Title: A game about the AC1 people Post by earthlingorgeous on Jan 17th, 2006, 9:34am Randomly pick 20 people from the AC1 forum and room and then answer the following questions below. Enjoy! ;D 1. Jeff 2. Tina 3. Chelbyt 4. Edith 5. Graeme 6. Davie 7. Dravey 8. Chantiq 9. Justine 10. Krissy 11. Gracie 12. Beth 13. Ree 14. Chelle 15. Lou 16. Coochie 17. Kitch 18. Smileyasian 19. Cebuanalyn 20. Kimmy How did you meet 13 * Ree.... hmmm haven't really meet him in person yet but I have chatted him in the room once in a while and ofcourse he is the brains behind this forum... What do you honestly think of 10? * Krissy ... the Ms. Congeniality of this forum and also I think she is a toughy Have you ever liked 3 ? * Chelbyt... Absolutely... especially when we fight with the mic in the room ... I like her cheerful demeanor and her laughter is so contagious Would 2 and 11 make a good couple? * Tina and Gracie???? Hahahahahaha are you out of your mind? unless they have lesbo tendencies ::) which I doubt Do you think 12 is hot? * Beth... Oh yes ;D did you see her pix with the little black dress :o and the sexy shorts :o Who is 8 going out with? * Chantiq? hmmmmm.... the Christmas present she was asking for.... but ofcouse she goes out with her friends ;D Is 9 a boy or a girl? * Justine....she's all woman ;) When was the last time you talked to 5 ? *Graeme... before the weekend this week... haven't drop by in the room yet What is 1's favorite band? * Jeff... Led Zeppelin Does 2 have any siblings? * Tina.... I think so Would you ever date 6 ? * Davie... group date with the AC1 people I would but alone nope I don't date other men when I'm committed Would you ever date 7? * Bro Dravey... if I was single and he is single... naaaaaaaah... he's my bro! Is 15 single? * Lou... yup I just don't know if he's looking :P what is 16s last name? * Coochie... sowi I don't know :( What does 17 look like? * Kitch ... he's white... he got mustache and beard... he reminds me of some comediane actor... but I forgot the name ::) what is 1's fantasy? * Jeff? Uhno! SECRET! Would 14 and 19 ever get together? * Marley and Ana? if AC1 Philippines could organize a get together why not. hehehehe but if its about uhmmm hooking up nope both are certified women! Would you make out with 1? * Jeff? ;D YES! ;D Do you know what's 13s favorite past time is? *Ree... he's into cycling now as his blog said and maybe work on this site too ;D Are 5 and 6 best friends? * Davie and Graeme? I don't think so. Is 20 older than you? * Kimmy...Yup! Is 18 the sexiest guy/girl alive? *Lisa... well I think she is in her own way very sexy... she's my GF ;D and she looks like Pinky Amador too ;D Is 4 the sexiest guy/girl alive? * Edith? In her own ways too... yes ... especially when she is flying with her broomsticks ;D she displays ageless beauty ;D |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 18th, 2006, 3:05am Ok...let me try it, Cedy...I'll call you that now ;DMine is random also but I made it alternately-male and female. 1.Chantiq 2.Davie 3.Justine 4.Jeff 5.Chelle 6.Astro 7.Meyie 8.Looky 9.Coochie 10.Graeme 11.Saffire 12.Joel 13.Cel 14.Jimbo 15.Norkay 16.Rabbit 17.Grace 18.RJ 19.Earthy 20.Nelson What do you honestly think of 10? Graeme? He's one of the funniest guy in the room and I think one of the nicest. Have you ever liked 3 ? Justine? Oh yes, very much. She's one of my closest and bestest buddies and I have very few. Would 2 and 11 make a good couple? DAvie and Saffire? Hehehehe! Both are good and close friends, but Davie is happily married so I guess we'll never know if they will be, eh? Do you think 12 is hot? Hummnn...Joel? Too hot for me, I think. Who is 8 going out with? Looky? He's married and has no money so I don't think he ever go out now. Hehehe! Is 9 a boy or a girl? Coochie? She's one hottie. When was the last time you talked to 5 ? Chelle? About 3 nights ago, I think. What is 1's favorite band? Chantiq? I think she likes a lot. She loves music. Does 2 have any siblings? Yes. Would you ever date 6 ? Astro? Of course, he's one articulate guy. Would you ever date 7? Meyie? If she's paying why not? Hehehehe!We have gone out in the past. Is 15 single? Norkay? She said she is. what is 16s last name? Rabbit? Powers, I think. What does 17 look like? Grace? She has the pure pinay looks. what is 1's fantasy? Chantiq? Let me see-how about getting stranded in an island with all the comforts in life available and with her special someone. No works, no worries. Would 14 and 19 ever get together? Jimbo and Earthy? Nahhh...for one thing Earthy is taken. Even if she's not I don't think they will be compatible. Jimbo's too serious and Earthy's crazy. hehehehe! Would you make out with 1? With Chantiq? You're not serious, are ya? Why don't you pick out another #? Do you know what's 13s favorite past time is? Manay Cel? Chatting of course. Are 5 and 6 best friends? Chelle and AStro? I don't think so but I know they like each other. Is 20 older than you? Nelson? Nahhh....I'm older though I'm ageless. Hehehehe! Is 18 the sexiest guy/girl alive? RJ? Heck no! Richard Gere is the sexiest man alive for me. Is 4 the sexiest guy/girl alive? Jeff? If he's not taken he will be. Hehehehe! |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by earthlingorgeous on Jan 18th, 2006, 6:57am on 01/18/06 at 03:05:28, Wicked_Witch wrote:
;D Cedy LMAO Edith [smiley=cat39.gif] Reminds me of the most popular cartoon TV during my highschool days though Cedie ;D but way back then we did a spoof about it I was Coline and not Cedie coz uhmmm Cedie was a boy ::) Earth works Edith ;) I've been called hundred names I think... Cedes, Chedeng, Ched, Chedy, Mearth, Mercy, Merced, Deng, Jing, Negra, Bampira, Menggay... ;D ;D Edith how did you know I'm a LUNATIC! [smiley=huepfenicon111.gif] ;D and uhmmm taken or not I think Jeff is sexy ;) especially with the cat and his little guy ;) no I'm not bias ;D |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 18th, 2006, 7:38am I think I need to post in blue now.Hehehehe! Well, when i started writing my story, merceedez sounds like a serious name and not a villain name so i changed it to Cedy. ;)You and Krissy are there, have you read it? ;D Nahhh..lunatic you're not. Just crazy like me. Hehehe! |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Justine on Jan 18th, 2006, 8:34am Hehe…..Cedie……I still like Earthy hehe Well, here’s mine……….. 1. Witchy 2. Chantiq 3. Meyie 4. Sweet Piglet 5. Chelle 6. Francine 7. Lyssa (pmsux) 8. Coochie 9. Krissy 10. Capuchino 11. Earth 12. Jeff 13. Feso 14. Chelby 15. Cel 16. Kitch 17. Lou 18. Graeme 19. Looky 20. Ouchy How did you meet 13 * Feso … Just in the room, wouldn’t miss him as he’s really funny and good to everyone. What do you honestly think of 10? * Capuchino ... (my soulmate hehe) really funny girl, sweet and nice. Have you ever liked 3 ? * Meyie... very much so…a true friend of mine not only in chat but in real life too. Would 2 and 11 make a good couple? * Chantiq and Earth …. A good pair, yeah, their intelligent minds can surely come up with very bright ideas. Do you think 12 is hot? * Jeff … Yeah, makes Earth really proud, I’m sure hehe Who is 8 going out with? * Coochie .... No idea but whoever that is must be lucky. Is 9 a boy or a girl? * Krissy....not just a girl but a very special lady. When was the last time you talked to 5 ? *Chelle... Last real talk was in December, when I treated chat friends out to dinner. What is 1's favorite band? * Witchy... I never asked but she surely likes music...ah wait....banda rito and banda roon lol Does 2 have any siblings? * Chantiq.... None but would surely make a wonderful mom. Would you ever date 6 ? * Francine... more like a sister than a friend to me. We actually date each other in real life hehe Would you ever date 7? * Lyssa... sure hehe she can be very entertaining Is 15 single? * Cel... Yes, I believe so. what is 16s last name? * Kitchy... No idea…..Licious? hehe What does 17 look like? * Lou ... haven’t seen him but with his good heart, who cares hehe what is 1's fantasy? * Witchy … I bet she has a lot lol and wicked ones too haha! Would 14 and 19 ever get together? * Chelby and Looky … Not impossible as they are both in the Philippines. Would you make out with 1? * Witchy ….. errrr….error! haha Do you know what's 13s favorite past time is? * Feso ... ummm not sure, probably chatting and singing. Are 5 and 6 best friends? * Chelle and Francine … not best friends but surely friends in real life Is 20 older than you? * Ouchy ... Nope, definitely not. Is 18 the sexiest guy/girl alive? * Graeme ... If he’s a George Clooney, I would say yes hehe Is 4 the sexiest guy/girl alive? * Sweet Piglet … Could be, to the love of her life. |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Justine on Jan 18th, 2006, 8:35am engs....I wanted to change my font color ::) still didnt do it right....oh well |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 18th, 2006, 8:55am on 01/18/06 at 08:35:48, Justine wrote:
Nyahahahhaha! sistah, I'm good..i made very few blunders. The trick is to write the names alternately. And it coincides with the questions too. :PIt should be a girl first then male. And as for color, you have to put this>>>[/ color ] at the end of your posts. You put this>>>>[ color=purple ] at the start, right? So the other half should be at the end of your posts. Bcause the message should be in between the two of them. |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Justine on Jan 18th, 2006, 10:27am on 01/18/06 at 08:55:20, Wicked_Witch wrote:
