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Romance & Relationships >> Love & Relationships >> LoVe InFrAcTiOnS!!!
(Message started by: okasantina on Oct 26th, 2005, 6:46am)

Title: LoVe InFrAcTiOnS!!!
Post by okasantina on Oct 26th, 2005, 6:46am
Turns out less is more...Some of the habits you think will strengthen your bond can actually undermine it.  Find out if your doing accidental damage and ways to reverse it fast... ;) [smiley=icon_drink.gif]

No matter how enamored a man is of his woman, there are few common girlfriend habits that can rub him the wrong way...and the scary thing is, they are the very loving actions you think make your connection stronger. And some of the most damaging relationship behaviors are actually those things that you assume are good for your bond. ;)

By avoiding them you can prevent  or reverse any inadvertent harm you may have caused.  :)

Ok so lets begin to count.....post awayyyyyyyyyy [smiley=hopcat2.gif] [smiley=hopcat2.gif]

Title: Re: LoVe InFrAcTiOnS!!!
Post by mylane on Oct 26th, 2005, 8:58am
Welcome back again Tina ;D

Ok the idea that he's wearing face mask to bed is somehow very damaging...LOL

will post more later... ;D

Title: Re: LoVe InFrAcTiOnS!!!
Post by thebeast on Oct 27th, 2005, 1:59am
WB tina  :D

I used to date a girl who snored really loud. I am not kidding. She was pretty but when she snored it reminded me of a pig I used to have when I was involved with Future Farmers of America. I used ear plugs and I could still hear her. I would have to go sleep on the couch and I closed the door and it wasnt as loud, but I could still hear her. I think she had a sleeping problem. I hope she got that fixed cause something like that can destroy a relationship not only from being a love infraction but also lack of sleep for the partner.

Title: Re: LoVe InFrAcTiOnS!!!
Post by Wicked_Witch on Oct 29th, 2005, 6:37am
Lol, Joel..are you sure you do not snore just as loud? [smiley=roll.gif]
Hey Tinz ;Dstinking up the bathroom after he uses it will really turn me off [smiley=rock.gif]

Title: Re: LoVe InFrAcTiOnS!!!
Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Oct 29th, 2005, 1:53pm
[smiley=roll.gif] joel, l cant believe it! hahahah.... l meant a guy snoring loud sounded more normal then a gurl oh my gosh! [smiley=roll.gif]...

webby tunatina 8)

the way he eat like a pig turn me off! eating like he never eat for 3 days... bite the food so big, munching n talking the same time...all the ketchup, mustards, etc all over his mouth and chin[smiley=smash.gif]

Title: Re: LoVe InFrAcTiOnS!!!
Post by okasantina on Nov 5th, 2005, 11:35am
The next time u have a girl who snores like having a big concert...tell her and wake her up! She has heart problems ... i guess she was just having probs with you...lol thats why....hehehe!

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