Title: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Kitch on Feb 20th, 2006, 12:48pm [font=Verdana][/font][b][/b]I have been in chat many many years now maybe to many. When I started chatting I use to go to the Florida rooms because I was living there at the time. I was there almost as much as I am now in AC1. One day a group of us started putting a tag in front of our names I won’t say the Tag cause the memory is kind sad. It started out innocent enough most of the regs started to wear that, then one day the group decided that you had to get approval from the group to wear the tag in the room. That started to cause the room to divid. People with the tag and people with out it. After a time the people with the Tag decided it was up to them to decide who was allowed in the room who was allowed on the mic to play music or what ever and they would gang up on booting the people out of the room. Which made the drama and hostility in the room rise, the next thing to happen other crews with different tags would come in the room looking for a boot fight. Well needless to say the friendships in the room vanished. Rumor has it that some computers were seriously messed up by these little games they were playing. This is the 3rd time I seen this happen I just hope the end of this will not be like the other two times I seen. When I first saw the AC1 tag I thought it was just the room goofing off. That it wasn’t a group thing. Then I found out it was a grouping to a forum area. That began to alarm me. Then I heard that someone stated that they would ignore anyone that didn’t register in their area before wearing the tag. A cold chill ran down my back because it is mirroring the events that tore apart two other rooms I been in. I heard a girl say she didn’t want to do that because she felt it was controlling won’t say the girls name because I haven’t asked to use it. The next thing you know she was being ripped apart by people in that group for well over 3 hours even after she left the room. Degrading her calling her morals into question, That is when I started to ignore anyone that wears the AC1 Tag even though many of the users that have that tag I do like and do consider friends. Yet I can’t approve of what they are doing cause I know what is going to happen. If things continue as they are you can already see the division in the room and I am assure my alarm over it is not helping the matters. I spoke to someone that I respect and he said that it has been tried in AC 1 before by another person and it ended soon and he believes that it will end soon as well I hope and pray he is correct. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Kitch on Feb 20th, 2006, 12:48pm Something else that I have noticed anyone that speaks against the group in AC1 the clones seem to attack more viciously. Could just be coincidence, another thing they say joining the group is voluntary however it has been pointed out to me that the people that talk about leaving the group in the room the are quickly talked back in it by members of the Group. I am not against this tag in the room because Rick is apart of it I really don’t have anything against him no matter what he things. I know he has accused me of coming in under another name and talking trash about him. Since most of us from Maine are Paranoid I won’t hold that against him cause I have a little paranoia myself. He can say whatever he wants about me I hope for him the best,(please don’t tell me if you see him saying something about me I don’t want to know). The only time I put anyone down in the room was when Storm was doing the voice boot and I didn’t hide under a phony name cause that is not me. I hope if you are a part of the group that you will reconsider your decision and if your not I hope you will take my words to heart and don’t join. When you do something to make yourself a group, that makes people feel excluded and their natural reaction is hostile. We are in chat for friendship, romance, entertainment and maybe a dozen other reasons. Lets try and keep this chat friendly. If someone gets on your nerves just ignore them and enjoy your time with the other people. If you see me not doing this remind me of my own advice cause my Irish Temper can take me over at times even though I believe I got it under control most of the time. If your someone that has the tag. I and someone I considered a friend doesn’t mean I dislike you now, I just don’t like the dividing effect of tags and will continue to talk to you when you don’t have the tag. Well there are a few exceptions from the things I seen what they done since they got the Tag. Please know I do pray for you with or without the Tag everyone in the room matters to me. I am glad you are there. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Jimbo on Feb 20th, 2006, 6:17pm I don't know what Tags are, other than being designated to control a chat..I do know however, chat was getting hostile when I was there..Its not just AC-1, it is all chats... After a while it seems all chats get a bunch of regs, and they feel threatened when someone new arrives..Then the new ones feel slighted, and the war begins ??? It is a shame that in this world, where we only have one chance at life, that we abuse it in a negitive way, and can't undo the damage...Life is a precious gift from God, and we certainly cannot blame God for what WE do..I left AC-1, not because I felt threatened, or that someone would boot me, I left because it was no longer enjoyable :-/..Why be in a situation that is so usless? Its almost like going to Iraq, and saying "hi I am an American, and I want to make peace with everyone", LOL..Some day I hope and pray, that the ME generation realizes that there are other people besides themselves, and that we are not all the same, that is what makes us human :D Another note: We have a disaster going on in the Phillipines with the mudslides, and the terriblle loss of life :'( If only we could take the negitive attitudes from AC-1 and put them to use trying to save lives, not to impress someone, but because we feel compassion...The energy to solve problems, instead of making them, would be a blessing ::)Just an opinion from another human being, and I hope not taken wrong ::) |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 21st, 2006, 1:15am Jimbo, "Tags" are what we call the words or letters attached to anyone's ID similar to those of the others as in groupings. In this case, Kitch were talking of the AC1 "tag" that seems to be populating the ac1 room these days. Actually I have nothing against anyone who wants