Title: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 10th, 2004, 9:59am Do you have issues (i.e. pms) ? >:( Do you have confessions (i.e. cheating) ? :-X You've come to the right place. This is place to vent and share. ;) Inquiring minds wanna know and we're here for you. ;D (that was my sensitive side ya'll....are ya diggin it? ;D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by madd on Jan 10th, 2004, 10:00am I confess, it was me who switched the regular coffee with decaf. ;D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 10th, 2004, 10:02am That's what I'm talkin about madd ! Now you've started the healing process ! ;D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by madd on Jan 10th, 2004, 10:04am Oh I took care of that already. I just now replaced the decaf with motor oil. All is good now. :D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 10th, 2004, 10:27am Oh come on...there's gotta be more issues out there. Don't be shy...Share ! Oh man...look at me ching, I've gone "postal". |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by mylane on Jan 10th, 2004, 10:32am confession? okie....i confess im getting married next next next next next year ;D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 10th, 2004, 12:34pm Congrats mymy and madd. I had no idea. :o I have issues with dirt under fingernails...that's just nasty. |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by madd on Jan 10th, 2004, 3:37pm Neither did I. The hubby is always the last to find out. :o |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 10th, 2004, 6:26pm get use to it madd ;D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by JINX_x_JINX on Jan 10th, 2004, 6:30pm on 01/10/04 at 09:59:42, Slice_of_Asia wrote:
sup slicey lets hear yours gurl ;) |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 10th, 2004, 6:33pm i already posted it jinx....silly girl ;D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by madd on Jan 10th, 2004, 6:33pm Nah slice i won't get used to it. ;D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 10th, 2004, 6:35pm ::) |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by madd on Jan 10th, 2004, 6:41pm Slice that is your second post with the eyes pointing down. Just what is so interesting down there? ::) |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by JINX_x_JINX on Jan 11th, 2004, 7:14am agree wiff mad take 2 slicey try to check at ya closet next time ... have a feelin ya hiddin so much confessions there ...lol oh chit :d mad n myx2 happy wedding in advance ...just be sure to lock the chapel door so myx2 will not escape ya @ mad myx2 on yo honeymoon i wanna see the master tape copy k |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by madd on Jan 11th, 2004, 9:56am Now wait a second. How was I volunteered for this? :P |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by mylane on Jan 12th, 2004, 8:04am waaaaaaaaaa...now im confused....i dunno who to marry now...lol ;D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 12th, 2004, 2:42pm I think timer's available ;) i bet timer talks dirty in bed using computer language..."come on b i t c h...touch my hard drive" ;D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by shastamcnasty on Jan 12th, 2004, 4:55pm is there anything you would like to confess @ slice? ie the crush u have on a certain person that has a name that rymes with fasta |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 12th, 2004, 5:04pm hmmm....fasta, fasta, fasta nnnope...doesnt ring a bell :-/ |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by thesweeetest_thing on Jan 12th, 2004, 8:35pm ;DWell Dawgy with your HEAVY Filipino accent and how you would probably be pronouncing "fasta" my guess is you have a crush on Joe Costa :o :o?! I'm tellin Casy >:( ;) :P |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by thesweeetest_thing on Jan 12th, 2004, 8:40pm But really Dawgy,let's get to the REAL issue at hand here...wanna tell us why you are camping out here at the Forum? Pls PM me if you want the number of this therapist I read about who specializes in this area ;) ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 14th, 2004, 9:48am LOL dawg.....Im dying here with your post regarding the thick filipino accent. ;D Regarding your last post: yeah it's a lot more interesting in here than in chat lately. people really get up close and personal. when i read some of the posts...i just go 'wow...i did not KNOW that'. i better stop typing too much or else you won't read this. ;D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by JINX_x_JINX on Jan 16th, 2004, 6:50pm Quote:
I agree wiff that ... slicey I dont even chat anymore but reading everyones post was quite interesting , cant help laughin ...... :) recent confessions kk be sure to lock fireatt out of this room had a crush wiff mah nuerogist darn shes a :o wow but she got transferred on different hospital so thats it ... but on her last day , she invited me to the spa just inside the compound where the golf club are located n let me touch her t**s ..... :-[ darn almost forgot am a woman told mah baby about it he said DAMN :D :D :D i feel him ;) |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 17th, 2004, 8:39am Come on ya'll....you know you got issues and confessions. You know who you are ! ;D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by madd on Jan 17th, 2004, 9:34am Ok ok, you caught me :-[ I can't find the any key when it tells me to press any key to continue :-[ :-[ :D |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 17th, 2004, 6:28pm ok shas...come on. i know you got a lotta issues. vent ! |
Title: Re: Issues...Confessions...Let's Vent and Share Post by okasantina on Mar 15th, 2004, 6:06pm I have a confession to make............ ??? ::) but i think i ll try to type it laterz ;D |
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