hehe okay, thanks, sistah :-* It says randomly so I didn't have a definite aim :P hehe |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Nani on Jan 18th, 2006, 10:40am We have similarities in choosing the sexiest guy Edith and Justine. I love both Richard Gere and George Clooney hehehe[smiley=huepfenicon111.gif] [smiley=love2.gif] |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by earthlingorgeous on Jan 18th, 2006, 10:56am hahahahaha Edith, Justine and Nani ;D Me thinks Richard Gere is the ultimate male holywood hunkie too ;D. He defy age ;D ... not so hot about George Clooney though.... I agree with all of yah there tho makes me proud if other girls find Jeff hot ;D lol! ;D Nani try answering the questions, and randomly select ;D It's FUN! ;D and Justine sis ... the trick is... before typing anything type this [color=(pick any color] then at the end of what you write type [ / color ] without spaces though... that will do the trick ;) OH btw Edith read your short story ;D good thing not Earthy lol! It turns out I'm going to be a villain there :o ;D |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Justine on Jan 18th, 2006, 11:03am on 01/18/06 at 10:40:33, Nani wrote:
hehe...yesh Nani ;) |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Justine on Jan 18th, 2006, 11:07am hmmm...let's see if this works... |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Justine on Jan 18th, 2006, 11:07am ::) engs ::) |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Justine on Jan 18th, 2006, 11:09am again |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Justine on Jan 18th, 2006, 11:11am grrrrrrrr |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Justine on Jan 18th, 2006, 11:12am duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Justine on Jan 18th, 2006, 11:12am Well black looks fine, anyway lol |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by earthlingorgeous on Jan 18th, 2006, 11:48am lol sis Justine ;D its [color = burgundy ] without the space at first and then [ / color] without the spaces also at the end ;D go to marieta's trial and error you can learn how to make moving fonts too like this Hello Sis Justine, Having a great time with your fonts? ;D |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by earthlingorgeous on Jan 18th, 2006, 11:50am on 01/18/06 at 11:11:26, Justine wrote:
you got this one backward your getting close ;D |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 19th, 2006, 2:40am on 01/18/06 at 11:11:26, Justine wrote:
Yup, you got it wrong. Try putting the [color=] first at the start of your message, then the[ /color] at the end, sistah. ;D like this>>>>[ color= burgundy ]grrrrrr[ / color]. That will do the trick. Btw, NO SPACE, ok? Quote:
Oh yes! Those eyes, that body, that killer smile, they are so expressive I wish I could get stranded with him in a very isolated island. ;D..he has hairy chest too :D |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by CooCHie on Apr 7th, 2006, 7:57am on 01/18/06 at 11:11:26, Justine wrote:
I suggest you go to marieta's testing and trial Justine..there it works wonder... :) |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by jeannie_bebeh on May 3rd, 2006, 10:24am 1. Meyie 2. Papa Lou 3. Justin 4. Fugi 5. Netteski 6. Astro 7. Manay Witchy 8. Graeme 9. Chelbyt 10. Jeff 11. Lyssa 12. Kitch 13. Krissy 14. Cebuanalyn 15. Looky 16. Chantiq 17. Davie 18. Wabbit 19. Sweet_Pigwet 20. Joel How did you meet 13 * Krissy – I met her in AC1 of course, like 2 years ago. I have not been in the forum for long time and she helped me to have my password again. Thanks Kris! What do you honestly think of 10? * Jeff..Isn’t he FESO? Heheh well, I think his pic is hot and he is very friendly too. Have you ever liked 3 ? * Justin.. Absolutely... she is this very nice, sweet girl in the room. It is a shame that I didn’t have the chance to meet her in person though. Would 2 and 11 make a good couple? * Papa Lou and Lyssa? ? Hahahahahaha odd couple, but yeah..why not? She is a she and he is a he..and both single too., who knows. Do you think 12 is hot? * Kitch.. Oh yes ! Never met him in person nor saw his pic..but by the way he does his smart chat online…so yeah I think he is HOT. Who is 8 going out with? * Grame? Hmmmmm…I have no idea, but I am kinda hoping he would date someone from the room. Is 9 a boy or a girl? * Chelbyt....she's all woman , just listen to her laugh and giggles on the mic. When was the last time you talked to 5 ? *Netteski... I think before she left for Pinas. What is 1's favorite