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Romance & Relationships >> Love & Relationships >> Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
(Message started by: Wicked_Witch on Sep 9th, 2005, 5:24pm)

Title: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Sep 9th, 2005, 5:24pm
Some of us, if not most.... has at one time fallen for someone on the net. It doesnt necessarily mean a relationship came out of it. Just that there is someone we feel is "special" to us and wish we can be more than just friend to that person. And to those who are already in a relationship, why doesn't it matter that they live miles away from us? You still feel drawn to this person. Is it the way he/she treats you? Is it the things the person says? Is it because the other person share your dreams? Is it because you believe he/she is the right one for you? Please share us your feelings in this. Post away.....(shucks, I sounds so serious here, I think ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by mylane on Sep 9th, 2005, 5:40pm
Good thing about chatting is that there is more chance to discuss or talk about many topics dynamically.

I never been in love online but I have met few interesting people online and I really value the friendship alot.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by gracia on Sep 9th, 2005, 7:35pm
things happen in the net because people let it happen and because people want it happen.  The world is full of temptations and net is not exempted. So, it's either they tighten the belt or have it loose...the risk is up to them.  

Those who fall in love online...there's a corresponding risk to that...people can fall in love anywhere, they have reasons..or they just let it happen.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Sep 12th, 2005, 1:03am
Personally, I'd say LONELINESS contributes a lot to why people fall in love on the net. First they meet people they find interesting. Then they get to talk a lot, getting to know each other on a more personal level. And it's easy here on the net specially to those who do not really care much about spending time outside their homes. They get to focus on that one person only. And then they find out that he/she is someone they care to spend a lot of time with. That they both like what each other says in their conversations. And before they knew what is happening, they have grown very attach to this person already. :) :) :)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Oct 25th, 2005, 7:22pm
Lets put it this way Witchy po...my answer would be its like why we crave for icecream or chocolate?  You know darn well that you will gain weight if you eat it...that it will hurt u emotionally especially when u are on diet but still likes to eat it...therefore..satisfaction?..well it might plays an important rule  here...As the  the saying goes, satisfaction brings the cat's back. ;D ;D ;D ;DJust a thought from coochie po ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Oct 29th, 2005, 6:15am
I believe ya, Cooch ;DI just simply want to know all the reasons behind these online relationships. You know I have always been a curious person and if the cat got killed coz of curiousity, I'll take the chance. I believe in learning thru experiences and knowledge can also be acquire from people base on their thoughts on different subjects/topics ;)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by earthlingorgeous on Nov 1st, 2005, 11:22am

To simplify the question, why did I fall in love with my mahal.  I really don't fall inlove easily even in person...much more online when you don't actually get to see him in person... But like what Gracia said subconsiously I want to find someone on the net and I am ready to fall inlove here...
In my experience, like what I said I don't fall inlove easily, and second I don't date friends or much more fall inlove with friends. Once you are my friend you can never be my lover or love interest. I simply can't take it because I feel I am betraying our friendship and I already treated you as a brother or father or anything but lover!!!
I fell inlove with my mahal because more than any man could ever do he has open up himself to me and get to know him deeply and get involved in his daily life, night and day, when he wakes up and before he sleeps.  And even before I felt I was feeling something for him I have become so trivial asking questions about anything you can think of asking anyone under the sun.  It even took us several months before he actually said he loves me and it took the same time for me to realize I think I'm falling.
True I got so attached to him at first few weeks we were talking regularly online and seing him regularly online, to the point that I think I was getting addicted to him.  The greatest part was he hasn't seen me (on cam) yet for those past two months and I even sent him my mug shot (ugly pic meant to scare men) lol!
And luckily he is ready for a relationship too... and we didn't really think of the distance as a hindrance. Love I think is more of emotion, heart and mind, and I think we both found that in each other.
That's why I fell inlove.  I get to pick on his mind first and say things I think I couldn't say in person or ask a guy in person and I get to know him from inside and sex has not become a hindrance.
lol I think I said too much lol! I hope I answer your querry witchy pooh ma friend  ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Nov 1st, 2005, 8:26pm
hmmmm.... hullo witchy ;D
well... what should l comment on this? hihihi ;D
l once fall in love to my xbf online.. l never seen him in real before, merely because we talk periodically, become friends, good friends, then we find the 'link' on our conversations. it's that we both open our heart and our life w/o trying to cover anything, the good part and the bad part, we share it each other... then **boom** we both fall in love in the net even b4 we see each other in real.
l guess because we tell everything, so when we met in real its just exactly like when we talk over the net, nothing change, even better!

the point for us is... we both open our life, that made us fall in love.

But since it's not working at the end, l banned myself for falling inlove b4 meeting the guy now :P ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 2nd, 2005, 4:10am
Ouch, Beth! I am sorry to hear that :-/But to be on the bright side, always keep in mind that there is someone for everyone. So maybe that guy is not the one meant for you? Who knows? Maybe you have already met him and he's just waiting to get noticed? ;)
Actually, this thread is about what makes women and men online "interesting" enough that instead of finding one outside the net, someone they can easily judge, they choose to take a chance on the net? I think I should have been more specific or clear. What can I say, I'm a dumby_witchy sometimes. ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by MissFartyPants on Nov 12th, 2005, 1:08pm
Been there done done that. Just my two cents.

