Title: If you can change the past what would it be? Post by the_encounter on Jan 13th, 2004, 5:37am There is bound to be some point in your life that you didnt want to happen, and you want to go back and change it. If you had a time capsule to go back in time, what would it be and how would and did it affect you until you are who you are now? |
Title: Re: If you can change the past what would it be? Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 14th, 2004, 11:59am This calls for some serious soul searching. I get back to you... ;D |
Title: Re: If you can change the past what would it be? Post by badfurball on Jan 14th, 2004, 8:07pm hmmm where do i start now? let me think here...let me get back to that one later |
Title: Re: If you can change the past what would it be? Post by bige on Jan 23rd, 2004, 1:21pm If I could take back loosing my virginity I would I am serious. |
Title: Re: If you can change the past what would it be? Post by keensryche on Mar 20th, 2004, 10:16pm I'd make sure country music would never be invented. |
Title: Re: If you can change the past what would it be? Post by teagirl on Mar 23rd, 2004, 10:33am Should have never learned how to chat :P |
Title: Re: If you can change the past what would it be? Post by need4speed8dalejr on Aug 29th, 2004, 12:37am I should of never bought my computer. I spend way too much time on it, when I really should be doing something else...something more productive...this then leads to guilt trips heaped upon me by my subconscious. It keeps on whispering in my ear..."Those dishes are not going to wash themselves", or, "You should be doing this or going there". I then find myself bargaining with myself. Kind of an internal struggle of the wills. I say..."well, it's too late to (insert housework, yardwork, errands here) so first thing tomorrow I will get to that". Ya right...but then my computer sends out it's siren song once again. But there is no going back now. My life has changed... I am now connected to the WWW...or What a Wonderful Waste.......(of time that is). |
Title: Re: If you can change the past what would it be? Post by wicked1 on Aug 10th, 2005, 2:33am If i could change the past , i would change me getting married to whom i did when i did !!! I have a beautiful daughter from it , as well as a well taught lesson ..Maybe i wouldnt change it ..LOL... |
Title: Re: If you can change the past what would it be? Post by earthlingorgeous on Aug 22nd, 2005, 1:59pm on 03/23/04 at 10:33:42, teagirl wrote:
i second the motion ... lol!!! uhmmmm nah...if i didn't i wouldn't have met the most loving man I could ever met in my entire life :) if i could change the past I would not have allowed cory aquino to ouster erap for the people power...haha...the marcos admin was the best years of the philippine history... admit it or not to my fellow Filipino's... in my life ... i would have been a little wiser in choosing the dad of my daughter ... or maybe just had the artificial insemination i used to tell my friends i would to ensure me having a baby by 24 ... silly me... i still want tasha as my daughter she's an angel ... a clingy...sweety baby :) well... in truth, some small regrets but if i want to change them all...the me I am now would no longer be...my past is part of me that made me who I am now ... [smiley=music-smiley-023.gif]you live, you learn, you cry, you learn [smiley=music-smiley-023.gif]... life is a learning process ... some learn the hard way but experience is the best teacher of all |
Title: Re: If you can change the past what would it be? Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 31st, 2005, 5:25am Sheez...I have a long list of things to change if I am able to. Like being born to a poor family...and then I will be able to fulfill all my dreams. So far I have not realized any of them so it's kinda frustrating. Well..I thought I have one of them, but i was mistaken so.... |
Title: Re: If you can change the past what would it be? Post by okasantina on Sep 27th, 2006, 7:00pm on 08/29/04 at 00:37:04, need4speed8dalejr wrote:
It happened that to me b4 ... i feel u there Dalez..but time changes and we have our own minds to control our ways right? so at least trying anything is not bad at all as long as u have this "control" in ure mind...So now ... at least i can check my email once in a while and go to this forum should i say...to regain my soul lol...well, im quite contented now w my life and happy about it...so no regrets at all ;D ;) |
Title: Re: If you can change the past what would it be? Post by Wicked_Witch on Sep 29th, 2006, 10:00am I want to change something but that something has to do with my present. So if I change it, it will give chain reactions and there are things tied up to it that I wouldn't change for anything in the world. |
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