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On the Lighter Side >> Astrology & the Paranormal >> SOULMATES
(Message started by: mylane on May 30th, 2004, 1:16pm)

Post by mylane on May 30th, 2004, 1:16pm
Do you believe that out of all the billions of people all over the globe. ..GOD  has made someone for you?

Post by teagirl on May 30th, 2004, 2:26pm
Oh, this is a good one, My.

I used to believe that I have met my soulmate in the person of my ex, "G". When we were together, everything fell into place. I felt I was home. There couldnt be a more connected couple than the two of us. We shared the same interests, our values were the same---I really believed he was my "la media naranja" or the other half of my orange.

Then something unbelievable happened. I felt I was gutted alive. If there's only one soul mate for all of us, then I'm doomed. I lost mine.

Post by MissFartyPants on May 31st, 2004, 5:42am

on 05/30/04 at 14:26:50, teagirl wrote:
Oh, this is a good one, My.

I used to believe that I have met my soulmate in the person of my ex, "G". When we were together, everything fell into place. I felt I was home. There couldnt be a more connected couple than the two of us. We shared the same interests, our values were the same---I really believed he was my "la media naranja" or the other half of my orange.

Then something unbelievable happened. I felt I was gutted alive. If there's only one soul mate for all of us, then I'm doomed. I lost mine.

Ditto!  :-[

Want to run an "ad" on the papers with me?  ;D  

Post by keensryche on May 31st, 2004, 7:53pm
I highly believe it. I just can't seem to find her.  ??? :-/

Post by gracia on Aug 14th, 2004, 2:18am

If there's only one soul mate for all of us, then I'm doomed. I lost mine.

I'm sure he's not the one yet Doki but if u keep hanging on, the memories u had, and ur trying to aim a repeatt performance on that then i will call that doom. I hope you won't be comparing him with the new one, it's not healthy. ;D

Post by Slayer on Sep 12th, 2004, 11:47pm
i do believe that my soulmate is somewhere out there, i just need to have faith.

Post by beth on Jan 23rd, 2005, 7:40am
l do believe in soulmate, God already planned someone to be your soulmate since the beggining, but He never push you against your freewill, so if in someway the plan is ruined, then He will come with 'plan B' but its still your soulmate!
just wait till the perfect time come, so you will find your trully happiness.

Post by nelson3082000 on Jan 23rd, 2005, 8:24am
i hope im plan b and that god is listening to my prays and grants them soon.

Post by beth on Jan 26th, 2005, 6:03pm

on 01/23/05 at 08:24:41, nelson3082000 wrote:
i hope im plan b and that god is listening to my prays and grants them soon.

hmmm.... pray harder nelson :P :P :P

Post by Norkay on Jun 29th, 2005, 7:21am

on 05/31/04 at 19:53:56, keensryche wrote:
I highly believe it. I just can't seem to find her.  ??? :-/

In due time,she will be presented to you.You don't need to find, as Slayer says , all you need is to have faith and patience to wait.  :D

who knows......I am the one. LOL. Hehehe.  ;D

Post by gracia on Jun 29th, 2005, 12:36pm
i hope to God everyone has soul mate ;D

Post by Analyn on Jun 29th, 2005, 1:38pm
Knock. knock...is my soulmate here?  ;D

I don't believe in soulmate now...once, I thought that I found my soulmate..but after what happened, I believe that everything happens because you work for it and only 1% is the soul soul thing... unless my soulmate is here..hehehe

Post by gracia on Jul 12th, 2005, 9:39am
so meaning u aren't working now Ann ???

Post by Forgettable on Jul 12th, 2005, 11:14am
I'm giving you this pendant Ms. Analyn.I hope it helps you regain your hope  ;D. It's hard to fail on  what we expected or on what we thought had to happen, but at the same time, it's good to have memories/experiences.Bad or good.


I have the ring and I'm keeping it 'til someone offers me the one that has a promise engraved on it.  :)

Post by gracia on Jul 13th, 2005, 6:29pm
Can i pawn that Krissy :)am broke

Post by Forgettable on Jul 27th, 2005, 12:33pm
LMAO Gracie. Wait for your own gift and don't ask to pawn someone else's. Hahaha. But try to ask Analyn if she still wants it or has given really her hopes up, so that I know if  I can give it to May ,instead. Hahaha. You thought I would give it to you, ha!  ;D

Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 1st, 2005, 2:10am
Oh yes, very much so. Im a firm believer of such things as soulmates. They are someone who are attuned to our every moods and troubles. They feel it, too even without us telling them. Sometimes we thought its the person we are having a relationship with. But the thing is, he can be our bestfriend, or an office co-worker, or someone we always confide in. We just don't realize it till we lose the person to someone else. But love will always find a way to get us back together with the other half of our soul. So if you lose someone you thought is your soulmate, dont despair, if God really intend for the two of you to be together...He will pave the way.

Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Nov 1st, 2005, 9:08pm
partner, l thought l ordered 1 soulmate to you b4 ??? ??? how come he hasn't arrive yet ??? ???

