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Community >> Asian Connections >> What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
(Message started by: Kitch on Jul 14th, 2006, 10:08am)

Title: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by Kitch on Jul 14th, 2006, 10:08am
There is a lot of negativity on line so I thought it would be nice to say things that we like and admire about other people in AC 1

Ree: I enjoy talking to him, he is intelligent and always has helpful suggestions and doesn't come across as self rightous.  I get the impression he would do anything he could to help a friend...

Stitch:  definately a good character I find myself amused with many of his comments.

Grandpa aka bad ass lolo: he is pure country and a pure character, I probally would get along with him as much in person as on line.  I get the idea he is who he says he is.

Jeff: Always has a friendly hello and quite easy to talk too.

Aftr:  Seems to me to have a huge heart the type of guy that would do anything for anyone when he isn't crushing his foot...

Peter Pan: even if he gets on some people nerves, and his sense of humor a little rough at times.  He says what he thinks about things and I have to admire the honesty.

Andee: Even though I haven't seen him in ages his heart is over delicate making him a good friend but easily hurt.

Mystro(haven't seen in ages): His voice is magic, sorry not to see him in the room any more.

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by Kitch on Jul 14th, 2006, 10:16am
Destin aka Timer: He amused with is twisted sense of humor many times when my mood was down just listening to him sort of gave me a laugh

Big Joe:  Enjoyed many biblical conversations with him, and musical conversations so needless to say we have much in common and do believe if we knew each other in person we would be just as good as friends.

Matt:  I sometimes look at him as a younger brother when I see him doing something that is going to back fire on him I want to point it out but doubt like most brothers I am not much help.

Nelson:  some times he makes me laugh definately a character.....almost like bugs bunny....

Magzz aka toot: Even though he was an iggy mad man his personality living the room when ever he was in it..

Okay hope I didn't forget any of the guys but my brain is falling out lol

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by Kitch on Jul 14th, 2006, 10:27am
Cel: Was one of the first friends I made in the room, even though she is good at keeping me guessing she is good at making me feel like a friend

Janna:  Is a pure sweet heart, someone I will value as a friend for as long as I breath, she has been a great moral strenght for me in hard times.

Bonna: We have had many great conversations in and out of the room, and I might know things about her that a lot of people don't a value her trust in me and her friendship.  I know I could trust her in any matter of the heart or mind and friends like that are rare.

Chelle:  Well she is gorgeous, she is fun to talk with and flirt with she always puts a smile on my face.

Coochie:  another beautiful woman of the room, and I believe she could put a smile on my face even if my dog died.  She has a way of making me feel special with little comments and remembering things we joked about years ago.

Ivy: Well what is there to say about that wild Ivy I just absolutely adore her She actively persued me when she first met me, and I do find that kind of sexy...and scarey.

Littlecutty: comes across to me to be very innocent and I also admire that, she seems very caring..

Oi: Innocent and sweet to me, something else I find really attractive (maybe I just need a wife lol)

Roze: Like her name says she is a spit fire, she always has a personality that just brings the room to life.

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by Kitch on Jul 14th, 2006, 10:48am
Proxy:  She is rude and vulgar, but direct and honest and very amusing to me I wouldn't change a thing about her.

Sad eyes:  She still treated me as a friend even after I was a jerk toward her to find a friend like that is rare and a good friend.

Krissy: Very supportive and encouraging able to bring out the best in me at times when I don't feel like doing anything.

Jeannie & Sappy:  I don't know then very well but they are very friendly...

Cappy:  A great friend a vibrant personality and fun to have around

Twiny:  A Sweet heart and drop dead gorgeous....even though I haven't seen her in ages as well...

Donna: Very friendly very beautiful have a lot more to learn about her but definatley makes times interesting.

Nette: Great to joke around and really could liven up a room

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by Kitch on Jul 14th, 2006, 10:55am
Witchy: A spunky personality and keeps me on my toes another shining star in the room

Abe: She is sweet and her voice is much like an angel.

Piglet: her singing is soothing, don't know much about her but love to here her sing

Chelby: with her one of a kind giggle I can't help but smile just at it's sound.

Earthy: gives me the empression of being very caring and giving and I am glad she is my friend.

Dolly: has a personality that is infectious and explosive....when she gets perky the room comes to life.

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by mixin4livin on Jul 14th, 2006, 12:20pm
KITCH: Uses a Light Blue Font Which Is my Fav Color (all Shades Of Blue) and has a good choice of Music lol
Psst hello I don't see my name above hmm think they all payed u lmao ::) ::)

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by Kitch on Jul 15th, 2006, 12:20am
RJ: down right great guy, definetly someone who is good to have a friend (feel better)

Spongy: definate character, has made me laugh on many occassions.

Rayner Wolf: haven't seen him lately like that he has no pretention say exactly what he thinks

Crazy Jim: Real Friendly and quite amusing to listen to in the room.

Justine: is a sweet heart and fun to joke around with

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by Gracia on Jul 15th, 2006, 5:43am
I like all chatters in AC 1 even the cloners coz they never tried to clone me.  I feel like an ancient now, but I can't help it but admire the old times when i was just a novice in this chat thingy.  Can't forget the few people who've brought me to the room, it was Ele aka elessig the partner in crime of nette.  Gramps, the sergent at arms in the room at that time, welcomed me warmly.  Since then, i've chat lots of wonderful people, very rude chatters along the way, but the good ones overrule. Just too many to mention.

