Title: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by mylane on Feb 29th, 2004, 10:06am Reincarnation- the Hindu or Buddhist doctrine that person may be reborn successively into one of five classes of living beings god or human or animal or hungry ghost or denizen of hell, depending on the person's own actions. Do you believe in Reincarnation?why? and why not? |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by keensryche on Feb 29th, 2004, 7:42pm No offence to anyone, but no I don't believe in reincarnation. Nothing Biblicial supports it. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by teagirl on Mar 1st, 2004, 3:20am NO. I dont really believe in the concept that we are all recycled souls. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by mylane on Mar 1st, 2004, 3:30am somehow I do believe in reincarnation Afterlife is a mystery. We try to have a relatively clear idea of how it works. The memories of our past lives are so vague and mysterious, that no expert psychic, or even ourselves could possibly describe how it really is. All you have is a faint memory of the past, an inherited element from your collective consciousness. The World is a web. All things are woven to each other. ALL things are connected. Literally and Metaphorically. just my view... ;D |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by fish_drownedgurl on Mar 30th, 2004, 12:04pm nope...like whuat keen said...no basis from the bible.. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by madd on Mar 30th, 2004, 6:54pm I agree with keen. Besides, there are a bunch of idiots that i work with that i do not want to see again. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by okasantina on Mar 31st, 2004, 8:57am If there is nothing....where is the REINCARNATION word came from?? just asking ??? ::) ??? ::) ??? ::) |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by thebeast on Apr 5th, 2004, 10:01pm Well i dont believe in reincarnation. I want to go to the pearly gates and relax in the afterlife. Do some fishing if its possible and play some golf if its allowed. Im not sure if this stuff would even be important but i dont want to come back as a cow or a goat. Who is the controller of this reincarnation thing anyway? Who decides what u will come back as? Why would u wanna come back anyway? Hell u already lived a life and u arent no cat with 9 lives ya know. To many unanswered questions for this cowboy. I will stick with what i know. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by madd on Apr 5th, 2004, 10:15pm mooooooooooooooo |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by teagirl on Apr 6th, 2004, 5:52pm a MADD COW?! :o |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by madd on Apr 6th, 2004, 6:43pm ;D yep may |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by teagirl on Apr 6th, 2004, 8:51pm hey madd look whats written under your ID in this forum. It says "Senior Member" --- I didnt know you're already a "senior" citizen ;D |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by madd on Apr 6th, 2004, 9:14pm may is funny :p great, thanks. now you're going to get what's her name started. ;D |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by okasantina on Apr 6th, 2004, 9:38pm ??? ??? ???Is Reincarnation Biblical? ::) ::) ::) Today approximately 30 million Americans (one in four) believe in reincarnation. The word "reincarnation" literally means to "come again in the flesh." The process of reincarnation - continual rebirths in human bodies - allegedly continues until the soul has reached a state of perfection and merges back with its source (God or the "Universal Soul"). One's lot in life, according to those who believe in reincarnation, is based on the law of karma. This law says that if bad things happen in one's life, this is an outworking of bad karma. If good things happen in one's life, this is an outworking of good karma. :o "Karma" refers to the "debt" a soul accumulates because of good or bad actions committed during one's life (or past lives). If one accumulates good karma by performing good actions, he or she will be reincarnated in a desirable state. If one accumulates bad karma, he or she will be reincarnated in a less desirable state. ??? Some people twist the Scriptures and say that Jesus Himself taught reincarnation or "cyclical rebirth." In Matthew 11:14, for example, Jesus said, "And if you are willing to accept it, [John the Baptist] is the Elijah who was to come." Likewise, in John 3:3 Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." ::) But these passages, rightly interpreted, do not support reincarnation. Matthew 11:14 does not really teach that John the Baptist was a reincarnation of Elijah. Luke 1:17, an important cross reference, tells us that the ministry of John the Baptist was carried out "in the spirit and power of Elijah." Moreover, reincarnationists conveniently forget that John the Baptist, when asked if he was Elijah, flatly answered, "No!" (John 1:21). :-/ Regarding Jesus' words about being "born again" in John 3:3, the context clearly shows that Jesus was referring to a spiritual rebirth or regeneration. In fact, the phrase born again carries the idea of "born from above," and can even be translated that way. Jesus clarified His meaning by affirming that "flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit" (v. 6). There are other Scriptures that clearly