I don't think I will ever truly realise why I allowed myself to fall in love over the net. Time and time again. While it does sound unbelievably stupid to some, until you are on that person's shoe(s) ----- you will truly never understand. This is a subject that I find very sensitive.

I suppose it is cowardice on MY part. Reality scares me. I have found my online relationships more fulfilling than real ones. Go figure.

There is a sense of "freedom" of expression since you are communicating behind a computer screen, thus, you are not so self-conscious. I have always been shy and I mask it by being a snob. Or so I think. You can go deeper into each other's personalities. Subconsciouly acting your inhibitions out.

For me, falling in love over the net especially when a real life relationship comes out of it is by far greater than "real" ones. Why? Because it defies explanation. It defies tradition, it simply break all the "rules". Love can not be confined. Period. And it shouldn't be.

Most of the old regs here has an idea of where I'm coming from as far as online relationship goes. I did fall madly in love with this guy I have never even met. I do not feel a tinge of embarrassment admitting we have lost touch. But the memory of what we've had has kept me going -- to this day. Pathetic as it soounds.

Everything about it was/is beautiful.

Hope my input helps  ;D.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Fallen on Nov 14th, 2005, 9:05pm
Im Fallen and i know why do some people Fall in love online and u guys know why.........?Coz u cant fall in love Offline Hehehehehe ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 16th, 2005, 2:43am

on 11/14/05 at 21:05:21, Fallen wrote:
Im Fallen and i know why do some people Fall in love online and u guys know why.........?Coz u cant fall in love Offline Hehehehehe ;D

Very funny, Fallen, thanks.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 16th, 2005, 2:54am

on 11/12/05 at 13:08:17, MissFartyPants wrote:
Been there done done that. Just my two cents.  

Hope my input helps  ;D.

More than you know, MissFArty. I think you're very right on that account. One of the top reason why some choose to find a relationship online is the freedom of expression. You get to be what you want to be because the other person can't see you. No shyness, no holding back, no inhibitions. Just being your true self, or what you think is the real you inside. And getting hurt is not a reason to get bitter about online relationships because if it can happen in life outside the net, how much more online, right? They key, I think is not to expect a lot. Just enjoy your time together. The future? Cross the bridge when you get there. Life is too short to spend on heartaches and sorrows and worries.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by nelson3082000 on Nov 16th, 2005, 2:08pm
well i guess its the freedom of chat and your able to express yourself freely and to talk about anything and not get embarassed, but i have met many nice people here and i have met that special girl

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Levy on Nov 23rd, 2005, 7:58pm
Nelson sounds like he is in love  ;)... that's nice Nels  ;D ;D ;D

Well, I met my ex online and i can say that we really love each other until the time that we can say separation is the best thing to do for both of us...not because of anything else but because of differences in our outlook and values in life. Even though it didn't work out well in the end, i still don't regret having fallen in love to a guy i met online.

Based on my experience, people do tend to fall in love online because of these thought there is a 'connection' between the 2 of you. Both minds are communicating freely (i agree with the posts above with regards to the freedom of expression) at a level where the understanding is the same...and this is the mental and emotional attraction...once the interests with each other is established, the emotional connection develops.... and then so on and so on. The physical aspect in the online relationship comes the least but...as we all know, physical compatibility (comfortable with each other) plays an important part as well.

It's just a matter of how well the communication is done that decides for how long the relationship will last.

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by ChAntiQ on Nov 24th, 2005, 12:57am
Hats off to those who are in an online relationship.  I guess people who are involved in one, double the efforts of expressing their feelings 'coz you make up for the distance.  Keep the love flowin thru the monitor hehehe... ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by nelson3082000 on Nov 24th, 2005, 1:00am
yeah yeah we tryin but does she know hom much i miss her maybe i should tell her :D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 24th, 2005, 1:44am
You mean you have not told her, Nelson? How could you!!! Don't you know women likes to hear those words from someone they greatly care about? [smiley=rock.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif]
We have the computers to thank for that, eh?

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by earthlingorgeous on Nov 24th, 2005, 9:19am

on 11/24/05 at 00:57:30, ChAntiQ wrote:
Hats off to those who are in an online relationship.  I guess people who are involved in one, double the efforts of expressing their feelings 'coz you make up for the distance.  Keep the love flowin thru the monitor hehehe... ;D

Very well said Chantiq... i couldn't agree more!  

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by somebody on Dec 22nd, 2005, 8:39pm
The internet is anonymous so it's very easy for people to open up to each other and reveal things they wouldn't normally in person.  This is why its so easy for people to build bonds online.

