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Romance & Relationships >> Love & Relationships >> Loving Someone From A Different Religion
(Message started by: mylane on Apr 10th, 2004, 8:13am)

Title: Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by mylane on Apr 10th, 2004, 8:13am
once in our lives we meet someone who sudddenly makes our hearts flutter...however... fate strikes anew... you both belong to different religions...

what would you do? what are your opinions regarding this situation?

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by keensryche on Apr 10th, 2004, 1:37pm
Wow Mymy, That's a tough one, but I won't date anyone who wasn't the same faith as Me. It would create problems later that I wouldn't want to deal with. The biggest is if she tried to change my believe. I wouldn't change hers unless she was willing and I won't pressure her either. It's her life. But as the saying goes "Let no one seporate what God has joined together" If that's the case, God has plans for us, we don't even know about.

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by okasantina on Apr 14th, 2004, 1:07pm
Religion is the most complicated matter to discuss and argue with regards to ure partner...unless both partners do respects each others beliefs.  I think it doesnt matter what religion you are in with as long as you know how to respect his/her ideals. However its up to them both  to decide which or where to go through....

My ex is a buddhist and i admire and considerate their beliefs and he did the same thing to me being as a Catholic. Actually he even wants me to go to church every Sunday and we had no any problems about my religion and his religion. :D

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by mylane on Apr 25th, 2004, 8:50am
i dont mind....as long as i will raised my kids same religion as me ;D

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by okasantina on Nov 12th, 2004, 6:14pm
cuz dont be selfish  ;D

ok nextt....... ::)

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by Analyn on Dec 16th, 2004, 12:30pm
I don't mind too... as long as he can convince me how good his religion is... religion don't matter, as long as he believe God and we we make God as the center of our family... I can go to his church and he can go to my church...as long as we will not debate about religion...

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by scottman on Dec 17th, 2004, 1:54am
I don't find it that difficult.  My wife and I are from different religions and we've never had a problem with it.. .double the holidays ;D We respect each other and we teach our kids to respect all religions.  One day they can choose what is right for them.  

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by thebeast on Dec 18th, 2004, 9:52am
As long as she isnt no devil worshiper Im cool. Those devil worshipers are to kinky and evil for me. And besides my soul isnt for sale anyway. My soul belongs to GOD. Its probably not the best soul but its not the worst either. Its a soul thats intent is good and it wouldnt matter if she was jewish, catholic, muslim, or what. But it would be difficult for a relationship to work if there was no common ground in religion. What I mean is one that both parties are based on the belief of either the old and new testamets of the bible. Jewish women are wonderful women. Very good mothers. But they can be controlling and bossy as well. I never dated no muslim before. I know a few personally. I think it would be a problem for them more than it would be for me.

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by norkay on Dec 30th, 2004, 9:31am
First of all, religions should not separate us ,instead, unite us.It should never be a hassle from loving the person.Well,my step mom has a diffrerent religion from us.We are Baptist and she is Catholic.It never became a problem, we want our belief to be respected and she does with hers.Beliefs between the Catholic and Baptist are so different but the fact there is we worship the same God-the Lord Jesus Christ.My step mom goes to her church and dad goes to ours but when they get a chance or if there are special occasions,like mother's day or father's day or birthdays,either one of them goes with the same church.We their children understand that.For me,denying one's feeling because of religion is a kind of selfishness.No religion has been declared true.

If i love one person,no matter who he is,what he has/hasn't but we have the saying "in everything there's an exception".......as long as he is not a killer :P....how can anyone love a killer,anyway?.....lols :P

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by LuzViMinda on Dec 30th, 2004, 4:12pm
well norkay,  u can love killerwabbitwifsharplongteeth ;D

ahihihihi ;)

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by norkay on Dec 31st, 2004, 5:23am

on 12/30/04 at 16:12:26, LuzViMinda wrote:
well norkay,  u can love killerwabbitwifsharplongteeth ;D

ahihihihi ;)

LAMO!!!!!!!!!!! ahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa Mymy! Wow,you memorize his ID well! ::)
Are you sure,i can?  :P No regret? ::) hmmmmm how generous you are ! ahahaha! ;D

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by LuzViMinda on Dec 31st, 2004, 5:51am
generous? well i can give those undies that i havent wear yet...lol ;D

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by norkay on Dec 31st, 2004, 5:55am
ahahaha! just thinking he was (or still is?) stuck in your ass....lols ;D

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by LuzViMinda on Dec 31st, 2004, 6:03am
tatay wabbit and I are really good friends ( no was or still is) ;D

no need to think anything bad with our friendship ;D


Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by norkay on Dec 31st, 2004, 6:53am
ahahahaha again ....Mymy really wants to recommend her "friend" huh.Convince me then that he is really nice.....ahahahaha! ;D

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by LuzViMinda on Dec 31st, 2004, 7:31am
i dont think u need to be convince cause as i see it u already convinced.... ;D


Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by norkay on Jan 3rd, 2005, 5:14am
LOLS Mymy,how do u say i am already convinced?...he he....ok, i'll do what you have advised me,that to think million times :P...tama lang pag tapos kami nitong "isa"...ahahaha! ;D

Wei,nasira na ata natin etong thread,Tina is gonna scold us when she's back. :P

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by theragon on Jan 11th, 2005, 12:50pm
Oh, I must of got to the wrong thread - thought this had to do with religion. You women and your lust for the male speicies. Geeesh!