Post by Gracia on Nov 3rd, 2005, 3:40am
Partner...i'm waiting for that soulmate watch from you..i wanna pawn my soulmate ;D lol

Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Nov 7th, 2005, 5:18pm
ahhh yea ;D the watch hihihihi.... ;D l'll trade it wiff a soulmate 8)

Post by Gracia on Nov 8th, 2005, 3:50am
i'll give you a mate partner....the soul will follow ;D

Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Nov 10th, 2005, 1:29pm
ahihihihi okies at least l will get a mate from u ;)

Post by earthlingorgeous on Nov 11th, 2005, 9:29am
I believe in soulmates...and I also believe in ones lifetime there are several soulmates we meet... however I believe a soulmate and the twinflame (or the perfect mate for each person, the alter-ego, the partner for life, opposite sex) is different.

A soulmate is a person, it could be the same sex or the opposite sex whom you live to grown, to help, to be happy and sad, kinda bestfriend thingy...and in ones lifetime we meet several of those.

I have this friend ... they went to this new age seminar thingy where there is this person who could identify your soulmate... they did this past life regression thingy and this trance thingy... it was scary tho... what if you won't wake up or something lol! but thats a different story...

To cut the story short, she found out that her soul mate is her mother.

Also another friend of mine, actually my ex, his soulmate was one of our office mate, a female officemate I got jealous before...

The twinflame is the one that is kinda hard to find...its kinda figuring out a jigsaw puzzle or the block thingy (lol, forgot what its called) . There are this point when you think you hit the right one and then poof... one wrong turn or one incident will make you realize that its not him/her.

But well... in the end its up to the people involved really whether they believe it or not.  One things for certain tho... the people who could make a relationship work out for the best of them is the two key persons in the relationship.  It is you who make someone right for you. Compromise, communication, love, respect. It is you who make the real perfect mate for you.

Post by somebody on Dec 23rd, 2005, 8:49pm

on 08/01/05 at 02:10:23, Wicked_Witch wrote:
Oh yes, very much so. Im a firm believer of such things as soulmates. They are someone who are attuned to our every moods and troubles. They feel it, too even without us telling them. [b][/b] We just don't realize it till we lose the person to someone else. But love will always find a way to get us back together with the other half of our soul. So if you lose someone you thought is your soulmate, dont despair, if God really intend for the two of you to be together...He will pave the way.

My exact thoughts.  

For a long time now, I've stopped believing in soulmates.  I still believe it can happen but it's rare.   You are extremely lucky if you meet yours and end up with him.  Only in fairytales.

Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 26th, 2005, 3:57pm

on 12/23/05 at 20:49:52, somebody wrote:

For a long time now, I've stopped believing in soulmates.  I still believe it can happen but it's rare.   You are extremely lucky if you meet yours and end up with him.  Only in fairytales.

[b]Maybe if you also believe in life after death or such things as reincarnations, then you will know that if you do not meet that person in this lifetime, you will in the next. It is very rare indeed, and I think the changing of time has something to do with it. People are too busy these days to stop and think about things such as "soulmates". Most of the time they think of their material needs first and forget about the spiritual needs.[b]

Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 26th, 2005, 3:57pm

on 12/23/05 at 20:49:52, somebody wrote:

For a long time now, I've stopped believing in soulmates.  I still believe it can happen but it's rare.   You are extremely lucky if you meet yours and end up with him.  Only in fairytales.

Maybe if you also believe in life after death or such things as reincarnations, then you can also believe that if you do not meet that person in this lifetime, you will in the next. It is very rare indeed, and I think the changing of times has something to do with it. People are too busy these days to stop and think about things such as "soulmates". Most of the time they think of their material needs first and forget about the spiritual needs.

Sorry...wrong click again :P

Post by somebody on Dec 31st, 2005, 2:07am

on 12/26/05 at 15:57:40, Wicked_Witch wrote:
People are too busy these days to stop and think about things such as "soulmates". Most of the time they think of their material needs first and forget about the spiritual needs.

Sorry...wrong click again :P

I wonder if most people even believe in the concept of soulmates.  From my own observation, most people are not looking for their "soulmate".  Many people get together based on sex, money, status, and other superficial reasons. Not that those factors are unimportant but realistically, it's not going to make you happy nor will it sustain the relationship in the long run.  

Not sure if I believe in reincarnation..but if reincarnation does exist, I don't want to be human.  I'd rather be a free bird.

Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 31st, 2005, 5:04am
According to books I have read, reincarnations happen only when the person who passed away has left some "unfinished business" before he/she dies. Like righting a wrong deed. And that the only time the soul will come to rest in peace is when it doesn't have reasons to roam anymore. But if during  the reincarnation process, the soul has not completed it's task..it will keep on reincarnating.

But I definetely would love to grow very old with my soulmate if I can find him in this lifetime.

Post by Gracia on Jan 2nd, 2006, 5:59am

I wonder if most people even believe in the concept of soulmates.  From my own observation, most people are not looking for their "soulmate".  Many people get together based on sex, money, status, and other superficial reasons. Not that those factors are unimportant but realistically, it's not going to make you happy nor will it sustain the relationship in the long run.  