I also see that people tend to fall in love with whom they believe a person could be.  Online, you only know what that person tells you and it's usually positive things.  Behind the curtains, there is an ugly side to everybody.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Justine on Dec 23rd, 2005, 7:21am
While I admire people like Jeff and Earth and others who have been maintaining their online relationships, I would have to agree with Somebody too.  In addition, sometimes it's the idea of being inlove that excites one, not necessarily the person.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 11th, 2006, 3:56am
In a recently published article about online relationship, it has been qouted as saying that non-chatters think of online relationships as something "pathetic". That people behind this relationships have nothing else going on in their lives and are afraid to face the "outside" world. How much truth is in that?

Personally, I think that most of the people that come onlines are those that have MORE time in their hands to mingle socially with friends online. They have a good job and are just too tired to go out anymore. Some too prefer the solitary confinement of their homes rather than mingle with friends and chat and/or drink after a day's work. And if in one of these times they are online they come to meet someone they find interesting, I think that is as normal as finding/meeting someone inside a bar or bumped into in some public places like the mall or comfort rooms. And too, most often than not, people that are not into things that others are, like smoking, drinking, dressing up outrageously etc..etc..think that these things are "bad". I say each to his own.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Jan 11th, 2006, 4:31am

on 01/11/06 at 03:56:12, Wicked_Witch wrote:
In a recently published article about online relationship, it has been qouted as saying that non-chatters think of online relationships as something "pathetic". That people behind this relationships have nothing else going on in their lives and are afraid to face the "outside" world. How much truth is in that?

Personally, I think that most of the people that come onlines are those that have MORE time in their hands to mingle socially with friends online. They have a good job and are just too tired to go out anymore. Some too prefer the solitary confinement of their homes rather than mingle with friends and chat and/or drink after a day's work. And if in one of these times they are online they come to meet someone they find interesting, I think that is as normal as finding/meeting someone inside a bar or bumped into in some public places like the mall or comfort rooms. And too, most often than not, people that are not into things that others are, like smoking, drinking, dressing up outrageously etc..etc..think that these things are "bad". I say each to his own.

i could agree more Witchy.  In addition to that, some are so busy with work that they are always in the computer.  With cyber technology it is the number one thing now to communicate with other people besides text messaging.  And during their down time or break, they go online not because  they are bored but just looking for fun and excitement that goes on chat and also its not because they  dont have better things to do .And more over some are just burnt of the bar scene.  They rather  chat and find interesting people on chat.  Compares  meeting in online versus the bar scene, some find chatting online more interesting to meet and getting to know those people better.   And most busy professionals, you find them more chatting on the net rather than meeting people in bars because of time.  They cant find time to go out because they are too busy doing the most important task.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by wildheart41004 on Jan 11th, 2006, 5:23am
personally, I find that the people I meet online are much more interesting and easier to be around then when I am playing music in bars and most are falldown drunk and pretty much disgusting

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by okasantina on Jan 11th, 2006, 9:01am

on 01/11/06 at 05:23:21, wildheart41004 wrote:
personally, I find that the people I meet online are much more interesting and easier to be around then when I am playing music in bars and most are falldown drunk and pretty much disgusting

Hehehe wild ... good then that online thang has no bars but we have drunk ppl sometimes ... and playin music as well.. no to disgustin ppl yes, in online u can easy to handle bitchy ppl ... just close ure pc and they`re poof  ;D But one thang i like about in here is it kills time when ure about to forget ure date in real... lol ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by wildheart41004 on Jan 11th, 2006, 9:38pm

on 01/11/06 at 09:01:40, okasantina wrote:
Hehehe wild ... good then that online thang has no bars but we have drunk ppl sometimes ... and playin music as well.. no to disgustin ppl yes, in online u can easy to handle bitchy ppl ... just close ure pc and they`re poof  ;D But one thang i like about in here is it kills time when ure about to forget ure date in real... lol ;D

well, online drunks can be iggied, I can't do that playing music in bar....I like my style of music, but if I dont online I turn down my speakers.
and yes, chat is a time killer, and addictive..just ask me, I am..lol

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Justine on Jan 13th, 2006, 1:19am
And chat is also a more practical way to fun, relaxation and amusement.  Spending time with friends having nothing to spend on  ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 16th, 2006, 10:33am
Besides which, I think those that are having a relationships online has more time to spend together than when it's outside the net. At least you can still see each other even when you're so very tired after a day's activities? And too...you spend less dating each other onlines. :P And less bothersome, eh?The man don't have to bring gifts or flowers just to talk to the gf, and the female don't have to wear something pretty or put on make up's. And if you don't feel like seeing or talking to the person at any particular time, you can go invisible and still enjoy chatting with someone else! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]I swear am not guilty of this...just a thought. [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by honey_dew on Jan 17th, 2006, 6:41pm
I think admiration first then getting to know that person via voice chat, camera, and typing.  I tend to fall in love with the words they used.  How the person looks on the other end of the computer and how he carryon the conversation.. ;D ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Saffire_65 on Jan 22nd, 2006, 4:03pm
whats there to question about falling in love? It happens anywhere and anytime when you least expect it  ;)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Aftr_it on Jan 22nd, 2006, 10:05pm

on 01/22/06 at 16:03:46, Saffire_65 wrote:
whats there to question about falling in love? It happens anywhere and anytime when you least expect it  ;)

couldnt agree with ya more Saff but it usually happens when ya dont think it will

