sobbed, "for him so to shun the light of day."

I later changed to apricot, not for a special reason, actually. Teamay and I just happened to talk about tea, and I asked her if she likes chamomile or apricot tea, for my Mom sends me some, I saw her change her id to chamomile the next day, and I followed suit, changing mine to apricot. (I know, I know, I'm such a copy-cat.. ::) ;D  )...Hmm,... what was my next id? Now I'm confused! I think, periwinkle came next,....I came across this quote from John Mayer one day:

"Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you're really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64-color box, though I've got a few missing. It's ok though, because I've got some more vibrant colors like periwinkle at my disposal. I have a bit of a problem though in that I can only meet the 8-color boxes. Does anyone else have that problem? I mean there are so many different colors of life, of feeling, of articulation.. so when I meet someone who's an 8-color type.. I'm like, "hey girl, magenta!" and she's like, "oh, you mean purple!" and she goes off on her purple thing, and I'm like, "no - I want magenta!"

I am supposed to use magenta, but then I thought periwinkle sounds much better, so I opted for it. I thought periwinkle was just a color (periwinkle blue) until later that day when I knew from Teamay that periwinkle is also a flower, and a gorgeous flower at that too, it's also referred to as myrtle and I was actually considering using that, but then again, I remembered "moaning myrtle" from Harry Potter so I brushed off the idea, lol.... (I used a periwinkle flower as an avatar as well)

Next,...alice_blue_blossoms. One day, I was endlessly listening to this song from Tori Amos, entitled Ribbons Undone, and there was this stanza: (it's the chorus of the song I think,...)

"She runs like a fire does
Just picking up daisies
Comes in for a landing
A pure flash of lightening
Past alice blue blossoms
You follow her laughter
And then she'll surprise you
Arms filled with lavender"

so that's where I got the alice id.

Now, I'm using Anani Kalea. A hawaiian name generator  says it's my hawaaian name, so there.

Sorry for the long post,I hope no one fell asleep while reading it. Lol. I think I'm in my babbling mood tonight. :P

The Crazy Thing Kids Do.....  ;D

Title: Re: Alternate Freeworld ID's
Post by Fart Knockers on Sep 20th, 2005, 9:21am
;D ;D ;DI dont have to elaborate more  i make someone cut a big one everytime i make em laff;D ;D ;Di stink and suxxx too...lol when  i tickle u i say coochie coochie coo ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Alternate Freeworld ID's
Post by Gracia on Sep 22nd, 2005, 6:22am
thanks for solving one of my problems guys....nice thread Dale....i know where to go now when i'm confused....

Title: Re: Alternate Freeworld ID's
Post by mylane on Sep 22nd, 2005, 6:44am
I wanna change my name to Octopussy...but then i dont know how will I explain why i pick that id so i dumped the idea...LOL

Title: Re: Alternate Freeworld ID's
Post by Moi moi on Oct 6th, 2005, 6:47am

My new ID Moi moi does not mean the same as Dale's language ( moi=me ). Moi moi is used in Chinese to call the youngest girl member of the family,and I am. I came to think of using it when my brother called me up on the phone and I was still sleeping that I wasn't picking it up.So,I just on the speaker of the phone and there my bro calling me "moi moiiii,heisan ah! ( wake up! )" .I just missed when they call me that way.  ;D

Title: Re: Alternate Freeworld ID's
Post by dancin tOe on Oct 13th, 2005, 7:47pm
dancin tOe

I'm usin this id now...cos i like it ;)
well actually...i got that name from my dream..it was supposed to be a nightmare  >:(
but when i remember it..its kinda funny
when you see your own toes dancin arround in a room...with weird music..it was kinda freaky....makes me dizzy...
>:( :o ::)
well... i still got my capuchino and i will using it again...this time i like this new id ;)
my id are...
kissdontkillme ( capuchino )
cup_of_creamy (dancin_tOe)
hmm what will be my next ID [smiley=roll.gif]? ? ?


Title: Re: Alternate Freeworld ID's
Post by beth on Oct 13th, 2005, 8:43pm
hmmmm.... niece kianna, u made me wanna make new id's ::) ::) well if we talk bout yahoo id's... l got tooooooo much ahahaha ;D but l never change my id in here...
mmm... mebbe its a time to change eh? ::) ::)
wutcha think partner ::) u fink if l change my id, it gunna change sumfink in me? ;D

Title: Re: Alternate Freeworld ID's
Post by CooCHie on Dec 28th, 2005, 9:07pm

You can let us know your id ur using here as we know u in the room..This way we have a better understanding who u are here.  Thanks new members!!!!

 [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_drink2.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif]

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