to form their own group especially if it's for fun or to make the others laugh. What I don't like and appreciate is their use of the room's title, therefore mistakenly leading newbies or strangers to think that "tag ID" is the official room members' name. NO ONE takes control of a Yahoo room. Simply because it's for public use and the way I see it, they are privatizing the room. It's annoying because they brag about taking membership and if you were approved, that's the only time they will let you use their "AC1" tag. These tags are alienating the other chatters. I also think it is stupid to name a group after a public yahoo room. I and lots of friends, some of them are old regs, some are new regs strongly object to this new group. What is this, a power struggle? Heck, even those who were the first to frequent AC1 thereby making themselves "old regulars" did not even make an attempt to use AC1 when they constructed this forum we are using now. The words "Asian Connection" were just a section in this forum to humor everyone, not to lay claim to a room that is supposed to be free for all. I hope these so called "members" and "taggers" will finally realize and come to their senses that they were just being lead to believe it's legitimate by some people who wants to take control of the room. Sheez, it's bad enough that some have to deal with cloners,booters, jerks, assholes.... do they have to add to the chaos? For me, once they use tag names, they are losing their own identity. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Justine on Feb 21st, 2006, 3:12am Few days ago, I entered the room and saw these AC1 tagged IDs. Being a non-fussy person, and knowing who those people were, I thought it's a cool thing, something new, like some spice. I was told it is a group site created for AC1 people so I checked it out, registered and made an AC1 ID too. I never expected negative, and even violent reactions arising from the creation of this AC1 Network group. It is just another site for AC1 people to further share things and have fun. I would not even dare compare it to this forum. 1freeworld Technologies is entirely different and much bigger, no point of comparison. I am involved with several other group sites. I enjoy that thing, getting to interact with various people, having more things to share and learn while having fun so, nothing bad I see. As I was informed, the AC1 name was chosen because the people involved are supposed to be from AC1 only. That is something I find reasonable. If I am a regular of say AC2, I will have apprehensions to join an AC1 group site because the name says it. AC1 Network group site is only for AC1 people. To be a member, one has to make an AC1 ID but that is just for use in the group site. It is not mandated by the group that a member should parade that AC1 ID, boast of it, or use it in chat rooms. I am free to choose whatever ID I would want to use in any chat rooms, and so as others. It was not as if I was given an exclusive invitation to join, or some people persuaded me to. I did it on my own without any malice in mind, just having the feeling that I belong to AC1 and consider it like a home and its people family. I joined the group because of no particular person and no other reason beyond the sake of camaraderie and fun. Even if I chose not to join, I don’t think I should feel alienated seeing AC1 tags in the room because I know I am still a part of it, being a member of any group site or not. I can even create such an ID and use it without asking permission from anyone. It is true, no one owns the room, no one heads it, and no one makes rules and regulations about it. Kitch….I feel sad about what you said there because I consider you as a friend too. Just the mere imagination of you putting me on iggy for doing nothing bad to you is just sad. I have reasons for joining and I don’t have bad intentions for doing so. All I know is that the group site’s objective is more on uniting and not dividing. I hope personal issues are addressed properly and directly to the people involved. Rumors destroy harmony. Jimbo….I think you made a good point there. Change can be a very long process but it is only by trying hard to adapt that we can go through. You are right, there are greater concerns than this. For whatever, I’ll keep believing that things can and will get better. Sistah….As I always say, different people, different views. A mother and child can fight over something and still be bonding as one at the end of the day. Couples may argue a lot about so many things and still sleep hugging each other tight at night. We’re no different. The thing I like most about our friendship is that we may contradict and have different opinions on certain things but in the end, we still remain to have respect for each other and be good friends. That is how we value our friendship and that is why I love you. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by ReeBop on Feb 21st, 2006, 6:39am Yes, I see your points, Justine. The thing is however, is that I was told I MUST change my ID in the room as well. This was stated in the membership e-mail I received. I have the e-mail to prove that. Also, a certain person that will go unnamed said that anyone not having an AC1 tag would be group ignored by the others. Also, this same person was stating that rules would be set by the group for everyone to follow in the room. Sunday afternoon, I was witness to 5 folks from the Visayan 12 group coming into the AC1 room and using very obscene language to anyone saying anything against the group. These people had absolutely nothing to do nor usually frequent Asian Connections:1 I am not making this stuff up, either. What Kitch has stated has partially become a reality. [smiley=soapbox.gif] |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by ReeBop on Feb 21st, 2006, 8:04am OK, I wanted to add this to clear up some things. I have been told by a group member that those rude folks that were in AC1 yesterday that had ¨v12¨ in their ID were not members of the Visayan 12 group. Why they wanted us to think that they were members of the Visayan 12 group is another matter. I am satisfied with this explaination for the time being. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by CooCHie on Feb 21st, 2006, 8:19am I agree with your point there as well Justine. It is true that people are free to use act1 in front of their names, however, as a regular chatters in room 1 myself, I considered tagging act1 to being exclusive for that particular group only. The purpose of asian one room is to have fun and make all the groups welcome not divide and making an exclusive as a group. Anything that is form as a group that belongs to yahoo and make it as exclusive is everyone's right outside the yahoo chat rooms, however, bringing the group to an open forum, and chat is just being discrimanated to other members of yahoo., that is how i see those people who started coming to the room with their ID tag with ACT1 before their original id chatter name as being inconsiderate and discrimanatory when using them to chat. I see it as being inconsiderate to others chatters because I see it as being exclusive only to the network group. Yes, you can used your id in your own network, but please when you come to chat room, eliminate that. I disagree no matter what type of reasoning you can come up with. I am not opposed to the idea of bringing together the people in act 1 in a network, but the idea that is going around makes me sick that these people that is not even in the group that came from another room came to the room to trash other person with their own kind because she said something in the room against the group network. Is that the idea of being fair and united? I was there as well and witness the controlling ways of other member and you dont have any idea how this particular person works. It is not because you already form the group but what is the hidden agenda of it that makes me sick that the others member in your group might not know. I know your other members have a good intention of forming the networks but the people behind it makes it more controlling even in the room that is once a place where you can have fun and chat. Now its a place for booters and hackers. What is the purpose of tagging a name to come to chat asian one ...as hard as it is to remember regulars and new regulars name, it is already confusing enough to add additional confusion to that name. YOu know that person is in act 1 why change your chatter name to come to the room? A hidden agenda that we dont know????Just curious why?And we still wuv you too Justine. [smiley=iloveyou.gif]I just need to voice out my opinion about it ... dont take it wrong!!! |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 21st, 2006, 9:21am Actually sistah, these comments are addressed to organizers of the group. I know you only want to get along with everyone. And even if we have a difference in our opinions it will never put a dent to our friendship, to what we are to each other because I have a lot of respect for you and your one of my very best friend. And you know you are not just a chatfriend to me, my feelings for you goes deeper than that. But I can't marry you right now, sistah.! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] Okay, serious now. Im just wondering why they have to use the "tag" inside AC1? When you chat regularly at ac1, doesn't it follow you belong to that room already? If they want so much to be identified as AC1 chatter, isn't it more logical to use it when they go to other rooms? Of course there is nothing wrong if they want to use AC1 when they log on to their own site, afterall, only members can log on in there. And for someone to threaten to ignore non-members, isnt that outright harassment? Where is the camaraderie they are boasting of? Already the chatters in the room are being divided. And it has never happened before coz we always welcome everyone. We may not like some people in the past or until now but we tolerate them because all of us chat in the same room and it's free for all. Now there are downright hostility in the room among friends and acquaintances. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by okasantina on Feb 21st, 2006, 6:01pm What is this taggggg????? ::) ::) |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by feso on Feb 21st, 2006, 8:01pm thats what i wanna know queenie........... this is all just ridiculous already..... starting to sound like freagin gangs..............u know...........i love ac1......and i havent been there as of recently as much as i used to..........and after hearing all this...............im startin to wonder if i should go........i have no idea what the hell all of this is about but i sure as hell see no point of goin to ac1 to chat with friends if im just gonna end up getting booted |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 21st, 2006, 11:55pm on 02/21/06 at 08:04:15, ReeBop wrote:
Actually, Ree...these people are members of Intrasion's group. They have these group at Philippine chatroom where the female members are called "intrasion" with the letter "v" + # to identify themselves, and the males are called "klez" plus # also. Quote:
Well, Tina and Alex...some of our friends and acquaintances have formed a group inside the room and they call themselves "ac1_(id)" and we are just showing what we think of this grouping of chatters.Sometimes when u go to the room you will see lots of chatters with that ID. So do not mistake them for clones, they are not clones, they are the people I'm telling you about, ok? |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Justine on Feb 22nd, 2006, 1:04am on 02/21/06 at 06:39:18, ReeBop wrote:
Ree, I never received such an email, nor have seen one. I don't know who sent you that and why but I sure am not aware of that. Members are not required to use their AC1 ID outside the group site, this has been verified with the site's owner. To clear that issue though, you may send that email you got to the owner, she should know how to handle that. The group ignoring is unknown to me too and honestly, I think it's crazy. No discussion about that in the group site, I have browsed through all posts and messages. I don't know why that person said that, especially the thing about making rules in the room. It is a silly idea which even I will oppose to. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Justine on Feb 22nd, 2006, 1:35am on 02/21/06 at 08:19:54, CooCHie wrote:
Cooch, I know what you mean and I can understand. Maybe I'm just really not that fussy to be thinking much about such things but of course, friends' concerns should not be taken for granted. You are correct, the use of AC1 tagged IDs in the room can make some people feel bad. In as far as the group is concerned though, there is no rule about using the ID outside the site, or making it official was made. Just the same, this issue will be addressed by making the necessary clarifications to all the members. And no worries about pointing out what you think ;D The talks about the group may have come to me as a surprise but it's a good thing to hear concerns and clarify issues. Of course I wubs ya too :-* |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Justine on Feb 22nd, 2006, 1:56am on 02/21/06 at 09:21:27, Wicked_Witch wrote:
lol sistah, for some reason that certain sentence of yours gave me some creeps lol :P I have not heard of the group ignoring and threatening things. But I agree, those acts are really harassment and definitely not acceptable. I really don't know the people who are doing these but if these are members of the group, I believe they should be dealt with accordingly. You, yourself have friends in the group. Some of them you know very well not to be that stupid to allow themselves to take unreasonable dictations. The room is free for all and should always be. Any activity initiated by the group should only be contained inside the group site. The room itself has nothing to do with the AC1 network group or any other group sites. It remains to be free for everyone to enjoy. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Justine on Feb 22nd, 2006, 2:08am I can only answer questions I have answers for, and can only state what I believe is right. The owner of the group site should be able to address all other concerns. I did not expect the creation of a group site to be causing trouble. None of us wants trouble. We go to chat to relax, amuse ourselves and have fun. AC1 room is considered to be an important place to many of us, friendships and even more have been established there. I would like to keep believing it will always be there, with all the people I share good times with. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by mixin4livin on Feb 22nd, 2006, 3:09am on 02/21/06 at 18:01:04, okasantina wrote:
[smiley=rock.gif]A key-Tag what do u think? where on earth were u or what are u reading?lol |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 22nd, 2006, 3:43am on 02/22/06 at 03:09:07, mixin4livin wrote:
Kill him, Tina! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Leah on Feb 22nd, 2006, 8:37pm Everyone is entitled to there opinion as I am entitled to mine..Not everyone have the same understanding and ideas..Things that I I would like might not be appreciated by others..But would that then give me the right to judge people to be bad just because they disagree with me?? I think not!! I am sorry to hear that some of the Regs..in ASian Connection Room 1 feels the way they do about this new created group site.. I came home one day last week from work with an offline message with the link to the site..so I went check it out..then it was explain to me by Levy that its a site for all regs of AC1 and I thought great..what do I do?? She explain to me that to join as a known reg to make up a profile in my id with an AC1 but this ID would only be... my only registered ID to access the site...And I didnt have to use the ID in the chat room..I can use my normal ID to go into chat.. and its up to the individual to use any ID they wish to chat..I thought great !!Fantastic!! But having the new Id and I thought nothing of it .. I used it, to go into chat..Only to feel as Im some kind of Freak..( Will I am a Freak ..but I can assure you its not becuase of my ID..hehehe)..The negative reaction by some of the regs because of this ID was overwhelming..and Over the last few days been labeled as the KKK group ..the Cult network etc etc.. And Im sad to know that I am on iggy by some of the regs because of that ID not because I been rude or attack anyone ..And its sad that after u chatted with same people for quite sometime and you begin to get close with this people as if you know them in person and one day just a dispute over an ID they suddenly ignore you..But as I said everyone is entitled to there own thing and if its good enough reason to them to iggy someone coz of this Id then hey what can I do? As for some, to say that we are a Klan or a Cult cause we have AC1 in our ID..is this mean to say that everyone that DRIVES A MERCEDES belongs to a Mercedes Klan and everyone Wears a Christian Dior Perfume belongs to CHristian Dior Klan? hahahaha..I dont understand.. To my understanding the group was created for a sole intention of everyones fun..sharing stuff..and no hidden Agenda..If I feel at some point that the site has done any wrong doing I would be the first to unsubscribe..But so far its a place that I can access to from work that I could catch up of whats going on with everyone else.. I do understand that theres seems to be a misunderstanding about the this AC1 ID's because of a certain individual and I posted my view on that in the site.. I Never been busy In PM's until 3 days ago ..all I seems to be doing is in PM with someone explaining things because of this misunderstanding.. And I wish that this Group is not compared to what has happened in the past as it was the past with different people.. Nobody is forced to join the site nor anyone is forced to use AC1 id in the Chat room from the the group site.. And if people choose to ignore me because of this then Im sad about that..but Im not going to loss sleep over it..If they can easily iggy me for no good reason then I can just as easily forget about them .. May I also add that the the group that recently came into the room that some people thought came from V12..I know for FACT that they ARENT..Because I am from V12 and I never heared ,seen or know this people.. Sorry my posting is little LONG I hope you havent fallen asleep ..hehehe.. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 22nd, 2006, 11:58pm all this arguing over something minute compared to the fact that wildheart has been shunned and not invited to join such an elite group :'( :P |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Justine on Feb 23rd, 2006, 2:20am on 02/22/06 at 23:58:03, wildheart41004 wrote:
elite? :P |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 23rd, 2006, 2:30am I have never ignored anyone who ever used the said "tag" ID. As I do not know anymore some of them who uses that ID, I simply want to address anyone as "ac1.." regardless of who they are. Isn't that what you people want? To be "recognized" as ac1'ers? Funny though, why you feel the need to use it inside the room itself. I never said no one can use that inside the room, I just want to know why? It was like you live in your own neighborhood then you go out of your house and tell a neighbor "hey, I live here, this is my house". Isn't that a silly thing to do or say? Before that came up, we were all already friends and chatting amiably with each other. We already treat each other like sisters and so on...why do you still feel the need to change all that? And now look at the end result. Another thing I object to also is the use of ac1 as the name of your new group since as you said, you are all regs of ac1...so what's the use? Unless you want to make it a private room that only those with "tag" names will be recognized as ac1 regs? If it's another name, like Visayan 12 or Cebu's (for all those from Cebu), that is understandable and highly acceptable because not everyone that chats at ac1 are from the same place or country. I may even form my own group of Bicolanas for the fun of it. But heck, you are generalizing. So what is gonna happen now? Strangers will come or newbies or some of our friends from the other rooms and they will see us in our own ID without the tag, and they see those with tags, won't they think us not belonging to Ac1 group of chatters also? This is what I mean by alienating the others. Your purpose maybe noble, but the way of obtaining that purpose is not. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Kitch on Feb 23rd, 2006, 8:47am I appreciate everyone for being reasonable in discussion of the topic, and I do appreciate the comments made by Members of the people using the Tag. I am glad to see that things can be treated quite Civil here. I wish that I could say the same for the room. Ever since I started iggy people with the AC Tag I am not able to enter AC 1 on Messanger. If I do I get booted, I have to use my other two chat clients. y!mLite and Nasty chat. That is fine I don't mind using them but Last night I was grieved by what I saw in the room and feel the boiling point is around the corner. AC hater came in cussing out all the people with the Tag. I am not upset that they have a group nor am I upset that I wasn't invited. Actually a lot of the people I consider friends, just don't approve of the way they divide the room. AC hater running at the mouth adding fuel to the fire was uncalled for. Then I became absolutely discusted when I saw the name Rick the hitler. Comparing Rick to one of the biggest Monsters of the 20 Century is un called for I don't care what your opinion if of the man. I was broken hearted to see such a comparison made by my fellow chatters. Yet I heard that statement a couple of times the last several days. No one in the room knows this but I was adopted at age 12. My Grandmother from the Adoption, was a Pollish Jew she immigrated from Polland with her parents shortly before WWII. From that Physco every child hood friend every member of her family that remained in Polland were executed. So to associate any body you don't agree with like that is boarder line Criminal. Tonight will be my last night in the room, and I will not come back to after this issue explodes I don't want to be with in this chaos. Maybe by the time the chaos is over in the room I will be finished with the book I am writing. Leah causing devision in the room is a good enough reason for me to Iggy you. I think having the sight is a good Idea it is great to get the point of view of others just wish you would not have brought it in the room. Writing my book is one of the reasons I haven't put a new topic in the religious section of the Forum. Yet since I won't be chatting I may have time to spend on that See you here take care and God Bless |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Gracia on Feb 23rd, 2006, 11:02am wow! this gone so fast...am i that gone long? I haven't been in the room for quite sometime...and i'm not that familiar about that dog tag...este...AC1 tag! I think I'll refrain going to room for now...i've heard they're booting innocent people with no tags...i hope it's not true...but i love to stay safe still. Got no time for now to do some snooping...later i will. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 23rd, 2006, 7:19pm on 02/23/06 at 17:23:41, Jimbo wrote:
well said |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 24th, 2006, 1:41am Sheez...this is worse than the room dramas, isn't it? Before, we only go against the clones and the rude ones. And if ever there are dramas we only find it amusing...annoying at the least. But now we go against each other. They said there is nothing wrong with what they are doing? Heck, everything has gone wrong! And for what price? Is it worth it? Go ask yourselves. There is nothing more to say. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Kitch on Feb 24th, 2006, 6:05am First let me apologize if my last post seemed a little hostile, I admit I was agitated and rushed through what I had to say. If you disregard previous experiences of chat rooms that wear Name tags. Let’s take a look on basic human physiology. Everyone has a need for a sense of belonging. Which is one of the reasons I believe the people wearing the tags started doing it gave them a sense of belonging in the group. People that come in and see the people wearing the tag and they are not the first thing to come to their mind is that one they are either a boot crew, or they feel that they are special. Well since they haven’t felt invited to participate most of the time there will be one a few different responses. First response people are going to be hostile to feel left out, and decide that they want nothing to do with the members of the Group. Another response will be out and out Anger for the members of the group. There will also be people that will find no harm in it even if they are not apart of it. You also may get a group of people that will form a counter group to appose this group. This is the same way early Gangs in the United States started and now they are bloody violent monsters. Granted you don’t carry Guns in chat, yet the internet terrorism can be quite brutal. So this is causing hostility arguments and sorrows. Like I have previously have said, I don’t hold nothing against anyone who wears the tag. I do have an issue with the problems it is creating in the room. We were mostly friends before this happened and I find it a shame that people can’t see what their desire to fit in has caused in the room. I really do believe having different forums and groups out side of chat is a wonderful way to express a person and learn about other people yet when that out side behavior affects the inside harmony of the chat area is bad. With past experiences I really was disheartened to see what was going on. Ignoring people with the chat tag my seem extreme but seeing the heartache it creates I have to draw my line in the sand and I am willing to associate with anyone that is a member of the group who isn’t wearing the tag. As Far as you not doing anything wrong Leah, I know that your smart enough to see the negative reaction shoot just the attention that this little section in the forum shows that. Seeing how people react to one another in the room. The hostility that his has created it and it is far worse then any of the clones have created when they come in the room talking trash. I know you want to feel in all feel like a part of a group, but were we not part of a group. Did we not all come to share with friends and people we got along with each other? Yet like I said in my Last post I will not return to AC 1 while the tagging is still in effect I don’t want to be a part of the hostile. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Leah on Feb 24th, 2006, 3:55pm As I said..Different people different views and ideas.. I do not wish to comment further..I said what I have to say.. And as for you TOM ..I cant kick you LOL ..my legs would not rich the appropriate places LMAO |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by feso on Feb 24th, 2006, 7:08pm u know all of this is being blown way out of proportions..............although i dont know jack about how this all started.........from what i heard it all started cause of a fight......i know who is kool with me and who isnt.....either way for the most part im a nobody in this room so i cannot fully understand the bonds u all have but nevertheless all of u are friends of mine even if i just said hi to u once.......... this is online chat.........and thats the way it should be kept.....all of this is for fun we dont come here to start drama were all jus here to keep in touch and have a few laughs.........for those who have lost friends cause of all this i feel for u............it sucks to loose someone u were connected to |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Kitch on Feb 25th, 2006, 8:43am Since the Clone knows I am not going in the room ( I believe it is Rick) he has been cloning my name and causing trouble in the room. Well that is okay I am done with the Room......I don't want to be apart of the Drama anymore |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by feso on Feb 25th, 2006, 11:16pm hey kitch dont let that asswipe get the best of u just ignore it man........... either way all u gotta do is let people know ur original id and that theres sum dumbass cloning ur id and thats it.............. |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 26th, 2006, 1:33am I forgot to ask, btw...what do they find wrong in this forum that they have to create their own group and their own site? Maybe some people has become too ambitious for their own good? Do the idea of having their own site make them feel big? ::) |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Kitch on Feb 26th, 2006, 5:40am Feso your a good guy, I am just getting fustrated with the drama.... |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Leah on Feb 26th, 2006, 12:29pm Why is the Groupsite compared to the Forum?? The Site is something small in comparison to the Forum... And those who are involve in running the forum are doing a very good job..And Im sure your not doing it because it makes you feel big or to hold power.. What drives people in creating the site? is it there own ambition for there own good? and hmm I'm sure I read somewhere..wither it is because of Power Struggle? or my four eyes are seeing things again??But anyways!! Someone took the initiative to create this site with there enthusiasm and devotion.. and for that I dont think I should knock it... Heck! everyone has a busy life..and for those who can give some of there time and creativity for the benificial of many is admirable.. And thats commitment.. I wish I have the time or the brain to do something to creat something for a lot of people ..But I dont .. So I support anyone that will have that ability and drive to do something.. I dont know if it makes them feel big to know that they have achieve something..But I do hope it makes them feel good..As I certainly would.. knowing that I done something good..and is it is supposed to be a groupsite so the power of unity would make it a success.. So what is really the main concern??? |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Kitch on Feb 26th, 2006, 8:59pm Leah no one is saying anything against the Group the complaint is the tag in the names. Causing devision and seperation. I think it is great you have a forum or a group of your own.....Just don't divide the room |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Levy on Feb 26th, 2006, 10:16pm Hello my fellow learnED family (chatters at AC1): So very sad to come up with such a long explanation to a simple misunderstanding created by eating up own heads to understand one such enactment, which everyone of us go through jocularity every day in the chatroom. You hinted asking for it, it is hereunder: This has been an Agenda (forced to use this sharp word) since the past few days to post a message regarding this topic here, which encompasses not only the ac1 tag (the “tag”) but also the creation, and the results of AC1_Network group site (the “Network”) in yahoo. I had been and still am busy with my work, but I know that I will certainly take the effort and time to write and post a message. I owe it to everyone who has concerns regarding this "new thing" in Asian Connections Room 1 (the "chatroom") because it all started with my paving way creating the Network (10-day-old at age). Background of the Network Wednesday - February 16, 2006, I was home; sick due stomach flu. The usual stuff, I went to sit in front of my pc to chat, surf, download songs etc. While nursing my stomachache, I thought I would get something (a good laugh) as usual from chatting. I was having fun in the chatroom together with several regular chatters at that particular time. I just want to be silly (silly me sometimes). I was picking on some things…even a nickname. I typed that I am “ac1_filipina_dream”. It looked cool to me. I then thought that I should have a profile id with something like that….no inhibitions whatsoever…nothing to do with another chatter…just me and my own silliness. I created a new profile and went back to the chatroom with the id, feeling so proud of myself. For me and for my own feelings, having an ac1 in my id shows how I felt with the chatroom. I didn't create the id just because someone dictated me to. I created it because for me, it looks cool. I am in the chatroom and I love it there as well as the people there. I just felt like showing it all to the whole chat-world that "hey I love this