Title: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by CooCHie on Dec 6th, 2005, 7:36pm Ok as a moderator of this thread, I got couple of suggestion that PM me let me know if this is great or not. They are asking me if we can vote based on who u want...the trick here is if your name comes up, we need a picture to be posted. at the final voting..if for some reason, you dont want to post your picture, let me know...this means that you are not in the final voting stage...I have been bug with this cute guys asking me this..so lets hear ur suggestion gals and guys ...the voting final stage is approaching.. ;D Example if you want to nominate so and so, I will try to get a picture of that member...if he/she wont sent a picture then i will inform who ever nominated that he/she does not want her/his picture posted...The reason behind this because some of the members wants to join in but they want to see who they are voting for...this is just a matter of everyone's participation..Let me know if this is a great idea or not.. ;DThanks for your inputs... [smiley=icon_thanks.gif]Ok cute guys I said it...so let me see your postings!!!! |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by Levy on Dec 9th, 2005, 9:10pm I agree Coochie that a picture of the nominees should be posted ;D -- is it possible to open a topic here just exclusively for posting the nominees (both male and female) and their corresponding pictures? (i wonder if that will be an inconsistency with the 'Picture Perfect' category...hhhmm... :-/) It is not always that all the nominees and the voters are in the chatroom at the same time...hence viewing by cam is sometimes difficult to achieve ;D Just a thought ;D |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by CooCHie on Dec 11th, 2005, 9:44am on 12/09/05 at 21:10:40, Levy wrote:
that is a great suggestion too levy. We will see what we can do...for those who wants to advertise their popularity, start posting ur pictures...lol |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by feso on Dec 11th, 2005, 6:33pm HOW DO I POST MY PICTURE!!!?!?!?! I DONT KNOW :'( yah i know im an idiot.....SOMEBODY HELP!!!!!! |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by CooCHie on Dec 12th, 2005, 1:44am Feso, use the img on ur photo bucket. u are copying the wrong link There are three links below ur pictures on ur photo bucket. where it says 1. url 2. tag 3. img copy the img link then paste it to ur post. If u want to use it in your profile, you use the url link go to your profile and change where it tells u http:// u add that url link there.. hope this works. Make sure ur file name is not too long cause it wont work if it is |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by CooCHie on Dec 12th, 2005, 1:46am http://photobucket.com/albums/c126/dj_feso/Image006.jpg] Did u change this file name feso? |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Dec 12th, 2005, 12:56pm on 12/11/05 at 18:33:20, feso wrote:
I posted this same message under HELPPPPPPPP!!!! Topic LOL. Feso, pls go H E R E (http://www.1freeworld.net/cgi-bin/Yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=pics;action=display;num=1079401303;start=15#15) for more instructions. |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by CooCHie on Dec 12th, 2005, 3:40pm Ty Chantiq for helping Feso.. :) :) |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Dec 12th, 2005, 3:56pm You're welcome Cooch .:) I hope it helps Feso and any other members who are trying to figure out how to post pics on here. |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by Fredbirdone on Dec 12th, 2005, 9:31pm to make the voting fair i think the guys should vote for guys n women vote for women, that way no one will vote n it will be less hassle :P |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by mixin4livin on Dec 13th, 2005, 2:48pm That’s a Very good idea Coochie. I think everyone would agree on that. Let me also suggest to open up a new topic to Post the pic's of the Nominees. I know there's one existing already to post your own pic's but this would be for the active members or the one's who have been nominated. Let's Cut the crap and save time fella's. In my part I have only seen very few on Pic's and Cam. But I know there are more who could be suitable candidates and who are hiding behind their seats due to many reasons. I have also seen couple of cams of members but I'm not sure if others would have seen to agree upon my vote or contribute. My votes would be strictly based on "Hot/Sexy" and the one's I have seen, no favors even for those who are close. All the best to u Coochie on your Campaign and all those participant's of the event!!!!. Now Roll the Drums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 13th, 2005, 11:51pm on 12/12/05 at 21:31:39, Fredbirdone wrote:
