Title: The Rejection Lines Given By Men And Women Post by Maruja on Dec 11th, 2004, 7:02pm (and what they actually mean) 10. I think of you as a brother. (You remind me of that inbred banjo-playing geek in “Deliverance.”) 9. There's a slight difference in our ages. (I don't want to do my dad.) 8. I'm not attracted to you in 'that' way. (You are the ugliest dork I've ever laid eyes on.) 7. My life is too complicated right now. (I don't want you spending the whole night or else you may hear phone calls from all the other guys I'm seeing.) 6. I've got a boyfriend. (I prefer my male cat and a half gallon of Ben and Jerry's.) 5. I don't date men where I work. (I wouldn't date you if you were in the same 'solar system', much less the same building.) 4. It's not you, it's me. (It's you.) 3. I'm concentrating on my career. (Even something as boring and unfulfilling as my job is better than dating you.) 2. I'm celibate. (I've sworn off only the men like you.) 1. Let's be friends. (I want you to stay around so I can tell you in excruciating detail about all the other men I meet and have sex with. It's the male perspective thing.) |
Title: Re: The Rejection Lines Given by Men and Women Post by Maruja on Dec 11th, 2004, 7:02pm (and what they actually mean...) 10. I think of you as a sister. (You're ugly.) 9. There's a slight difference in our ages. (You're ugly.) 8. I'm not attracted to you in 'that' way. (You're ugly.) 7. My life is too complicated right now. (You're ugly.) 6. I've got a girlfriend. (You're ugly.) 5. I don't date women where I work. (You're ugly.) 4. It's not you, it's me. (You're ugly.) 3. I'm concentrating on my career. (You're ugly.) 2. I'm celibate. (You're ugly.) 1. Let's be friends. (You're sinfully ugly.) |
Title: Re: The Rejection Lines Given by Men and Women Post by KiAnNa on Dec 12th, 2004, 1:26pm hahahaha,..very true!!! ;D Yay,.. I am ugly! :'( |
Title: Re: The Rejection Lines Given by Men and Women Post by norkay on Dec 14th, 2004, 5:44am Oh mannn! Another proof I am ugly!!! Waaaaaa! :-[ :'( :-[ :'( :-[ :'( [smiley=icon_worship.gif] [smiley=icon_worship.gif] |
Title: Re: The Rejection Lines Given by Men and Women Post by mylane on Dec 16th, 2004, 9:34am on 12/11/04 at 19:02:09, Maruja wrote:
ahihihihi....this is sooooo funny ;D |
Title: Re: The Rejection Lines Given by Men and Women Post by kim on Dec 17th, 2004, 5:00am Mymy have you ever thought of auditioning for a comedy bar? ;D You deserve someone better than me (You are such a loser and i want someone better) |
Title: Re: The Rejection Lines Given by Men and Women Post by okasantina on Jan 7th, 2005, 5:04am NIce cuz ;D how about this....I'm busy >:( |
Title: Re: The Rejection Lines Given by Men and Women Post by norkay on Feb 22nd, 2005, 5:25am on 01/07/05 at 05:04:19, okasantina wrote:
I agree that's one rejection line also.....in other words, "you're not important or you're not my priority" :-/ :'( .But you know, i always "get" him turn to me after words like that...by saying , "goodbye,NEVER talk to me anymore!" ;D....then i'd be the one not talking while he works to get my attention....this makes me smile,laugh and even makes my tongue comes out and hangs really low....lols.....opps... no, im not that evil...hehe. :P |
Title: Re: The Rejection Lines Given By Men And Women Post by beth on Feb 22nd, 2005, 7:18am how about...'l need to do number 1' ::) lol lol |
Title: Re: The Rejection Lines Given By Men And Women Post by Wicked_Witch on Jul 8th, 2005, 3:08am FOR MARRIED COUPLES: 1. IM NOT HUNGRY. He must have had dinner with someone else. 2. YOU'RE GETTING BIGGER. The other person probably looks like a hunk or a model. 3. IM TIRED. Means your partner has had sex before coming home. 4. IM WORKING OVERTIME TONIGHT. Means he's spending the night in someone else's home. 5. HON, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO VISIT YOUR MOTHER FOR A WEEK? Means he wants you out of the way. 6. HON, I CANT ACCOMPANY YOU TO YOUR BESTFRIEND'S WEDDING I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT MEETING BUT I WILL TRY TO BE THERE AS SOON AS I CAN ENJOY YOURSELF AND GIVE MY REGARDS. He timed his date and knows you would stay long at the party. AND SO ON AND SO ON.....SO IM PARANOID ;DBUT IT PAYS TO BE ALERT AT ALL TIMES [smiley=detective.gif] |
Title: Re: The Rejection Lines Given By Men And Women Post by thebeast on Oct 3rd, 2005, 7:58pm You are a nice guy....meaning....I like you now but only till someone better comes along. |
Title: Re: The Rejection Lines Given By Men And Women Post by mylane on Oct 3rd, 2005, 8:14pm ahihihi...that is somehow correct beast...LOL ;D |
Title: Re: The Rejection Lines Given By Men And Women Post by Sweet and Sour on Oct 3rd, 2005, 9:01pm Hihihi,me too.I also think it's true,Joel. ;D |
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