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Romance & Relationships >> Love & Relationships >> For GIRLS Only! How To Tell If He Likes You...
(Message started by: kianna_andrea on Oct 22nd, 2004, 9:45am)

Title: For GIRLS Only! How To Tell If He Likes You...
Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 22nd, 2004, 9:45am

These are some of the more subtle clues - keep your eyes open - you may have more guys flirting with you than you realize!

~~~ He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation. It may take you by surprise. You might have been talking when he was around and two weeks later he'll say, "Well, you like orange fizz..."

~~~ His voice changes when he talks to you in a group. He may say "Hey." to everyone with you, but the "Hey." to you is a little different.


~~~ His voice gets softer when the two of you talk.


~~~ Sometimes he stares straight into your eyes.


~~~ His eyes get 'soft' when he looks at you. They change slightly or get relaxed around the edges. It's subtle, but you can tell if you watch...
(You may already be aware of it at a subconscious level - that's what made you start wondering if he likes you...)


~~~ When he's near you or talking with you, his eyes travel in a little circle around your face and land back on your eyes. (Like he's looking at your whole face - then back to your eyes.)


~~~ He watches your lips. (Dead give away.)


~~~ His friends start asking you questions - if you haven't met him yet - they may ask what your name is. Or may ask you what you think about 'him.'


~~~ If his friends are paying attention to you after he's been staring at you - it can mean that he's been talking about you.


~~~ He tells you that you smell nice...
(No hidden meaning here - it's a good thing.)


~~~ He might act weird around you or seem very nervous. His behavior may just plain change when you're around.
If he's normally quiet, he may get louder, or vice versa. It's the difference in behavior that's the clue.

::)  :D

Title: Re: For GIRLS only! How to tell if he likes you...
Post by Hernando on Oct 22nd, 2004, 10:25am

on 10/22/04 at 09:45:24, kianna_andrea wrote:

~~~ He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation. It may take you by surprise. You might have been talking when he was around and two weeks later he'll say, "Well, you like orange fizz..."

For girls only...sorry to intrude but this one is soooo true...if a guy like me is really interested in a particular girl...I remember everything she said, sometimes I also tried to count how many times she blinked...lolz ;D

Title: Re: For GIRLS only! How to tell if he likes you...
Post by norkay on Oct 22nd, 2004, 11:36pm
This are some things i notice when a guy likes me.

-He gives me more attentions than others  :P

-He always checks on me if i am there(refering to net admirers) :P

-His smiles shows ;D

::)what else...hmmm well,i think i have a strong ESP..LOL! I can tell :P

Title: Re: For GIRLS only! How to tell if he likes you...
Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 23rd, 2004, 8:31am

on 10/22/04 at 10:25:00, Hernando wrote:
For girls only...sorry to intrude but this one is soooo true...if a guy like me is really interested in a particular girl...I remember everything she said, sometimes I also tried to count how many times she blinked...lolz ;D

;D Hernando, you're welcome to intrude,  ;D no biggie. Hmmm, a very rare guy you are indeed. The girl you like is very lucky. I guess that statement is true for women as well. If I do like someone, I remember every 'lil thing he said, I remember every detail. I even remember the dates, the time. I'm not really sure why but everything that particular someone says just naturally stays in mind... like I've memorized it or something...  ::) Lol. I think I'm nuts.  ::) It's not normal isn't it?  :P

Title: Re: For GIRLS only! How to tell if he likes you...
Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 23rd, 2004, 8:35am

on 10/22/04 at 23:36:32, norkay wrote:
This are some things i notice when a guy likes me.

::)what else...hmmm well,i think i have a strong ESP..LOL! I can tell :P

Yes krissy, us women have very strong intuition but sad to say sometimes our ESP fails as well.  :-/  

Title: Re: For GIRLS only! How to tell if he likes you...
Post by norkay on Oct 25th, 2004, 1:34am

on 10/23/04 at 08:35:13, kianna_andrea wrote:
Yes krissy, us women have very strong intuition but sad to say sometimes our ESP fails as well.  :-/  

But i still believe my ESP is strong .....and mostly my predictions are true...he he! ;D After finding its true...i smile and if it's mutual hmmmm...LOL! :P

Title: Re: For GIRLS only! How to tell if he likes you...
Post by norkay on Oct 25th, 2004, 11:15pm

Really Nelson?..hmmmm you gave us an idea on how to tell.....so that does mean you like me??????? ::) ;D...you always wake me up with your buzzez eh!..LOL!

Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!...LOL! :P

Title: Re: For GIRLS only! How to tell if he likes you...
Post by KiAnNa on Dec 11th, 2004, 5:48pm

More tell-tale signs:


1. The guy will try to make you laugh.
2. He'll flirt with you when he can.
3. He might try to show off around you.
4. He'll help you out, if you ask for it.
5. He'll stick up for you when you need it most.
6. He'll be friendly to you and all your friends.
7. He might call you for no good reason.
8. He might make fun of you, in a joking way.
9. He'll tell you that you did good, even if you did horrible.
10. He'll make eye contact with a happy grin on his face.


1. The girl will laugh at all your jokes.
2. She'll stare at you with a smile on her face.
3. She'll ask you who you like, continuously.
4. She might try to make you jealous.
5. She'll beg that you do everything for her.
6. She might start talking to your friends.
7. She'll talk to you about the different varieties of guys.
8. She'll always seem to be talking about how nice you are.
9. She'll always be flirting with every other guy except you.
10. She'll always ask what to do in a bad situation.

Title: Re: For GIRLS only! How to tell if he likes you...
Post by norkay on Jan 28th, 2005, 6:22am
~He asks you many questions.

~He is always interested to find out about the guys you have just mentioned(if you had).

~He asks for your contact number.

~He tries to get a lot of attention from you.

But you know what? .....hehe..nothing  :P

Title: Re: For GIRLS only! How to tell if he likes you...
Post by Aftr_it on Mar 1st, 2005, 3:13pm
;DHe should just tell you  come to think of it why dont the women just come out and say who they like make things a whole lot easier :D

Title: Re: For GIRLS only! How to tell if he likes you...
Post by beth on Mar 1st, 2005, 4:55pm

on 03/01/05 at 15:13:57, Aftr_it wrote:
;DHe should just tell you  come to think of it why dont the women just come out and say who they like make things a whole lot easier :D

hahaha aftr :P not all women can be straight like that :P specially some asians woman lol lol

Title: Re: For GIRLS only! How to tell if he likes you...
Post by gracia on Mar 2nd, 2005, 3:36am
aftr...guess its fine for the women to talk straight provided they wont be busted.  are you ready to accomodate them, if in case they'll be so straightforward to come out and say it's you they like???

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