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Romance & Relationships >> Love & Relationships >> Having Kids... How Important Is It?
(Message started by: kimmy_baby01 on Jun 23rd, 2004, 6:01am)

Title: Having Kids... How Important Is It?
Post by kimmy_baby01 on Jun 23rd, 2004, 6:01am
How important is it for you to have kids? If you found out that your husband or your wife cant have kids will your feelings change?... If for some reason you found out that the person you want to marry cant give you kids will you still want to marry him/her?  :-/ :P ;D

Title: nice one kimpot
Post by mylane on Jun 23rd, 2004, 8:43am
very nice question kimmy.  ;)

I let the other post first, I'll be back later. ;D

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by madd on Jun 23rd, 2004, 7:37pm
I would love to have kids someday.  If I found out that my wife could not have kids, I would stay with her and we would adopt.  No matter what, I will stay by my wife's side.

If it was my girlfriend, I would still stay with her.  Its not her fault.  Plus i'm not having kids until i'm married.  I will not raise them alone.

Either way, she'll be hurt enough to know she can't have kids.  Why should I be immature and leave her for that.

It all depends on what God wants me to do.  If He wants me to have 1 kid, fine, 2, fine, 20, um i'll beg for mercy  ;D

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by cebuanalyn on Jun 23rd, 2004, 10:04pm
if it's the woman who can't have kids it's a different story... almost every married man or man usually change their feelings when their wife/woman can't have kids... no wonder that almost all the women doing their "I do's" are usually on the way or have given birth already... because their men wants a proof that their woman can have their kids...else, they won't marry them... any vioent reaction? hehehe

but if it's the man who can't have kids, seldom will the woman leave the man... unless their man wanted or let go of their woman to complete her being a woman.

for me, if i know that a man can't have kids i'm so sure that i wish i will be with the man who can make me a woman... and maybe will end up parting ways...however, am not sure too if i can have one... so we better try making one first... ;Doopsss..that's my other me  :P

but if i  know after our marriage... i'm so sure too that i will stick to him till death...

i know am not too young nor too old... so i can still go for 5... but 25... i won't beg for mercy...hehehe... if my husband can afford.

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by keensryche on Jun 23rd, 2004, 11:18pm
I'd love to have kids. For GOD said "Be fruitfull and multiply"

If I was married to someone who couldn't have children. Then that's Gods will, not mind, so be it.

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by kimmy_baby01 on Jun 23rd, 2004, 11:42pm
wow son i already love you!! MARRY ME!!!  ;D ;D ;D aw wait that cant happen right?  :D ;D what grace said bout men wanting to have babies is actually very true specially here in pi. Its like men need to have kids so that someone will carry their name. My cousin married someone who couldn't have a baby so he ended up cheating on her n having a baby from anoth girl... :-/...
If you say you love someone if should be unconditional... I love you because you are sexy n good in bed or  i love you coz you can cook well.... what if the girl had an accident n can no longer be everything you say? wll you leave her too?? Unconditional.... thats the key to a lasting realtionship...  ;)

on 06/23/04 at 19:37:23, madd
I would love to have kids someday.  If I found out that my wife could not have kids, I would stay with her and we would adopt.  No matter what, I will stay by my wife's side.

If it was my girlfriend, I would still stay with her.  Its not her fault.  Plus i'm not having kids until i'm married.  I will not raise them alone.

Either way, she'll be hurt enough to know she can't have kids.  Why should I be immature and leave her for that.

It all depends on what God wants me to do.  If He wants me to have 1 kid, fine, 2, fine, 20, um i'll beg for mercy  ;D

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by gracia on Jun 28th, 2004, 10:41pm
for me kids is just secondary...husband is the first...if the love is too strong and commitment is on top priority... having no kids is not a hindrance to a happy marriage.  

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by ReeBop on Jun 28th, 2004, 10:47pm
I love kids.  Not for dinner mind you, but I would love to have a family.  

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by mylane on Jun 29th, 2004, 9:21am

on 06/23/04 at 22:04:27, cebuanalyn wrote:
no wonder that almost all the women doing their "I do's" are usually on the way or have given birth already

They usually say I did rather than I do ;D

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by madd on Jun 29th, 2004, 9:13pm

on 06/23/04 at 23:42:18, kimmy_baby01 wrote:
wow son i already love you!! MARRY ME!!!  ;D ;D ;D aw wait that cant happen right?  

kimmy, hmmmm :P:P  ;D

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by kimmy_baby01 on Jun 30th, 2004, 1:36am
ya son i'm your daugher n you're my son.. .that would be double incest  ;D

on 06/29/04 at 21:13:27, madd wrote:
kimmy, hmmmm :P:P  ;D

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by madd on Jun 30th, 2004, 11:14pm

on 06/30/04 at 01:36:35, kimmy_baby01 wrote:
ya son i'm your daugher n you're my son.. .that would be double incest  ;D

That is why we are a dysfunctional family :P  ;D

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by mylane on Jul 3rd, 2004, 7:29pm
Having kids is very important to me. I did some research to in father and mother side and so far so good all of the women in the family are capable of having kids.

Call it crazy, but it is kinda hard for a woman like me to accept that I'm not capable of having kids.

In man perspective, it will be hard for them especially if they are the one who are not capable and not the woman.

At the end, communication matters most for both partners.

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by thebeast on Jul 5th, 2004, 10:17am
Having a child is the most gratifying experience in the world. If you open up to this child your life will not be better it will make you a better person in the process. I think people with kids even live longer than people with out children. Or maybe thats pets. ;)

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by cebuanalyn on Jul 5th, 2004, 9:10pm

on 07/05/04 at 10:17:40, thebeast wrote:
Having a child is the most gratifying experience in the world. If you open up to this child your life will not be better it will make you a better person in the process. I think people with kids even live longer than people with out children. Or maybe thats pets. ;)

joel...you just remind me that i need to have a child soon...  :'( any volunteer to be the father of my unborn children?..hehehe :P

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by kimmy_baby01 on Jul 6th, 2004, 9:27pm
ok son if we get married n have kids what will out kids call us?  :o  ;D now that would be weird  ;D

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by madd on Jul 6th, 2004, 10:12pm
Good point daughter :P  ;D

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by kimmy_baby01 on Jul 12th, 2004, 12:08am
ok lets figure that out before we get married son  ;D

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by okasantina on Feb 1st, 2005, 2:16am
The greatest Gift that GOD ever created ... making love and to have kids  :) A woman will not be called a WOMAN if she will not bear a child on her own...thats one thing that we WOMAN shouldnt missed.  ;)

Title: Re: Having kids... how important is it?
Post by gracia on Feb 1st, 2005, 2:45am
It depends in one's perspective.  For me kids are very important because i wanted to have a family of my own, and i can't have a family of my own without them.  Kids are difficult to deal with, you need a wider patience, deeper understanding, unconditional love to get on with your challenges as a parent/s while dealing with them. It's not easy but very gratifying as joel said.

Title: Re: Having Kids... How Important Is It?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 16th, 2005, 1:30am
It is the culmination of having a "whole" family. They are very important coz they make a marriage stronger. They are also inspirations for parents in aspiring for a better life. It's their reasons for having a purpose in life. For some they are their futures. For some women they are the fullfilment of their being a woman.

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