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by Gracia on Jul 15th, 2006, 5:53am
Kitch, if its worth it, my id in AC 1 is cebu :'(...i've been scrolling up and down for a hundredth times and never found my name. [smiley=furious3.gif]  [smiley=oops.gif]Joking Kitch. [smiley=angel.gif]  Oh but I do remember Kitch, he's so kind enough to send the Y-tunnel file to me when i happen to having a problem with that.  [smiley=icon_thanks.gif]  And well, I do admire people who has so much knowledge about religion.  Perhaps because I can never incorporate that into my brain so easily..the hardest.  [smiley=icon_worship.gif]

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by Kitch on Jul 15th, 2006, 11:30pm
I forgot Cebu :O

Cebu: A true angel a woman who is a joy to talk with and sweet to know

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by Gracia on Jul 17th, 2006, 6:57am
hmmm...i'll start with the cool guys i've met in person.  At random order:

1.  Looky - if not for his coming to Cebu, i've never got a chance  
                to meet May and Ana for the first time.  

2.  May - aka teagirl.  She's very intelligent woman, very
              well-nformed.  A very good  poet too and
              and very witty as well.

3.  Ana - aka cebuanalyn. a very nice lady too, so calm and always
              so busy everytime i called up.  But very considerate, she
              always say yes when I insist a "no" answer.

4.  Mylene - aka goldilocks.  She's always the star of the night.  Never
                   never rans out of jokes.  We always have tummy aches
                   from too much laughing.  Good thing she never engage
                   into entertainment business otherwise she'll be charging
                   us the next time we meet.

5.  Meyie - aka meyie.  Such a very fine lady, and have so much
                 determination  on her mind too.  A very good cook, oh
                 well someday, i'm going to taste her masterpiece.


Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jul 18th, 2006, 12:12pm
Yaikkss....so many to mention but I will try and mention everyone I will remember. These are the people I see in the room a lot, okay? Males first:

REE -- he's like a younger brother to me. I'm glad that we can talk about everything.

RJ -- he's also like a youngest brother to me in the sense that we can call each other names with a smile on our face. He's like most kid brothers though, a pest really.  ;D

KITCH -- my contemporary. Hehehehe! He's a nice guy and a good sport. I like it that we can argue a lot about things here at the forum and still act as if we've just been strolling down the park when we meet in the room.

PAPA LOU -- He's a grouchy old man, always complaining of something but he's really likeable and a very loyal friend.

GRANDPA -- he's that, the Grandfather who takes good care of his grandchildren. An adorable old man.

NELSON -- i know some people thinks he's a pest but he's really likeable.

SPONGY -- I still haven't figured him out.:P

GRAEME -- my bloody son. He has a good heart and a very caring friend.

ASTRO -- another of my bloody son. He's one of the few people whose presence in the room is always welcome.

GROUCHY -- he's cool

JEFF -- I admire his loyalty to Earth. ;)

PAPICHULO -- a big flirt but then he never denies it so he's likeable

CRAZYJIM --  another big flirt but it's funny how he does it

BIG DADDY BOB -- another big flirt but like I said it's tolerable

THEBEASTINME --  an intelligent man who will test the patience of a saint when you argue with him.

So far they are the men I remembered at this moment. Maybe I will add some more as I see them and remember what I like in them. The others I don't mention, I don't dislike them but maybe they have not given me any attention so I don't mind if they are there or not or what is there to dislike or like them.

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by astrobloke on Jul 20th, 2006, 5:12pm
I come to ac-1 to relax and unwind, and the ones who stick in my mind are the ones that I can have a joke with and those that bring a smile to my face.

WITCHY - A good hearted rogue who should have grown up years ago but Im glad that she didn't  ;D She had the wisdom to adopt me as her son  ;D

GELLY - A lovely friendly flirty one whos presence always lights up the room.

NELSON - Although he can go a bit over the top at times, he stirs the ladies up and the results are usually good for a laugh. Anything that livens up the room in a positive way is a good thing.

SAFFIRE - A very lively and talkative one always doing her best to stir up activity in the room, just dont cross her or else lookout  :o She would be my first choice if i was looking to employ a female bouncer [smiley=icon_super.gif]

LEVY (cinderella) - A truley lovely lady who is as cool as a cucumber and just as friendly . Thats if cucumbers are meant to be friendly ;)

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by CooCHie on Jul 20th, 2006, 8:32pm
Wow Thanks for including me in your favorite Kitchirific.  You are one of my favorites too, even if tattoo is giving you a hard time in the island.  You have been wonderful and great to chat with.  Glad to put a smile on your face.  That is my idea for everyone. ;D ;DTo laugh and unwind in the room.

Title: Re: What do you like about other chatters in AC 1
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 6th, 2006, 10:54am
I love most of the women in the room and they are too many to mention. Can I just name those I don't like? I swear there are only 4 or 5 of them. It's shorter to write! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

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