debunk the notion of reincarnation. Hebrews 9:27 tells us that "man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment...." Each human being lives once as a mortal on earth, dies once, and then faces judgment. He does not have a second chance by reincarnating into another body. Second Corinthians 5:8 indicates that at death the Christian immediately goes into the presence of the Lord, not into another body. Luke 16:19-31 indicates that unbelievers at death go to a place of suffering, not into another body. We must also remember that Jesus taught that people decide their eternal destiny in a single lifetime (Matthew 25:46). This is precisely why the apostle Paul emphasized that "now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2). Further, Jesus taught the concept of resurrection, not reincarnation. In fact, He predicted His own resurrection early in His public ministry (John 2:19). And after Jesus resurrected from the dead, He appeared to some disciples and said, "Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have" (Luke 24:39). Jesus resurrected in the same body that went into the tomb. His body even retained the scars and wounds in His hands, feet, and side from the crucifixion (John 20:28). In addition to biblically refuting reincarnation, we must also point to some of the practical problems involved in the theory of reincarnation. For example, we must ask, Why does one get punished (via "bad karma") for something he or she cannot remember having done in a previous life? Moreover, if the purpose of karma is to rid humanity of its selfish desires (as reincarnationists say), then why has there not been a noticeable improvement in human nature after all the millennia of reincarnations on earth? Finally, if reincarnation and the law of karma are so beneficial on a practical level, as reincarnationists claim, then how do they explain the immense and ever-worsening social and economic problems - including widespread poverty, starvation, disease, and horrible suffering - in India, where reincarnation has been systematically taught throughout its history? ;) :) :) Its up to you to decide eh ;D |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by keensryche on Apr 7th, 2004, 8:33pm Amen okasantina, well put. :) |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by okasantina on Apr 7th, 2004, 9:58pm Thank keen ;D I have to make a research on that eh ??? ::) me dont know it too eh ::) ??? ;D |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by thebeast on Apr 8th, 2004, 8:21pm What if u lived a bad life and came back as cow. Then as a cow u were a good cow and got mad cow and died. Now u were a good cow. Is it possible for a person who was reincanated as a cow cuz he was a bad person, but then he was a good cow so could he be reincarnated back to a human being. Thats another question just how many reincarnatiions do u get? If u screw up on your first reincarnation is it possible to make up for it on your second reincarnation? |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by okasantina on Apr 9th, 2004, 6:00am joel ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) mooooohhhh!!! ;D |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by capricorn1971ad on Apr 12th, 2004, 12:23am how can one say "NO" to reincarnation cause it has no basis in the "Bible" the bible was written 57 years after Jesus Christs death, in its earlier parts.. Much of what the bible holds has been edited, heavily, for example, ask a christian today who the first wife of adam was, they will tell you that it was eve, but, ask a moslem who it was, and they will tell you Lilith, in bibles dating before the 1500's, the name Lilith was indeed there, she WAS the first wife of adam, but she chose to be on top during sex to please herself, so she was cast away from adam, and represented in the bible as a serpent living underneath the tree of wisdom, yes, it was she that tempted eve, and all through todays bible, they now mention her as "the sleeper of babylon", but christians don't know who that reference is too.. as far as having basis in the bible, that matters none, the bible is some history, and some philosophy, all blended together, Jesus christ wasnt the only son of god, we all are that, he was a teacher and a philosopher. Could one really believe that another could walk on water? or to come back to life after death? to say "NO" to reincarnation on the basis that it "doesnt come from the bible" is to say "NO" to evolution, which is scientific fact.. think about it, are we sheep? or individuals? Think outside of the box, think for yourself, escape the gene pool. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by killerabbit on May 6th, 2004, 12:50am evolution is the joke to society today.scientific fact?puhleazeeeeee.do you know how many times these so call evolution theories have been disproven?Darwin theories were scoffed at by his fellow scientists in his time.They are so ridiculous that its a wonder how they ever got taken serious.But thats the devil for ya.As for me....I do not believe in reincarnation,but rather,I think what we mistaken as reincarnation is actually past on GENECTIC MEMORY.Adaptation not evolution should be used here.Scientific fact???hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.......etc etc |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by capricorn1971ad on May 7th, 2004, 12:22am yeah well adaption is evolution, is the same thing |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by killerabbit on May 7th, 2004, 11:24am True they do have the same meaning.But evolution is a dirty word nowadays to the christian community.Evolved is a word used mostly by the scientists to support darwins theory.Evolved can have meaning different meanings.As before if you want to seek meaning and truth look into the bible.Thats all the truth you will ever need.Scientists have reluctantly proven it true time after time while disproving their own theories.The truth is coming out. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by capricorn1971ad on May 9th, 2004, 3:05pm well, as far as what i know of it, the timeline has been proved, but, the first books of the bible were written in 57 ad (of the new testament) this was 24 years after jeses christs crucixifixation, i tend to think that darwin was pretty much right. as far as the bible being the only truth one needs, nah, cant see that myself, too many contradictions, im not saying it is a worthless read, not in any means, is a good read, but, a parable is a parable, and not a fact. i have long been interested in the ideas of faiths, and studied as much as i could get my hands on, for myself, i guess i am a cross between a native (naturalist) and a taoist, the 2 work very well together i think, the other night when we talked, it was apearant we have looked into much of the same stuff wabbit, different opinions, but alot of the same resources. i think you would find native american religion before it was corrupted into christianity to be very fascinating, was very free, as a "naturalist" many things christians do would be considered wrong, and some of their "wrongs" would be "rights" for example, fornication, by native veiws is a natural act, and an act of love, there is no wrong in that, adultery on the other hand, is wrong as there is a promise attached to that, and the breaking of ones word. profanity? there were never any profane words in native tongues, would be impossible to do. many small things, but all in all, it ends up the same as all other religions, in adoration of the power that brought all into existance, some things never lost in the translation. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by killerabbit on May 10th, 2004, 11:27am I wouldnt mind coming back as a cow.Then capricorn could just EAT mE!!hahahaha.J/K :PMooooo |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by killerabbit on May 10th, 2004, 2:17pm So which is it cappy?24 years after Jesus's death?Or 57?Im confused.Lillith is a Jewish Myth.Just like Golems.Fornification is a natural act created by GOD.When you have sex with many different partners your soul and spirit gets confused.So you will have a difficult time when the time comes to get serious with someone you want to grow old with.I think Indians will agree with that.Nuff sed ;D |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by capricorn1971ad on May 10th, 2004, 5:23pm 24 years after his death the first was written, as far as that being a myth, look at a german "christian" bible from before 1500, if all in the bible is true, then lilith would be as well, it actually isnt a jewish myth, the muslems have it in their qur'an as well.. seems to have gone beyond a racial border really. we both know that the king james is a watered down version of the original. there are missing books a well, i havent read them myself, but i am aware they exist, wonder why they got yanked, maybe it was jesus's heavier speeches about the "moneyed church" many don't understand why the romans hated him, but if you look into the real history of it, jesus christ was against the roman "moneyed churches" he went and over turned the tables in one, and started a lecture about them, this in turn affected the jewish ppl there as well, first they were members (some anyways) and the romans were a little harder on them all over it, he had done the same thing in "moneyed" synagauges, i think he is right, a tithe can be of any sort right? why not spend a little of your time helping your fellow man, seems more appropriate really, god only knows where your money goes, another satelite station maybe? ??? anyways, as far as fornication, the algonquins didnt see it that way, maybe some of the more western tribes saw it as wrong, but it was acceptable by the largest group of american indians, which would be the algonquins, the algonquins are where the eskimo came from, 6 tribes in the great plains, 8 on the west coast, and too many to count on the east coast (delaware, shawnee, miami, powhattin, mohican (mohican and mohawk are different, the laster is a form of iriquois) etc... almost every tribe from canada is algonquin as well. (ojibway etc.. ) it was also acceptable by traditional iriqouis. http://bellsouthpwp.net/m/a/malspach/images/church.jpg |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by jc on Aug 16th, 2004, 11:38am reincarnation?????????? it may or may not be true........ the question is,,,,, can you name a person who is already reincarnated???????? i heard some people who claims that they are reincarnated, but after a while, they are claimed by the mental hospital crew......... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by thebeast on Sep 1st, 2004, 11:20pm back to my cow example if a bad person is reincarnated as a cow, does the cow know he was once a human and has been reincarnated as a cow? If yes it seems he could communicate somehow with someone to let them know this. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by theragon on Sep 3rd, 2004, 11:36pm Reincarnation--- Absolutlly not !! I think i might of in a previous life, but i know i don't now |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by nelson3082000 on Nov 29th, 2004, 10:21am i like to come back as a woman as i can be a big bitch to all the guys the woman have it good |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 1st, 2005, 4:00am I do believe in reincarnation. Life is a cycle they say. If not...how do u explain the things that looks or sounds familiar to you when seeing or hearing them for the first time? It cannot be dreams that are implanted in your subconscious minds. Why would one dream of such a strange place in the first place? Dreams have familiar settings, if not familiar faces. I believe that if we die before we finished something we set out to do while still alive, that's when the spirit roams, until it is reborn. Karmas are what you get back for something you did, it can be good or bad. I do not believe though that humans are reincarnated in animal forms. Science deals in the physical aspects of human and nature. So their explanation of spiritual beings and phenomenons are not acceptable to me. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by Wicked_Witch on Sep 12th, 2005, 1:39am Reincarnation or rebirth is a process in which the soul returns to earth to inhabit another body as part of a spiritual evolution or onging cosmic cycle. I have read somewhere that Past-Life regressions, or the act of examining past lives while under hypnosis can be a good therapy for a troubled mind. Sometimes our negative actions today can be explained better if we look into the past. But let me also explain that reincarnation DOES NOT happen to everyone. Only to those whose lives are being touched by KARMA. Since Karma is the law of cause and effect, it follows that reincarnated people or those that are being bothered by its existence are often people who have done something unforgivable in the past. And the need to reincarnate will only cease once they have done something to right that wrong. Because once an act has been committed, it will be immutable and enescapable, until the act's karma has been balanced. |
Title: Do you believe in life after death? Post by CooCHie on Dec 28th, 2005, 8:32pm [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=icon_drink2.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] |
Title: Re: Do you believe in life after death? Post by Wicked_Witch on Dec 30th, 2005, 1:51pm Yep. I believe that life is a cycle. How else can anyone explain those feelings of "dejavu's"? About feeling familiar with some places and people though it was your first time to see them? I can relate some facts I have read and heard since I got interested in these paranormal activities. But I want to see what the others has to say first. ;)Why don't we trade stories and informations, folks? |
Title: Re: Do you believe in life after death? Post by CooCHie on Jan 4th, 2006, 11:24pm well I have watched some real shows about this Witchy. This little Kid i cant remember where he was from..I think if im not mistaken from Texas. Anyhow, when he was a little kid, he used to talked about fighter planes. Those war planes in 1940's. His mother went to a place where they have shows, i cant remember how it goes and this kid identify that plane by heart and he was only 3 years old. He mention to his Mom, that he used to fly this with best friend Joe. To cut the story short. His Dad was so amazed of this kids dreams. This kids keeps dreaming about him being in the war. Then one day, his dad was reading something and the kid pointed out that he was in that particular area. Then his Dad was asking questions about it until he found out there is really named Joe in the war during that era. And that the guy that died that seems to either posses the kid's identity, his plane got bombed in that area which the same area that kid said he died there. Then his Dad did a research and found out that there was a guy named Joe . TO make the story short, they found out this real Joe guy and he collaborated the kids story to his story. So i guess there is life after death, but we never know how that goes. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in life after death? Post by keensryche on Jan 5th, 2006, 1:40am I believe in the word of GOD. If He says it in scripture, then I believe it. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 12th, 2006, 2:14am I think reincarnation is not a part of Bible scriptures? I think what it says in the Bible is that there is Life After Death where we will be reunited with God the father and live an everlasting life? That is why the church do not believe in reincarnation. Although the Bible has a very confusing views about dreams. And yes, pards, that boy's body has probably been reincarnated by that soldier. Would you believe though that long before the spirit comes back to inhabit a body, it has long been charted how it would end it's human life form? So that there is nothing anyone can do to stop it when the time comes for him to leave this world? |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by Wicked_Witch on Apr 1st, 2006, 8:58am Anyone wants to prove reincarnation exists try going into a regression with someone who has knowledge about these things. Sometimes it has something to do with why a person is going into depressions and negative thinking all the time. It will bring you back to ur past lives, then you can go to progression if you want to know the future because it has already been written for us. But it will be our choice if we want to follow it or do something else. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by jackie on Jun 21st, 2006, 7:23pm Hmm interesting. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by Wicked_Witch on Jun 22nd, 2006, 7:57am What's your view in this, Jackie? ;D |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by Kitch on Aug 17th, 2006, 8:22am Krissy this is some peoples religion and the area is faith, so we can't discriminate weather it is a false religion or not.... |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 19th, 2006, 5:54am That is right. Every religion has its own beliefs and faiths. In the past centuries, people has worshipped the wind, the trees and other forms of life on earth. And if they keep on believing, they must have proven these faiths somehow. I can respect that. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Nov 18th, 2006, 4:43pm I don't believe in reincarnation. If it isn't in the scriptures, there is a good reason. I've seen a documentary on this or read a book about it. Debating the phenomenon that is reincarnation. I do believe in Deja vu' though. "The term "déjà vu" (French for "already seen", also called paramnesia) describes the experience of feeling that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously. The term was created by a French psychic researcher, Émile Boirac (1851–1917) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques (The Future of Psychic Sciences), which expanded upon an essay he wrote while an undergraduate French concentrator at the University of Chicago. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eerieness", "strangeness", or "weirdness". The "previous" experience is most frequently attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience "genuinely happened" in the past. The experience of déjà vu seems to be very common; in formal studies 70% or more of the population report having experienced it at least once. References to the experience of déjà vu are also found in literature of the past, indicating it is not a new phenomenon. While it has been extremely difficult to invoke the déjà vu experience in laboratory settings, therefore making it a subject of few empirical studies, recently researchers have found ways to recreate this sensation using hypnosis.[1] Usually translated 'already seen' or 'already lived through,' déjà vécu is described in a quotation from Dickens: "We have all some experience of a feeling, that comes over us occasionally, of what we are saying and doing having been said and done before, in a remote time - of our having been surrounded, dim ages ago, by the same faces, objects, and circumstances - of our knowing perfectly what will be said next, as if we suddenly remember it!"[3] When most people speak of déjà vu, they are actually experiencing déjà vécu. Surveys have revealed that as much as 70% of the population have had these experiences, usually between ages 15 to 25, when the mind is still subjectable to noticing the change in environment[4]. The experience is usually related to a very banal event, but is so striking that it is remembered for years afterwards. Déjà vécu refers to an experience involving more than just sight, which is why labeling such "déjà vu" is usually inaccurate. The sense involves a great amount of detail, sensing that everything is just as it was before. More recently, the term déjà vécu has been used to describe very intense and persistent feelings of a déjà vu type, which occur as part of a memory disorder.[5]". Source: Wikipedia |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 22nd, 2006, 12:14pm Humnn, Cathy, the book didn't explain what they think of this "deja vu" things. What causes it, why it happens to almost 70% of the population. I like to believe this is what happened. I think the phenomenon of REINCARNATION has have happened in the past. Only the people do not know what to call it, or how to explain it or understand the reason why it happens. Psychics, supernaturals, ghosts, deja vu's, and other paranormal activities were never explained or have been a part of any Bible scriptures because when they wrote the Bible, they have yet to give a title or name to those "strange" things that have happened to their lives. In the old days, strange phenomenon were termed as a "miracle". But as centuries gets older, new breed of people were born, more curious, more inventive. They were able to give names even to those planets. (Btw, I do not read the Bible thouroughly as I should, are those planets and stars ever mentioned in the Bible?) I bet if one of our geniuses in those old days, (in the days of Abel and Cain), if people like Thomas Edison or Alexander Graham Bell were born in those days, they will termed the inventions of these two great men as "miracles". So you see? We can't base our beliefs in what is written in the Bible because it was written long before men has ever created anything other than what their hands can. And the teachings of the church are based on what is written in the Bible. Please, I am not an