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 23rd, 2006, 7:34am

on 01/17/06 at 18:41:28, honey_dew wrote:
I think admiration first then getting to know that person via voice chat, camera, and typing.  I tend to fall in love with the words they used.  How the person looks on the other end of the computer and how he carryon the conversation.. ;D ;D

I agree in this. I think whoever is behind that screen, when you talk of serious things, what he says about certain topics reflects his thoughts for real.

whats there to question about falling in love? It happens anywhere and anytime when you least expect it

I have never doubt the validity of that statement, Twinnie. But I am just curious that some people would find it more "exciting' or "enlightening" or "interesting" to be with people they have not met or seen for real. And people do not just fall in love immediately. The feelings has to grow from something? I am curious to know what that "something" is that sometimes makes them throw all cautions to the wind and plunge right in.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by okasantina on Jan 23rd, 2006, 8:39am
We are simply  humans, and so we have heart, so we have feelings to fall inlove.... :)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 13th, 2006, 1:47am
Yes, I know all about feelings, Tinz...what I want to know is why ONLINE? Don't they have anyone else to give their attentions to? Like in the workplace, neighborhood, friends of friends...etc..etc...why take the risk of being made a fool by someone you are not sure of if they are real or just playing at being something they are not? Is it worth the risk?

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Matthew on Mar 13th, 2006, 1:56am
people don't actually fall in love with you online....they just tell you they do :P

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 14th, 2006, 3:06am
come now, Matt....stop being cynical and go fall in love online :P

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Matthew on Mar 14th, 2006, 7:32am
Only if u fall in love with me first ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Fugi on Mar 14th, 2006, 11:32pm
Ppl all over the world are different... U might not find what you are looking for at the country you live in...  Falling in love online is just something that happens to you... it all starts with liking someone and you get to know each other better, you share feelings for that person, cause you are intrigued by her/him, cause she/he means something special to you... When you fall in love online you learn about each other first and you don't just rush into a relationship.... I've been told a beautifull saying and agree with it completely... Good things happen to ppl that can wait... When you love that person sincerly, there is always a way around distance and the issues that come along with it... But only if both are willing to make the best of it... It can work... So never give up on faith, Love is a beautifull thing and shouldn't be linked with distance nor age... Be open minded and accept the love you get from someone online... don't let the opportunity to love someone online be blown away cause of some obstacles... You might miss the chance outta your life... Goodluck to you all that date online... I sure found my love  :)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 15th, 2006, 3:43am
Such sweet words from a young man, Fugi! I hope you will always be happy with the one you found online. ;)

Only if u fall in love with me first   ;)

I'm ready anytime you are :-*

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Mar 15th, 2006, 6:51am

on 03/14/06 at 23:32:39, Fugi wrote:
Ppl all over the world are different... U might not find what you are looking for at the country you live in...  Falling in love online is just something that happens to you... it all starts with liking someone and you get to know each other better, you share feelings for that person, cause you are intrigued by her/him, cause she/he means something special to you... When you fall in love online you learn about each other first and you don't just rush into a relationship.... I've been told a beautifull saying and agree with it completely... Good things happen to ppl that can wait... When you love that person sincerly, there is always a way around distance and the issues that come along with it... But only if both are willing to make the best of it... It can work... So never give up on faith, Love is a beautifull thing and shouldn't be linked with distance nor age... Be open minded and accept the love you get from someone online... don't let the opportunity to love someone online be blown away cause of some obstacles... You might miss the chance outta your life... Goodluck to you all that date online... I sure found my love  :)

Aww fugi she must be in heaven ...must be so lucky gal eh. ;D ;DNow i see why your running hard to get...gosh you already taken...waaaaaaaa [smiley=smash.gif] [smiley=smash.gif] [smiley=smash.gif] [smiley=smash.gif]

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Fugi on Mar 15th, 2006, 6:54am
Coochie what can i say... I sure hope that she feels like she is in heaven... other than that... pick a number and get in line lol

But ya know i still love ya from far  :P

Coochie sry babe i'm already in  :)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Mar 15th, 2006, 7:00am

on 03/15/06 at 06:54:50, Fugi wrote:
Coochie what can i say... I sure hope that she feels like she is in heaven... other than that... pick a number and get in line lol

But ya know i still love ya from far  :P

Coochie sry babe i'm already in  :)

Wow i did not pick the winning number for sure...dangit...still playing hard to get..bend ovah let me spank ya!!! [smiley=whip.gif][smiley=wall.gif]
Btw I love my creamer better[smiley=icon_drink.gif]  

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Fugi on Mar 15th, 2006, 7:02am
I'm not gonna give you the pleasure to get me coochie...  I love playing hard to get but running from you even more  :P

The only place you are able to catch me and to pick the lucky number is in your dreams  :P

So go to your room and go to sleep and i'll bring the cream lmao

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Mar 15th, 2006, 7:05am
;DBite me Fugi :-*

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Fugi on Mar 15th, 2006, 7:08am
just bend ovah coochie cause i love my doggy style  :P