chatroom and look…I am a chatroom regular." That's just me. And consequently, talks started about having a group site for all the regulars in the chatroom. I mentioned that I know how to create such a group site in yahoo. What I had in my mind at that time was the good stuff and other benefits this group site can give to all the regulars. It would be fun, fun, and more fun, I thought. I didn't have anyone in my mind why I should be creating this site except that it's for all the regulars in the chatroom. In my mind, I didn't even think about the 1Freeworld Forum (the "Forum") at all at that time because this group site is very much different from the Forum. The Forum is way beyond comparison than this group site in yahoo in terms of its features, its size etc. The Forum is like a big strong tree with different sizes and shapes of branches. The group site is just like a small twig that I put (link) to this strong tree (if you happen to see the homepage, you will see below under the Group Email Addresses that the related link is the 1Freeworld Forum). The group site can only give each member the opportunities to post messages, share files, links, databases, polls, photos etc. The group site is also a tool for all the members who are considered to be like people in a buddy list. When sending a message to the group, all members (who opted to receive individual emails) will receive that message through their emails. Therefore, if in cases where the computer has no yahoo messengers or that yahoo chat clients/explorer are not accessible at work, you will have the opportunity to reach out to all your chat-friends by sending or posting a message within the group site and they will all receive your messages at the same time. That is just cool. This is one of the features that is different from the Forum. The group site allows you to have a message reaching one's yahoo INBOX from someone in the group's member list who sends or posts a message. A group site's member list is kind of equivalent to a yahoo messenger's contact/buddy list. - The Name AC1_Network With the sole purpose of having a site or a tool, which can give all the regulars something new to enjoy outside the chatroom, I paused momentarily from the chatroom and went into yahoo to create the group site. However, I got into a problem when I was to name the group. Hhhmm what would be a nice name to have when you want friends (chat-friends or otherwise) to reach out with or contact each other through this group site. Hhhmm networking is a good word I thought and since this group site is exclusively created and will be owned by all the regulars of the chatroom only, then I thought I should put the tag itself in the group's name. So, the name AC1_Network was born. To confirm, this name came out from my own "HPU" (human processing unit, hehehe as what I call my brain). No one dictated me nor told me how to name the ac1 group site. "continued on next post" |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Levy on Feb 26th, 2006, 10:17pm Purpose of the Network The purpose of the Network is to have a tool for further communication outside the chatroom. It is an extension of the chatroom where the members can have more fun, enjoy each other further and create camaraderie amongst each other. The Network is also a place to share several things like information, links, photos, files, etc. The Network is open and accessible to ALL THE REGULARS ONLY of Asian Connection 1. No other people will be allowed to access the site except the members only. Owner of the Network Although yahoo group automatically named me as the "owner" of the Network because I created it, it DOES NOT mean that I own the Network. The Network is owned by all the members who joined the Network. I may have the sole capability to do one thing to the Network but that's the only thing. Moderators are made and will be made from the members in due time. In addition, NOBODY dictates or rule the Network. Each member has the right to voice or post responsibly whatever they want to post, at their own discretion, or share to the whole group. Who Can and How to Join the Network ALL THE REGULARS ONLY of Asian Connections 1 can join the Network. No other people will be allowed to access the site except the members only. Because the name of the Network (AC1_Network) suggests that the members should only come from Asian Connections (AC) 1 chatroom, it was decided and agreed by the first few members that an ac1_id will be "a great idea" to join the Network. The ac1_id carries with it the group's name "ac1_network". This is basically to indicate the belongingness of the member to the ac1_network group/family. If there is a problem on how to create a new profile ID attached to a default ID (in order not to lose your YM friends/buddy list), please feel free to pm (or email) me or any of your chat-friends who knows how to do it, and also the moderators at the network who have been assigned a moderator task to make it all convenient and faster for you to reach jocularity. THIS ac1_ID is NOT REQUIRED TO BE USED IN THE CHATROOM The members have their own choice/will as to what ID they want to use in the chatroom. The Network does not prohibit nor require the members to use any particular ID when chatting. Even non-members, if they wish, can use the ac1_id. To emphasize on this, the ac1_id is only another jocularity etiquette to join the Network and to be used within the Network. This id is not mandatory to be used in the chatroom. The individual chatter has his/her own right to choose whatever ID he/she wants to use in the chatroom. ******** Based on the above facts, I firmly believe and with my utmost hope that every cloudy and unclarified issue(s) about the Network will be put to rest. I respect everyone's personal views, opinions, and rights. I wish and pray for peace in our hearts and to just have fun/jocularity and enjoy each other's company in the chatroom, at the Network, and here at the Forum too. We all have our own personal objectives using the internet and I do believe that whatever they are, we will be able to achieve it because we have one another. With sincerity, Levy (Cinderella) |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by CooCHie on Feb 26th, 2006, 11:04pm I understand the purpose of your group Levy but as WItchy mention, why uses tag in ac1 when u come there? For us we have witness the result of using that tag...For a booters point of view, I know you are not doing it, but someone who is associated in your group is using that tag to boot and hack regulars that is not a member of