Huh?? ??? |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by mixin4livin on Dec 14th, 2005, 12:04pm [smiley=clap.gif] [smiley=clap.gif] [smiley=clap.gif] [smiley=clap.gif] BRAVO WITCHY HAHHAH I agree with u this time [smiley=icon_super.gif] |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 14th, 2005, 11:54pm on 12/14/05 at 12:04:08, mixin4livin wrote:
Why, thank you, RJ! I just thought he's not making any sense. :P |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by mixin4livin on Dec 15th, 2005, 8:54am on 12/14/05 at 23:54:24, Wicked_Witch wrote:
So Did I Witchy....Take this [smiley=rock.gif] hahahaha. By the way Witchy lets see some Hot Pics of u ..think u can do better than that lol [smiley=icon_super.gif] |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 15th, 2005, 11:33pm on 12/15/05 at 08:54:22, mixin4livin wrote:
Sorry, that's for private viewing only ;)I have not even seen a pic of you anywhere :P |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by nOrKAy on Dec 18th, 2005, 11:06am Quote:
I suggest that if we move/split a post to the right thread, just move it and let the reader follow the link and read the post's content there. The content shouldn't appear anymore from the thread where it came from. Otherwise, it's useless moving the content if we still let the post readable in the thread where it was miss-placed. And this should only what appears on the auto-notice: Off topic replies have been moved to This Thread by CooCHie. Thanks. ;) |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by nOrKAy on Dec 26th, 2005, 8:06am RE:Hottest Male and Hottest Female Voting Areas/Threads My personal comments: 1. The voting areas/threads are supposed to be for VOTES ONLY. If someone has a comment , this thread should be the right place to enter. Just indicate the thread you are commenting on. I also think, that those "Thanks" , comments to those candidates are not necessary. And oh, I even see greetings. We can do that after the final result. LOL. In that case, counting will be easier and we can see who is really voting and not just commenting. 2.The rules of voting had already been announced before the voting began. Thus, there's no need to keep repeating them. ( I am not going to join in a game without knowing first the rules, am I? )Just let the voters vote, and when the scheduled date to finalize the result, let the moderators judge and learn each vote , wether it's should be counted/valid or not. Ofcourse, moderators are expected to be fair and voters' respect and acceptance of the results are expected, as well. These are just my comments. Thank you. |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 26th, 2005, 3:03pm Thank you very much, Norkie. You could not have make it more clearer. Honestly speaking we are having a hard time counting the votes because sometimes we can't decide if the poster is already voting or just commenting on someone or is just saying hello to someone. Since we have to differentiate them, we have agreed that ONLY the following are accepted as votes: 1. a written and single name of the candidate in his/her post and nothing else. 2. if the voter mentioned "my vote is for..." or "I vote for.....". 3. And lastly, if the poster is clearly expressing her/his intention to vote for a certain candidate. Please do not say "I wish I can.."...or say the candidate is "hot" or the candidate is "the best..." or anything of the same nature. We are already at the crucial part of our votings and we would like to be fair to all the candidates so please help us. Thank you very much for all the understanding and support. You folks really rocks!! [smiley=icon_super.gif] [smiley=icon_super.gif] [smiley=icon_super.gif] |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by earthlingorgeous on Dec 27th, 2005, 11:56am Suggestion for the voting and polling: I think there's that poll thingy up there where the voter clicks his/her vote and it tally's up all the votes right? Although I understand why you want a clear word of who voted who like "I vote (person's name) just so you be transparent about the vote. But I agree with Chantiq that there should be a period for campaigning before the actual voting like election thingy lol!. Sorry Just thinking out loud lol! |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by nOrKAy on Dec 27th, 2005, 1:17pm RE: Hottest Male Voting I suggest that forced vote will never be counted. I also hope that those who are newly registered, come and join the forum, and not just for voting purposes. |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by CooCHie on Dec 27th, 2005, 4:12pm .ON the VOTING POLL, we will be moving all the comments or praises n thank you to the campaign thread. This is to make our counting easier before the final count down. We just leave the vote post ***I have notice that posters just go directly to reply box and does not read the rest of what is being post*** |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by CooCHie on Dec 28th, 2005, 9:03pm on 12/28/05 at 20:31:45, Jimbo wrote:
There is a thread already open for that here Jimbo see Alternative Freeworld ID. But if you are talking about asian connection as in the room, we do not have any control there. It is up to the individual to divulge their identity to the chat room. Im sure who ever keeps changing their names, they have a reason . I dont like it as much as you do but again, its individual choices. |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 29th, 2005, 6:23am on 12/27/05 at 13:17:29, nOrKAy wrote:
Lol, Norkie...I'm sure when they mentioned they are being forced to vote that the person is just making reasons. I'm sure no one can really "force" anyone to vote if they don't feel like it. We will have to count all the votes as long as it clearly stated they are voting for that person. ;) |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by nOrKAy on Dec 29th, 2005, 7:00am Quote:
It should never be anyone's need to know or find out who the members are. This is a public forum, THUS, anyone is welcome to join. So, we never know if those new IDs are really new members or they have just created another one/new one. LET US JUST BE CONCERNED OF THE PERSON'S POST AND NOT ABOUT POSTER. Think about this: What if there are thousands and thousands of members joining in this forum? Do we expect to know them all? Or do we need to know who they are? on 12/29/05 at 06:23:45, Wicked_Witch wrote:
Hihi. Prolly I was just feeling disappointed when I read some votes like they voted for the certain person because they were forced. Good decision, though, Mod. Witchy. ;) ;D |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 29th, 2005, 7:12am on 12/29/05 at 07:00:32, nOrKAy wrote:
It has cross my mind, Norkie. And it is a great possibility. Well then, I guess it would just be in their consience if they win because they voted for themselves a lot of times. They are only fooling themselves into believing a lot think they are "hot", right? I hope not though, this is all just for fun so no one should take this seriously to the point of cheating just to win ;) |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by nOrKAy on Dec 29th, 2005, 7:38am on 12/29/05 at 07:12:44, Wicked_Witch wrote:
Witchy. [smiley=roll.gif] By the way, I want to meet those who voted or commented on me that I don't know-- U_gor and Sparky (or is she the asianspark I know in AC1 chatroom? ) and one more. |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 30th, 2005, 11:56am I want to apologize to some people whose post I can't find anymore!! [smiley=bigcry.gif] [smiley=bigcry.gif] [smiley=bigcry.gif]I was trying to move some posts/comments/replies from out of the the Voting thread and now I can't find them anymore! [smiley=bigcry.gif]I want to make it easier for us to count votes and Coochie has already taught me how to move them but dumb as I am I still make mistakes!! :'(Please don't get mad at me whose ever posts they are that I lost or misplace somewhere. I'm sorry! But I swear they are not votes, just comments or greetings. Otherwise I would not have tried to move them somewhere else. Again I'm sorry, please??:' But I'm learning now I swear! Of course that's after a "couple" of mistakes( :P |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by Matthew on Nov 15th, 2006, 8:31pm I'm not worried about the threads, they can come off for all I care (jk) but none the less I had to delete messenger due to malfunctions, soooooo I can't even get into the chat room anymore, but i do hope to hear from all of you through my e-mail and 360, I miss you guys but unfortunately due to a few bad apples I can't keep yahoo messenger because of the hacking and malfunctioning... sorry Don't forget that I love you gals and high five to all the guys!... |
Title: Re: Comments and Suggestion for this thread: Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 5th, 2006, 3:33am But surely you can come visit us here from time to time, Matt? :-* |
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