For me there's always factors involve in choosing a partner like he must have a sense of humor....i'll start from there and lets see what gonna happen next.  I only have simple wishes in a relationship, i am loved and respected. I know i can't have it all, so i focus on something money can't buy.   So now, i seem to have all those but money...LOL...but i don't trade it for anything else.

Post by okasantina on Jan 2nd, 2006, 8:37pm
Define Soulmates anyway ::) ;D

Post by Gracia on Jan 3rd, 2006, 5:10am
tinatins...good question! maybe somebody who knows your very own soul...somebody has the instinct in knowing you inside and out and has the capacity to love you, no matter what or regardless of.  According to "somebody"..she said...soulmate is someone who is attuned to our own moods and troubles even without telling.  In my own terms...soulmate is someone who can dance with you no matter what the tune is.

Post by CapuchinO on Jan 6th, 2006, 8:07pm
how you could  know that someone is you soulmate???...anyone can help???

Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 7th, 2006, 1:58am

on 01/06/06 at 20:07:31, CapuchinO wrote:
how you could  know that someone is you soulmate???...anyone can help???

It's very easy, Capu. It's someone who will always sense when something is troubling you. Knows what's in your heart...because you both want the same things in life. But sometimes we can't feel that person because the focus of our attention is someone else. Another person who we are trying so hard impress and love no matter that they are not the one we need in our lives. Because sometimes love refused to see what is there in front of us. Instead, we try to make something out of nothing.

Dang..I did not understand what I just said but I like the sound of it! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]

Post by CapuchinO on Jan 9th, 2006, 5:49am
witchy thats nice... LOL but how come you didint understand what you r typing...when did it come from then.... ??? ??? ??? ....sometimes we are sure that someone is our soulmate but sometimes we could be wrong ... even sometimes it happened to me... but i guess i always wrong...am starting to think that maybe we have alot of soulmate ... and we just wait and see then we could pick our soulmate... LOLOL ...now i dont know what am saying ::)

I believe theres my soulmate somewhere ... so am saying this...
Hey soulmate if i dont found you ... you better start to find me[smiley=clap.gif]
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 10th, 2006, 4:28am
Lol, Capu..just kidding there. I meant what I said though. If you have not found yours in this lifetime, maybe you will in the next life. Just hang in there, ok? ;)

Post by Justine on Jan 10th, 2006, 6:22am
I like that....soulmates....

Andi, I think you're one of my soulmates hahaha jangan tidur!!!!!

Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 3rd, 2006, 2:18am
Sistah...I have a better explanation for that. I think you and Andi are both reincarnated and you were maybe sisters or bestfriends in both your past lives? If you feel that close to each other? Hehehehe!

Post by Justine on Mar 4th, 2006, 4:36pm
hehe...maybe sistah....Andi is definitely one of the girls I like a lot in the room.  Always lively and fun and seems to be a loving person.

Post by feso on Mar 4th, 2006, 10:02pm
i think my soulmate is somewhere on the otherside of the world

Post by somebody on Mar 7th, 2006, 7:23am

on 01/02/06 at 05:59:25, Gracia wrote:
For me there's always factors involve in choosing a partner like he must have a sense of humor....i'll start from there and lets see what gonna happen next.  I only have simple wishes in a relationship, i am loved and respected. I know i can't have it all, so i focus on something money can't buy.   So now, i seem to have all those but money...LOL...but i don't trade it for anything else.

I believe that in life you can't have everything...if you have found true love though, that is the hardest thing to find in this world and you are lucky.  

Post by feso on Mar 8th, 2006, 1:51am
of course u cant have everything u want in life...........in life the most insignificant things are the things that truly matter........all the stuff u take for granted are the things that should be appreciated.......u have to work with what u got in life......true love is made.......not found..........

Post by CooCHie on Mar 11th, 2006, 4:18am

on 01/03/06 at 05:10:54, Gracia wrote:
tinatins...good question! maybe somebody who knows your very own soul...somebody has the instinct in knowing you inside and out and has the capacity to love you, no matter what or regardless of.  According to "somebody"..she said...soulmate is someone who is attuned to our own moods and troubles even without telling.  In my own terms...soulmate is someone who can dance with you no matter what the tune is.

Good point Gracie

Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 12th, 2006, 5:43am

on 03/04/06 at 22:02:30, feso wrote:
i think my soulmate is somewhere on the otherside of the world

an alien, alex? [smiley=omfg.gif] [smiley=omfg.gif] [smiley=omfg.gif]

Post by Kitch on Aug 17th, 2006, 8:17am
don't think Krissy should have moved this

Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Aug 28th, 2006, 8:33pm

The word soulmate used to have a romantic connotation for me. Until I met someone who changed the whole meaning of the word, by being an epitomy of it.

Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 29th, 2006, 10:58am
Same here, Cathy. I used to think "soulmate" has a deeper meaning. But now when I get online, sometimes I get a pm from a total stranger and asks "do you feel we have a life together? do you think we are soulmates?". Now I just smile whenever I hear the word. ;D

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