your group. That is why we are opposed to that idea because of that tagging issue. WHy come to the room with a tag yes, to differentiate that you are a member of the network, but why used it in the room when everyone in your group already knew you are a member. And you are not so senstive to other's feelings as well. If i see u are using a tag and im not, i feel like im a different room. I would feel im out of the chatter's group since I know asian one is a free for all. All are welcome to any rooms to chat. However, If i see all the members have ac1 tag besides their name, how would you feel coming to that room with those tag? Dont u feel like you are in the wrong room? Tthat I dont belong to your network. That is when the division of the group applies....Yes we support your idea of communicating..But since the time I have been in chat, none ever differentiate them from other group...for instance, I am a member of freeworld, I dont come in ac1 to get a tag that says Freeworld_coochiebabe just to say im a member there. I do hope you got our point. WE are not opposed to your purpose but bringing the tag to the room seems to inconsiderate to others who come to room just to have fun chatting and being with asian one as a chatters not as a group. I just hate the idea of making ac1 chatters being in an elite group. Note: I just lost a friend that is dearly to me because of something I believe in. I opposed strongly to the fact that tagging is just a descrimination of others who is not in a group. If my believe is descriminating to a group who has a tag name attached to their group, makes me a bad person, then the hell with them. I just hate descrimination that is my whole point to not supporting the tag name in ac1. Why differentiate yourself when you as a regular already has a name when you started chatting in the room? I see all your points of having a network is a great idea but why divide the room? If unity is your purpose, you are dividing the room as it is. SOme are opposed to the idea but still, I see people coming in the room with a tag id. For what? Yes, we know you are in the network, but why parade it to the the booters. You sign in as a network member already, why differentiate your id from the rest of US? I dont see others who are a member of the myspace.com differentiate them from where ever they go. My idea is the division of ppl who is and who is not in the group. If you dont used the tag, we are gather in the chat room to have chat as being one not as a member of a certain group. For some people, they see my point as being bad. I dont apologize to anyone who is using a tag1 if i dont want to chat with them since they are so incosiderate of others feeling. Is that a bad thing for me to do if I believe what I believe? To me, i already said my point and I dont opposed you being a member of a group and your purpose but bringing the tag name in the chat room as been a free room to everyone, just makes it a division to the people who is not a member. Hope everyone sees my point!!!! P.S. I can see a tag to my name there already coochie_babe_haters of ac1 taggers.. ..i just give cloner's name idea again attached to my name besides being a sleeper...LOL [smiley=icon_drink.gif]Cheers!!! |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Kitch on Feb 27th, 2006, 6:32am yeah they did that to me also Coochie that is why I said screw it I just going to avoid the room for awhile. Putting words in my mouth that I would never say. It seems the people in the group don't understand we don't have an issue with you having the group or the resource if we did that would make us here hypacritical since were part of this group. The problem lies in with the Tag on the name and the division it causes. I would have a problem with this group if we all had to start tagging our names with Ree or Bop or forum. But since Ree is a good Guy and not like that it won't happen here that is too controlling |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Levy on Feb 27th, 2006, 3:15pm I respect everyone's feelings, opinions and personal views on this matter and what they think about whether this causes some divisions in the chatroom. I don't hate anyone to voice out their personal thoughts and i actually respect them for doing so. My own personal view to the ac1 tagging is that...i don't really mind or get offended by what ID the chatters use (whether it be with ac1 tag or not or gross ID's) as they enter the chatroom. For me, what really matters is the person behind those id's. I don't mind what the id's they use, but what i mind is the kind of chat-behaviors the chatters have when in the chatroom. I will make my own conclusions, whether to ignore or befriend a chatter or not, by the way he or she behaves in the room and not because of any ID he or she uses. I don't think when someone uses an id in the room, that someone thinks of what the other feels about his or her id. But rather, the person uses a particular id to chat because that person likes her or his id. I don't consider this as being insensitive to the feelings of the other chatters present in the room. This is just how the way a person wants to chat. Also, I personally think that when a chatter uses a particular ID, that chatter does not intend to create something bad in the chatroom, for instance, dividing the chatters or create a faction. Kitchy, Coochie, Witchy and the rest here in the forum...i respect all your views towards this matter and I do hope that you will also understand my point of view. We are all unique in our own little way and that's the beauty of it. My feelings for everyone is unchanged...no matter what. Even sisters and brothers have differing views on certain matters. But that doesn't make them hate one another because they belong to the same and one family. :-* :-* :-* for all... |
Title: Re: Letter to the AC1 Taggers Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 28th, 2006, 12:04am Quote:
Yours maybe smaller or whatever you call it. But why do you feel the need to create your own site? Is this Forum not good enough for you? Don't you have anything you need or want in here? Already I hear talks of voting also in your site? So how can you say it's not for competition purposes when you all are trying to do exactly what we have here? This Forum already belongs to the member of AC1. The people behind this Forum are all regulars from way back as early as 5 years ago...some even longer than that. Now tell me, is this Forum not good enough that you have to create another one? |
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