anti-christ here. :P So now, in this new age, more things has explanations, more things has been created/invented. More things has been given a name, too. So I am sure if they will re-write the Bible and add new pages, they will include everything we have now. This is just my own practical views on the subject. I do not mean to be disrespectful because. I am a catholic myself. The world has become a big place for sinners. And some of them has this great need to redeem themselves in the eyes of God before they face the Lord for the final judgment. And so their spirits get reborn and it sroam around trying to find ways by which they can right the wrong they have done on earth before the death of their physical bodies. Because only our bodies has short lives as anything else that can be seen or touch in this world. But our spirit lives. They get reincarnated again and again until that spirit finally find peace. Until he or she feels worthy enough of entering the kingdon of heaven. Then it rests. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Nov 22nd, 2006, 3:26pm Yo Edith! ;) I don't have my references at hand but I do remember from our worship services a lesson about dying and death. It is written in the scriptures that if a man dies, his soul dies with him while the spirit returns to the creator. (Ecc 12:7). " 7 and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it." So I disagree about spirits having the ability to roam about. On that note, I don’t believe in ghosts either. Bad spirits, of course but ‘spirits’ in the guise of a soul of man having an unfinished business? Hmmm, if that be true, how can a person who has an unfinished business be 'reborn' through the form of an animal or ghost or whatever? It just doesn't make sense. Who decides whether how you come to life as? The reason why reincarnation is not mentioned in the bible in any shape or form because it will contradict what the bible says about death. (Ecc. 9:1-5) A Common Destiny for All 1 So I reflected on all this and concluded that the righteous and the wise and what they do are in God's hands, but no man knows whether love or hate awaits him. 2 All share a common destiny—the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad, [a] the clean and the unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who do not. As it is with the good man, so with the sinner; as it is with those who take oaths, so with those who are afraid to take them. 3 This is the evil in everything that happens under the sun: The same destiny overtakes all. The hearts of men, moreover, are full of evil and there is madness in their hearts while they live, and afterward they join the dead. 4 Anyone who is among the living has hope —even a live dog is better off than a dead lion! 5 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even the memory of them is forgotten. 6 Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished; never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun. (emphasis mine) I am not challenging you or other’s belief but I hope this has shed some light on the subject at least. |
Title: Re: Do you believe in Reincarnation? Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 28th, 2006, 6:51am Hehehehe! Well Cathy, I can't just set aside something that I heard just because I do not see it. Because sometimes we may not see something in their physical form but we can feel it. Ok, if you do not believe in ghosts, how do you explain those phenomenons that happens to some people? Do you not believe that some people can be gifted spiritually? Those that have the 3rd eye? Can you explain the realities of the game "Spirit of the Glass"? I had been a participant in this game many years ago. And it really amazed me on how accurate the responses of the glass were though I have only asked the question in my mind and had never actually voiced it out. So even if my friends were trying to trick me into believing, I still can't explain how a "glass" can accurately answer my questions? It's not even a topic I dare tell my friends so they have no way of knowing what's in my mind at that time. They say that only those who have the "third eye" can see ghosts, but "normal" humans may be able to "feel" them. So how do you explain "deja vu's?" How do you explain a person's "revelations" about their past lives when put into a regression? Spirits can be reborn thru animals because they are the closest to human beings in terms of emotions. I did say that spirits goes back to our Creator, some who have died with a light heart can go "home" right away, but those who have "left" something behind, an "unfinished tasks" may linger for a while. Because the only time the Creator will accept them for the final judgement is when they have found peace among themselves, when they are ready. Why do you think priests give dead people their final rites? Why do you think priests want to grant those dying people their last confessions? True, dead people will be long forgotten, their sins, their wickedness, but then so are the good things they have done on earth. Because once the spirit leaves the body, it's not among the living anymore. They would just be like any lifeless objects, a book, a chair, a building. Bodies only matter if they have a spirit dwelling on them. So here, we are not talking of physical bodies, but the spirits that dwells on them. |
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