Title: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by mylane on Apr 22nd, 2005, 8:22pm How? Can you tell if he is a gay or wat? post away!!! ;D |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by Norkay on Apr 23rd, 2005, 5:54am Ahahaha,this is a good one Mylane ;D .Hmmmm now we will have or we can get an idea if we have a gay here in this board! Ahahahaha! I have some gay friends.What I notice is how they use toothpick.Ahahahaha! Just imagine.LOL. I will have to notice more about their moves and post here. ;D |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by beth on Apr 24th, 2005, 6:04pm well l dont have gay friends ;D but l saw 'em in d movie and in some restaurants here... the way they hold glass or things are different... take a look at how they move their finger when they grab a glass, specially the pinky finger. But well not all gay are like that l guess. l also read a magazine about it b4... they got rainbow and triangle sticker on the back of their car, that's how they socialize l guess. and, my friend said... gay like lavender colors ;D l dunno why and how, but l remember long time ago when l wanna buy my friend a lavender T-shirt, he said "oh no, not lavender color, it sounded very gay" lol lol hahahah.... ;D |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by kianna on Apr 24th, 2005, 8:39pm Oh no! Lavender and Purple are almost alike in shade right? What'll I do now? I love purple! Does that mean I'm Gay??? Waaaahhhhh.... ;D just kidding Aunt Bethy Dandee.... ;) |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by beth on Apr 24th, 2005, 9:29pm hahaha ;D niece kianna... l like purple too, lets be gay together [smiley=roll.gif] lol lol well actually purple different with lavender, l seen lotsa guy using purple, but lavender is kinda light n nearing a lil bit pink. so vewy different with purple ;D |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by gracia on Apr 26th, 2005, 10:18am i can only tell if a guy is a gay...when i can see the obvious...he's more beautiful than me [smiley=wall.gif] |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by kim on Apr 26th, 2005, 10:22am hey purple is my fav color! N it shows in my font color at the room too ;D.... I have so many gay friends both girls n guys that it amazes me how they can sense if a guy is gay or not. They say that they can smell them ;D but i've been tested before n i always fail to pin poin the gay from the non gay :P i had a long time crush on my classmate when i was in high school n he was the star player of the basketball team. Then when i was in college i saw him at the mall with eye brows plucked, a tank top and make up that could scare teh shits of any guy :o... HE WAS GAY!!! |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by teagirl on Apr 26th, 2005, 10:36am Easy 10 tell-tale signs he is gay: 1. He loves Broadway and know all the lyrics to Andrew Lloyd Webber's musicals. 2. He eats quiche. 3. He teaches me about fashion and loves to go shoe-hunting with me. 4. He has a boyfriend. 5. He loves Ralph Lauren polo shirts. In pink. 6. He is scared of sweat. 7. He has underdeveloped calf muscles. 8. He gives air-kisses. 9. You think the guy in front of you has a cute butt. So does he. 10. He digs supermodels. He wants to design their clothes. |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by kianna on Apr 26th, 2005, 8:02pm He is scared of sweat. He gives air-kisses. You think the guy in front of you has a cute butt. So does he. He digs supermodels. He wants to design their clothes. Lol, Lol Teamay. These are funny. ;D Anyway, how 'bout their voice? ??? You can tell by the way a man speaks if he's gay or not I think? |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by kim on Apr 27th, 2005, 7:19am My best friend pretended to be a gay guy just to get into the girls locker :o.... And IT WORKED!!! |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by Wicked_Witch on Jul 8th, 2005, 5:59am on 04/22/05 at 20:22:07, mylane wrote:
Seriously? OK....But this happens when I was way younger, ok? So dont raise ur brows,ladies :P. 1.Between us...he tries to avoid body contacts. 2.When we're talking to a goodlooking man he cant look him in the eye. 3.Everywhere I go he goes with me coz he knows there will be boys there too. 4. He doesnt date anyone so everyone at the office assumed I was the GF. 5. He's very meticulous over his pyshical appearance...manicured fingers, hair, perfume..he never wear jeans. 6. He was never interested when i asked him for a double dates no matter how pretty the other girl is. 7.He buys playgirl magazines..or sort of the same types I myself thought this guy and me was having some kind of an MU...Boy! ;DHe's ok and i like him a lot so I let it go on though he never says anything to me. Imagine my embarassment when I found out the truth about him? [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]In the end he had to tell me the truth because he met someone and he doesnt know what to do so he can get the other guy to go out with him. Sheez...and there I was starting to treat him like he's a BF! [smiley=bigcry.gif] [smiley=bigcry.gif] |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by okasantina on Jul 13th, 2006, 7:09pm If his hands and fingers are more feminine than mine.... ;D |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by astrobloke on Jul 24th, 2006, 4:32pm on 07/08/05 at 05:59:43, Wicked_Witch wrote:
A sure sign is If he spends more time in the bathroom on his physical appearance than you do [smiley=roll.gif] |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by okasantina on Aug 7th, 2006, 10:14am on 07/24/06 at 16:32:27, astrobloke wrote:
YOu sure astro? :o i know someone who is like that eh :-/ wonder if he is a gay duh ::) |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by thebeast on Aug 9th, 2006, 8:11pm He uses his hands a whole bunch when he talks. He speaks with a lisp. He is always around a bunch of women. I mean all the time. He cuts hair, he dont like sports, his name is Bruce, he spends a lot of time getting ready to go out....now i not saying all dudes like this are gay but they are good indicators. |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 10th, 2006, 10:48am his lips are red, he likes to look at dresses, he cries at soap operas, he uses gay lingos, he feels uneasy around a real guy, he likes colorful things, he advice a female friend about fashion subconsciously, he shrieks when surprised ;D, instead of punch, he likes to pinch, he eats fingerfoods with just his thumb and forefinger while the rests of his fingers hangs in the air...shuckz..lots of other obvious signs :P |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by astrobloke on Sep 9th, 2006, 8:28am Witchy , all that you described is something we call being "camp". It doesnt necessarily mean that person is gay but instead is effeminate in nature. I have heard of one or two people I have known in my life have turned out to be gay, but you would never pick it as they were as "blokey" as the next guy. |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by Wicked_Witch on Sep 10th, 2006, 4:47am Believe me, Geoff...they are ac/dc's...that's the term we uses here for those men who can be with a woman or a man and think nothing of it. But most of the time they have the inclinations to be with men more than they want to be with women. And sooner or later they won't be closet queens anymore. ;D |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by Matthew on Nov 15th, 2006, 8:39pm 1- He is screwing a guy named shawn... not a girl named shawn 2- he is screwing a guy named tony... not a girl named toni 3- His breath always smells of sausage 4- When he farts it goes "WOOOOOOOSH" 5- He thinks pussy is comparable to a can of worms 6- He smells like channel no.5 ... everyday 7- He has several female roomates, but never gets laid 8- He pops his collar 9- He has a purse 10- He is wearing a dress 11- He is not screaming "OH Jesus" but "AYE Dios MIo (H) Jesus!!... (the name of a Mexican busboy from chi chi's) 12- He shops more than he works 13- And has great nails :P |
Title: Re: How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Gay? Post by bad_day_me on Nov 20th, 2006, 3:38pm how can i tell if the guy is a gay...... well i can say a guy is a gay when he starts lookin on men in different reactions. i have so many gay friends and even some gays hiding their personality in mens looks you can still noticed that he is a gay coz it will comes naturally on how they do thei actins and the way they talked. bad_day_me |
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