band? * Meyie ..I honestly do not know…our chat session lately is all about diet and boxing. Does 2 have any siblings? * Papa Lou... I think so Would you ever date 6 ? * ASTO...wow nice question, he lives around 15 minutes away from me. Tess and I was wanting to meet him, but he wouldn’t. (his reason is, that would be uncomfortable..TEss and I are both married) LOL. Would you ever date 7? * Manay Witchy?...hmmm definitely! Hehehe hopefully I will drop by to Manila to meet the rest of the gang. Is 15 single? * Looky.. nope…he is married and have pretty cute baby. what is 16s last name? * Chantiq... I suppose it is Chantica? What does 17 look like? * Davie ... (from the pic in his profile, he's white...and he looks great) what is 1's fantasy? * Meyie…that would be hitting her target weight? Would 14 and 19 ever get together? * Cebuanalyn and Sweet Pigwet ? In AC room yes, in person? Hmmm GRAND EB probably yeah in the future. Who knows. Would you make out with 1? * Meyie? …will probably ask her to make some baked tahong. Lol Do you know what's 13s favorite past time is? *Krissy... I am guessing, she is into forums like this one…hehehe Are 5 and 6 best friends? * Netteski and Astro? I don’t know, sure they are not enemy though. Is 20 older than you? * Joel..Yup! Is 18 the sexiest guy/girl alive? *Wabbit...yeah the sexiest wabbit alive..macho bunny! |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Kitch on May 13th, 2006, 9:45am 1 Coochie 2 Earthy 3 chelle 4 Cel 5 Krissy 6 Sapphy 7 Witchy 8 Reebop 9 justine 10 jeannie 11.Feso 12 Abe 13 Smileyasian 14 Chelby 15 tina 16 Gracie 17 Little cutty 18 Meyie 19 Cappylicious 20 ouchyriffic 1. haven't met coochie if I did she might get a restraining order to keep me from meeting her again she is sugar sweet. 2. What I honestly think about Earthy is that she is a good woman and her man is a lucky guy. 3 Chelle absolutely takes my breath away.....you ever place in your mind traits on epeople that you would find attractive well that is Chelle for me 17 and 8 would make a good couple, they are both genuine people gladly call Terri and Ree friend. 6 I think Sapphy is hot some day I might send her an AC 4 Cel, Isn't she married not sure lol know she is dangerous 5 is all woman hubba hubba Krissy 12 The last time I spoke to Abe is when she made fun of Christmas, it cut me deep because to that point and even a little to this day I had a really big crush on her. 13 Smiley has at least one brother I know about cause she made him go get her medicine when she was sick 19 Would I ever date Cappy hmmmmmm well religious differences so got to say no for that reason alone. 10 Would I ever date Jeannie hmmmmmm In a heart beat if she was single but since she isn't got to say no again. 16 Gracie isn't single she has a hubby and they work on thier christian walk together 20 Don't know ouchy's first name let alone her last 11 Feso kind of reminds me of Van diesel with his pose in his forum picture 9 what is Justines fantasy hmmmm not sure just hope it involves a cat suit not going to say anything else. 15 and 18 would not make a good couple, but you could sell tickets to the date. Of course I would make out with 1,3,4,5,6,12,13,19,20 yes lol but thier safe they all hide from me 7 Is witchy 20 years older then me, don't know learned never to ask a woman her age besides all asian women look young to me. ( sounds racist not meant to sound that way) All the women I mentioned are all extremely sweet if you ask me, and good people can't choose just one. hmmmmmm another one I could not choose sorry..... |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Wicked_Witch on May 16th, 2006, 9:35am Quote:
Kitch...I am only old, not ancient! [smiley=omfg.gif] |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by CooCHie on May 18th, 2006, 7:52am on 05/13/06 at 09:45:40, Kitch wrote:
Kitchy careful , sweets are dangerous to your health...too much sweet is bad for ya [smiley=icon_drink.gif] |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Kitch on May 19th, 2006, 7:17pm to much sweet maybe bad for yah but never been known to do what is good for me :P |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by cuddlydereksun on May 19th, 2006, 7:52pm just like too much pinneapple and baked beans!!! aka fart blossom special!!! [smiley=firejump.gif] |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Wicked_Witch on May 20th, 2006, 5:46am on 05/19/06 at 19:52:33, cuddlydereksun wrote:
how disgusting! [smiley=spank.gif] [smiley=spank.gif] [smiley=spank.gif] |
Title: Re: A game about the AC1 people Post by Kitch on May 20th, 2006, 9:31am Oh my Witchy is good with the wooping :O |
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