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Mar 15th, 2006, 7:12am
;D ;D ;DOk back to the regular programming about why do some people fall in love..
:) :) :)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Mar 15th, 2006, 7:19am
Good communication, understanding,  and building trust, are some of the basis why people fall in love on line.  And most especially i guess having a very strong faith to each other. ;DAloha nui loa..Loving each other within the deepest of their hearts is a beautiful thing :)Be the soulmate for each other.. :) :)Getting to know what is inside of that person if it is as good as it  is outside....Building a stronger feelings for each other..as building trust and getting to know more deep within those words at the other end who ever is typing or saying..and i guess not playing games at each other.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Mar 15th, 2006, 7:26pm

I'm easily impressed by eloquence and intelligence. The internet is a very good medium if not the best. When I first started chatting, I was thrilled to getting a mere "asl" question. Or "How are you?" or "Where are you from?", I know it's a way to open up a conversation, but it's too typical, predictable, simple. Until it all got jaded.

I am by no means an organised person. But I do get irritated at reading anything that does not so much resemble a proper sentence. (Hell, I can't speak properly either, but presentation is important to me). I can't stress on this enough, but I digress.

Why do some people fall in love online? Why not? It's easier to open up most of the time without you even realising it. You are less conscious of the person's motives in wanting to keep you interested. And even if you do get interested, what is the worse thing that could happen? You fall in love out there in the 'real' world too. But people care less about it when you do. Why?

If you are having your nails done in the comfort of your living room as opposed to going to a beauty salon, does that mean you're getting less service? Not necessarily. When in fact, it's more convenient for you. You are more relaxed.

Talking to people online gives you the opportunity to go deeper into that person's personality and vice versa, thus, you are getting to know each other better. Presuming you are both being honest. What is the difference between meeting at a random a stranger at a restaurant? Or at the bus station? Or at the supermarket or bookstore? Physical attraction. What if you don't look like Charlize Therone or have the body of Jennifer Lopez? In any case, you can use it to your advantage. But doesn't it give you a sense of pride knowing somebody showed interest in you and/or personality because you are truly an interesting person? Not because you've got legs that goes up to your chest, or boobs bigger than your head. There are people out there that prefers to see what you like in the morning, when you have yet to wash your face or brush your teeth, bed hair and all.

Why does falling in love online frowned upon should be the next question, donchathink?

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Mar 15th, 2006, 7:41pm
Nicely done Cathy.   That is the power of the internet...temptation temptation!!!Its like reading a great book, or watching a great movie, seems like its all mere illusions and fantacy of having that good relationship.  And with online, anything goes in here .  There is no limit.  You fall in love with Tom Cruise, or Bradd Pitt because of what you see and what you watch.  The deeper you get into reading a book, the more your curiousity of how the story goes...Samething with online..  the more you chat..the more you get curious and get to know that person.   With being in person, there is always that barrier ...some they are very scarred to face  the real person of what the outcome going to be...with online being at ease and comfortable to chat with makes a difference when ppl talk or chat...i guess again that barrier infront of them might be the reason why they are not so comfortable.Just a thought from coochie po ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Mar 15th, 2006, 7:58pm

Another thing, meeting people online gives you more options. Take advantage of demographics. Not just people you are used to hanging out with. Spread your wings. With the internet, you can actually get to talk to someone in the USA, Europe, Antartica, that you otherwise wouldn't be able to. It gives you a better perspective on human behaviour. Are emotions limited to a certain group of people? Culture? Can love exist beyond a distance? That is the challenge, that is the thrill, but I'm not saying you fall in love because of that, but through that. We as human beings, whether we like it or not, consciously or subconsciously, prefer a challenge. The run-of-the-mill types are boring even to us of the female species. That is what I realised chatting for years, you've got a choice! Why limit yourself in your workplace, church, etc .... there is a whole world out there and it's at the tip of your fingertips.  ;)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Mar 15th, 2006, 10:18pm

on 03/15/06 at 19:41:15, CooCHie wrote:
Nicely done Cathy...."  

Thank you, Cooch!  ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 17th, 2006, 4:15am
Cathy, I swear I am not the enemy here! I am merely asking the views/opinion of everyone. Hehehehe! But you sure do have a way with words. ;) It has always been interesting reading your posts, for your thoughts and your words. Don't worry, I will open the next question. Or you can open it yourself.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Mar 17th, 2006, 7:42pm

Awwww Edith, I am terribly, terribly sorry. You are the LAST person I would ever insult or offend intentionally. I admit that I got too carried away with my response, but it was all in good spirit. My frustrations took over me, I guess but it wasn't directed at you. I understand that you are genuinely curious.