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by norkay on Jan 13th, 2005, 6:39am
Theragon,it is still have to do with religion.Mymy just reacted by saying i can marry her friend Wabbit when i said religion is not at all a problem when loving someone and that we had to answer each other's comments back.It's funnier to have the conversation here than in PM...lol  ;D

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by watzthat on Jan 13th, 2005, 7:17am
well in my opinion Love,feelings and relation has no language or relegion if you love someone for hiself/herself the matter of relegion never rises but yes as you people said one should respect to each other relegion and it wouldnt be so hard for you to respect and understand and even sometimes its ok to compromise and let the flow go as it was meant to be and not to be changed by nature.but one thing for sure what my sense says it PLEASE DO BELIEVE IN ONE GOD.and loving and caring each other and respecting their relegion is the sweetest thing to try about.as its been said Personality does matter so dont lower yourself to give wrong impressions to others.

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by kim on Jan 19th, 2005, 10:06am
religion should not matter but unfortunately it does matter. Because some religions do not allow their followers to marry someone with a different religion.

As for a personal opinion, i believe that ones religion should not be the  thorn in your relationship. It about mutual respect. Not only for couples i guess but for every person. A person's faith is his/her own choice and if we learn to respect our differences when if comes to faith then your relationships will be much happier... Hey its twice the holidays right?  ;)

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by theragon on Jan 20th, 2005, 3:58am
Religion should matter, but unfortunately it dosen't. At least in the beginning it doesn't. And thats where it should. Think about it, If you are Muslim, Do you want your wife to become Christian and teach your children to trust Jesus as their Savior? Or if you are a Christian woman, do you want the pagan you marry to teach your children its ok to get drunk, fornicate, commit adultry? ( not all pagans do that, and sadly alot of christians do ) If Religion made a difference in the biginning, it wouldn't be a problem later on. And probably less divorce.

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by beth on Feb 24th, 2005, 11:25am
well mebbe ppl think love is everything, indeed it was right. but after u got a family of your own then u will realize of the meaning of different religion.
well this is for me, just for me l guess ;D... 4 me l wont get involve if we got different religion, for me is a most important one, that both of us love God with all our heart.

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by beth on Feb 25th, 2005, 4:51pm

on 02/25/05 at 12:29:19, nelson3082000 wrote:
well beth get ready for alonely life because that beleif will lead to divorce and unhappiness

::) eh? watz diz? ::) wat do ya mean with lonely life cuz of the believe will lead to divorce and unhappiness? ::) u mean the religion will lead to divorce? ::) am sawwy but l don't get it ::) ::) well anyway like l said it was for me, doesn't mean u hafta follow dat hahaha ;D

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by Nani on Mar 5th, 2005, 7:09am
well i married someone of a different religion.  Paul was a Catholic and me a Muslim. After years of knowing each other he decided to embrace Islam and now we are getting on fine. We will still be with his parents during Christmas etc.

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by beth on Mar 6th, 2005, 6:19pm
wow ;D good fer yah nani.. but paul was willing.... My concern is if both side got no willing to convert, dats hard. well l saw lotsa couples in here having that kinda problem l guess, so l know its hard.
well for some people it could be major thing but mebbe not for some people too.

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by wicked1 on Aug 10th, 2005, 1:58am
Does it really matter as long as you both pray to God??There are many kinds of religions , but , dont we all for the most part suppose to serve God??

Title: Re:  Loving Someone From A Different Religion
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 10th, 2005, 2:24am

on 08/10/05 at 01:58:18, wicked1 wrote:
Does it really matter as long as you both pray to God??There are many kinds of religions , but , dont we all for the most part suppose to serve God??

The purpose maybe the same..to serve God, but it will surely affect some lives if not thought properly, especially in a relationship. Nani and Paul are the lucky ones coz Paul is so in love with Nani he's willing to convert. It's not an easy thing to do, you know.I mean the teachings are different, even the practice. I dont think I can, though. No matter how much I want to be with the man.It's only catholic for me, or if not I need to convince the man to convert, too ;DBecause I do believe that parents should only have one religion to follow so the kids will not get confused.

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