And thank you :-[.  If truth be told, you're one of the very few people here that I look forward to reading. (hmm that doesn't sound right, screaming to be corrected, but I know you get what I mean). LOL.  ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 18th, 2006, 5:06am
Hehehehe. Actually I was just trying to make light of things. You are getting too serious. :-*And yes I am curious. I find that listening to others can give u a lot of perspective about things when looking at it from all sides and angles. Thanks for believing in me, too. ;)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by mytoyisaharley48 on Apr 7th, 2006, 12:22am
What about those of us who were not looking for love when we started chatting ,and in the end ,we are drugged ,seduced and bewitched ;) by someone we least expected,how did our pure freindship end up in love  ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Apr 7th, 2006, 7:26am

on 04/07/06 at 00:22:10, mytoyisaharley48 wrote:
What about those of us who were not looking for love when we started chatting ,and in the end ,we are drugged ,seduced and bewitched ;) by someone we least expected,how did our pure freindship end up in love  ;D

That is beautiful Jerry...well that shows you have great connection.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 8th, 2006, 5:30am

on 04/07/06 at 00:22:10, mytoyisaharley48 wrote:
What about those of us who were not looking for love when we started chatting ,and in the end ,we are drugged ,seduced and bewitched ;) by someone we least expected,how did our pure freindship end up in love  ;D

Well....I'd say it's your badluck, baby! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] I must be searching  from my crystal ball and found you! Drugged and seduced, eh? No way! You took one look at me and said to yourself...."man...I am doomed!" [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] Wuv ya! :-*

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by mytoyisaharley48 on Apr 9th, 2006, 6:27am
I know you slipped something in my drink edith ,is that date rate LOL

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Apr 9th, 2006, 6:35am

on 04/09/06 at 06:27:06, mytoyisaharley48 wrote:
I know you slipped something in my drink edith ,is that date rate LOL

Jerry, Pards get that effect ya know.... [smiley=icon_drink.gif] [smiley=icon_drink.gif]She can put a spell on ya real good [smiley=woot.gif] [smiley=woot.gif] [smiley=woot.gif]

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Fugi on Apr 9th, 2006, 6:49am
coochie not all her spells work lol... they don't have effect on me... only kodak moments do...:)  [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 9th, 2006, 7:48am

on 04/09/06 at 06:27:06, mytoyisaharley48 wrote:
I know you slipped something in my drink edith ,is that date rate LOL

Papa!! Are you saying you drank that one? Sheez..You're not supposed to drink it! You were just supposed to gurgle it. That's lizard's pee and it's very expensive! :o

coochie not all her spells work lol... they don't have effect on me... only kodak moments do...  

Don't be so sure, Fugi....you might be surprise ;) I have a way of sneaking in when you least expect it.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Apr 14th, 2006, 2:39pm

Why does the sun rises in the East?

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 17th, 2006, 1:27pm

on 04/14/06 at 14:39:45, ClumsilyIdiotic wrote:
Why does the sun rises in the East?

Coz it sets in the West? Awww, Cathy...are u saying it's as necessary as breathing is? ;D You must have fallen heavily for someone on the net?

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Apr 17th, 2006, 9:25pm

on 04/17/06 at 13:27:00, Wicked_Witch wrote:
Coz it sets in the West? Awww, Cathy...are u saying it's as necessary as breathing is? ;D You must have fallen heavily for someone on the net?

LOL, Edith. Nah, that's the answer my boyfriend gives me everytime I ask him why he loves me or why he chose me.

It's still surreal. I get cold feet if I think about we will finally be meeting in less than two weeks. And then again this December. I am more excited about December though, coz we've got plenty of time to spend with each other. Whereas, we only have 2 days when I meet him in SC.  :(

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Apr 17th, 2006, 9:29pm

Oh and to answer your question. Yeah, I believe I am. Head over heels in love with my man  ;) Everyday, he gives me reason to.

If you've read my first blog (Memoirs.... ) from the beginning I suppose you will see the HUGE difference between the first time fell in love online and now. (As much as I'd love to tell my story, if you are interested, that is, my bed beckons.. LOL.... I'm sleepy).  :(

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 18th, 2006, 2:30am
Well...I read some  of it....about how u compared the present to the past bf:P And it was a stupid question really. I can see and feel how in love u are with ur bf....I'm happy u finally found someone, Cathy :-* I hope everything works out for both of you.

Btw...where or what is SC? ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Apr 18th, 2006, 11:13pm

on 04/18/06 at 02:30:20, Wicked_Witch wrote:
Well...I read some  of it....about how u compared the present to the past bf:P And it was a stupid question really. I can see and feel how in love u are with ur bf....I'm happy u finally found someone, Cathy :-* I hope everything works out for both of you.

Btw...where or what is SC? ;D

Awwwww thank you, Edith!  :-*  Likewise ;)  

SC = South Carolina  ;)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Saffire_65 on Apr 19th, 2006, 12:51am
*sigh* how wonderful to have that feeling again Cathy.  I was a non believer of online relationship turned believer and then non believer and believer again and  till now i'm not sure what i believe in anymore.   [smiley=wall.gif]

All the very best Cathy!

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Matthew on Apr 19th, 2006, 4:15am
We need to stop thinking about online love and start getting together...otherwise we will always be lonely [smiley=computer.gif]

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Apr 19th, 2006, 7:52am

on 04/19/06 at 00:51:52, Saffire_65 wrote:
*sigh* how wonderful to have that feeling again Cathy.  I was a non believer of online relationship turned believer and then non believer and believer again and  till now i'm not sure what i believe in anymore.   [smiley=wall.gif]

All the very best Cathy!

Awwwww thank you, Saffy! Don't give up. Don't lose hope. I was on that same avenue one too many times before. Love never fails ----- just keep an open heart. Don't put restrictions on how it's suppose to come. It comes in different sizes and shapes and colors and smell.  ;D  Coz once you do, it'll never work. We are but slave to love, the more we try to command it, the elusive it gets.

Don't ever sell out. Keep the faith. Love will come your way. Keep your childhood fantasies, don't let it grow out of you. They are there for a reason.

On a side note...

(I once fell in love with someone which to this day, I still think of. He will remain a very special part of my past. He taught me a lot of things. The greatest of which is, being able to see myself through his eyes. He is a wonderful person, that while he's gone MIA on me, I don't hold any grudges. Special mem'ries...... ahhh to be loved and be in love ..... )

Cheer up, Saffy - love lingers.  ;)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 19th, 2006, 7:52am

on 04/19/06 at 04:15:04, Matthew wrote:
We need to stop thinking about online love and start getting together...otherwise we will always be lonely [smiley=computer.gif]

Ever the practical guy, eh Matt? Wish it were that easy though. Then a lot of us will really be happy with someone somewhere.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Gracia on Apr 19th, 2006, 6:47pm
Some people fall in love online because the thought of falling in love is great, plus the added benefits that the possibility of getting caught is slim and that you can portray different persona anytime you wish to. Hmmm....sounds great :)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Matthew on Apr 19th, 2006, 11:42pm
It's easier than doing it faced to face....and if people are honest it drops the insecurity....

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Apr 20th, 2006, 5:35am

Say, if you've NEVER done bungee jumping because you are either afraid to take the risk, find it ridiculous, a sorry excuse to get a thrill out of ... are you in a position to say a negative or positive comment about it? Ummm.. don't think so.

If two people tried the same dish; one found it delectable, the other wasn't too crazy about it, I am expecting a person who happened to overhear the two people making comments about the dish to make his/her own mediocre judgement.

Am I talking in riddles? Oh yeah... I could possibly woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by nOrKAy on Apr 20th, 2006, 5:44am

What a metaphor, Cathy. Nope, you're not talking in riddles, and I actually like how you said it. So, true.  ;)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Gracia on Apr 20th, 2006, 6:20am
ouchhh.....just trying to lighten up, i was in a playful mood that time........nothing harm meant.  I perfectly know not to give judgment at all.  I apologized. ;D PEACE!

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 20th, 2006, 8:33am

on 04/19/06 at 18:47:40, Gracia wrote:
Some people fall in love online because the thought of falling in love is great, plus the added benefits that the possibility of getting caught is slim and that you can portray different persona anytime you wish to. Hmmm....sounds great :)


Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Gracia on Apr 20th, 2006, 9:37am
jeeze........did i hurt ya too Witchy ???  I hope not.   Common Witchy, you know me better than that or I thought :(  

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by nOrKAy on Apr 20th, 2006, 12:25pm

on 04/19/06 at 18:47:40, Gracia wrote:
....the added benefits that the possibility of getting caught is slim and that you can portray different persona anytime you wish to.

Oh, I  didn't see this when I entered my first post here. I wasn't hurt as I don't pretend to be someone that I am not. But why let yourself fall in love and lie? Maybe the one who does that thing is just playing games ,and isn't really in love because if you are serious, why pretend to be someone you're not when you know you want to make the relationship come true, and everything about you will be known as well ?

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 21st, 2006, 8:57am

on 04/20/06 at 09:37:18, Gracia wrote:
jeeze........did i hurt ya too Witchy ???  I hope not.   Common Witchy, you know me better than that or I thought :(  

Hahahaha! Grace, you know I always make fun of myself. You are one of most kindhearted and fair person here on the net that I have ever met. I admire and respect you and consider you a good friend. So nothing you say or do will hurt me or make me dislike you. ;)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Gracia on Apr 24th, 2006, 4:48am

Hahahaha! Grace, you know I always make fun of myself. You are one of most kindhearted and fair person here on the net that I have ever met. I admire and respect you and consider you a good friend. So nothing you say or do will hurt me or make me dislike you.

Ohh thank you Witchy, what a very kind words you've said, and i don't think I ever deserve that.  Anyhow, I'll take it to heart coz it seldoms happens ;)  :)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 25th, 2006, 8:20am
Well, it's how I feel  ;)

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by roma_iris on May 1st, 2006, 10:34am
hello evryone  :D I  been  reading the thread on this topic and i have to say..sis Witchy and sis Cathy, why dont you two  writing a book on this?.. its been a while since I had a good book on my bedside table ;)  ;D

A must read, id say..you can qoute me on that one;) heheh

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on May 2nd, 2006, 5:51am

on 05/01/06 at 10:34:17, roma_iris wrote:
hello evryone  :D I  been  reading the thread on this topic and i have to say..sis Witchy and sis Cathy, why dont you two  writing a book on this?.. its been a while since I had a good book on my bedside table ;)  ;D

A must read, id say..you can qoute me on that one;) heheh

HUmnnn.....that's a good idea, sis Roma. I bet most of the female population on the net would enjoy reading it. But I am currently writing a romance novel under the thread Fine Arts, it's entitled "Starlight.....starbright..." I hope you get a chance to check it and tell me what you think of it. I know I still have a lot to learn but I love to write and it has been my hobby for a long time now.
So, Cathy...what do think of it? Shall we collaborate? ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on May 24th, 2006, 2:27am
Maybe their connections are fiber optic.

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Fugi on May 24th, 2006, 1:57pm

on 05/24/06 at 02:27:09, CooCHie wrote:
Maybe their connections are fiber optic.

Coochie i told you before u r messing up my connection, just give me ur  :) lol so u can only mess up my life  [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Gracia on May 27th, 2006, 4:40am
Cooch, it's elastic i think, that when it rans out of place to stretch it will roll around your neck and tied you tight.  Gives you no option but to stick around for awhile or probably forever[smiley=moped.gif]

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Jun 11th, 2006, 5:41am

on 05/24/06 at 13:57:48, Fugi wrote:
Coochie i told you before u r messing up my connection, just give me ur  :) lol so u can only mess up my life  [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

I dont want to mess up your life ...so better stay away from me...got lots of virus...it will crush your hardwares...lol

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Jun 11th, 2006, 5:42am

on 05/27/06 at 04:40:32, Gracia wrote:
Cooch, it's elastic i think, that when it rans out of place to stretch it will roll around your neck and tied you tight.  Gives you no option but to stick around for awhile or probably forever[smiley=moped.gif]

he he he Grace... ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Matthew on Jun 11th, 2006, 11:26pm
I never believed in love online until someone touched my heart from miles away.... Not so much a silly crush or overwhelming lonliness but a wonderful woman in need, and deserving of true love.... is it a feeling of love or pity?... I can no longer tell the difference :-[

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Jun 16th, 2006, 3:08am
[quote author=Matthew link=board=affairs;num=1131467758;start=80#89 date=06/11/06 at 23:26:46]I never believed in love online until someone touched my heart from miles away.... Not so much a silly crush or overwhelming lonliness but a wonderful woman in need, and deserving of true love.... is it a feeling of love or pity?... I can no longer tell the difference :-[/quote]

SHe must have a strong internet connection then Matt!!!WIsh I have that fiber optic upgrade now.... ;D ;D [smiley=icon_drink.gif] [smiley=icon_drink.gif]Hmm about the love and pity....im sure its not lust?  Just a thought....from coochie co..lol [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif]

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jun 16th, 2006, 12:06pm
I think feeling lust towards the other person is part of the relationship

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Jun 20th, 2006, 9:50pm

on 06/16/06 at 12:06:40, Wicked_Witch wrote:
I think feeling lust towards the other person is part of the relationship

Must be Pards.
I  cut my  connection related to that. Just too much for me  :P

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Matthew on Jun 21st, 2006, 1:17am

on 06/20/06 at 21:50:24, CooCHie wrote:
Must be Pards.
I  cut my  connection related to that. Just too much for me  :P

No matter what is going on inside we make great friends, I wouldn't change that for anything...luv yas...your buddy for life [smiley=icon_drink2.gif]

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Jun 21st, 2006, 6:41am

on 06/21/06 at 01:17:00, Matthew wrote:
No matter what is going on inside we make great friends, I wouldn't change that for anything...luv yas...your buddy for life [smiley=icon_drink2.gif]

aww love you too my best buddy [smiley=sweetheart.gif]

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Matthew on Jun 21st, 2006, 11:04am
Wow...miss chie I am flattered!!...I love you dearly my sweet friend [smiley=iloveyou.gif]

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jun 22nd, 2006, 8:26am
awww....they are getting mushy ;D

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by nelson3082000 on Jun 25th, 2006, 11:17am
dam i wish i can fall in love with that special woman,there are many nice ladies on the net tho wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Jun 25th, 2006, 7:38pm

on 06/22/06 at 08:26:47, Wicked_Witch wrote:
awww....they are getting mushy ;D

wanna join pardshttp://img297.imageshack.us/img297/4512/lovsmile3kr.gif

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by CooCHie on Jun 25th, 2006, 7:43pm

on 06/25/06 at 11:17:01, nelson3082000 wrote:
dam i wish i can fall in love with that special woman,there are many nice ladies on the net tho wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Ok  come here  bugger my hug is on special now. http://www.emoticonland.net/images/Amour/11_2_104.gif

Title: Re: Why Do Some People Fall In Love Online?
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jun 28th, 2006, 9:35am

on 06/25/06 at 19:38:39, CooCHie wrote:
wanna join pardshttp://img297.imageshack.us/img297/4512/lovsmile3kr.gif

Yaikks, pards! So gross..ewwww!! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

dam i wish i can fall in love with that special woman,there are many nice ladies on the net tho wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww

You can also be happy, buggers, the trick is to make up ur mind and stick to that one person like a glue! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

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